Chapter 811

After finishing speaking, he no longer cared about the native in front of him, and hurried away.

When Avaka came back to his senses, just as he was about to confirm how the Ming army could be so powerful, he found that there was no one in front of him.Turning around to look at the port, I saw that the warships of the Dutch had already sailed out to sea one after another, heading in the other direction where the warships of the Ming Dynasty came.

In this Dutch camp, apart from a mess, there is no trace of anyone else!

Seeing the scene in front of him, if it were changed to before, even if Avaka was killed, the Dutchman would have a day of fleeing in embarrassment!
On the surface of the sea, the Ming Fleet naturally saw the Dutch fleeing, even without binoculars.It's just that the distance is still far away, and the opponent is a Western sailing ship, and the speed of the ship itself is the fastest.

In this situation, Zheng Chenggong, the chief of the navy, could only sigh helplessly. There was no way, they escaped quickly!
Awaka on land didn't understand, but Zheng Chenggong actually understood why these Dutch people fled without fighting.

If it had been before the Nanyang Campaign, these Dutch might have fought the Ming Navy first.However, in the Battle of Nanyang, the Ming Navy completely wiped out the combined fleets of the Netherlands and Spain, leaving them with no power to fight back. This completely destroyed the confidence of the Dutch.How could their army of about 2000 people in Ceylon dare to challenge the huge Ming Navy again!

At this time, on the flagship deck, just behind Zheng Chenggong, the native Rabulaka standing holding the side of the ship was also dumbfounded.

After getting in touch with the Ming army, he admitted that the Ming army was indeed very elite.However, what he didn't expect was that the Dutch, who were so vicious in the past, would actually run away when they saw the Ming fleet approaching. This was really beyond his expectation.

He just stared at it from a distance, dumbfounded.

Suddenly, Rablaka seemed to see something, so he looked ashore.Immediately realizing the situation, he quickly shouted: "My lord, there is the king's army over there, a lot of troops..."

Hearing his exclamation, although he couldn't understand it, Zheng Chenggong probably knew something, so he turned his head to look.

At the end of the inland direction, in the direction of a mountain pass, teams of indigenous troops are swarming out, with flags waving, and the number is extremely large.

"Hehe, you probably want to join Hongyi, right?" Zheng Chenggong couldn't help laughing when he heard this, but it's a pity that the Dutchman himself fled before fighting.

After finishing speaking, he immediately ordered: "The fleet turned into the Dutch port, and the marines went ashore to teach these natives a lesson!"

If it is an ordinary coastline, the fleet is not very easy to dock, especially there are large lucky boats in the fleet. Although it is not the lucky boat that Zheng Tianbao used to be able to run when he went to the West, this one is not small, and the marines are here. On a large lucky ship.

But now that the Dutch port is available, the fleet can rely on it and disembark easily to prepare for war.

Following Zheng Chenggong's order, the fleet stopped chasing the fleeing Dutch, and turned to the camp left by the Dutch.

When Awaka in the camp saw him, he was taken aback. He hurriedly escaped from the camp, got on his horse and rushed back to report the news.

Of course he saw that the army led by Rajsingh II had arrived, so he went straight to the king's banner.

After getting closer, I saw that Rajsingh II was also watching the direction of the sea among the troops who had already stopped to look.

"Report, Your Highness, it's not good!" Rajsingh II's guards naturally knew about Avaka's identity, and they didn't stop him. Crawling to the front of Rajsingh II, he reported in fear.

With a look of panic on his face, Rajsinghe II looked away from the sea, stared at Awaka, and asked hurriedly: "What's going on, where are the Dutch? Where is the Dutch fleet? Why do you see the Ming Dynasty?" fleet……"

"Your Highness, they ran away!" For the first time, Awaka had the guts to interrupt Rajsingh II, and hastily reported, "My subordinates stopped those Dutchmen, but they said that the Ming country is too powerful. They can't win at all, so they ran away before fighting!"

"What?" Rajsinghe II confirmed in shock when he heard it, "They didn't engage in war before? Did they flee before fighting?"

"Yes!" Avaka quickly replied, "When my subordinates arrived, the Ming army fleet hadn't appeared yet, but the Dutch were already packing their bags and fleeing!"

It is a completely different level to retreat after finding out that you can't win after a contact war, and fleeing before a battle, or fleeing after hearing the news.

Rajsinghe II's complexion became very gloomy, and he hurried over, thinking of keeping the Dutch in check, and being able to join them with the Dutch, taking advantage of the opportunity when the Ming army had just arrived and their foothold was not stable, they would be taken away. Call back.However, the Dutch fled with prestige, what kind of ally is this, they are simply pig teammates!

