ex-wife, get married

Chapter 282 Location Tracker

He took this account and quickly searched it on the laptop he brought, with a very serious look on his face.

After a while, he raised his head and shook his head, "No, this account is an overseas account. Even if the account owner is found, it is probably a fake, and there is no such person at all."

Zhuo Xiangyu frowned, he didn't expect the other party to be so cautious, it really looked very unusual.He took a deep breath, and kept thinking about what he had just heard in his mind.

The lead policeman didn't know what he said to the little policeman, and the little policeman responded, then turned and left.Turning around to look at Zhuo Xiangyu, I happened to see him thinking deeply. "President Zhuo, what's the matter? Did you remember something?"

Zhuo Xiangyu turned his head to glance at the leading policeman, the edges and corners of his lips looked particularly sharp. "Just now, my lover said that her feet hadn't touched the ground. I thought about it, and what she meant was that they are still in the car and haven't found a place to stay!"

The leading policeman's eyes lit up, and what Zhuo Xiangyu discovered was a very important clue!After thinking for a while, he felt that Zhuo Xiangyu's words made sense, "President Zhuo, thank you very much for the clues you provided! We will definitely try our best to find Mrs. Ling and the young master!"

After finishing speaking, the leading police officer hurriedly turned around and ordered his subordinates to go.

Since the kidnappers are still in the car, the checkpoints they set up at the intersection must be more careful.Because it is very possible that the kidnappers have been trapped in the city and cannot escape!
Seeing the policemen getting busy, Zhuo Xiangyu glanced at the chaotic scene, and left quietly without telling anyone.

"Lyon! Are you busy now? Give me some time!" Zhuo Xiangyu got into his car, with a Bluetooth headset in his ear, and was talking to Lyon in the United States.

Although Zhuo Xiangyu was always like this, Leon still keenly noticed something was wrong. "Zhuo, what's the matter? What happened, it looks like you're in a bad state!"

"Something happened to Qingqing and Nianqi, I can't find them now. So I need your help, keep in touch with me at all times, I'm going home soon!"

Knowing that this matter could not be kept hidden for too long, let alone Leon was needed to help him, so Zhuo Xiangyu explained the matter very simply.

After Leon heard this, he couldn't help shouting in surprise, "What did you say?! What happened to Nian Qi and the others? My God, who is so brave! Zhuo, it's okay, you said you let me What help?"

Thinking of the disappearance of Zhuo Nianqi's little treasure, Leon's heart immediately hangs up.This is the person he is thinking about, how could such a thing happen?This really triggered his lightning point!

"Chi—" Zhuo Xiangyu stepped on the brakes, and the car stopped in Zhuo's yard in an instant.He opened the door and stepped down, throwing the key in his hand to the servant who came by.

Zhuo Xiangyu rushed into the house in a hurry, and happened to run into the old housekeeper Chen Bo who was oncoming.There was a deep anxiety on his face, and the wrinkles on his old face seemed to have deepened a lot.

"Master! I saw it on TV just now, saying that Madam and Young Master were kidnapped by kidnappers? What's going on? Master, have you found Madam and Young Master?"

Uncle Chen asked a series of questions, his eyes fixed on Zhuo Xiangyu.Not only that, even the movements of the hands of the other servants stopped instantly, and they looked at Zhuo Xiangyu with great concern.

You know, Xu Yueqing and Zhuo Nianqi are in their hearts, but they are very gentle and cute, and the servants have always liked them very much.Now, when they suddenly heard that something happened to them, these servants were of course very worried.

Zhuo Xiangyu's footsteps stopped, and he stretched out his hands to hold the shoulders of the old housekeeper Chen Bo, comforting him with firmness in his eyes, "Chen Bo, don't worry, don't worry, I will definitely find Qingqing and Nianqi! No matter what No one can hurt them!"

Looking at the face close at hand, the old housekeeper Chen Bo's heart moved slightly, and then he nodded slowly.Now that the young master has already made a promise, they all trust him.

Because, from childhood to adulthood, as long as it was something Zhuo Xiangyu promised, he has done it all, and he has never broken his promise!

"Okay, Uncle Chen, you take good care of the servants, what to do and what to do, and there must be no slack. No matter what, this matter won't last long, and I will solve it soon!"

Seeing the old butler Chen Bo's unreserved trust, Zhuo Xiangyu's heart warmed up, and then he patted Chen Bo's shoulder very pleased.He glanced at the servants around him, and then quickly walked upstairs.

