Chapter 906

In a small city in the south of the Tang Dynasty, Abbas II stood at the top of the city, watching his men burn, kill and loot in the city, replenishing military supplies and boosting morale.It can be said that he is a bit high-spirited.

Compared with the last time, this time I completely let go of my hands and feet. Along the way, the Ming army retreated steadily, and even fled after hearing the news. I really felt a sense of revenge. The shame of fleeing the army.

The leader of his subordinates quickly arrived at the city, stepped up to the top of the city and reported to him: "Your Majesty, the Ming army in this city is fleeing too fast, and they can't catch up!"

After hearing this, Abbas II waved his hand indifferently and said, "I know!"

This is already the third city defender of the Ming Dynasty who fled on hearing the wind, and it feels really good to make the enemy flee on hearing the wind.

But in his heart, he remembered the real main force of the Ming army, so he asked his subordinates, "Has the Ming army named Li Dingguo followed?"

That's right, he was preparing a big gift.As long as Li Dingguo's subordinates dare to follow up, they will definitely kill a carbine!

His men looked at each other and finally reported that there was no news for the time being.

Abbas II didn't care about this, and said with a sneer: "It seems that he is cautious. If so, then continue to attack other cities. I don't believe he can survive!"

"Your Majesty is wise!" Hearing this, his subordinates all complimented him.

However, if he knew that the place he conquered was the vassal state of Daming, and it was not the same as the Ming state, he might not be so sure.

In the evening, the small town was already in ruins. When Abbas II returned to his central army camp, the hurried horsemen brought news about Li Dingguo's troops.

"What?" When Abbas II heard this, he stood up in shock and confirmed sternly, "Say it again?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, Li Dingguo's troops of the Ming army not only did not chase after them, but instead went straight to the west, defeated our army's [-] rear army, and continued to go west."

The rear army of the Persian Empire did not have many troops, mainly to protect the food roads.

After Abbas II led the army and turned to the north, the ability to protect the rear was a little weaker.However, the Route Army was very far away after that, almost just entered the territory of Ming Kingdom.I didn't expect that Li Dingguo's troops would go so far to attack the rear army!

At this time, Abbas II did not pay special attention to the issue of food and grass in the Italian army, because he carried enough food and grass with the army.In addition, the situation in the Ming Dynasty was overwhelming. Everywhere they went, they burned, killed and looted to supplement military resources. It can be said that the consumption of food and grass was not particularly high.

If it is said that Li Dingguo's troops are only to cut off the army's food road, then he will probably be disappointed.However, did Li Dingguo really just want to cut off the army's food supply?Abbas II thought about this, and for a while, he really couldn't confirm Li Dingguo's real purpose.

Abbas II's worries are actually very reasonable.

Li Dingguo, as a general who grew up in the army since he was a child, has a clear view of Abbas II's plan.Therefore, he did not hesitate for a long time about how to deal with Abbas II's sudden attack to the north, and quickly made a decision: just ignore the army led by Abbas II, even if he knew that they had been attacking Delhi , He didn't pursue anything, he just sent someone to report a letter.

And Li Dingguo himself chose the elite to come out and kill westward, towards the back of the Abbas army.If Abbas' army could not be mobilized, he chose to go westward and fight towards the territory of the Persian Empire.

His strategy was similar to when Tsar Alexei invaded Poland.Just kill each other to see who can't stand it first.

But relatively speaking, Alexei is still a bit more ruthless than Li Dingguo.

You know, the Poles were burned and killed in the territory of Alexei, but the current Persian army is burned and killed in the territory of the Ming Dynasty, not the mainland of the Ming Dynasty.In addition, this vassal state was just brought down by the Ming army, so in terms of identity, it was a little smaller.Therefore, relatively speaking, Li Dingguo's psychological burden is much smaller.

In addition, Li Dingguo was born as a bandit, and what he was best at was mobile combat.It can be said that he is very familiar with this tactic.

That's it, Li Dingguo didn't care about the army led by Abbas II, and wanted to cut off their retreat and kill them all the way west.The rear army that defeated the Persian army didn't say anything, and without looking back, they plunged into the territory of the Persian Empire.


Compared with Li Dingguo's lack of hesitation, Abbas II was much more entangled.Continue north or turn back?
At the beginning, Abbas II felt that the border areas close to the Ming Kingdom had already been cleared by himself. Even if Li Dingguo's troops went in, he would not suffer heavy losses.On the contrary, if he leads the army to the north and the soldiers point directly at Delhi, the loss must be even greater for the Ming Dynasty!In this way, it is certain that Li Dingguo's subordinates will not be able to hold on and turn around.

