The Wizard Supreme at Hogwarts

Chapter 182 Stulusson's Invitation

Chapter 182 Stulusson's Invitation

The method of entering the restricted area is still unknown to Nolin. To be on the safe side, he has no plan to sneak in with the illusion spell.

After all, the books in the public area are full of black magic, who knows if there is any measure to break the illusion spell or illusion potion in the restricted area.

Norlin's eyes lingered on a small entrance exuding a strange atmosphere in the library without showing any traces. After a few glances, he looked away and focused on the black magic guide on the bookshelf.

This trip is not to enter the restricted book area, the books outside also hide many treasures.

Norin scanned the bookshelf in front of him, and suddenly his eyes lit up slightly, showing a little interest in a book called "The Origin of Blood Hell".

His hand reached out to the book with a blood-red cover, and at this moment, another hand suddenly reached out to him, and the target was also this book.

Hell, why does Durmstrang have such unqualified people?

The fire of depression in Nuo Lin's heart suddenly surged, and he subconsciously moved his hand quickly, snatching the book first with lightning speed, and stopped the hand sideways to win the crash.

The empty hand froze in the air for a moment and then slowly retracted. The owner of the hand could only sigh with emotion: "Good speed!"

Norin squinted at this man, his eyes full of displeasure.If he wanted this book too, it would be great if he just let him know, and Nuolin would probably give it to him, but if this attitude came to snatch the book, Nuolin would not be spoiled by the other party.

"Accepted, but with all due respect, the library should still have this book. You can pick another one to get it. My book is not necessarily more expensive than the others."

Nolin said coldly.

Standing in front of Nolin was a smiling young man with a typical European face.He has some pale golden curly shawl hair, and his face is not rough, but he is not the type of creamy niche, giving people a sense of vigor and resoluteness.

"Hello, exchange student from Hogwarts. I'm Olier Sturluson, the current president of the school's Black Magic Club."

The young man who called himself Olier Sturluson said with a smile.

Nuo Lin raised his eyelids, his gaze narrowed slightly.He had heard the family name.

This family has a large population. If all the people from all over the world who are related to the Sturlusson family are gathered, it will definitely fill the entire auditorium.

The Sturluson family started their fortune in Iceland in Northern Europe. They lived and developed in Iceland, chasing fame and fortune, and worked hard until their influence spread throughout the entire Scandinavian peninsula.At that time, Iceland even called it "the first family of wizards in Northern Europe".

Even if the members of the family are scattered all over the world, no Sturluson will forget where his roots are.Although their ancestors left their homeland in the [-]th century and traveled across the ocean to Great Britain, the warm Western European life for several centuries did not let them forget their roots.There will always be someone in the family who resolutely abandons everything in the UK and comes to the icy and snowy Northern Europe to start anew.

Presumably this Olier Strulusson was one of them.

But this has nothing to do with Norlin, and Norlin didn't want to hear about their family history, so he was unmoved and said:

"I have a name, Noreen Davis. What's the matter?"

Olier Sturlusson smiled and looked at the boy in front of him who was three years younger than himself, his eyes swept back and forth on him, splashing undisguised appreciation on him like an ink printer.

Olier Sturluson suddenly took a step back, bent slightly, performed a perfect and impeccable courtesy, and said in his mouth:

"It was my fault, Mr. Davies."

Norin was a little caught off guard by his sudden grandeur, frowned and said:

"No, it's okay. If it's just for the book, there's no need for this."

"Then, Mr. Davis, I sincerely invite you to join the Black Magic Society."

Olier Sturlusson stood up straight, and only at this moment did he show the bearing and heroism that a child of a big family should have.He looked into Nolin's eyes and offered an olive branch.

Nolin thought this was your purpose.He tilted his head and repeated:
"The Black Magic Society?"


Olier Strulusson nodded with a smile, took a step closer to Norin, and said:

"When you are new here, you probably don't know that there are many clubs in Durmstrang. They are various and basically include all the activities in the school, such as the Potion Club, the Charm Club, the Transfiguration Club, etc., and the largest , it is the Black Magic Society."

There was no pride in his tone, but Noreen could hear the hidden pride in his words.

It turned out to be the biggest club leader in the school...

Nuo Lin evaluated silently in his heart, but he had a taste of the hundred-regiment battle in college in his previous life.He said with a little doubt:
"Why are you looking for me? And it's because you are the president."

"Too modest, Mr. Davis."

Olier Strulusson smiled. The sunny smile on his face made it difficult to be disgusted with him. Even Nolin had to admit that he was a very attractive person.

"After your battle with Professor Mars, your name spread throughout the school. I believe that within a few days, various associations will invite you to join, and I just acted a little faster. And just now When we met for the first time, you beat me once, which made me more determined to invite you to join the Black Magic Club."

"You count that as the victory?"

Norin glanced at the book in his hand, and was a little speechless, "What are the benefits of joining the club, and what obligations do you need to bear?"

"After joining the Black Magic Society, we can study ancient black magic together, and there are some powerful black magic items, I think you will also be interested in them."

Olier Sturlusson walked to the soft chair on the other side of the bookshelf, and motioned for Norin to sit and talk, "In terms of obligations... basically there is no. After all, we come together because of common interests, and the club does not The practice of compulsive action by members."

"Sounds good..."

Noreen stood where he was and didn't go over. He didn't think this conversation would last long.He shook his head and said, "But sorry, I refuse."

Olier Strulusson's body stiffened while sitting on the soft chair, looking a little embarrassed.He changed his tone and asked suspiciously:

"I do not have time."

Norin thought about it.In fact, he was not lying. Whether it was the study of the Secret Codex or the Unknown Book, it was a lifetime series, plus the usual courses and the study of runes, he felt as busy as a spinning top.

He was able to hang out today because he felt that he could relax a little after school started.

(End of this chapter)

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