The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 796 The Mystery of Wakanda

Chapter 796 The Mystery of Wakanda

Everyone else is paying attention to the S.H.I.E.L.D.'s investigation of Wakanda. Only King T'Chaka stared at the blacked-out name of the deceased, and his memory couldn't help but go back to that night 22 years ago: the younger brother Ni who failed to fight for the throne. Job, as a spy, was sent to the United States in California.

Nejob was in the so-called developed countries, but what he saw was the brutal persecution and discrimination of Africans everywhere, which made him quite angry. With his extraordinary skills and outstanding abilities, he soon gathered a large number of blacks around him.

After many failed efforts to peacefully fight for rights and interests, Nejob wanted to use radical means to let those white-skinned pigs who thought they were noble see how powerful black people are, so he began to run around actively, contacting his companions, buying weapons, and even at the expense of fighting with You. Lysis Crow collaborated to repeatedly steal Wakanda's vibranium to fund his violent operations.

But on the eve of the action, T'Chaka came to his door and severely criticized his actions that would bring unimaginable consequences to Wakanda and the black people. Violence will only bring greater violence, and harm will only cause more severe persecution.

Nicjob has no regrets, instead, he accused Wakanda of being cold-blooded even more loudly. He obviously has advanced technology and strong strength, but he sat by and watched the African-Americans being persecuted wantonly, and even scolded their ancestors, regardless of hundreds of years The black slave trade, even said that 'every black person killed by white people, when the soul curses those white people, it should also curse Wakanda'.

The quarrel between the two people was inextricable, and there was no possibility of reconciliation due to the large differences of opinion, which made T'Chaka, who had just sat on the throne not long ago, extremely annoyed. Nejob was completely challenging the majesty of the king, and even ignored Wakanda He refused to go back to Wakanda with T'Chaka to stand trial, and insisted on launching an attack to lead the black people to resist tyranny.

At the end of this farce, T'Challa returned to Wakanda with Zuri, a spy who was lurking beside Nejob, and the dead Nejobu was abandoned in the room
When T'Chaka lost his mind, Stark had turned off the holographic projection, making these confidential information disappear, but the waves in T'Chaka's heart have not subsided for a long time. In their eyes, if this is the case, wouldn't the poverty they play outside be the same as wearing a monkey crown, making people laugh.

Seeing the shock of the two father and son, Stark couldn't help showing a smile on his face. SHIELD did investigate Wakanda, but it was not that early, and the information he had was not so much. The useful information may be a piece of The paper is not full.

But they didn't know, so Stark unceremoniously dumped the blame on S.H.I.E.L.D. Anyway, Alexander Pierce is now in power, let them pinch each other, not to mention there is Nick Fury in the middle, this The guy's ability to hide intelligence is excellent, and Alexander Pierce probably didn't get much top-secret information from Nick Fury.

T'Chaka sighed imperceptibly, stood up, adjusted his clothes, and said with a low expression: "Mr. Stark, let's talk about this first today. Regarding trade, we have to go through Wakanda Discussions in the Presbyterian Council, you know, it takes a long time for the Council to decide on something."

"I know their efficiency." Stark also stood up, shook hands with T'Chaka, and then politely sent the two father and son downstairs, all the way to the gate, and returned to the building after the two father and son boarded the car and left .

Banner, who stayed upstairs, reopened Stark's closed holographic projection with a shocked face, carefully read the encrypted file, took a few glances, and shouted: "Jarvis, can you remove the blacking?"

"Yes, Dr. Banner."

Jarvis replied politely, and the blacking on the information disappeared in an instant, obviously Banner also knew Stark very well.

The information after blacking out and disappearing details the process of the UFO incident. The name of the deceased in the apartment is Nejob, who received a high-end education, and his son Eric Stevens was sent to an orphanage .

According to the government system, this kid was admitted to MIT and graduated as a graduate student. Instead of choosing a high-paying job, he joined the army and applied to be stationed abroad. He also joined the Navy Seals because of his outstanding performance.

