Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 907: Battle of Destiny in Central Asia

Chapter 907: Battle of Destiny in Central Asia
With a decision, Emperor Chongzhen led the army to Mingwei Fort.Thanks to the Mughal Odom, who let him know the situation on both sides of Mingwei Fort.

Although that Odom, in the eyes of the Prime Minister of the Ottoman Empire, Koprulu, has become less and less effective, and the number of consultations with him has become less and less, but at least he is in the central army of the Ottoman Empire. For Emperor Chongzhen, it was still very useful.

For such a situation, Emperor Chongzhen was already used to it, just like his later generations playing those battle games. Others needed to send scouts to open the map, but he didn't need it, and the whole map was directly visible.

Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen did not directly enter the battlefield, but hibernated outside the battlefield of the enemy and us, like a tiger, hiding there and waiting for the opportunity.


For Fort Mingwy, as time went by, the situation of the battle has changed a little bit.

After all, the Ming army had too few troops. In the beginning, their morale was high, and they fought back and forth with the Ottoman army, successfully preventing the enemy from attacking the people of the Ming Dynasty by bypassing Mingwei Fort.

However, Hong Chengchou didn't have a golden finger, so he could only command based on his judgment.Therefore, it is difficult for him to fight against the weaknesses of the Ottoman army every time.After one after another blocking battle was fought, the casualties of the Ming army inevitably increased.

As a result, military morale will naturally be affected.

Speaking of which, morale is something that needs to be constantly encouraged.Otherwise, it's like a leaky ball, no matter how much you inflate it, it will eventually leak out slowly.

Of course, Hong Chengchou also kept using every means he could think of to boost morale.For example, rewards and punishments are clearly defined, the results of the battle are exaggerated, and the emperor is reminded that reinforcements are coming.

However, after using these methods too much, the Ming army gradually became immune.Casualties were inevitable, and had been slowly damaging the morale of the army.

As for the Ottoman army, it is actually similar.Although they had strong troops, they were still unable to take Mingwei Fort for a long time, and they couldn't even freely send troops to the north of Mingwei Fort to plunder. This made Prime Minister Koprulu's life very difficult.

Just like the Ming army, after the Ottoman army's offensive was blocked, they finally realized that the strength of the Ming army was far from something they could easily defeat.In particular, they had far more troops than the Ming army, but they still had no way to deal with the Ming army. When the battle situation fell into a stalemate, the blow to their morale was even greater.

Another reason is that the Ottoman Empire has a strong military force, which means that the logistical pressure on the Ottoman army will be great.

In the beginning, they were like a broken bamboo, and they could get some supplements along the way, so they didn't pay attention to these.But with the stalemate in the battle at Mingwei Fort, this logistical problem became prominent.

Mingwei Fort is far away from the Ottoman Empire's mainland, and it is basically able to transport food and materials from the Empire's mainland.The Crimean Khanate is closer to the mouth of the Volga River.

However, the Crimean Khanate was a nomadic country, and it was so poor that it had to rely on daily looting to maintain its livelihood. How could it take care of the logistics of the Ottoman army.

Therefore, Copley, Luccho!
It is a supplement to fight to support war.However, all the way north, everything that could be robbed has been robbed.To the north of Fort Mingwy, however, the fight was not going well.

In the war with the Ming army, the Ottoman army also suffered heavy losses.At least in terms of the elite of the army, Abbas II was really right. The Ming army was better than any Ottoman army in terms of morale and equipment.

The unsatisfactory battle was reflected in Ke Pululu, that is, he himself felt that his body was getting weaker and weaker.

At this time, he was already in his 70s.

There is no general Liao Hua in Shu as a vanguard. The same reason, the Ottoman Empire was in a mess. After he came to power, he made a strong rectification, but there were not many people who could really use it.Now this time the Eastern Expedition is very important, and he has to lead the army himself.

However, no matter how healthy an old man in his 70s is, he will definitely be tired.

In the original history, he did not march to the east, but led the army to fight Venice. Although he won the battle, he also burped his fart not long after.

At this time, it was almost the same.Koprulu felt that his body was getting worse day by day, and he became more anxious.

He can imagine that if the stalemate continues like this, if he dies here.That opponent, Hong Chengchou, commander of the Ming army, is a very cunning person. He will definitely seize the opportunity, and the army is likely to collapse.

And if Koprulu made the decision to withdraw at this time, he would definitely not be reconciled.Because he knows that once he retreats, it is impossible to keep the results of the previous battle, at least the Volga River Basin will definitely be taken back by the Ming army.

After much deliberation, Ke Pululu finally made a decision and sent someone to negotiate with Hong Chengchou.

