Huo Beixiao stood silently, his feet still barefoot. He stood and looked at Xia Nuanxin for a while, then bent down and picked up a bottle of red wine from the ground. There was still more than half of the bottle left in it. Son.

Without saying a word, he took the bottle and poured it into his mouth, as if he was not drinking, but drinking water to quench his thirst.

Xia Nuanxin hesitated again and again, but still couldn't help walking forward, took the red wine away from Huo Beixiao's hand, and said with a sullen face, "Don't drink it, do you want to drink yourself to death?"

Huo Beixiao's face was flushed, and there was a fresh, untreated wound on his forehead. He stared at Xia Nuanxin's hand, cherishing the words like gold: "Bring it."

Even when this person was drunk, he still had such a condescending attitude of ordering others.

Xia Nuanxin almost laughed angrily at him.

"Drink, drink, drink again, be careful of alcohol poisoning!"

Xia Nuanxin gave Huo Beixiao a blank look, and took a picture of the wine bottle on the dressing table. An exquisite small gift box fell from the upper level of the dressing table. The box opened, revealing a delicate diamond necklace.

The diamonds are not big, but they shine brightly.

After all, she is a woman, and there is always an irresistible temptation for these glittering things.

Xia Nuanxin almost forgot her identity and the purpose of coming here, holding the box, her eyes glistened.

"Put it down! That's not yours!" Huo Beixiao stepped forward suddenly, and snatched the thing from Xia Nuanxin's hand, with an expression on his face as if he was defending something precious.

Xia Nuanxin looked at it, and saw a small note on the back of the turned over box, on which was the time and place of origin of the purchase.

Her pupils suddenly dilated.

According to the time calculation, the day she bought this necklace happened to be the day before she left the film studio.

Huo Beixiao bought this necklace when he was on a business trip in England.

For whom?
A glimmer of hope flashed in Xia Nuanxin's heart.Then, it was ruthlessly put out by her.

She shook her head vigorously, unwilling to deceive herself any more.

Huo Beixiao said it all, it's not hers.

Sighing, Xia Nuanxin took a look at Huo Beixiao: "Okay, it's not mine. I won't touch it. Come on, sit down and stop drinking."

She was just talking casually, she didn't expect Huo Beixiao to be obedient at all.But today was a surprise, Huo Beixiao seemed to be really drunk, and actually went to sit on the bed obediently.He held the necklace tightly in his hand.A child who seems to be protecting a toy he cherishes.

Xia Nuanxin squatted down, opened the dressing table, and found a small medicine box from inside.It was when her knee was injured, Huo Beixiao specially brought it from the family doctor and put it in her room.

I didn't expect it to come in handy at this time, and it wasn't her.

Sitting down beside Huo Beixiao, Xia Nuanxin looked at his forehead.

The wound was quite deep, and the red and white flesh was slightly turned outwards, and it looked like it was indescribably painful.

"How did you get hurt? You didn't even bandage it." Xia Nuanxin blamed with some distress, while lowering her head to rummage through the medicine box.

She has no experience in treating human wounds. She only knows that in general these traumas need to be washed first and then applied with medicine.

She searched for a long time but couldn't find any alcohol. She only saw a can of hydrogen peroxide, so she opened it, took a piece of medical cotton with tweezers, dipped it in hydrogen peroxide, and moved towards Huo Beixiao.

Huo Beixiao frowned, and then dodged back, looking at Xia Nuanxin warily.

"Don't move, the wound will fester if left untreated." Xia Nuanxin stretched out a hand, straightened Huo Beixiao's face, and then pressed the cotton on her hand.

Huo Beixiao let out a clear "hiss".

When the wound came into contact with liquid, there was an unavoidable sting.Huo Beixiao frowned even tighter.He subconsciously stretched out a hand, and tightened Xia Nuanxin's cuff.

Seeing Huo Beixiao's subconscious actions, Xia Nuanxin was extremely surprised.

This man, who is usually invincible, will be so weak and want to rely on others.

Just such a smiling movement almost melted Xia Nuan's heart.The gentleness that comes from women is in her eyes, hands, and heart, and it is out of control.

She washed Huo Beixiao's wound, and then applied iodophor.She held Huo Beixiao's face in one hand, and raised the other hand high, finding a suitable position to apply medicine to Huo Beixiao.

The window was not closed, and a gust of cool night wind blew in, causing Xia Nuanxin's hand to tremble subconsciously, and the cotton swab in her hand fell straight down.

Huo Beixiao opened his eyes, and there was a trace of clarity in his eyes.

Xia Nuanxin touched Huo Beixiao's face subconsciously. The skin on the face was a bit rough. It was an armor washed by time and years, and it carried all Huo Beixiao's emotions.

Xia Nuanxin's hand lingered on Huo Beixiao's face, she obviously didn't have a good sense of touch, but she just couldn't bear to leave.

This man is not hers anymore.

He is the father of another child.

He is the husband of another woman.

He does not belong to her.

Not in the past, not now, and in the future...nor will it be.

Xia Nuanxin rubbed Huo Beixiao's cheeks almost greedily, with a look of sadness on her face.