Thinking of this, Abbas II led the army and continued northward.However, Tanma kept reporting that Li Dingguo's troops showed no signs of turning around at all, and had already entered the territory of the Persian Empire.

Abbas II finally lost his composure. At this time, he had already felt the determination of Li Dingguo's troops.However, he was also very unwilling to turn around and return support immediately.

One hundred thousand troops, running back and forth, what about the money and food that wasted?This will definitely be a big hole in the empire's finances!

Moreover, the majestic emperor of the Persian Empire was led by the nose like this, what would others think?
He had already been defeated for a while, and if he returned without success in the end this time, Abbas II would worry about whether his throne would be secure.

Thinking of this, Abbas II finally gritted his teeth, hoping that the domestic cities could be defended.And he himself led the army to speed up the northward speed, and rushed to Delhi.


In the contest between Li Dingguo and Abbas II, the most unlucky one was King Tang.He hated Li Dingguo to death.But at this time, he has nothing to do.

The supplies and troops of the Tang State were all being transported to Lahore. The [-] Persian Empire troops attacking from the south had no way the King of Tang could do anything.

Seeing the Persian imperial army approaching Delhi more and more, the king of Tang finally announced his eastward journey.To put it bluntly, he meant running away to the east, towards King Fuku's vassal state.

He didn't dare to run to Lahore, because there were troops from the Ottoman Empire over there. If Wu Sangui couldn't beat him if he ran there, he would be dumped.Instead, if they fled eastward, even if they couldn't hold on, they could escape all the way, and eventually they would be able to escape back to the mainland of Daming without any problem.

On April 30, the 23th year of Chongzhen, at the time when the Ottoman Prime Minister Koplulu led the army to Mingwei Fort, Abbas II led the army to capture Delhi.

Ordinary soldiers of the Persian Empire did not know what Li Dingguo was in charge of. Seeing that Delhi had been taken down and that the siege that had not been completed last time was completed, it was all carnival.

But their emperor, Abbas II, was worried.

Right now, they are too far away from their own country, and they don't even know how bad Li Dingguo's troops are.For him, if the leader continues to pursue eastward, he will be farther away from his home country.The most important thing is that at this time, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, which also limits the efficiency of marching and fighting.

Also, should the captured Derry continue to be occupied?If it is not occupied, in this alliance with the Ottoman Empire, it is agreed that whoever conquers the territory will belong to whom, and if he gives up and is occupied by the Ottoman Empire, then he will not vomit blood?

However, if Delhi is not let go, it must be divided.Fewer soldiers is not enough. If there are too many soldiers, the mobile force will be reduced.

At this time, Abbas II also learned that the Ming army was sticking to Lahore and was in a stalemate with the Ottoman Empire.Then do you want to lead the army westward and fight Lahore with the Ottoman Empire?
After this idea came up, he quickly remembered the cooperation with Aurangzeb at the beginning. Under the intrigue, the two armies had to be wary of each other, but they could not exert their combat effectiveness.Thinking of this, he dismissed the idea.

After hesitating for a long time, Abbas II finally decided to take Delhi as the center and attack the surrounding area.At the same time, send people to rush back to the country to see the situation.Of course, it is also indispensable for the army to open up the connection between Delhi and Kandahar.


Abbas II did not know the situation of Li Dingguo's troops, but Emperor Chongzhen, who came all the way to Central Asia for reinforcements, knew it clearly.He fully understood the entire battle situation through the Class A eavesdropping seeds on Hong Chengchou, Wu Sangui, Tang Wang, Li Dingguo, and even Zheng Chenggong.

It has to be said that whether it is Li Dingguo or Li Laiheng, they have really inherited the experience and lessons from when they were thieves back then.They lead the troops and scurry around, attracting their opponents to turn around and bite them from time to time.

Regardless of Li Laiheng's side, Li Dingguo's side has already turned the eastern part of the Persian Empire upside down.Every time he hit, he used the same trick that Emperor Chongzhen used back then.Kill the local dignitaries and rich people, share half of them for military use, and distribute the other half among the poor.Moreover, they led them all the way westward, vaguely pointing to the capital of the Persian Empire.

After a comprehensive understanding of the whole situation, Emperor Chongzhen also made a decision: first clean up the northern army of the Ottoman Empire, and then go south with the prestige of the great victory, and clean up the other two army.

In addition, there is another advantage of fighting from north to south, that is, as time goes by, when winter comes, you can avoid the cold wind that freezes people to death in Siberia.

As for the Tang State, they were all harmed by the Persian Empire. To be honest, Emperor Chongzhen really didn't care much.If the king of Tang sues Li Dingguo later, just give him a few words of reprimand.As for Li Dingguo's military exploits, rewards and punishments must be clearly defined and rewarded.

(End of this chapter)

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