Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 908 The Emperor Has Arrived

Chapter 908 The Emperor Has Arrived
More than 20 miles northeast of Mingwei Fort, the Ming army intercepted the Ottoman army detouring north.

At this time, the battlefield is still a plain area, only on the east side, there are hills and hills, which eventually become higher and higher, which is the Ural Mountains.

When fighting on the plains, there are not many means available.This also means that the next battle can only be a hard-fought duel based on strength.

In the previous days, such battles had happened many times.Every time, the Ming army beat back the Ottoman army.However, inevitably, the Ming army also suffered a lot of casualties.

At this time, looking at the densely packed enemies on the opposite side, the morale of the Ming army was not very high.Because they knew that there were more enemies this time than ever before, and after this battle, many people they knew would die here.

In this regard, some people in the Ming army have already complained.

"Why do we have to fight with them every time? They obviously have more soldiers than us. If this continues, we will all die here."

"Yeah, why not let them move east? That way we won't have to intercept them."

"Don't you know? My family is here. If it is possible, who would be willing to move eastward, and it's not like they can't beat them! Besides, what if they move eastward and Mingwei Castle is short of food?"

"That's right, Minwy Castle is too small to protect the herd. But if we let them move far away, if the siege lasts for a long time, we will be short of food."

"Stop talking, keep fighting and wait until the emperor arrives with the reinforcements. Then we will win!"

"You put it bluntly. It's been so long. Where are the emperor's reinforcements? If you keep fighting like this, who can wait for the reinforcements to arrive?"

"Do you dare to question the emperor and turn against you?"

"I was just talking, and I didn't say anything bad about the emperor. What's wrong?"


When the situation is bad and morale is low, these low noises are more than enough.

Of course, these noisy voices were not found in the local army of the Ming Dynasty, and they were mostly on the side of the Cossat and Torghut troops.

Seeing that he was about to fight the enemy, but he had no military discipline on his side, Zhu Zhongming, the deputy general of the local army of the Ming Dynasty, was on fire, and drove his horse over, regardless of the title of the opponent, and reminded in a cold voice: "If you don't want to fight, just withdraw." Yes, the Ottomans have passed, and they killed your Cossats and Turghuts!"

Originally, he was just the general banner of Ye Buchao. He followed Emperor Chongzhen all the way to Bengal, and then all the way back to the west. He accumulated meritorious service and was promoted. He didn't exchange his military service for his wife's silver or anything. , it is already a guerrilla.

Later, he followed Hong Chengchou on the westward expedition and made military exploits in many battles. Now he has the rank of deputy general.

I have to say that as long as you keep fighting, if you are lucky, you will definitely be promoted quickly!

Hearing his questioning reminder, Racine, although not happy, understood that what he said was reasonable, and shouted back to tell his people to shut up.Punchuk did the same, immediately rectifying military discipline and preparing for war.

But despite this, although the soldiers of the Cossat and Torghut troops stopped talking, their morale was obviously not high.

When Zhu Zhongming saw it, he knew in his heart that the reorganization of these tribal armies had not been completed.In addition, they had never fought with the emperor, so many of their own people were killed and injured, so they felt timid about the enemy.

Regarding this, he was a little disdainful in his heart, so he said loudly on purpose: "In this battle, we will use our army as the vanguard, and you will be behind!"

After finishing speaking, Zhu Zhongming drove his horse back to the main formation without caring about the expressions of Racine and Punchuk.

Being underestimated by him, Ayuqi was annoyed, and immediately responded loudly: "Our Torghut Department is not a coward!"

However, Zhu Zhongming ignored him and returned to the formation. As soon as he gave an order, the five thousand cavalrymen roared in unison in response: "Da Ming wins!"

The sound was so loud that even the Ottomans in the distance heard it and looked over.

Morale is contagious.When the other Ming army ministries saw him, they were bloody men. Of course they didn't want to be compared, so they responded with actions.

The Ming army finally started to move.

With Zhu Zhongming's troops as the spearhead, the left and right wings were occupied by Lasin's and Punchuk's troops respectively, and the remaining herdsmen troops were behind this formation.

After the formation is completed, they begin to slowly approach the enemy, ready to attack.

Of course, the Ottoman army is also forming a formation, preparing for the battle.

If nothing unexpected happens, a fierce battle will break out soon.

When the armies of both sides were at war and preparing to go to war, many people felt that something was wrong.

Finally, someone with sharp eyes saw the situation and immediately screamed.

The Ming army was all ecstatic, pointing to the east and shouting: "Reinforcement, reinforcements are here, the emperor has arrived..."

That's right, in the hilly area to the east, countless red knights seemed to emerge from the ground, endlessly and endlessly.

