Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 813 It's Over

Chapter 813 It's Over

By this time, all the marines in the Ming Navy had descended to the area around the original Dutch camp.Zheng Chenggong also came down, and inspected the camp, and found that Hong Yi had fled in a hurry and was in a mess.At this, he couldn't help but smile contemptuously.

And the natives who came down from the boat, that is, the group of Labraka, witnessed all this, watched the Ming army easily deal with the attack of the Kingdom army, and even killed the Kingdom army's corpses all over the field. Although I don't understand it, But it seemed to be a very passionate cry, and they couldn't help being excited.

With such a powerful Ming army, the days that the Governor of the Ming Dynasty expected must be possible, right?

While they were thinking about it, Zheng Chenggong turned his head to look at them and said to them, "Build another camp here, and the commander will leave two thousand soldiers to garrison here. You all stay here too, and convey the imperial court's intentions to The oppressed people around you. Tell them that if you serve the Ming Dynasty and become a commoner of the Ming Dynasty, you can get as much land according to your credit."

Yan Yingyuan, the governor of Dongwu who was also in charge of Ceylon, had already made clear the first step of the strategy in the military meeting: to drive away the Dutch colonists, occupy the coastal areas, besiege the rulers of Ceylon to the central mountainous area, and then annihilate them in one fell swoop.

The task of these natives in Rabulaka, who first became the common people of Ming Dynasty, was to publicize the policy of Ming Dynasty, unite all the poor and lower-middle peasants in Ceylon, and give the ruler of Ceylon a way to draw their salaries from the bottom.

After hearing the words conveyed by the translator, Rabraka and others couldn't help being very excited, and responded quickly, patted their chests and replied that there was no problem.

So, just like that, Daming established bases in this Ceylon, on the plains in the four directions of east, west, south, and north.In each base area, there are about [-] soldiers left, and a beacon tower is built. In case of war, a beacon can be set off, and the cruise naval fleet can go to support it when they see it.

Of course, the two thousand or so Ming soldiers in each camp are actually enough to deal with the army of the Kingdom of Kandy.You know, as far as the Dutch or Portuguese colonists are concerned, their total number is less than [-], and the Kingdom of Kandy still cannot compete for the coastal area.

Thanks to the efforts of Rabraka and other indigenous residents, and with the explanations of their own experiences, the people at the bottom of the Kandy Kingdom were moved by the news and fled to the area controlled by the Ming army.

All of a sudden, the number of people at the bottom of the Kandy Kingdom decreased sharply, and in the end Rajsingh II had to set up checkpoints at various traffic arteries to intercept the lost population.

But even so, the middle- and lower-class poor people who got the news still tried their best to escape from the territory of the Kingdom of Kandy. Even tall mountains, bottomless valleys, and dangerous rainforests could not stop them from escaping. pace.

For this reason, Rajsingh II turned gray almost overnight, and was so worried that he was going crazy every day.I don't know how many people in the palace maids suffered because of this.

He couldn't understand very much, why did the Ming army adopt this method after they came to Ceylon?They traveled thousands of miles to Ceylon, really just to benefit those untouchables, not to squeeze and enslave them?
why why?
Rajsingh II couldn't figure it out, but it was actually easy to understand.Because he was only in Ceylon, and his eyes were only on the region of Ceylon.However, Emperor Chongzhen's vision was aimed at the whole world.It can be said that in this era, no one has the vision of Emperor Chongzhen.

Take South Asia as an example, Ceylon was just a springboard for Emperor Chongzhen to extend the power of Ming Dynasty to the Middle East and conquer the Middle East.Therefore, the best way to stabilize this springboard is to treat it as a territory directly under the Ming Dynasty, rather than a simple plundered colony.

With Ceylon serving as a naval base for transit, Ming's forces can calmly conquer the Middle East from the sea.Of course, Mumbai is also a point.However, at this time, Mumbai was not developed at all, and its population base did not have the points to become an important city in Ming Dynasty, far inferior to Ceylon.

And to achieve what Rajsingh II worried about, it would be impossible without a strong national power.After all, taxation for the people of Ceylon will not be available until five years later.Before that, it needed domestic support, at least material support from the Dongwu area.

Fortunately, after the Ming Navy took control of Ceylon, domestic merchants would soon come here to trade, at least cinnamon was very attractive to them.Collecting commercial taxes from them can also make up for part of the military expenses.

In addition, gemstones and other minerals in Ceylon belong to the imperial court.Excavating these can also be used for the military expenditure of the Ceylon Navy.

At this time, Rajsingh II missed the Portuguese very much.If God gave him another choice, he would definitely like the Portuguese to stay here, at least in that way, he could still play a few rounds back and forth.

