Chapter 193

Dorgon's messenger entered and found that there were so many people in the tent of the Chinese army, and they were all the most powerful princes and princes in the Qing Dynasty, Baylor. He couldn't help crying inwardly.

If this is the case, no matter what, he has to face it.

Therefore, he had no choice but to kneel down to salute, then put the letter box with both hands and said: "Your Majesty, please read the memorial of General Fengtian!"

Seeing the mailbox being forwarded to Huang Taiji, everyone's eyes were fixed on the messenger.Damn it, according to etiquette, don't you have to briefly explain the situation?What, dumb?

Seeing this situation, many people felt a little bit in their hearts. Could it be that something happened to Dorgon?Otherwise, the messenger will say something about the victory, right?
Doduo immediately became worried, especially when he saw Azig's sideways glance, his heart tightened even more, so he asked directly: "How is the result of the battle?"

Dorgon's messenger naturally recognized Dodo, and knew that their brothers were very close.

When asked at this time, he had to answer, so he said out of breath: "This time, Wu Aheng, the governor of Jiliao of the Ming Dynasty, was killed, Sun Chengzong and his family were killed, and the vassal king of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Youshu, the king of Germany, and the king of the county in Jinan Prefecture were captured alive." Zhu Ciying, General Zhu Cishang of the Fengguo, and Feng Xu, the eunuch of the army, took back 20 people and livestock, more than 70 taels of silver, and other materials..."

Listening to the messenger's words, the worry on Duoduo's face disappeared instantly.Think about it, when did the Qing Dynasty kill the governor of the Ming Dynasty?There is also that Sun Chengzong, who can be said to be the old opponent of the Qing Dynasty, and now he is exterminated, which is really happy.In addition, even the vassal princes of the Ming Dynasty were captured alive, which was something that had never happened in the Qing Dynasty.This time, Dorgon can be said to be a great victory, completely defeating Azig's time.

Thinking of this, he deliberately turned to Azig, raised his head, vented his nostrils at him, and looked contemptuous.

Other Jianlu leaders were also quite satisfied with Dorgon's results.After all, it created several firsts in the history of Jianlu.

Only Azig looked a bit ugly. Although it can be said that the number of people and animals looted was not much different from his, the other results were brilliant!Taken together, it is true that Dorgon's results are more brilliant.

In this way, the atmosphere in the Chinese military tent is good.Some of them even forgot that Huang Taiji was sitting there, and started to make comments.

"This time, they managed to capture the vassal king alive. The Ming army is really incompetent. Let's enter the pass later, and we should just capture the emperor of the Ming Kingdom!"

"Yes, just like our ancestors, they plundered the two emperors of the Song Dynasty, and there are countless concubines, tsk tsk!"


For a long time, Jianlu has always regarded himself as a future gold, but he didn't know that later generations would peel off their skins to prove that they were not post gold at all.

Emperor Taiji sat on it. When he first read Dorgon's memorial, his face was still smiling, but gradually, the smile on his face became less, and finally, his face was even gloomy, as if he was in a storm. The sky is the same as before.

Suddenly, a "pop" sound was heard, which immediately startled the people in the Chinese military tent. The Jianlu leaders who were talking immediately shut up, and with a trace of confusion and fear, turned their heads to look at the commander's seat. The Manchu emperor.

I saw that memorial was photographed on the table, and Huang Taiji had a fat face with a cold face, as if he was trying to suppress his anger.

When Azige saw it, his heart was overjoyed, his eyeballs moved, and he immediately said: "I don't know what made His Majesty so angry?"

Huang Taiji heard the sound and stared at him, which made Azig feel fear in his heart.

But he knew that the emperor was cruel and ruthless. If he hated him, don't look at the fact that he might laugh with you on the surface, but he would stab you with a knife in his hand at any time.

But what made him breathe a sigh of relief was that Huang Taiji didn't stare at him anymore, but glanced at the people in the Chinese army's tent, and shouted coldly: "Dorgon failed to live up to my wishes. A hundred thousand troops entered the customs, and they lost nearly 3!" People and horses. When did the Qing Dynasty have such a big loss!"

Upon hearing this, everyone was shocked immediately.Even Azig and Duoduo were no longer in the mood to joke with each other, and looked at Huang Taiji one after another.

These Jianlu leaders were all born in wars since they were young, and none of them were idiots who had never been on the battlefield.Therefore, each of them knew that nearly 3 horses were lost, which is a terrible number.Under normal circumstances, if the loss is close to [-]%, the morale of the army will collapse.

And Huang Taiji is obviously smarter than them, not only military, but also politics, people's livelihood and other things can be regarded as proficient.Therefore, he understood even more that this time Dorgon brought [-] Qing troops into the pass, but lost nearly [-]. What a negative impact this would have on the Qing!

