There was a shocking light in the deep eyes, as if they would turn into the sea and swallow people up at any moment.

Fang Zhihan was shocked and angry, expressing her dissatisfaction with Wan Zigui's words.Thinking of Xu Yueqing's face, Fang Zhihan's heart was filled with infinite killing intent.

"Wanzigui, I don't mean to go back on my word. It's just that our actions now have to change according to the situation, so I will do this. What kind of woman is there in this world? You have to ask for that woman Xu Yueqing ?"

After thinking about it, Fang Zhihan felt more and more unwilling.She couldn't help but gritted her teeth, wanting to struggle again, no matter what, it would be great if she could change Wan Zigui's mind.

The corner of Wan Zigui's mouth raised slightly, revealing a bright smile.The face that was already stunning, now looks even more gorgeous.

"Fang Zhihan, I said it, no way! I'm going to take Qingqing away!" Wan Zigui stared at Fang Zhihan closely, under his serious gaze, he spoke word by word.

Fang Zhihan's breathing stopped suddenly, and she looked at Wan Zigui angrily, her chest heaving continuously.Three seconds later, Fang Zhihan turned her head abruptly, and stepped on the accelerator hard.

Those hands with bright red nail polish tightly held the steering wheel, and the whitened fingertips completely expressed the anger in Fang Zhihan's heart.

Wan Zigui sat back satisfied, and gently rubbed his temple with one hand.He knew that Fang Zhihan would never go against him!At least not now!
When Fang Zhihan and Wan Zi returned to the agreed place, a van was parked there quietly.A strong man with a beard came down first, watching Fang Zhihan and the others get out of the car.

"You're here. I've brought him here, and he's in the car. What do you want to do?" The bearded man nodded at Fang Zhihan, and pointed to the car behind him.

Fang Zhihan glanced at the car, but she couldn't see anything clearly through the filmed windows.Calmly averting her eyes, Fang Zhihan didn't pay much attention, she knew that the bearded man didn't dare to lie to herself.

Fang Zhihan nodded slightly, without much expression on her face.She stretched out her hand and waved at the bearded man, "Don't worry, I've already transferred the money to your card. Now, Zhuo Xiangyu and the others are coming soon, we have to act faster."

When the bearded man heard this, he frowned tightly.His lips twitched a few times, but he didn't say anything in the end.After all, when he did this, he already had to bear possible risks.

Wan Zigui didn't pay attention to what Fang Zhihan was doing, he walked straight to the van and opened the door.The situation inside appeared in front of Wan Zigui's eyes without any concealment, his pupils were very keen to catch one of the people who had haunted him for more than 20 years.

Xu Yueqing was obediently sitting in the middle of the back seat, her hands were tied tightly together, unable to move at all.Her eyes were tied up by a black cloth strip, and there was a pale color on her slightly turned cheeks, which proved that the master was frightened.

Wan Zigui's eyes sank, and then he reached out and grabbed Xu Yueqing's arm.With a strong tug, Xu Yueqing staggered towards the door.

"Ah! Who is it?!" Xu Yueqing's body trembled violently, trying hard to free her arm, she turned her face in Wan Zigui's direction, with a hint of shock in her tone.

Wan Zigui didn't say a word, the strength in his hand was very strong.It was precisely because of this appearance that Xu Yueqing struggled even more intensely.

"Don't! Let go of me, Nian Qi? Where are you, Nian Qi?" Because she couldn't see what happened, the fear in Xu Yueqing's heart magnified several times for no reason.She struggled vigorously and kept calling Zhuo Nianqi's name.

Zhuo Nianqi, who was sitting on the other side, moved slightly, turned his head to the side trying to listen to something, "Mommy! Mommy, I'm sitting here, what's wrong with you? Mommy!"

"Nianqi! Someone pulled me out! Who are you? I don't want to be separated from my son! Let me go quickly, I want to stay with my son!"

Xu Yueqing became more and more anxious when she heard the direction of Zhuo Nianqi's voice.She didn't know who it was and why she was taking herself out.However, as long as she is not with Nian Qi, she will never agree!
Seeing Xu Yueqing who was constantly resisting, Wan Zigui frowned slightly, and glanced outside.They must hurry up now, otherwise, Zhuo Xiangyu will probably rush over!
Relentless, Wan Zigui suddenly stretched out his hand, turned into a hand knife and slashed at Xu Yueqing's neck fiercely.

"Hmm!" Xu Yueqing snorted, and fainted as soon as her eyes went dark.The soft body fell down, just in time to be caught by Wan Zigui.

