The Wizard Supreme at Hogwarts

Chapter 181 Libraries

Chapter 181 Libraries

Campbell Eyman felt that he was sometimes in a freezing cold cellar, and sometimes surrounded by warm fire.

His body was hot and cold, and some places were extremely itchy.He subconsciously wanted to tickle, so he woke up.

When he opened his eyes, he found himself in a strange place, a kind-faced fat uncle and his roommate whom he had just known for two days were silently watching him.

"woke up?"

Noreen watched Campbell Eyman open his eyes and heaved a sigh of relief.Although I have great confidence in Mr. Ford's medicine powder, there are always surprises in everything.

"Why am I here?"

Campbell Eyman's voice was hoarse, like a broken bellows that had not been worked for a long time.He struggled to sit up, but was pushed back by Mr. Ford.

"You'd better hold still, kid."

Mr. Ford said in a harmonious voice, inspecting the frost-cracked wound on his body.

"I saw you on a wall outside the castle, otherwise you would have frozen to death there, and I would have lived alone in bed."

Norin shrugged, his tone slightly raised, "Why are you lying there?"

It was only then that Campbell Ayman realized that the numb wound on his body, although it looked a bit horrible, had scabbed under the action of the medicine powder, and there was not much pain.

He lay down obediently, with the same doubts on his face:
"Outside the castle? I didn't leave the castle, I ran to the basement of the castle early in the morning..."

Norin was stunned for a moment, needless to say, he also understood that this roommate was looking for traces of the secret room again.

He glanced at Mr. Ford indiscriminately, and subconsciously felt that the reason why Campbell Ayman appeared in the snow was a little weird.And he didn't know the details of Mr. Ford, so he thought it would be better to discuss the specific reasons in private.

"Mr. Vice-Principal, the professor of Transfiguration class, called your name in the morning and asked you to go to his office to find him after class. Thanks to you, I have to go too. But with your current situation, I want to delay It is understandable to go to him in two days."

Norin crossed her arms and changed the subject on her own initiative.

"There's no need to describe his identity so clearly. I've been in school for two years, and I still know him."

Campbell Ayman's body trembled, as if he was a little afraid of Professor Norman, "It's really bad luck... I've already strangled the time to death in the morning, who knows that such an accident will happen..."

Only at this time did he belatedly realize that he had taken his life back. After being silent for a while, he said sincerely:
"Thank you, I owe you my life."

"It should be, I will rescue whoever is lying there."

Norin waved his hand indifferently. He found that he seemed to have a talent for saving people in the snow.After finishing speaking, he walked towards the door of the ward,
"Let's recuperate first, what's the matter, wait until you recover."

Campbell Emmanuel stared at his back, silent.

The snowflakes falling on Norin's shoulders had already melted into water. Norin shook his wand, and the snow disappeared instantly.He straightened his collar and strode towards Durmstrang's library.

It was still early for lunch, and Noreen wanted to take a look at the brainchild of the school.

However, when he walked to the door of the library, he bumped into Professor Norman who came out with a book.

This is a bit embarrassing.

Nuo Lin's body was slightly stiff, in a dilemma.He was debating whether to take the initiative to explain the reason to him, or wait for him to ask.

Just when he was riding a tiger, Professor Norman passed by him without seeing him, without even stopping or pausing in his steps.

Norin silently breathed a sigh of relief, and Professor Norman, who was walking steadily, suddenly stopped.

"Mr. Davis."

Nuo Lin's heart jumped, and he turned around suddenly: "Professor."

His voice was a little low, and he didn't say "what" but directly agreed to the words, which showed that he had prepared for the worst.

Professor Norman raised his eyebrows, his old face was full of wrinkles, as if there were countless nameless tombstones standing on it.There was no expression on his face, and his eyes were calm:
"If I remember correctly, it has been more than an hour since get out of class ended, and you and Mr. Aiman ​​have not appeared in my office yet."

You can appear here not because you are waiting to lecture us...

Norlin complained silently in his heart, preparing to use Campbell Eyman's accident as a shield:
"Professor, I'm afraid my roommate won't be able to come in a short time. He had an accident and is now lying in the school hospital."

"Huh?" Professor Norman was a little surprised. He frowned and asked, "What happened?"

"He fainted from the cold while running in the morning, but luckily he was found in time and sent to the school hospital."

Norin rolled his eyes and made up an impromptu reason.

"Morning run?"

Professor Norman snorted inexplicably in his nostrils, and seemed to have a bit of regret, "If it's true, then I will forgive him for his absence in the morning."

"Then... do we still need to go to your office?"

Nuo Lin was overjoyed and asked tentatively.

"Next time, there are more opportunities."

Professor Norman smiled, turned around and walked away with the book in his hand. Norlin didn't see what book he was holding in his hand for a moment.

What is a lot of opportunities is...

Nolin muttered, shook his head, stopped worrying about this matter, and entered the library.

The administrator, a balding old man, sat behind a desk near the entrance, reading with interest a large tome.After seeing Nolin come in, he just raised his eyes slightly, and turned his attention back to the book.

It seems that the administrator is much more talkative than Mrs. Pince.Norin immediately came to a conclusion, at least his face was kind, unlike Mrs. Pince, who kept a straight face all day long, as if she was always ready to arrest the little wizard who violated the rules and hand them over to Filch.

Under the huge Baroque dome, students in uniforms shuttled through the aisles silently holding books. On each maple desk was a white porcelain vase, in which was inserted the administrator’s punctuality every morning. Replaced exotic flowers unique to Durmstrang.

The light in the library is bright, but the books in some bookshelves are getting darker and darker.

The Durmstrang Library has a large collection of books, all kinds of learning materials, school history and biographies are comprehensively collected, including some materials from other magic schools.But the most is the special collection of books of this school.

Noreen walked leisurely along the bookshelves, and as expected, he saw most of the books related to black magic.Books on the principles of black magic, how to get started with black magic, and anatomy of the human body are placed in the public reading area in a grand manner.If this had been at Hogwarts, Mrs. Pince would have taken the blame and resigned that day.

I don't know what books will be stored in the restricted area...

Norin touched his chin, thinking with great interest.

(End of this chapter)

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