For a long time, the Qing Dynasty has always won many battles against the Ming Dynasty, and it has maintained a huge advantage in terms of morale alone.The soldiers of the Qing army will be three points brave when they see the Ming army, while the Ming soldiers will be three points timid when they see the Qing soldiers; Functional.

But now, the Qing army that entered the pass was first annihilated by [-] infantry, and then ambushed by the Ming army. Not to mention losing half of the spoils, the troops also lost nearly [-] troops, and there are even soldiers like Turg. The high-ranking officials of the Qing Dynasty died in battle.These things are definitely a blow to the Qing army entering the customs.And for the Ming army who defeated the Qing army, it was a great encouragement. When they meet again in the future, that Ming army will be very difficult to deal with.

After the battle, Dorgon did not dare to hide it from Huang Taiji.So he knew it too.Because of this, he felt even more uneasy.

In that case, he is self-aware, even if he leads the army by himself, he is very likely to be fooled by the Ming army.Who would have known that the Ming army would be so valiant and fearless in fighting against the Qing army?Who would have known that the Ming army's elite were clearly following behind, so how could they suddenly ambush to the front?
From these things, Huang Taiji smelled something very different, something that worried him.He had a decision in his mind, and when he turned around, he must contact the Shanxi merchants to find out the key reason for the sudden change of the Ming army.In the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty, what new situation will appear?

Thinking this way, after a while, Huang Taiji also recovered.He glanced down, and suddenly the clouds cleared up again on his face, and he smiled and said: "However, most of the lost troops are coated slaves, and our main force in the Qing Dynasty did not suffer much loss. This time, General Fengtian led the army." Galloping freely in Daming Pass, even the vassal king was captured by me, hehe, not bad, good!"

Seeing this change in him, the people in the Zhongjun tent were unable to react for a while.

Is Dorgon's entry into customs good or bad?

They naturally didn't know that Huang Taiji was very, very dissatisfied with this entry, and had a very strong opinion of Dorgon.However, he couldn't show it like this, otherwise the morale of the Qing army would be severely damaged.Therefore, he made a decision to try his best to downplay the negative things of this entry, and talk more about the good things brought about by this entry.

This is a dumb loss, you can only eat it if you eat it, and you can't say anything.

As for the secret, Huang Taiji must be held accountable. In addition, the reason why the Ming army suddenly became brave must also be investigated.When you turn around and face the Ming army again, you must fight back hard.

Dorgon has already returned, so there is no need to stay here any longer.It is meaningless to continue to besiege Jinzhou City.

So, he sent an envoy overnight to explain the details to Dorgon.He believes that the people over there are also definitely unwilling to announce the defeat of the battle.Fortunately, the materials and population they looted back were quite large, at least there was something to talk about, and most of the losses were indeed coats and Mongols, and these were easy to replenish.Otherwise, it would be difficult to cover up.

The next day, Huang Taiji delivered an edict back to Shengjing, and at the same time spread the news that Dorgon captured the vassal of the Ming Dynasty alive and brought back nearly 3 people and animals throughout the army, but did not mention the nearly [-] people. Loss.

However, Huang Taiji didn't know that the Shanxi merchants he had placed high hopes on wanted to find out what happened to the Ming court through the Shanxi merchants, but it was impossible.Because Shanxi merchants can't protect themselves now!
The flapping of butterfly wings changed Dorgon's entry into the customs a lot.

For Jianlu, it was a bit of a good thing.At least in the original history, Yue Tuohui contracted smallpox during this entry and died in the pass.However, in this plane, he returned to Liaodong alive.

After daybreak, the Jianlu army set off, leaving a mess, and went back to Shengjing.But in the capital of the Ming Dynasty, the civil and military officials who had been worried all night finally slowly understood the reason why the factory guards made such a big commotion last night when they went to court.

"What? Censor Liu Meicai is suspected of treason? How is this possible?"

"What's impossible, he and those arrested treasonous grain merchants are all in the same group."

"But those grain merchants can't be conspiracy, right?"

"Then what if Yang Ge's department is also involved?"

"No way, Yang Ge's department? You said Yang Ge's department was also arrested, plotting rebellion?"

"Not only Yang Ge's department, but also many censors, all of them were arrested by the factory guards, ah, I don't know if the factory guards will arrest people?"

"This... isn't the emperor afraid of causing big trouble by arresting people like this?"


Discussions like this started out in a small area, and then slowly expanded to the entire yamen.Many people were very worried. They wondered why the emperor had gone crazy. He ransacked his home and arrested so many people, and most of them were censors.

