ex-wife, get married

Chapter 283 The Real Murder Behind the Scenes

He closed his eyes slightly, and then swung his fist vigorously.

"It's great!" Zhuo Xiangyu couldn't help shouting, and Zhuo Xiangyu felt an irrepressible joy in his heart.

His guess about the computer before was actually not certain, and he was afraid that Leon would not find anything wrong, so Zhuo Xiangyu's heart was actually hanging.

However, the current Zhuo Xiangyu has completely lost that feeling.There was an unconcealable ease in his tone, and he spoke into the phone a little anxiously.

"Leon, you are always monitoring the tracker, don't leave. I'm going to drive now and take the police to find Qingqing and the others! Now that we know it, we must catch them before the other party notices!"

Zhuo Xiangyu left Zhuo Nianqi's room quickly, and dropped down the stairs in three steps at a time.This flying speed made Uncle Chen below see it, and his heart couldn't help but tremble a little.

"Okay, Zhuo, don't worry, I will always tell you the direction." Leon nodded and gestured to the secretary who had just walked into his office.The secretary nodded quietly, and then left quietly.

It seems that his next job is to guard the door of the BOSS's office, so as not to let anyone disturb the BOSS.

Zhuo Xiangyu rushed out of Zhuo's house again in his sports car, and at the same time, he also called the police.Since the other party is not alone, it is unrealistic for Zhuo Xiangyu to go alone!
Soon, there was action at the police station.One police car after another drove away from the police station quickly, preparing to meet Zhuo Xiangyu according to what Zhuo Xiangyu said.

However, what none of them knew was that there were two people closely watching their every move.Whether it's Zhuo Xiangyu or a police officer in the police station!
"Wan Zigui! I just received the news that Zhuo Xiangyu and the police station have already taken actions. The important thing is that their actions seem to have a purpose!"

Fang Zhihan rushed into Wan Zigui's office, her delicate face was ruthless, her eyebrows were tightly knit together.Thinking of the news she just received, a bad premonition arose in her heart.

Looking at the person who broke into his office at this moment, even if Wan Zigui felt the slightest bit of dissatisfaction in his heart, he was in no mood to care about her now.His face was also very dignified, and he stretched out an index finger to lightly tap his forehead, showing a thoughtful look.

"You're right, they do have a purpose! I'm monitoring them all the way now, and they are heading in the direction of Xu Yueqing and Zhuo Nianqi!"

Wan Zigui looked at his computer, a light flashed in his eyes.I saw that the computer was slowly full of maps, and there were a few red and green dots on it, as if they were moving.

Hearing these words, Fang Zhihan's face changed greatly, and there was a hint of disbelief in his eyes, "What did you say?! You mean, does Xiangyu know where those two sluts are? How is this possible!"

Hearing Fang Zhihan's address, a trace of displeasure flashed across Wan Zigui's eyes, and a chill emanated from his body.But soon, these emotions were suppressed by him, and Fang Zhihan didn't notice it at all.

He nodded slightly, "That's right. I stepped on it. Xu Yueqing and Zhuo Nianqi must have something like a locator on their bodies, so Zhuo Xiangyu was able to notice the trace!"

Now is not the time to turn against Fang Zhihan, so no matter what, Wan Zigui will put the overall situation first.

Fang Zhihan didn't know what was going on in Wan Zigui's mind, she was completely confused by what Wan Zigui said.Walking around with a little messy footsteps, Fang Zhihan kept turning in circles in the office.

"What to do, what to do, Xiangyu is going to find those two sluts. No way! Could it be that we have spent so much effort to capture those two sluts, and just lost like this? This is not possible! "

Fang Zhihan stopped abruptly, with a very ferocious expression on his face, which looked extremely terrifying.She gritted her teeth tightly, and her eyes radiated a vicious light like a beast.

"I absolutely can't let Xu Yueqing go again this time! That bitch of hers has caused me so much misery, and prevented me from getting Xiangyu. I have to tear her into pieces to relieve my hatred! And that little bitch, you deserve it! It's Xu Yueqing's cub, and it's not a good thing either!"

As she said that, Fang Zhihan didn't know what she thought of.Turning around, he quickly left Wan Zigui's office.That figure was so fast that Wan Zigui didn't even realize it.

"Fang Zhihan! What are you going to do!" Wan Zigui slammed the table and let out a roar.But Fang Zhihan, who had already gone away, didn't answer him at all.

Thinking of what Fang Zhihan said just now, Wan Zigui's expression changed, he stood up suddenly from the stool, and hurriedly chased after Fang Zhihan's figure.