Grabbing Xu Yueqing's legs with one hand, Wan Zigui hugged her sideways.Walking towards Fang Zhihan's car, Wan Zigui didn't even look at Fang Zhihan and the others.

The bearded man watched Wan Zigui leave with the hostage in his arms, and wanted to stop him as soon as he moved.However, Fang Zhihan waved her hand, stopped the bearded man, and just watched Wan Zigui leave in his car.

With a cold snort, Fang Zhihan gritted her teeth tightly, "Xu Yueqing, you are lucky this time! Just wait, after you fall into my hands again, I will never let you go!"

Fang Zhihan turned around and walked quickly towards the van, the high heels hitting the ground made a crisp sound.The bearded man followed Fang Zhihan closely, and looked around vigilantly.

"Mommy! You scoundrels! Where did you take my mommy? Hurry up and give me back my mommy! I advise you not to do anything bad, otherwise, my daddy will definitely I won't let you go!"

As soon as she got close to the van, Fang Zhihan heard Zhuo Nianqi yelling, and a trace of disgust flashed in her eyes.Especially when Zhuo Nianqi mentioned Zhuo Xiangyu, Fang Zhihan's heart was instantly filled with jealous anger.

Sitting in the van swiftly, Fang Zhihan mercilessly reached out and slashed Zhuo Nianqi's neck severely.The next moment, all sounds disappeared.

"Go! Get out of here immediately!" Fang Zhihan quickly took off all kinds of accessories on Zhuo Nianqi's body and threw them out of the car, ordering in a cold tone.

With the sound of gas pedal, the van quickly left the original place.

The wet ground gave off a chilly feeling.Everything around was made of concrete walls, and in the pitch-black space, only a small window surrounded by iron railings revealed a few rays of light.

This is the environment Zhuo Nianqi found himself in after waking up.He moved his hands and found that he was still bound, only the black cloth strips over his eyes had been untied.

Slightly pursing the corners of his mouth, Zhuo Nianqi frowned slightly.He has observed carefully, he is the only one here, Xu Yueqing is not here.

Thinking of Xu Yueqing's call before, Zhuo Nianqi felt a little worried.I don't know where those people took Mommy. Such words are really worrying.

"Bang!" Suddenly, the iron door made a violent sound, which instantly attracted Zhuo Nianqi's attention.

The heavy iron door was opened, and there was a creaking sound, and a strong light instantly filled the entire basement.Zhuo Nianqi turned his head abruptly and closed his eyes tightly.

After calming down for a long time, Zhuo Nianqi slowly tried to open his eyes, and the face of the person standing in front of him slowly appeared in his eyes. "So it was you? Are you the mastermind behind our kidnapping?"

Fang Zhihan looked down at Zhuo Nianqi who was lying on the ground, with a mocking arc drawn at the corner of his mouth.With graceful steps, Fang Zhihan slowly approached Zhuo Nianqi.

"Yo, woke up? Tsk tsk tsk, look at your appearance, what's the matter, you, a so-called gifted child, still have such a miserable day! Hahahaha, it's so happy! Don't worry, you decide to died here!"

Bending down, Fang Zhihan tightly pinched Zhuo Nianqi's small chin, shaking it gently.Her tone was extremely cold, and she looked at Zhuo Nianqi with killing intent in her eyes.

"Hmph!" Zhuo Nianqi snorted coldly with disdain, turned his head suddenly, and escaped Fang Zhihan's restraint.He moved his mouth slightly, moving his tingly jaw.

This woman's strength is really not small. It seems that she is in trouble now.Zhuo Nianqi narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking secretly, with a stubborn look on his face.

"You femme fatale, I feel sick when I see your face. What's the matter, you were so eager to hug my daddy that you almost took off your clothes, but my daddy But you don't bother to look at you, and then you can't help being completely angry?"

Fang Zhihan's face changed instantly, and the surrounding temperature dropped several degrees.

The corners of Zhuo Nianqi's mouth were raised high, it was obviously a very cute little face, but the expression on that face was not a cute smile at all.Like a demon in hell, Zhuo Nianqi slowly leaned forward, his small face getting closer and closer to Fang Zhihan's.

"Fang Zhihan, do you want to kill me? Haha, it's really pitiful. After scheming for a lifetime, you can only become a murderer in the end. Then you will be a street mouse for the rest of your life!"

Zhuo Nianqi's words were like a curse, piercing deeply into Fang Zhihan's heart.

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