However, facing the Ming army now, he has nothing to do, not to mention going out to fight, and strictly guarding the checkpoints is a bit powerless.Not only were the untouchables fleeing too much, but even the low-level soldiers in the army were also fleeing.

In this case, how to fight this battle?
You can't let those nobles fight, there are only a few of them!
Faced with this situation, Rajsinghe II was really desperate!In fact, it's not just him, but also the nobles under him.Because anyone can see this trick of the Ming army, and they will not be able to fight back at all.

Even if they change their strategy, treat those untouchables well, and give away their land and property to those untouchables, even if they are willing, how many hearts and minds can they retain?
No one is stupid. The Ming army is so powerful. Even if those untouchables are no longer lost, how can they resist the attack of the Ming army?
It's over, it's over, it's over.

Based on the despair of the future, some nobles among the indigenous people of Ceylon finally went crazy and started to do whatever they wanted, drinking and drinking, and letting go of all pleasures while they could still have fun.

The order in the Kingdom of Kandy also slowly collapsed in such an atmosphere.Many people can also speak out against those who once wanted to look up.Including their King Highness Rajsingh II, there are also sarcastic remarks, and even face-to-face sarcasm.

Faced with all this, Rajsingh II could no longer bear it.On this day, he summoned Avaka and gave him a decree.Ask him to communicate with the Ming army. He is willing to surrender to the Ming country, but he must guarantee his interests, otherwise he will die!
In this regard, Yan Yingyuan just sneered, directly expelled Awaka, and asked him to go back and tell Rajsinghe II that if Rajsinghe II did not want to die, he had to surrender unconditionally!

Then, he didn't care about the indigenous leaders in the mountains anymore, but was inspecting the entire plain area near the sea of ​​Ceylon. It can be said that the people of Ming Dynasty have the most experience in how to open up wasteland and farm along the river.Plan it, plant crops, stabilize Ceylon quickly, and he will be able to get out of Ceylon.

Yan Yingyuan didn't panic, but Rajsingh II panicked. He knew that if he didn't accept the conditions of the Ming army, he would have to die; either he could be as happy as his subordinates before dying; Only agree to the request of the Ming army and surrender unconditionally!
However, if it is an unconditional surrender, he is not a fool, knowing that the Ming army will never keep him in Ceylon, and it is impossible to give him power again.The best ending might be to be escorted to other places in the Ming Dynasty, and then get some property, and die as a rich man.

So for me, which ending is better?Rajsingh II thought so, very entangled.

However, what he never expected was that after the reply of the Ming army brought back by Awaka spread, some of his subordinates went completely insane.

In the royal city, no one expected that someone would set fire to have fun, and the fire would grow bigger and bigger, and there was a shortage of manpower to put out the fire, which eventually caused some people to be burned to death, and the rest were homeless with black heads and black faces!Only the royal palace was saved from catastrophe because it was built alone.

However, other people are not convinced, why should they be exposed to wind and rain, you can still hide in the palace and have fun.I don't know who will take the lead first, but everyone rushed to the palace.

Rajsingh II originally wanted to use his status and prestige to stop them and told them to stop.As a result, his appearance, on the contrary, aroused the madness of those subordinates, and the entire capital became even more chaotic.Even Rajsingh II himself couldn't escape, and he didn't know who was the first to throw a stone to the end, and was finally overwhelmed by the crowd.

As a result, a riot caused by a fire completely wiped out the Kingdom of Kandy!
On April 25, the [-]th year of Chongzhen, the news that the Kandy Kingdom had destroyed itself reached Yan Yingyuan, thus declaring that the entire Ceylon belonged to Ming Dynasty.

Therefore, while Yan Yingyuan sent troops to the mountainous area to search for those slave owners who escaped, he wrote a memorial to Emperor Chongzhen in the capital, and by the way, complimented the emperor on how wise and powerful his Ceylon strategy was, so that he did not spend much effort. After half a year, Ceylon was pacified.

In the memorial, he told Emperor Chongzhen that his center of gravity was going to lean towards Mumbai, and then to manage Mumbai, at least it would become a naval base, which could be supplemented by supplies.

At the same time as the memorial was issued, Yan Yingyuan ordered Li Dingguo, the commander-in-chief of Mumbai, to go to Mumbai first to handover with the Portuguese.He himself will go to Mumbai after inspecting the farming here.

The situation on his side, even before the memorial was issued, Emperor Chongzhen already knew about it.

In fact, Emperor Chongzhen had no worries about taking Ceylon.The focus of his attention is only domestic construction.However, this time has come to April, so next, there is still one big thing to be concerned about.

(End of this chapter)

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