Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 192 Sleepless One Night

Chapter 192 Sleepless Night

He thought about being a little annoyed, but before he could vent his anger, he heard hurried footsteps coming from the door, and then a voice said: "Mr. Factory, you're inside."

Factory owner?Yang Sichang was taken aback when he heard this, Cao Huachun?What is he here for?
Just when I was a little puzzled, I heard a "clang" sound from the door. Someone kicked it open, and the force was so strong that the bolt came off. I fell heavily into the door with a "pop" sound, and the cold wind followed. He poured it in, causing the lights in the room to sway.

With a "pop", Yang Sichang couldn't help being furious, he slapped the table and stood up, angry!

When had the residence of a dignified emperor, an assistant minister, and an important minister of the imperial court been treated so arrogantly?

What's the face?

However, before he had time to shout angrily, he saw a group of people rushing in with torches, immediately lighting up the inside of the house.The person at the head, Yang Sichang is very familiar with, is indeed Cao Huachun, the admiral of Dongchang.

At this time, he finally saw that Dongchang's fans were all inside and out, and suddenly, his anger disappeared, replaced by nervousness and anxiety.He didn't understand why Dongchang was so aggressive?
Looking at this posture, it looks like they are going to ransack the family and exterminate the whole family!
Cao Huachun obviously heard Yang Sichang's "pop" sound in the room. When he entered the room and saw Yang Sichang standing there, he couldn't help but reveal a sarcastic smile on his face and said: "Why, Yang Gebu's temper is still so bad. Could it be that he wants to Are you going to resist the decree and take action against our family?"

"..." Yang Sichang was so angry that he couldn't speak for a moment.

But seeing Cao Huachun's attitude, he knew he was in trouble.But anyway, he is from a family of officials and ministers, and one of the top officials of Ming Dynasty tried his best to stabilize his expression, and said with a little coldness: "It's so late at night, the factory owner came to Yang's house so aggressively, what should I do?" Could it be that someone has slandered and attacked this official?"

"Slander? Haha..." Cao Huachun couldn't help laughing out loud when he heard it. His voice was a bit feminine, which made people feel creepy.

Taking advantage of this time, Yang Sichang had already come to his senses, looked at the door panel that Cao Huachun stepped on, looked at the surrounding Dongchang fanzi who were staring at him, and heard the sound of chickens flying and dogs jumping outside. My heart kept sinking.

He knew that if it wasn't a serious crime, a crime that basically prevented him from getting over, Dongchang probably wouldn't have done this.

Yang Sichang was still thinking, but Cao Huachun had stopped laughing, his old face suddenly became more sinister, and he shouted sharply: "How dare you speak slander? Could it be that you recommended Chen Xinjia's conspiracy as a fake? Could it be that you and him Is it false to count Governor Lu and Governor Sun together?"

Recommending talents to the emperor is a joint responsibility.Chen Xinjia was convicted of treason, and Yang Sichang would have to pay for it.Not to mention other things, but just this one, it is not uncommon to be an accomplice who ransacked the family and exterminated the family.

Upon hearing this, Yang Sichang didn't even bother to think about whether Governor Lu was Lu Xiangsheng, and whether Governor Sun was Sun Chuanting, nor did he think about how the emperor knew that he had plotted against them. At this time, he was completely attracted by Cao Huachun's words. The information stunned me.

Chen Xinjia is a conspiracy?When is Chen Xinjia going to rebel?
Seeing the shocked look on Yang Sichang's face, Cao Huachun felt very happy.At the same time, he was also secretly afraid.Speaking of which, I used to get very close to them for the sake of money.Fortunately, the emperor took it out in advance because he was an old man in Qiandi, otherwise...

Thinking of this, Cao Huachun didn't dare to think about it anymore, looking at Yang Sichang who was dumbfounded, he immediately shouted: "Come on, take him to Dongchang Prison for a few days."

After saying that, he turned around and left.The unlucky guy Yang Sichang should stay as far away as possible to avoid any bad luck!
After walking out of the gate, he heard Yang Sichang shouting unwillingly, Cao Huachun ignored him, put his hands behind his back, and took a good look at the Yang Mansion.After all, it was the first time I visited the Yang Mansion under such circumstances.

At the same time, on another street in the capital, Liao Guolin, the censor, was at the mansion. At this time, he closed the door, and he and his wife were admiring Yan Zhenqing's authentic works in the study.

"Master, isn't it very chaotic outside!" His wife asked a little worriedly, "I heard that the Yongwei Battalion and that Hussar Battalion are dispatched!"

"Why do you care so much?" After hearing this, Liao Guolin fixed his eyes on Yan Zhenqing's original work, and said impatiently, "For outside matters, let them go! I said Madam, can you see it? It's really good. !"

After hearing this, his wife stopped worrying about external matters. She looked at the authentic work in front of her, nodded and said, "I look really good, Yan Zhenqing is indeed well-deserved!"

