The Wizard Supreme at Hogwarts

Chapter 180 The Tower of Nurmengard

Chapter 180 The Tower of Nurmengard

Austria, an isolated island.

Surrounded by turbulent and boiling sea water, it slapped on the rock wall of the isolated island, making endless roars and surging waves.

There is only one solitary building on the island, but it gives people a sense of shock.

This is a tall tower, so tall that it seems to be able to go straight into the sky, and the dark tower seems to be connected with the dark sky.

Above the entrance of the tower, a line of vicissitudes of letters is engraved: For the greater good.

This is Nurmengard, which together with Azkaban is known as the two largest prisons in the wizarding world.But in fact, there are far fewer prisoners here than in Azkaban.Nurmengard is imprisoning a truly heinous dark wizard.The higher the number of towers, the deeper the sin.

And at this moment, a wisp of black smoke floated from the distant sky and flew straight to the highest place of the tower.

The highest floor of Nurmengard is a simple small room.In the room locked by iron bars, only an old man was leaning against the wall, sitting on a hardwood bed.

His hair and beard are disheveled, his eyes are slightly closed, and his face is calm, as if an old man who is dying is looking back on his life.

Suddenly, the little finger of his right hand moved involuntarily.

His eyes opened a tiny slit, he raised his hand, the expression on his face moved slightly, and he murmured:
"Has anyone else appeared in Durmstrang who can attract my attention..."

A trace of nostalgia appeared on his face.In any case, it was his alma mater.

"Ten years have passed, Grindelwald, haven't you thought it through yet?"

A sudden voice suddenly appeared in the room.

The old man was not surprised at all. He raised his eyelids and said with a smile:

"It's a bit beyond my expectation that you're still alive."

Black smoke drifted into the room, slowly congealing into the shape of a wizard without a nose.

"I've said it before, I've gone farther than anyone else on the road to eternal life."

Voldemort was floating in the air, his eyes were bloodshot, and the strong fluctuations of magic power around him showed that his current strength was not what it used to be.

"That's crazy, Tom Riddle."

Grindelwald smiled and shook his head.He was still leaning against the wall, as if it wasn't worth moving his body for someone coming,
"Live like a human, and a ghost like a ghost. What's the point of such eternal life?"

"More than ten years ago, I gave you the chance to go out. Now, I am willing to give you another chance. Of course, the conditions remain the same."

Voldemort didn't waste his time on this matter, he put his hands on his chest and said coldly.

"I have been imprisoned here for 52 years, and my enemies have all died. Most of them died before I was imprisoned here, and most of the rest walked before me. Amarylle Bruce was angry Die, what a perfect fate for such a proud person. Now Dumbledore is coming soon, and the restraining magic he set up has begun to loosen."

Grindelwald said lightly, "My old friend always likes to take the responsibility of dealing with the Dark Lord on his shoulders, but in his heart, he is no less loyal to greater interests than I am. There are many People think he is the king on the chessboard, but only I know that he is just the queen on the chessboard, and for the king's victory, he will push himself to the altar."

"And you, Tom Riddle, you are just a student of Dumbledore, what makes you have the confidence to be compared with me?"

Grindelwald's eyes suddenly burst into a sharp and substantial brilliance, and he said in a cold voice, "Is it the ridiculous title of being called the second-generation Dark Lord on your body?"

However, Voldemort was not frightened by his sudden burst of momentum, he sneered:
"The reality is, I'm still alive, and you can only be locked up in this prison like a walking dead, watching the god of death approaching."

"It's not your original intention to come to save me, is it?"

Grindelwald smiled, adjusted his body into a more comfortable posture, looked at Voldemort and said slowly, "I think I understand you well, and I will definitely not tolerate another active 'Dark Lord' in the world... "

Voldemort's expression changed.Grindelwald was right, he was not interested in the life and death of the original Dark Lord, but the person who borrowed his power made such a request to him.

"I'm not surprised that he can see you..."

Grindelwald sighed, "However, can you be sure that you are not under his control?"

The room was suddenly silent.The sound of waves and crashes cannot reach such heights.

Voldemort was silent for a while, then said indifferently:

"So, is this still your answer?"

"Go to Durmstrang, there may be more interesting people there. You don't need to interfere with my affairs."

Grindelwald said with a smile.

Voldemort's cold eyes scanned him back and forth, and finally disappeared into black smoke without a trace.

Grindelwald exhaled lightly, turned his head and looked out the window.

Outside is the icy and snow-capped mountains of Austria as always.


The school hospital is not too far from Nuoling, and within a few minutes, Nuoling stepped into a warm room with the unconscious Campbell Ayman.

Mr. Ford was fiddling with his bottles and cans. He turned his head when he heard the sound, with a look of surprise on his face, and said doubtfully:
"I remember you, you just came here yesterday..."

After entering the school hospital again after a day, Nuolin suddenly had a familiar feeling for this place.He smiled and said to Mr. Ford:
"Yes, sir. But this time it wasn't me who got hurt, it was my roommate."

Noreen put Campbell Eyman's body on an empty hospital bed, his body was bruised and purple, and there were some weird redness and swelling.Mr. Ford looked up and said:
"I thought you forgot what I said yesterday... It's frostbite, poor little one. He's sleeping in the snow, isn't he?"

"Who knows."

Nolin shrugged and asked, "Sir, will this injury affect him?"

"No, child."

Mr. Ford smiled, turned and rummaged in his medicine cabinet, took out a bottle of powder, and said:

"This is a newly developed wound medicine. I think it works well. It is mainly used for frostbite or burns."

Nolin nodded, relieved.Then he realized that something was wrong.

It seems like yesterday, he said the same thing, right?
Mr. Ford took off Campbell Eyman's hospital gown and sprinkled powder on his frostbite.

Under Norlin's surprised eyes, those festering wounds quickly squirmed and scabbed, and Campbell Ayman's ashen complexion gradually returned to normal.

(End of this chapter)

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