Chapter 191
Emperor Chongzhen personally stepped down from the throne, came to the front of the screen, stood facing the three of Lu Hongsun, and said to them: "What I said to Qing and others before, that there are hundreds of millions of silver, refers to this matter. Now Qing and others Do you think that this money can be copied or not?”

In fact, when Emperor Chongzhen clarified these things about Shanxi merchants and captives, the three of them had already remembered what the emperor said before that there were hundreds of millions of silver that could be obtained through house raids.At this time, when the emperor mentioned it again, the three of them played in unison: "It is not an exaggeration for such traitors to steal their families and exterminate their families!"

Emperor Chongzhen gave a rare smile when he heard this, and then turned to look at the others, including the eunuchs and the general soldiers, and said to all of them: "Now we want to cut off the left and right arms of Liaodong Jianlu, and dig out the cancer on Daming's body. I can't believe it, but you are the ones I trust the most. I can only entrust this matter to you, how about it?"

Hearing this, everyone present felt excited in their hearts. They all showed serious expressions and bowed to receive the order.

Emperor Chongzhen nodded, although his face was still serious, but his tone softened a bit, and he began to issue an order: "Lu Qing was the governor of Xuanda, and he is familiar with Jin. This time, Qing will lead the troops to arrest him. Those eight Shanxi merchants, and those civil servants and military generals who colluded with Shanxi merchants."

"Observe the decree!" Lu Xiangsheng immediately bowed to receive the decree without saying a word.

"Hong Qing!"

"The humble minister is here!" Hong Chengchou guessed something in his mind, and hurriedly said.

Emperor Chongzhen looked at him and said: "Qing is the new governor of Xuanda, and the crown prince Shaobao. After arresting the Shanxi merchants, Qing and others immediately stabilized the situation in Jin, not allowing thieves to wreak havoc, but also preventing foreign enemies from invading. Your responsibility is heavy, but I have confidence in Qing, can you do it well?"

Compared with the other two, Hong Chengchou is considered a long-sleeved and good dancer in the officialdom, so he has a better reputation in the officialdom, and he has also led troops to fight all year round, and he is skilled in both civil and military affairs.Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen arranged for him to wipe his ass.

"My humble minister will never fail His Majesty!" Hong Chengchou immediately took the order, his words were full of confidence.

Although it is considered to be to wipe the ass, those who have problems will be promoted by Lu Xiang, and more importantly, they can get enough support from the emperor. Over the years of official career.

Emperor Chongzhen nodded, then turned his head to look at those general soldiers, and began to roll his name again: "The four general soldiers of the Yongwei Battalion, and the two general soldiers of the Hussar Battalion, will follow Lu Qing to the Jin territory, and the Panshi Camp will guard the capital!"

"General, I obey your orders!" Upon hearing this, the six generals shouted in response, their voices loud and powerful.

Emperor Chongzhen then turned his head and looked back at Lu Xiangsheng and said: "Trade captives and betray the country and destroy the foundation of our Ming Dynasty. I will never tolerate it. Just as I said before, the crime of treason will be dealt with as an example. Money will be more important in the future." , or the life of the entire clan is more important."

Lu Xiangsheng had no objection to this, and immediately bowed to receive the order.

From the beginning to the end, the troops under the control of the Royal Horse Supervisor were mobilized, but there was no issue with Wang Chengen, the eunuch who was in charge of the Royal Horse Supervisor. He just watched in stunned silence.

Emperor Chongzhen then turned his head to look at Cao Huachun and Li Ruolian and said, "Dongchang and Jinyiwei will also mobilize their elites to follow the army and seize as much property as possible hidden by the treasoners, you know?"

"The last general obeys the order!" Li Ruolian immediately replied after hearing this.

Cao Huachun's forehead was slightly sweaty, and he was busy expressing his loyalty: "The slaves must send the most experienced staff over there, and they must pry their mouths open!"

Emperor Chongzhen nodded, turning a blind eye to the sweat on his forehead.Turning around and walking to the map, he pointed his fingers and said: "These red circles are where the eight major Shanxi merchants are currently hoarding supplies, especially Zhangjiakou, which is the most important thing. They have already concentrated most of the supplies It’s here. There are still about ten days left before all of them can be transported and they’re about to leave customs.”

"Nowadays, the imperial court is in urgent need of food, and millions of mouths are waiting for food to save their lives. There is a lot of waste to be done, and there is a shortage of money. Not only do the three major battalions need money to replace the equipment, but also the military salaries of the frontier troops in various places need to be reissued, and the victims of the disaster need relief. , Water conservancy needs to be built. Therefore, your mission to Jindi this time is actually very heavy. Not only do you have to catch those convicts, but you also have to ensure that these materials are seized, and they cannot be allowed to damage the materials."