Unexpectedly, when Liao Guolin heard this, he couldn't help saying with disgust, "Why are you so vulgar?"

Hearing this, his wife couldn't help opening her mouth slightly, she was a little surprised, why is she so vulgar?What is wrong?

Seeing her like this, Liao Guolin couldn't help shaking his head, pouted and said: "Didn't you see it? This is a work in progress, maybe it can be upgraded to a higher level! After all, this is the authentic work of Yan Zhenqing, rich You can’t even buy it.”

Hearing this, his wife finally followed his brain circuit and nodded quickly.

"I gave all the money to the matter last time. It was clearly agreed, but there is still no news for so long." Liao Guolin said here, and said with a bit of hatred: "The group of things were short of money in the previous life. , Master, I gave so much money, and it’s still not safe!"

He naturally didn't know that the Ministry of Officials had actually handed over his list, but Emperor Chongzhen knew about the situation and stayed in it for the time being.

After Liao Guolin finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed again, showing a very proud look: "Actually, when I went to Liu Meicai's residence a few times last time, my master, I saw this authentic painting of Yan Zhenqing. It is worth a lot of money. This time, master, I had an idea. At that time, I rushed up with a stride, and picked up the authentic Yan Zhenqing's handwriting. It's changed, it feels like dead parents..."

While he was talking, suddenly, there was a noise outside, and then, there were hurried footsteps coming this way, and the words "Master, it's not good..." were heard faintly.

Mrs. Liao Guolin couldn't help being taken aback when she heard this movement.However, Liao Guolin subconsciously snatched Yan Zhenqing's original handwriting from his wife's hand, and quickly rolled it up, while looking for a place to hide it.

But before he finished scrolling to find a place to hide, the door of the room slammed open, and someone pushed it open, and then the person who broke into the room shouted in panic, "Master, Jin Yiwei is here, Jin Yiwei came to raid the house..."

Before he finished speaking, Liao Guolin looked past him and saw his back.I saw a group of majestic guards in Jinyi, holding torches in one hand and the handle of Xiuchun knife in the other, following in.

"Liao Guolin, you have committed a crime, go to Jinyiwei Prison!" The leader of the Jinyiwei officer shouted coldly, then waved his hand, regardless of their reaction, just like bringing a kitten and puppy, Just drag them away.

At this moment, Liao Guolin was still holding Yan Zhenqing's original work tightly in his hand, and shouted loudly: "Don't pull it, don't pull it, be careful. This is Yan Zhenqing's original work. It's all money. If it's torn, it won't be worth anything." !”

Not surprisingly, another imperial censor, Yang Zhiqi, who was on the same level as him, was also patronized by Dongchang fanzi, who ransacked his home and seized people.

Not only these two censors, but also the two yamen of the factory guards worked together, and there were five other censors' mansions.If it is said that for other officials, being arrested too much at once would delay the operation of the yamen, the censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate does not have to have such scruples.Because these censors are usually just playing lip service. As for the integrity of the supervisory officials, hehe, it doesn’t matter if they don’t talk about it, they are the guys who are happy with themselves, and others can make up for it at any time.

Of course, when the factory guards were inspecting the residences of many officials in the capital, the soldiers from the Five Cities Military and Horse Division, as well as the soldiers from the Beijing Camp, all left the barracks and blocked the city gates.The city gate cannot be opened unless the chief officials from both sides come together.Even if a bird flies over the city wall, it must be stamped by the chief officials on both sides.

The night of the third day of March in the 12th year of Chongzhen was destined to be a sleepless night for most people in the capital, or most officials.

The factory guard made such a big movement, it was hard not to know.In particular, even the mansion of Yang Sichang, a cabinet minister, was ransacked by the Dongchang fanzi.In addition, there are still so many censors who have been confiscated.All of a sudden, people panic!

No one is afraid of such a big fight. What if after a while, the factory guards also come to your residence?
The so-called people are not afraid of crooked shadows?This doesn't exist.Because the vast majority of people, hands and feet are not clean.When he didn't understand why the factory guards were so violent, they became even more suspicious.

This night, these people are destined to have no sleep!

At the same time, outside the city of Jinzhou, Huang Taiji was not asleep as he was building a big camp for the captives. He stood outside the tent of the Chinese army, frowned slightly as he looked at the city of Jinzhou, which was not much lit in the distance.

If possible, he really wanted to take down Jinzhou City.It's just that the Ming army has learned how to behave, and they have done a good job in city defense. If they want to take it head-on, I don't know how many people will die.And the population is the Achilles' heel of the Qing Dynasty, and Huang Taiji can't afford it.

Moreover, with the lessons learned from the Battle of Dalinghe that year, the Ming army also hoarded a large amount of military supplies in the city. It is basically unrealistic to take the city down by siege.Maybe, the supplies in the city have not been exhausted, and the Qing army has exhausted all the property.

Thinking of this, Huang Taiji couldn't help thinking of the troops sent to the pass.