According to information from the Pentagon, Eric Stevens made a lot of contributions in the Afghan battlefield, but he was very bloodthirsty, and was eventually transferred from Afghanistan because of this. However, after being promoted, Eric Stevens chose to After leaving the army, he has disappeared so far. According to intelligence, he may have become a mercenary, but the specific information is unknown.

After reading these materials, Banner still looked puzzled, turned his head to Greer who was reading the magic book, and asked, "Do you know this?"


"So these guys are all from Wakanda?"

"That's right, Wakanda has sent people all over the world, you can also talk about spies. Through these people, they can learn about the changes in various countries, and they don't collect sensitive military and political information, so the concealment is extremely high. I'm afraid even God The SHIELD hasn't found a single Wakanda spy."

Because of too little information, even the S.H.I.E.L.D. under the leadership of Nick Fury did not get much information about Wakanda, and may not have even entered the city covered by the protective shield, let alone the city Vibration gold mine.

But it must have sent agents to infiltrate Wakanda, from the tribes outside the shield, the hall and the real situation about Wakanda, such as the guardian of Wakanda, the Black Panther, this is definitely a well-known thing for Wakanda , with the legend or something, you can roughly understand the Black Panther.

After watching the video of Wakanda's high-tech city again, Banner asked rather incomprehensibly: "Why do they close the city and not contact the outside world?"

"Because they are afraid of the outside world." Stark's voice came from the elevator, and he and Rhodes had sent off the Black Panther and his son.

"Fear? Why?" Banner felt as if he was listening to a very ridiculous joke. When humans were still fighting World War I and World War II, Wakanda had already produced a protective shield, and humans have not been able to produce the same product until now. It is really incomprehensible to say that such a high-tech Wakanda is afraid of the outside world.

"Only those who are afraid of the wind and rain outside and unwilling to go through hardships and obstacles will choose to stay at home. It has nothing to do with strength." Stark said some very philosophical words.

"I can't understand." Dr. Banner shook his head, quite incomprehensible about Wakanda's closed-door policy. This isolationism is even clearer than Ming.

Greer somewhat understands the reason why T'Chaka and his son want to abandon tradition and open up Wakanda. History is like a mirror, telling everyone clearly that the development of any country that pursues strict isolationism will be weakened or even destroyed. Stagnated and regressed, until it was bombarded by strong ships and switched cards, it was shocking that it had already fallen behind the world.

The Black Panther father and son obviously realized that the technology in the outside world is developing rapidly, but Wakanda is still complacent, and will be surpassed one day. , It will also become the spoils of others, so I want to open Wakanda.

Whenever a country that is used to being closed suddenly wants to open up, the difficulty is unimaginably high. Trying to persuade those stubborn old people who hold heavy fists but are extremely conservative is no less than letting the stone bloom. If you don’t believe me, go back and tell your grandparents Talk about artificial intelligence, and talk to your parents about unmarriageism.

Greer closed the magic book in his hand, looked up at Stark who was walking towards the bar, and asked, "Do you want Wakanda and S.H.I.E.L.D. to fight each other?"

Otherwise, why throw the pot to S.H.I.E.L.D.? It is estimated that the next step is to reveal to S.H.I.E.L.D. that Wakanda has a lot of vibration gold. For Alexander Pierce, who urgently needs to deal with the Avengers, it must be very tempting.

"Alexander Pierce needs opponents, many, many opponents." Stark walked to the bar and poured himself a glass of wine, dangling it in his hand, and said: "Jarvis has announced the insight plan to the world, he Should be busy with questions from Congress and the White House right now."

"It's ruthless." Greer gave Stark a thumbs up, which definitely hit the seven-headed snake. They have been doing it for so long because they want to use the space carrier to kill tens of millions of people. , to complete the ambition to rule the world.

But now the seeds of doubt are planted. It is estimated that the whole world will oppose SHIELD's space carrier plan. Grams were given to 'National Security'.

Stark sipped the wine in his glass and said, "This is just a soup, the side dishes and the main course haven't been served yet."

"I'm guessing whether Hydra has placed people in the armies, parliaments, and government departments of various countries, as well as bases around the world, and has profited from provoking wars over the years."