As the saying goes, if the scholar fails to rebel for three years, the censor is actually just a mouth. If someone in the court rebels, it cannot be the censor no matter what, right?
Thinking about it like this, many people were worried that the emperor had lost his mind and acted like a fool.Then the question they are most concerned about is whether the emperor will continue to arrest people, and will he be caught next time?

For this reason, they went to the chief officials of their respective yamen one after another, wanting to have a clear explanation.

The head of the yamen was also worried, so he boldly searched for it level by level, and soon new news came back.It is said that the censors Liu Meicai, Liao Guolin, Yang Zhiqi and the cabinet minister Yang Sichang were suspected of treason, while the other censors were only found out and corrupted the law.

Logically speaking, those who were seized and ransacked their homes were not all guilty of treason, which shows that the emperor has a distinction, and they should not be out of their minds. They should be more at ease.But in fact, on the contrary, they didn't expect the emperor to be arrested because those censors were corrupt and perverted the law, so they were even more worried.

In this world, who hasn't done something wrong?Will the emperor still catch himself when he turns around?After all, before last night, everything seemed to be fine, and suddenly it was caught!

All of a sudden, all the yamen of the imperial court were basically not in the mood to work, worried, and sighed among each other.

At noon, taking advantage of the gap between meals, the gathered officials began to discuss.

"It's not an option to continue like this. The Emperor can't just say who is who and arrest whoever he wants, right?"

"Then what can be done? It's not to let the yamen of the criminal department arrest people. Otherwise, the yamen of the criminal department can find reasons to resist the order, or the six divisions can reject the order. Now this time, it is the factory guard who is arresting people. It is said that, They didn't even have a driving ticket, so they arrested people directly."

"Your majesty is not following the rules. This... the world is governed by the emperor and us scholar-bureaucrats. Could it be... Is the emperor going to be a tyrant regardless of his care?"

"No, we can't let the emperor mess around like this. As ministers, we must advise the emperor and do our duty as ministers!"

"Yes, we must do something, but we must not let the emperor's infamy last forever!"


In this way, they slowly reached a consensus. Although it was impossible to oppose the emperor openly, they naturally had their means.

Some courtiers began to write letters, inquiring about the movement of the factory guards, and demanding the release of evidence, otherwise such a large-scale arrest would surely cause panic in the capital.

Some courtiers began to ask for leave for various reasons, or they had headaches, or backaches. Anyway, they just found a reason to ask for sick leave, and they all dispersed and went home.Your emperor will do it arbitrarily, that's fine, you can do everything yourself.

If only one or two officials do this, it will be waves in the sea, and there will be no waves at all.However, if there are more officials on strike, the matter will become serious.Especially now, after the war, when everything is waiting to be done and refugees are crying out for food, once the court falls into a strike crisis, it will inevitably trigger a series of adverse reactions.

Generally speaking, doing this kind of thing will definitely leave a bad impression on the emperor.However, these officials are now in danger, and they are worried that they will be arrested by the factory guards because they have done those corrupt and perverted things.Compared with such consequences, what is pretending to be sick and going home?Besides, everyone is like this, the law does not blame the public, if you are the emperor, can you arrest everyone?
Even those who are waiting for promotion or becoming an official in the capital often engage in bribery.If only a few people were arrested for other reasons, then these people probably would not have any scruples. Instead, they would applaud and free up their official positions.

But now that the emperor has arrested so many people at once and ransacked their homes, these people dare not join in at this time.Otherwise, believe it or not, someone will expose the bribery matter immediately. Will your emperor arrest such a person?
If they are arrested, there will still be no one on duty, and the yamen will still be paralyzed.If we don't catch them, why can they do this but others can't?Your emperor has lost the reason to arrest people, so there is a problem!
By the next day, more and more Ming officials in the capital went on strike, which had already begun to affect the operation of the yamen.

Of course, in terms of public opinion, these officials will not be so stupid, showing them the same corruption and breaking the law, saying that you can't deal with this, the emperor; The case raises various questions.

Grain merchants rebelled?Is this possible?
Censor rebellion?This is a joke, right?
An important minister like Yang Gebu rebelled?No one would believe him even as a power minister, right?
They questioned this kind of question with confidence, because they felt that the emperor arrested these grain merchants and officials for the crime of treason, how could it be possible to convince the people of the world?As long as you grasp this point, people all over the world will definitely have doubts, even if you are an emperor, you will definitely not be able to bear it under such great pressure!

Emperor, you want to be willful, right? Just wait and see!In this world, the emperor is no longer able to do whatever he wants!
In this regard, Emperor Chongzhen had learned of these things at the first time.In fact, he had already expected this.

 Asking for a subscription, asking for a reward, now there is a return of the reward, and I failed to return 24%, but the return of 12% is more than most authors, right?
(End of this chapter)

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