Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 812 Meeting Ceremony

Chapter 812 Meeting Ceremony

The movements of the native army were too great to be concealed from others.

Of course Zheng Chenggong also saw it on the flagship, but he didn't take it seriously, instead he said: "It's just in time!"

At this time, two western-style sailboats had already docked at the pier.The soldiers of the Ming army on the ship jumped off the ship one after another, and then went straight to search the camp of the Dutch, to be on the alert for the subsequent landing of the army.

Zheng Chenggong didn't wait for the soldiers who landed first to display the "safety" banner, so he asked his subordinates to wave the command flag and carry out the next military order.

Generally speaking, after the soldiers who must land first send out the "safety" flag, the follow-up troops can land, so as not to be ambushed by the enemy and caught by surprise.

If you have just graduated from the Armed Forces Academy, you will probably strictly abide by this practice.However, Zheng Chenggong at this time is no longer a rookie on the battlefield, and already has the ability to assess the situation and adapt to changes.Seeing that the Dutch fleet fled before, and he used a telescope to observe the camp left by the Dutch, he had already judged that the possibility of an ambush in the Dutch camp was extremely small.

On the battlefield, there has never been an absolute certainty.Seeing that the natives were swarming over, Zheng Chenggong decisively skipped the routine.

Under the transmission of the semaphore, the warships on the inner side of the port began to move to the two sides, giving way to a large passage, allowing several large blessing ships in the fleet to approach first.

This is the first time I have seen such a big boat in Labraka.Although I had been shocked before, I was still very shocked when I saw it again at this time.The warships of the Ming army are really too big!

As soon as these large Fuchuan landed, the sailors moved quickly to pave the shore with the wide planks prepared on board, and at the same time, these planks could be fixed to each other.In this way, it is as if the ground is directly connected to the ship.

The soldiers of the Ming army who came out of the cabin all led their horses and started to disembark in an orderly manner.However, on other ships, a cannon with a door and two wheels was pushed, and many soldiers of the Ming army were pushing forward and backward, shouting slogans and moving in order.As for the soldiers of the Ming army with flintlock guns on their backs, they queued up to disembark, which was very interesting to watch.

Although Rabraka saw the momentum of the kingdom's army rushing over, it seemed to be all over the sky, and the momentum was very huge, but at this time, when he saw the scene of the Ming army disembarking, he felt a burst of confidence from nowhere: this battle , the Ming army will win!
Thinking of this, Rabulaka became excited, and shouted to the interpreter in front of him: "My lord, please ask the commander, what are we going to do?"

He has been elected as the leader of the natives on board, so he can stand behind Zheng Chenggong and obey orders at any time.

When the translator heard this, he asked Zheng Chenggong for him.

After hearing this, Zheng Chenggong turned his head to look at Rabulaka, and then said with a smile: "You guys go to the show first, you don't need it right now!"

After speaking, he turned around to observe the battle on the shore.

Rablaka felt a little helpless when he was relayed by the translator. It seemed that he could only watch from the sidelines.At this time, he felt the difference in the Ming army again.

If it were under the hands of the Portuguese, whenever a war started, they, the natives, would be driven up immediately to consume the enemy's weapons, instead of leaving them behind to watch the battle.


The indigenous army is basically all infantry. Except for some uniforms, most of the infantry are wearing miscellaneous clothes, or simply naked.It can be seen that the only identification of soldiers is that they have long guns in their hands.

At this time, they ran away in all directions, the sky was full of dust, and the momentum was really very loud.

Another advantage of doing this is that the war elephant, which is the trump card, is covered by the raised dust and cannot be seen when it is far away, so it can play a very good role in killing enemies by surprise.

Seeing all this, Rajsingh II couldn't help being very satisfied.This battle, probably under the momentum of the same hatred, whether it is his direct army or the troops gathered from various tribes, are all fighting with heart.

Although the Ming army should have the advantage of guns, but when the crowd dispersed, how many people could the Ming army's guns kill.After the two sides have fought, the guns are not as good as a fire stick!
It is still possible to win this battle!Rajsingh II looked at all this and came to a conclusion in his heart.

But at this time, seeing that the striker was getting closer to the original Dutch camp, he concentrated his energy and looked ahead.

At this time, suddenly, Rajsingh II was surprised to see that groups of Ming cavalry rushed out of the original Dutch camp and charged back towards his army.