At this time, Huo Beixiao broke free from Xia Nuanxin's hand suddenly, and stood up all of a sudden.

Xia Nuanxin panicked, thinking that Huo Beixiao had woken up from the wine, a moment of inexplicable embarrassment and embarrassment flashed across his face.

Huo Beixiao stood up, with an ugly expression on his face, even with a trace of grievance, he turned around twice in place like a trapped animal, and then turned around abruptly.

He looked at Xia Nuanxin and said word by word, "Why didn't you call me?"

Xia Nuanxin was taken aback: "What's the call?"

"Why didn't you call me?!" Huo Beixiao got no answer, and shouted louder.

Xia Nuanxin was at a loss, she explained indiscriminately: "I, I lost my mobile phone... so I can't call you... I just took my things and left."

Huo Beixiao's expression became even uglier. He raised his foot and kicked the wine bottle flying on the ground.The empty wine bottle crossed a parabola in the air, landed on the corner of the wall, and shattered all over the ground.

"You call Lin Yao! But you don't call me!"

Xia Nuanxin's head suddenly thumped, and she immediately understood what Huo Beixiao meant by not calling him.

He was saying that on the day she was kidnapped, it was not Huo Beixiao's number she dialed in confusion, but Lin Yao's.

But why is he angry?

Doesn't he like An An?

Huo Beixiao seemed to be addicted to kicking. One by one, he smashed the wine bottles on the ground to pieces. His feet were red from being hit by the wine bottles with too much force, but he didn't seem to notice it.

Xia Nuanxin finally realized that this man hadn't sobered up yet.This is still drunk.

Afraid that Huo Beixiao would be hurt, she hurriedly stepped forward, grabbed his wrists tightly, and looked into his eyes.

"You went there that night too? But why didn't I see you?"

Huo Beixiao pulled out his hands impatiently.

Xia Nuanxin's strength was low, and she couldn't control it at all.Her current mood is indescribably complicated.

That night, she was slapped in the face by the kidnapper, and she was directly stunned.In a daze, she seemed to see Huo Beixiao's shadow.His breath is so familiar.

But when she was rescued by a group of policemen and she was fully awake, Huo Beixiao was nowhere to be seen.It made her think that what happened before was just her illusion.

Xia Nuanxin smiled, looking at Huo Beixiao who was still asking this question stubbornly, her heart suddenly felt bitter and astringent.Her gaze fell on the wound on Huo Beixiao's forehead. Could it be that it was also the wound that he suffered that night just for her sake?
Seeing Xia Nuanxin's smile, Huo Beixiao paused suddenly, and then his expression changed drastically.He stepped forward angrily, pushed Xia Nuanxin staggeringly, and fell on his back onto the ground bed.

Huo Bei Xiaoqi came up, his tall body was half pressed on Xia Nuanxin, his face was cold.

"What are you laughing at? Are you happy with those little boys? Why can't it be me, Xia Nuanxin? Huh? Am I so bad that you look down on me so much?" Huo Beixiao pressed Xia Nuanxin , couldn't help panting.

Xia Nuanxin pushed hard, Huo Beixiao's tall body made her almost out of breath.

"Huo Beixiao, you drank too much, get up first!"

Huo Beixiao sneered, but he couldn't get up, instead he got closer.

"Why do you want to get up? Anyway, anyone can do it? As long as you have money and look good, you can do it, right? If that's the case, why don't you follow me?"

Huo Beixiao reached out and touched the bed, and found the necklace that he dropped in the confusion just now.

He brought the necklace to Xia Nuanxin, breathing heavily: "Isn't it just money? I have plenty of it! Do you want it? Come with me, this is yours..."

Huo Beixiao's eyes were dangerous, and he breathed heavily on the side of Xia Nuanxin's neck, and the two bodies were tightly pressed together on the bed.

"Huo Beixiao! Get out of the way!" No matter how hard Xia Nuanxin struggled, she couldn't get out of Huo Beixiao's confinement. She was short of breath and pushed back with hands and feet.

But Huo Beixiao didn't move at all, annoyed by the movement of the people below, he raised his upper body impatiently, and looked at Xia Nuanxin's face faintly: "Oh, do you need to pay some deposit first?"

After saying this, Huo Beixiao unbuttoned the necklace and forced Nuan Xin to put the necklace on.

The big rough palm rubbed back and forth on Xia Nuanxin's delicate neck, and with a lot of strength, Xia Nuanxin's neck soon turned red.

"Huo Beixiao! Let me go! What do you think I am!" Xia Nuanxin yelled angrily. She used both hands and feet, kicking and kicking indiscriminately, but she still couldn't escape. The corners of her eyes were red with anger.

In the end, he had no choice but to lie down under Huo Beixiao's body.

Huo Beixiao rudely put the necklace on Xia Nuanxin, and then ignored her struggle, buried his head on her face, and kissed desperately on the side of her neck, leaving bruises one after another.

Xia Nuanxin turned her face sideways, a gleam of crystal gradually flashed across the corner of her eyes.She saw a hastily treated scar on the arm that was imprisoning her, which was shocking.

Is this also the injury he got because of saving her that day?Then why did she leave in a hurry after she woke up.

Huo Beixiao, what are you thinking?

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