"Your Majesty, don't worry. I know the seriousness of the matter and will never let them destroy the supplies." After hearing this, Lu Xiangsheng immediately nodded solemnly and echoed.

Emperor Chongzhen was relieved of him, turned around, walked back to the seat of honor and sat down, and then said to them: "You have to leave the city immediately and rush to Shanxi. As soon as you leave, the capital will be under martial law to prevent leaks. Along the way, you also Keep it secret!"

Obviously, the emperor had thought about it thoroughly.Lu Xiangsheng thought so, and agreed again.

Then, after discussing the details, Lu Xiangsheng and Hong Chengchou went to rectify the Yongwei Battalion and Hussar Battalion.Among them, Cao Huachun and Li Ruolian also hurried back to their respective yamen, and dispatched some Dongchang fans and Jin Yiwei to the barracks.

As soon as they arrived, Lu Xiangsheng and Hong Chengchou led the army out of the barracks immediately, left the capital and rushed to Shanxi.For ordinary soldiers, and even other generals in the army, they did not disclose any information, only saying that they were doing things according to orders.What to do, only these few people who are discussing before the imperial court know.

They naturally didn't know that Lu Xiangsheng, Hong Chengchou and the six generals were all secretly "rewarded" with an eavesdropping seed by Emperor Chongzhen, and they had three grades, A, B, and C.It's also thanks to Chen Xinjia who came all the way here by himself, just in time to recover the Grade A wiretapping seeds on him, otherwise, there would be only one wiretapping seed missing.

Although I can trust these civil servants and generals, and I have the army to monitor the army, but I still have the eavesdropping seeds in my hands, so if I don’t use them, it will be useless!They were rewarded. In addition to the fact that the C-level eavesdropping seeds could not feedback information in a timely manner, for Shanxi, the A-level and B-level eavesdropping seeds were able to send back information immediately, making it easier for them to understand the situation!
Emperor Chongzhen thought in his heart, he was on the side of the barracks, watching the army leave, and then he said to Sun Chuanting who stayed behind: "Sun Qing is temporarily in charge of the general army of the Beijing camp, and together with Bo Chengyi, I will look after the Beijing camp for me. Shock Xiaoxiao."

He was relieved of Liu Kongzhao's loyalty.However, I don't know much about his ability to command troops, so I'm still a little worried.With Sun Chuanting, a man who is used to fighting, watching, he can rest assured.

Of course, as for the Forbidden City, it was Wang Chengen who led the remaining Panshi Camp to watch.With this internal and external guarantee, Emperor Chongzhen was confident that not many bad things would happen in his next actions.

By the time he returned to the palace, it was almost evening.However, Emperor Chongzhen was not idle yet, and immediately issued an order to Cao Huachun and Li Ruolian, asking them to lead their men to arrest people.

Earlier, when the troops under Yumajian left the city, there were many Jinyiwei and Dongchang fanzi accompanying them. Naturally, it was impossible to hide the truth from the people and officials of the capital with such a large scale. For a while, they were all very curious. .

"What is this for? Could it be that Jianlu entered the customs again?"

"This is impossible. Jianlu just left the customs, how can he enter the customs!"

"Then why did you send out the emperor's powerful army? Could it be that the bandits are making trouble again, and even making trouble in the capital?"

"That's not necessarily the case. Maybe there are people who have nothing to eat and can't survive to rebel?"

"But didn't the emperor just allocate some food? Impossible!"


Ordinary people really can't guess what the emperor's powerful team is going out of the city in the afternoon.They were curious and discussed, but they couldn't figure it out.Even court officials are a little confused.

Liu Meicai replied that in his house, after hearing the servant's gossip, he was also puzzled, but he didn't care about it.The army is dispatched, so you can do whatever you want, and it's not the factory guards who are acting!
If only the factory guards were dispatched, he would definitely be worried, as he said to his steward now: "It must be a big deal that requires the dispatch of the army, otherwise, the factory guards alone will be enough."

"My lord is wise, it must be because of a rebellion somewhere in Gyeonggi." The housekeeper actually thinks this way.After finishing speaking, the master had nothing to say, so he withdrew.

After Liu Meicai heard the news, she was obviously in a good mood, so she asked the maidservant to beat her shoulders, while she closed her eyes and meditated.

"It's such a mess. It's definitely a big deal to dispatch the army." He thought in his heart, "In this way, I don't have to spend extra thoughts on myself, and just divert my attention. It's a pity, I don't know what it is. What kind of trouble happened. Otherwise, you will know how much the trouble has affected the court situation!"