Although I don't know what Fang Zhihan is going to do, but this woman is a lunatic, if she doesn't watch carefully, she will definitely do something crazy!
"Damn it, Fang Zhihan, if you dare to touch a single hair of Qingqing, I will never let you go!" Wan Zigui's face was extremely gloomy, and a pair of peach blossom eyes shone with a cold light.

After Fang Zhihan found him, she had already proposed to kidnap Xu Yueqing.According to Fang Zhihan's words, "Wan Zigui, don't you like Xu Yueqing very much? Don't worry, after Xu Yueqing is kidnapped, you will be taken away, and then she will never appear in front of Zhuo Xiangyu! She will never, ever Belongs to you alone!"

As for Fang Zhihan, Zhuo Xiangyu is the only one she wants!She firmly believes that as long as Xu Yueqing's obstacle is removed, Zhuo Xiangyu will belong to her sooner or later!
At first, Wan Zigui didn't fully agree.Because this matter is not easy to do, in his opinion, it is the most inferior method.If he did this, then there would be no possibility between him and Xu Yueqing forever!
However, after Fang Zhihan broke into the office and learned about Zhuo Xiangyu and Xu Yueqing's grand marriage proposal, Wan Zigui went crazy instantly!
Almost without thinking too much, Wan Zigui agreed to Fang Zhihan, and the two of them worked hard to find out the time and place for Zhuo Xiangyu and Xu Yueqing to go to the bridal shop to try on wedding dresses.Then, they sent someone to open up a temporary passage to the bridal shop ahead of time, and successfully tied Xu Yueqing here!

As for Zhuo Nianqi, it can only be said to be an accident.Who let him in, just bumped into the last kidnapper who left?Therefore, he followed suit.

"However, Fang Zhihan. The premise I promised you to kidnap Qingqing was that I would never hurt her! So, in front of me, don't even think about hurting Qingqing!"

Wan Zigui saw that Fang Zhihan had already run to his car door, with a sneer on his face, exerting his last strength, Wan Zigui ran towards Fang Zhihan's car like flying.

The moment Fang Zhihan fired, Wan Zigui had already arrived in front of the car, opened the door without hesitation and got in!

"Quickly fasten your seat belt, we're leaving!" Without too many words, Fang Zhihan simply greeted her, and then stepped on the accelerator hard.

Now they must catch Xu Yueqing before Zhuo Xiangyu, and then take Xu Yueqing and the others away!No matter what, Zhuo Xiangyu must not be allowed to find Xu Yueqing and the others!

"Hey, listen, I'll let you walk towards Shunhua Road, and then stop at the side entrance of the newly built Century Garden there. We'll go there right away and carry out the handover of the hostages!"

Fang Zhihan wore a bluetooth headset on her ear, and ordered the kidnappers unceremoniously.Because Fang Zhihan was the owner of the money, the kidnappers naturally would not have any objections, and agreed very obediently.

"Fang Zhihan, what are you going to do after waiting?" Wan Zigui quietly waited for Fang Zhihan to finish making the phone call, and then asked about the doubts in his heart.

Fang Zhihan glanced at Wan Zigui lightly.Wan Zigui raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked back at Fang Zhihan with a half-smile, looking very calm.

However, it was Wan Zigui like this that made Fang Zhihan's eyes flash with fear.Thinking of the methods of the man in front of him, Fang Zhihan thought about it secretly.

You know, this man is not as harmless as he looks on the surface!As the saying goes, the more beautiful a thing is, the more poisonous it is, and Wan Zigui is very consistent with this common sense.

"Nothing, I just want to kill Xu Yueqing and Zhuo Nianqi! In this case, even if Zhuo Xiangyu finds them, they are just two corpses! Hahahaha!"

Fang Zhihan laughed wildly, and spoke out her true thoughts very frankly.There was excitement in her eyes, as long as she thought that Xu Yueqing was about to disappear from this world completely, she felt that the whole world was extremely beautiful.

"No way!" Wan Zigui thought to himself, sure enough, he objected without hesitation.He really guessed right, this crazy woman really wanted to kill someone!
Fang Zhihan's eyes froze, then he turned his head and stared at Wan Zigui, "What are you doing, can't you bear it? Let me tell you, the mother and child have trackers on them, and they are in contact with Zhuo Xiangyu all the time. of!"

"Oh, even if that's the case, so what? As I said, if you can't do it, you can't do it! I want to take Qingqing away. We have already discussed this! Do you want to go back on your word?"

Wan Zigui's expression changed suddenly, and he looked at Fang Zhihan very fiercely.

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