Looking at the back of Zhuo Xiangyu who quickly disappeared, remembering that the hands that Zhuo Xiangyu held on his shoulders just now were trembling slightly, the old housekeeper Chen Bo sighed slightly in his heart.No matter how calm Zhuo Xiangyu appeared on the face, he was still very anxious in his heart, right?
"Okay, have you heard what the young master said?" Soon, the old butler Chen Bo sorted out his emotions. He turned around, exuding a majestic aura from his whole body, "Hurry up and go now!" Finish your work! If I find out who is lazy, then don't blame me for being rude!"

Since the young master is already so troubled, how can he continue to add trouble to the young master?At the very least, he also wants to help the young master manage the house well, as orderly as usual!
Zhuo Xiangyu quickly came to Zhuo Nianqi's room, his eyes searched around, and then he walked towards the desk without hesitation.On the table with neatly arranged books, a small notebook was quietly staying there.

"Hey, Leon, I'm home now. You turn on your computer, and you're going to get busy." Zhuo Xiangyu reached out and dialed Leon's number, and at the same time turned on Zhuo Nianqi's small computer.

Leon had already pushed aside the next affairs just now, and was just waiting for Zhuo Xiangyu's news.As soon as he heard that it was about to start, Leon immediately became serious, and sat in front of his computer ready to go.

"Xiangyu, how do you want me to help?" Leon looked at Zhuo Xiangyu asking him to turn on the computer, and had some guesses in his mind.

Zhuo Xiangyu took a deep breath, the computer screen in front of him had already lit up, and the blue light shone on his face.Slightly narrowing those black eyes, Zhuo Xiangyu kept thinking about the phone call he had with the kidnappers today.

Today, Zhuo Nianqi behaved like an ordinary child, his words were extremely immature, and even seemed to be coquettish.These are not the main points, what is important is that Zhuo Xiangyu feels that Zhuo Nianqi keeps mentioning something.

computer!That's right, Zhuo Nianqi kept repeating his computer from the moment he said the first sentence.The sensitive Zhuo Xiangyu naturally felt something was wrong instantly.

"Leon, I have turned on Nian Qi's computer now. Try to hack into Nian Qi's computer and see if you can find anything interesting. Today, when I was talking to the kidnapper on the phone, Nian Qi deliberately mentioned his computer .”

Without too much hesitation, Zhuo Xiangyu quickly stated his purpose.My own computer technology is no different from ordinary people, if I want to find something different, I have to ask Leon to help.

"In the computer? Zhuo, I see. I think I should be able to guess what Nian Qi wants to say to you. Wait a moment, I will send a software to Nian Qi's computer now. After you accept it, send it to you." Open."

Leon nodded, his face with the profound facial features of a foreigner was extremely serious at the moment.His dark blue eyes were fixed on the computer in front of him, and his hands were busy on the keyboard quickly.

Regarding Zhuo Nianqi's thoughts, Leon felt that he had some understanding.After all, in order to be able to abduct Nian Qi to the United States, he often communicates with Nian Qi!

"Nian Qi is a hacker. He must have set up a lot of checkpoints in his computer. If I hack directly like this, the efficiency will be very slow. Therefore, I must use my software. Zhuo, you should move faster. "

Knowing that he could not be of much help in this regard, Zhuo Xiangyu did not raise the slightest objection, and followed Leon's request step by step very straightforwardly.

Immediately afterwards, Zhuo Xiangyu heard the sound of keyboards coming from the mobile phone.His eyes were very sharp, his lips were tightly pressed together, silently waiting for news from Leon.

There is a small alarm clock next to the table, and the second hand is walking step by step, making a crisp sound.This kind of sound, which is easy to be ignored by people in the past, was as loud as a bell in Zhuo Xiangyu's ears at this moment, shaking his eardrums violently.

He didn't forget it, the kidnapper said he would only give him one day.In this case, for the current Zhuo Xiangyu, every second that passes means that the danger of Qingqing and Nianqi will increase by one point.

His hands were tightly clenched into fists, Zhuo Xiangyu's expression became more and more ugly, and he didn't know what was going on in his mind.

"Found it!" After an unknown amount of time, Leon's excited voice came from the phone, "Zhuo, I found a tracking program in Nian Qi's computer! In this program, I found and tracked As soon as Qi Yileon's words fell to the ground, Zhuo Xiangyu breathed a sigh of relief, and his body shook a little without showing any traces. For any traces of movement, Nian Qi must be wearing a position tracker!"

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