"This... I'm afraid there are more than 1000 cavalry? So many cavalry?" Rajsinghe II couldn't help muttering to himself, "How many cavalry can be hidden on the warship of the Ming army?" ?this……"

He was really surprised, but he didn't have much fear.Because there was no record of large-scale cavalry battles in Ceylon, he didn't know what would happen if large-scale cavalry was used?
I saw that the cavalry army of the Ming Dynasty was divided into two, and instead of charging head-on, they flanked the side of the indigenous army.Some of the cavalry of the Ming army whizzed past, drew their bows and arrows on their horses, and shot at the galloping native soldiers; and some of the cavalry of the Ming Dynasty, when they got close, they suddenly turned over and dismounted, " "Bah bah bah" and fired, and left after shooting; some soldiers of the Ming army did not get off their horses at all, but just increased their speed and rushed towards the flank of the indigenous army. Those running native troops suddenly became chaotic.As a result, the Ming soldiers opened fire on horseback at the nearest place, and they were still the kind of muskets that would ring continuously with "呯呯呯".

The running native soldiers were immediately disturbed by the Ming cavalry from the side.The native soldiers running outside were so frightened that they fled inside.This not only hindered the running direction of the indigenous soldiers behind them, but also caused the entire team to begin to gather involuntarily.

Seeing this scene, Rajsingh II's expression became extremely ugly.At this time, the army had already charged, and he couldn't command it specifically. He could only hope that he would rush to the original Dutch camp, as long as he rushed there.

Just as he was thinking, suddenly, he saw a cannon with two wheels pushed out from the gate of the original Dutch camp.Just after standing there, the guns were fired.

"Boom boom boom..."

One after another, the solid iron bullets whizzed and smashed towards the native army. After they fell to the ground, they continued to bounce until they ran out of kinetic energy and stopped.In the blink of an eye, bloody furrows were plowed out in the charging native army.

In the dust all over the sky, although the specific situation could not be seen, various wailing sounds could be heard.It is conceivable that after being driven away by the Ming army, the army became denser. After such a bombardment, it is estimated that many people were killed or injured.

Seeing this situation, Rajsingh II couldn't help closing his eyes in pain.According to past practice, the army is about to retreat.

However, this time he was wrong.After the army's forward momentum slowed down for a while, it was seen that it was moving again and began to charge again.

Seeing this scene, Rajsingh II couldn't help but come back to his senses.This time, it was those subordinates who hated these Ming soldiers so much, so they must have used methods to boost morale and continued to charge.

However, he hadn't had time to appreciate the bravery.At the gate of the original Dutch camp, groups of soldiers of the Ming army crossed the artillery, and began to line up in rows on both sides in front of the artillery.Some Ming army soldiers squatted there, some Ming army soldiers squatted halfway, and some stood naturally, forming a layered row.

This is platoon tactics!Rajsingh II should not be too familiar with this scene.Both the Portuguese and the Dutch used this tactic, causing heavy casualties among his men.

At this moment, the neighing of an elephant was heard on the battlefield.

Hearing this sound, Rajsinghe II couldn't help but be overjoyed. As long as the war elephants can withstand the attack of the platoon guns, they can rush into the original Dutch camp.Most of the Ming army is still disembarking, so they can be caught off guard!
However, he quickly came to his senses, the artillery of the Ming army was still there, how could the war elephant charge?
Just like what he was worried about, the war elephant just showed its shadow in the dusty sky, and when it saw the artillery of the Ming army, it roared again.

"Boom boom boom..."

With the sound of cannons, the wailing of elephants came from the battlefield. The elephants that were still alive, no longer under control, turned wildly and ran away.They are all intelligent and know they can't run any further.

In this way, those native soldiers suffered.In order to avoid being trampled to death by war elephants, they began to flee in disorder.

However, as long as they dared to escape to both sides, they would be attacked head-on by the Ming cavalry.Infantry who cannot form an formation cannot deal with the charge of the cavalry at all.Just the momentum of the galloping horse is enough to make ordinary people lose their guts.

In this battle, it can be said that the indigenous army could not bear it and fled before the actual battle.

If it was the past, because the Portuguese did not have cavalry, they could escape back as long as they ran fast enough.

But at this time, the more than 1000 soldiers of the Ming army immediately began to follow and kill, driving the indigenous army into a big rout. I only regret that my parents lost two legs and couldn't run past the four-legged horses chasing after them. .

What is the easiest situation on the battlefield to harvest the enemy?It is when chasing and killing, pulling out the saber towards the enemy's back and swiping lightly is a battle achievement.

The Ming cavalry pursued and killed them all the way to the mountain pass. Then they returned to the seaside. Along the way, the dust dispersed, and there were all the corpses of the native soldiers.

"Ming wins!" The cavalry officers and soldiers held their sabers and shouted.

When the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty infantry and the navy heard it, they also shouted and echoed: "Da Ming is victorious!"

 Thank you Fengzongying for the 200 starting point reward!
(End of this chapter)

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