Liaodong is bitterly cold and supplies are scarce, but it is impossible to feed so many people by relying on Liaodong.If the Qing Dynasty wants to continue to grow, both population and materials are indispensable.And these are all in the pass.Go once, grab once, and use the population and materials for yourself. As for gold, silver and jewelry, which cannot be eaten as food, and then trade with Shanxi merchants, you can get a lot of materials needed by the Qing Dynasty. There is no fear of famine or famine at all.

The first two times, when the Qing army entered the customs, they made a lot of money.This time, I decided to make more money. On the one hand, I can continue to accumulate the strength of the Qing Dynasty, and on the other hand, I can also help those thieves who cannot be supported by mud.

Thinking about it, it's true that even without a fight, the Ming army's poor combat power would have been suppressed by the Ming court.This time it will be more troublesome, and it should help those thieves more!

Thinking of this, Huang Taiji felt even more in his heart that this time he sent a [-] troops into the customs, and the leader he valued was Dorgon, who had always been prudent and reassuring.No matter what, the two purposes of this entry should be able to be accomplished well, right?

In this regard, he is actually sure.After all, the strongest Guan Ning army in the Ming Dynasty was dragged here by himself.According to the report from Tanma, both Shanhaiguan and Ningyuan are on the alert, and have never sent a single soldier to the pass.

Just as he was thinking this way, he suddenly saw movement outside the camp gate, and then someone came over here.

"Your Majesty, the messenger of General Fengtian has arrived." A royal guard in a yellow jacket came to report.

When Huang Taiji heard this, he couldn't help but perked up.A lot of supplies have been consumed around Jinzhou City these days. This really comes in time!
With that in mind, he decreed, "Broadcast."

Then, he said to another imperial guard: "It's a long night, why don't you come and listen to the good news. All the princes and princes Baylor will send it. Let's say that General Fengtian has news."

"Cha!" The personal guard flicked his sleeves and knelt down to receive the order, and then excitedly ran to convey Huang Taiji's oral order.

Indeed, as Huang Taiji said, after a long night and staying in this military camp for so many days, it was really boring.The leaders of Jianlu who heard the decree rushed to the camp of the Chinese army one by one, wanting to hear news from the pass.

No, when Dorgon's messenger first arrived at the Chinese army's tent, many Jianlu chiefs arrived.

In the tent of the Chinese army, Huang Taiji was still in the back tent, and the chiefs of the Jianlu had already started chatting among themselves.

"Say Azig, how much did you get back last time you entered the border? Will you be outdone by your brother this time?"

Azige and Dorgon are brothers of the same father and mother, but Azige is very unwilling to do this, he prefers to hug Huang Taiji's thigh.

Hearing this, he sneered and said: "If I brought an army of [-] people into the pass last time, the minority would have doubled. You don't know that wherever my Qing army went, Ming Gou just ran away. What a pity. Not enough people went there to bring back more good things."

"Hehe, let's blow!"

When Azige heard this, he became angry, and when he heard the sound, he saw that it was his other half-brother, Doduo who was so good with Dorgon that he could wear the same pair of trousers, so he snorted coldly and said: : "What am I bragging about? Minggou's combat power, what do I need to say? One hundred thousand Qing troops entered the pass, and they swept the Ming country. If Dorgon only brought back my last count, he would be a piece of shit !"

When Duoduo heard this, he was also angry, and when he was about to speak, he saw Huang Taiji come out from the back tent.

At this time, Daishan, who was the top four Baylor back then, had already retreated behind the scenes, the kind of semi-reclusive.

Mang Gurtai's impatience was taken advantage of by Huang Taiji, and his continuous running on made him lose control of his violent behavior, and he died suddenly after he was convicted.However, Huang Taiji did not stop there. After the death of Mang Gurtai, he was exposed for the crime of conspiracy, and he was pursued to be knighted.

Amin was plotted by Huang Taiji, stayed alone in the pass and fled back to Liaodong after being besieged by the Ming army. Therefore, he was convicted and defeated by Huang Taiji. In addition to the crime of losing the four cities in the pass, he also had different ambitions and sought self-reliance in North Korea. wait.The court discussed Amin's death penalty, and Huang Taiji changed it to confinement, leaving only the sixth house, the second garden house, and [-] servants, and the rest of the property belonged to Jierhalang.In the original history, he would die in captivity next year.

Only one of the four big Belles is left. As for the four little Belles, there is no way they can compete with Huang Taiji.What's more, there are three major Baylor examples in front of us.

That is to say, at this time, the situation of Huang Taiji's dominance has been formed. Even the emperor has been in office for several years, and his majesty has already been established.

To be honest, Huang Taiji was happy to see the discord between their brothers, so he didn't care what they said before and just ordered: "Send the messenger!"

So, everyone turned their heads to look outside the tent, watching Dorgon's messenger quickly step inside.They all expected in their hearts, how much will be gained when the [-] troops of the Qing Dynasty enter the pass?
(End of this chapter)

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