At this moment, no matter it was the troops of the Ming army, whether it was the Gossats or the Turghuts, they all remembered the legend of the emperor.If it weren't for the real prophet, it would be absolutely impossible for reinforcements to appear at this time.

As a result, the morale of these soldiers who were originally not as good as that of the local cavalry of the Ming Dynasty suddenly soared, and they could even faintly compare the morale of the local soldiers of the Ming Dynasty.

Correspondingly, the Ming army immediately cooperated with the Ming army in the distance and launched an attack at the same time.

On the side of the Ottoman army, they were dumbfounded.

The sudden appearance of Ming's reinforcements was definitely a major blow to them who were preparing to fight.

There was a rumor about Ming reinforcements and the Ming emperor, and they immediately thought of it.It showed that the emperor of the Ming Dynasty was the real god. He knew that there was going to be a war from thousands of miles away and had already sent someone to notify him.

Earlier, their prime minister made it clear that this was a conspiracy by the commander of the Ming army.Or it was precisely because of this that the rumor spread so widely that almost everyone knew about it.For this reason, they all laughed at the soldiers of the Ming army for being fooled.

At this moment, all of them immediately thought of this rumor, and they were naturally dumbfounded when they saw the countless cavalry troops of the Ming Dynasty emerging from the east.How could the impossible become possible!
So, they panicked!

This panic stemmed from the fact that there were so many Ming cavalry troops in the east, far exceeding their expectations.Now that they are flanked by the Ming army, and their strength is likely to be greater than theirs, how can they win this battle?
Another reason is naturally associated, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty is a living god, how can they fight with gods as mere mortals?
For these two reasons, the panic of the Ottoman army became higher and higher as the East and West Ming armies approached.Especially those with sharp eyes found that in front of the cavalry army of the Ming Dynasty, there was really a flag representing the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, and they immediately collapsed.

This collapse began with a motley crew of Ottoman troops.Then, like dominoes, a chain reaction immediately started.In the end, this Ottoman army, even if many of them understood that they might not be able to escape if they did not resist, they could only escape with the defeated army.

The two Ming armies were already speeding up. After seeing the collapse of the Ottoman Empire army, they did not hesitate. They all increased their horse speed again and began their pursuit.

What was supposed to be a fierce battle turned into a one-sided chase because of the sudden appearance of the Ming reinforcements.This point makes everyone unexpected, but it is reasonable.

The Ming army generals, whether it was Zhu Zhongming, Rasin or Punchuk, were all excited to see Jia as soon as possible.However, Emperor Chongzhen's banner issued clear instructions to pursue the defeated soldiers and rush back to Mingwei Fort without giving them a chance to breathe.

Seeing this will, of course no one will violate it.

The Ming army is all cavalry, while the Ottoman Empire is mostly infantry.In this battlefield, two legs cannot run with four legs no matter what.

Originally, the scene with the most kills on the battlefield was the chase.At this time, it was extremely easy for the soldiers of the Ming army to harvest the enemy.It wasn't until this time that the soldiers of the Gossat and Torghut troops really realized that fighting can be so easy!
Those who run away and don't surrender are basically stabbed in the back, and then fall to the ground on the street.As for those who surrendered on their knees, the roaring Ming soldiers ignored them and continued to pursue the fleeing enemies.


Fort Mingwei and Ke Pululu were also ruthless, driving their men to attack the Ming army.Of course, his troops will not be used as cannon fodder, but to drive other troops to attack first.

His idea is very simple, that is to take human life to waste.The Ming army that is consumed is profitable, and the subordinates who are consumed can save rations, killing two birds with one stone.

The Ming army did not let the herdsmen advance first.As a result, at the beginning of the war, the Ottoman army suffered more casualties.Koprulu didn't care at all about this.He believed that after a long period of time, the casualties of the elite Ming army appeared, which represented the emergence of a crisis on the Ming army's side.

Of course, people are not machines, and there are too many casualties, and there are problems with the Ottoman army's miscellaneous brands.

There is a saying that goes well, if an army can continue to fight with [-]% casualties, then it is definitely an elite.

The miscellaneous players in the Ottoman army did not reach [-]% at all, so they dared not fight any more and fled one after another.However, behind them, there were countless warlord teams. Those officers who dared to escape would be executed on the spot, and then those defeated soldiers would be driven back to the battlefield.

Koprulu had expected this a long time ago, cut off their escape route, and asked them to exchange their lives for their lives.

In this way, after a long time, the casualties of the Ming army finally began to increase.

Seeing this, Hong Chengchou sent out a new army to replace his comrades who had been exhausted from fighting for a long time.As a result, Kopululu sneered and finally dispatched his elite troops. No matter what, the Ming army could not be allowed to go back to rest.

But at this moment, something happened.

(End of this chapter)

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