Greer's words surprised Banner and Rhodes. They knew that Hydra penetrated widely, but they didn't expect Hydra's hands to stretch so long.

"When will we attack Hydra?" Rhode couldn't help asking. As a soldier, he really couldn't bear such earth cancers and human abscesses, and he was still alive and kicking.

Stark and Greer looked at Rhodes with surprised eyes almost at the same time, and Rhodes looked at him inexplicably, and said, "Where did I say something wrong?"

"How to deal with Hydra? Get into the Trident headquarters?" Stark pointed at Rhodes while holding the wine.

"Man, the Avengers Alliance is just a non-governmental organization that can deal with extraterrestrial invasions, but neither federal laws nor international conventions give us law enforcement powers. In what name are we going to deal with Hydra?"

"That's right, it's been 70 years since World War II. Even if the White House declares Hydra to be a terrorist organization, we, a non-government organization, can't rush in and kill everyone."

"There are so many court summonses between me and Dr. Banner that a book can be published."

Greer and Stark sang together, and Rhodes was speechless, realizing that this is the Avengers, not the Air Force, let alone killing Hydra agents, even beating others, they must be punished according to the law Of course, that is the case, the rich have 1 ways to escape punishment, otherwise they would not stay and refuse to fix legal loopholes.

Banner on the side also chimed in, saying: "So what we can do is to quietly release the news about Hydra, let everyone shout and beat Hydra, and wait for the White House or the World Security Council to grant the Avengers Alliance to wipe out Hydra. power."

"." Rhode was silent for a few seconds before saying, "I hate politics."

"But I can't live without it." Stark added, drank the wine in the glass, turned and walked towards the laboratory: "Bruce, it's time for us to start working."

"Sigh." Bruce Banner, who likes to experiment the most, sighed, obviously expressing his helplessness for the work that Stark said.

Greer started flipping through the magic book in his hand again, and Rhodes transferred to the steel suit simulation cabin to improve his combat ability.

The Avengers base regained its calm for a while, but the laboratory on the second floor was in full swing. Test tubes were repeatedly put into instruments one by one, and the collected data were displayed on the holographic projections in all directions. Tucker handles them by category: some are directly thrown into the recycle bin, some are put into folders, and some are hung up for reference at any time.
During his busy schedule, Banner did not forget to communicate with Stark: "It's unbelievable that Zhenjin can fuse with human cells. The Wakanda people who have lived in Zhenjin District all year round have the same appearance, but their internal tissues and organs have been damaged. had a huge impact.”

"So we want to find out the effect of vibrating gold on the human body," Stark stared at the screen and said without looking back: "There is a plant in Wakanda called Heart-shaped Grass, which can greatly enhance the vitality of the user. Speed, strength, agility, endurance."

"Sounds like a super soldier serum."

"Perhaps Dr. Erkins' super-soldier serum has not been able to replicate successfully because of the lack of heart-shaped grass."

"Are you serious?" Dr. Banner put down the test tube in his hand, turned his head, and looked at Stark through his glasses.

"I have to ask Dr. Erkins, what kind of material is missing in his super soldier serum? No one has successfully copied it for 70 years."

Dr. Banner frowned and thought for a while, then turned his head to pay attention to the experimental data, shook his head, and said, "Probably not, the heart-shaped grass slice you brought back does not have a strong enhancement effect on human cells, I think it The function is to activate the vibrating gold ions in the human body of Wakanda.

Look at this, in the blood samples of Wakanda people with different distances from the Zhenjin mine, the content of Zhenjin ions varies greatly, and there is a phenomenon of food chain transmission of Zhenjin ions, from soil, plants to animals, and then back to them through microorganisms soil.

Unbelievably, Wakanda's vibranium has formed a closed ecological environment, so they closed the country, and they don't want outsiders to enter Wakanda, and they don't want their tribe to leave. "

"Maybe." Stark doesn't care much about what strategy Wanaka implements to prevent the loss of vibrating gold. He just wants to know how the heart-shaped grass activates the vibrating gold ions in Wakanda's human body, thereby multiplying the human body. physical fitness.

(End of this chapter)

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