Thinking about this in his heart, Rajsingh II, who had been watching the sea, suddenly realized the situation, and couldn't help asking: "Is the Ming fleet going to land and occupy the camp left by the Dutch?"

"Yes, Your Highness!"

"Yes, Your Highness!"


The generals around him answered one by one when they heard his question.

Rajsingh II actually knew this himself, but he just confirmed it again.He turned his head to look at the army he had brought, and then turned his head to look at the seaside, frowning tightly and not speaking.

After a while, it was found that he had not spoken, and the generals under him began to speak, and put forward their opinions to him one after another.

"Your Highness, the Dutch are gone, let's withdraw too!"

"Why withdraw the troops? The army has been pulled out, and they will go back if they don't fight a war?"

"I think it can be fought. Isn't the Ming army going to go ashore? Let's attack halfway, and attack when the Ming army has just disembarked, and drive them into the sea again!"

"Yes, we can use war elephants to open the way to attack. Those Ming soldiers must have never seen war elephants, and they might be scared to the ground!"

"That's right, the war elephants we led the way were all wearing armor. It's not that they have experience, and the Portuguese bullets can't pierce them. As long as they don't get caught in mud and sand, they will definitely drive the Ming army to hell!"


Hearing their voices begging for war getting louder, Avaka became a little anxious.He didn't know what happened to others. As far as he was concerned, he really felt their fear from the Dutch, which proved the strength of the Ming army from the side.

Therefore, he quickly said: "Don't fight, even the Dutchman ran away, if we fight, we will definitely lose!"

Hearing what he said, all the generals immediately pointed their finger at him.

"Avaka, thanks to you, you are still in charge of the sentry. Where is your courage? Where is your courage?"

"That's right, our army has assembled and just fled like this. How do you ask us to explain?"

"Do you think that if we don't fight, the Ming army will let us go? It's up to you. The Ming army will distribute all our land and property to those untouchables. Can you escape?"

"Yes, instead of being attacked by the Ming army, it is better to take advantage of the chaos that the Ming army is ashore and give them a hard blow to let them know how powerful our Kingdom of Kandy is!"

"That's right, go where you came from. Ceylon is our Ceylon, not their Ceylon, and it's not the Ceylon of those untouchables!"


After yelling for a while, they shifted their targets and challenged Rajsingh II one after another, and no one cared about Awaka anymore.Because they know that it is Rajsingh II who is in charge here, not Awaka.

Rajsingh II kept his face gloomy and silent. While looking at the Ming fleet at sea, the words of those under his command also fell into his ears.

In his heart, he actually understood it very well.It was the Ming Dynasty's remarks about giving all their land and wealth to the untouchables that immediately angered his men.

Even if I lost the battle and you robbed my wealth, I have nothing to say.However, as far as those untouchables are inferior to pigs and dogs, why can they enjoy what used to be theirs?This is simply a great shame!
The land of Ceylon is greatly influenced by the Indian peninsula.The ancestors of many of them migrated from the Indian Peninsula.The level barriers can be said to be far greater than ordinary places.

At this time, with the prestige of Rajsingh II, it may not be impossible to insist on suppressing the generals' request for battle.However, he did not do so.Being a king and ordering his subordinates depends on the support of his subordinates. If he offends all his subordinates, it will definitely be detrimental to his rule.

Of course, the most important point is that he doesn't believe that the Ming army is really that powerful!
Thinking of this, Rajsingh II yelled loudly, and the scene was silent for a while, and then he ordered: "The order of the orphans, take advantage of the chaos when the Ming army disembarked, and hit me hard!" !"

"Yes!" When his generals heard this, they shouted their orders.

Rajsingh II looked at them, and added: "Remember, the team must be dispersed. It would be best if we could fight with the Ming army who came ashore, so as to avoid the gun attack from the Ming army fleet!"

Anyway, I have fought with the Portuguese for hundreds of years, so I know how to reduce the damage of the enemy's guns and other firearms to them.

Hearing this, his generals shouted again in response.To be honest, maybe there is a little bit of "jumping over the wall in a hurry", and when they are cornered, they are ready to bite people hard.

I saw these native leaders returning to the army they were leading one after another, and began to shout underground military orders, and then saw the native army, and began to flock to the original Dutch camp.

And Rajsingh II himself did not board the warship, but just found a high ground to watch the battle.

He found that even though his army was rushing towards the seaside, which was very obvious, the Ming army still came to the shore and was about to start disembarking.

That being the case, let's wait and see how powerful the Ming army is!Rajsingh II's face was stern, thinking so in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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