At the beginning, he threatened Hong Chengchou and asked Hong Chengchou to surrender quickly. Otherwise, when he defeated the Ming army, he would massacre the city and kill all the Ming army and people.

In this regard, the envoy who went to intimidate lost two ears.

Then, after a while, Koprulu sent someone to negotiate again.He said that he admired Hong Chengchou's ability and the bravery of the Ming army. Therefore, he was willing to let the Ming army go back to the country.

In this regard, the envoy who went to negotiate lost his nose and returned.

From this, Ke Pululu knew that it was unrealistic to place his hopes on the Ming army, so he became ruthless.

It's not that there are too many people, but too much food is consumed!He sent all the troops out, bypassing Mingwei Fort to attack the people of Daming in the north.Naturally, the Ming army would not agree, and the blocking battle became very intense.

On the other hand, Koprulu sent people to the original Bukhara Khanate to search for as much food as possible, and for a while, the original Bukhara Khanate became a white field.

The increase in casualties made the morale of the Ottoman army very low.In this regard, Kepululu summoned all the generals and said to them: "Don't see how many people died in our army, you have to see how many people died in the Ming army! Our troops are far stronger than the Ming army, and now their casualties With so much, it’s almost impossible to hold on.”

Speaking of this, he began to seduce again: "As long as the enemy in front of us is defeated, the land here will be owned by our Ottoman Empire. You have also seen it in the Volga River Basin, whether it is grazing or farming. They are all very good. Whoever has made great contributions, this official can decide who to award this place to!"

The Volga River Basin has been managed by the Torghut Ministry for many generations, and after the arrival of Hong Chengchou's troops, Daming's irrigation and farming skills are so high that it has further improved the farmland in the Volga River Basin.It can be said that this is a very good place.

Therefore, after hearing Koprulu's promise, many generals of the Ottoman Empire were moved.

Seeing this situation, Ke Pululu was secretly delighted, and he seduced again: "In the north, there are flocks of cattle and sheep in the Torghut Department. As long as you can break through the blockade of the Ming army, the wealth you plunder will be far greater than before. There are a lot of them. I can also promise you that whoever grabs them will return them, and there is no need to hand them over."

When the Ottoman army came over, the Ming army blocked most of the people and fled to the north of Mingwei Fort. These Ottoman generals knew this.Therefore, if they can break through the Ming army's blockade and get much property, they will know it well.

At this time, another person was moved.

Looking at them, Koprulu finally said loudly: "If we can defeat a strong enemy in this battle, I will definitely report to His Majesty and the Empress Dowager to reward Ottoman's warriors!"

He was willing to go all out, knowing that no matter what measures he took, the most important thing was that the war could not be dragged on any longer.Otherwise, the consequence of procrastination is that he is more likely to be defeated.

After being encouraged and mobilized, Koprulu began to order troops and generals, and dispatched [-] troops from the headquarters, [-] cavalry from the Crimean Khanate, and [-] other miscellaneous troops, [-] at a time.I just thought that this time we must break through the blockade of the Ming army and plunder the north. Not only can it improve our own morale and replenish military supplies, but it can also severely hit the morale of the Ming army, thus creating good conditions for the final victory over the Ming army.

Hong Chengchou heard the news here and knew that this time was very difficult. No matter what, the enemy's strength was indeed too much.To deal with the main force of the Ottoman army, he could only send [-] headquarter cavalry, [-] Cossat cavalry, [-] Turghut cavalry, and [-] ordinary herders, for a total of [-] troops.

If it had changed from the past, there would generally be a stalemate on the Mingwei Castle side.But this time, after preventing the Ming army from leaving, Ke Pululu actually mobilized the army to attack Mingwei Fort.

Hong Chengchou felt that it was time to meet Tuqiongdagger and decide the outcome.

For him, he actually didn't want to see this situation.The best thing is that the emperor led the reinforcements to arrive before the decisive battle with the enemy.But now that he is forced to advance, he can do his best to fight.

He naturally didn't know that the reinforcements he was waiting for had actually arrived, and they had even finished their rest. The whole army was no longer tired from the journey.Like a fierce tiger, it has long been eyeing it.

If the Mingwei Fort remained stalemate, it would be difficult for Emperor Chongzhen to make a move.However, now that there is a big fight here, there are many opportunities.

There are more than 3 cavalry troops. In terms of military strength, including the military strength of Mingwei Fort, it is still not as large as the Ottoman army.However, the outcome of a war cannot be determined by comparing it with military strength.

The battle to determine the fate of the entire Central Asia has finally begun.

 Thank you qjsabc for rewarding 1000 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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