"Hehe, even the factory guards have been mobilized a lot. In this way, there will be fewer factory guards on the capital's side, and there will be less trouble. The investigation of treason has been going on before, and it is likely to be interrupted because of this incident. , will it be nothing?"

Guessing in her heart, Liu Meicai felt that it was very possible.Anyway, there have always been many things that can make the emperor anxious. I don't believe that the emperor will not be chaotic. As before, as long as things drag on for a long time, there will be changes.

"Come on, take out the old Shanxi wine that my master has treasured, and I want to have a good drink, sir." Liu Meicai thought happily, and felt that the pressure on her body was much less, so she opened her eyes and ordered loudly.

Upon hearing this, the beautiful servant girl who thumped her shoulders quickly agreed, and hurried out to order.The people around him are not blind, the master is happy, maybe there will be rewards, the master is rich and has always been very generous.

After going to the Yamen tomorrow, I have to inquire carefully. It is best to find out what happened. In this way, there may be a better opportunity to expand the influence.Liu Meicai was thinking in his heart, when he suddenly heard a loud noise coming from outside, which interrupted his happy thoughts, and immediately became a little unhappy, and immediately shouted out: "What's the noise, what's the matter?" Decent? Didn't I teach you the rules, sir? Is it itchy?"

After saying this, the noisy voices got closer, and the servants could be heard screaming in horror, as if they were screaming when they saw a flood of beasts.Immediately, this surprised Liu Meicai.What is it that makes you panic like this?
Thinking of this, he stood up and walked out quickly to have a look.

However, when he just arrived at the door, the sound of chaotic footsteps had already reached the door, and then, he heard a "clang" sound, and the door was kicked open forcefully.

"Ah!" With a scream, Liu Meicai happened to bump into the kicked-in door. Suddenly, her nose almost collapsed. She couldn't stand even though her nose was bleeding. She took a few steps back with "clang". , With a "slap", he sat on the ground with his buttocks. Fortunately, his hands subconsciously pressed the ground, so he didn't fall into the sky like a turtle.

Feeling the sharp pain coming from the nose, the eyes are a little blurred.But he could feel that many people broke into the door.Suddenly, he flew into a rage, and when he was about to lose his temper, his eyes finally focused and he saw the people who came in clearly.

A very eye-catching and handsome clothes, just look at it, you don't need to ask, you know who these people are!

When Liu Meicai saw clearly that it was Jin Yiwei who entered, seeing how arrogant they were, it hit him like a bolt from the blue, it's over!
Jin Yiwei broke in like this, what else could it be, he was not stupid, he knew that he was going to go to prison.As soon as the hand softened, the person lay down on the ground, and finally completed the upturned turtle shape.

"Come on, Liu Meicai's treason has happened, according to the order, ransack the house and exterminate the family!"

Hearing this, Liu Mei was in despair. Where did your factory guards get so restless? Didn't many of them leave the city with the emperor?Why are you still holding on to treason?
Regardless of whether he thinks it through or not, Jin Yiwei will not wait for him, and directly grabs him and drags him away.The other guards in Jinyi were also arresting people and ransacking their homes.All of a sudden, his mansion was filled with excitement.

At the same time, a few streets away, on the street where the Duke and General lived, there was also a brigade of Dongchang fans holding torches and driving past.This formation made everyone who saw it on the road run away in fright.

What's going on today, just now the emperor's powerful force was dispatched, and the factory guards came out on such a large scale, it seems that something big has happened!
Sure enough, as they expected, after they followed up curiously, they found that these Dongchang fans went directly to the residence of the cabinet minister Yang Sichang.After reaching the door, they didn't even knock on the door, they just kicked the door and walked in. Teams of Dongchang fans all rushed into Yang's mansion.At the gate and even along the fence, there are Dongchang fanzi guarding.

This movement surrounded Yang's mansion completely, and even a group of Dongchang fans entered Yang's mansion. Needless to say, it seems to be the rhythm of ransacking the house and arresting people?
Seeing this situation, some people hurriedly ran to tell their masters, and some people watched the excitement with their eyes wide open, wanting to confirm whether they were ransacking their homes and arresting people.

In the Yang Mansion, all kinds of noises were heard very quickly, the light of the torches lit up in every corner, as if someone broke into the chicken coop, and the sound of chickens flying and dogs jumping was very obvious.

Being so rude, it is obvious that Yang Sichang, the assistant minister of the cabinet, has definitely committed a serious crime, otherwise, he would not be given any dignity at all!

At this time, Yang Sichang was in the study, wondering why the emperor's powerful team suddenly left the city.Suddenly hearing the chaos in the house, I was a little surprised. What is going on outside?
(End of this chapter)

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