Chapter 797

In the sky of Huashengdun, there are layers of heavy clouds like lead blocks, which can be said to block out the sky. Although it is noon, it is a scene of black clouds overwhelming the city.The ground below was also extremely dark, causing passers-by on the street to wrap their clothes tightly and walk through the busy street in a hurry.

In the Trident headquarters, Alexander Pierce was in a worse mood than this weather. For three hours, he was sprayed by the World Security Council, the White House and the Congress for three hours, asking him to explain why the top-secret "Insight Project" would be leaked so thoroughly.

The panoramic model of the space carrier, the detailed data, the types and quantities of the weapons it carries, were all placed on the top, so detailed that the design drawings that could fill several rooms were also exposed.

If it’s just like this, it’s fine. Anyway, the fleet that fought against the dark elves last time has been exposed, and many people know the existence of the space carrier. But this time, there are also supporting satellites for the insight plan, including orbits and communication frequencies. , equipped equipment and other top-secret information were all put on the Internet.

The information that can only be understood by the tenth-level agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. is now full of information on the Internet. Browse at will, and this is not the end. What made Alexander Pierce feel panic and flustered was that he also exposed the 'Zola Algorithm', And gave a detailed introduction to the Zola algorithm:

The insight satellite uses triangulation to provide coordinates for the space carrier. The Zola algorithm screens out the 'damn' people through big data, and then the electromagnetic acceleration machine gun on the space carrier kills them instantly, which is efficient, concealed and fast.

As for who the 'damn' is?
The exposed information only said people who were a threat to national security, so the polar bear was fried, and then the rabbit was not calm, and then the Gallic chicken who was regarded as a shit-stirring stick by the US emperor was also a little scared, and those who were with the US The countries with extremely bad relations with the emperor are also upset, cooperating with you to deploy the space carrier is trying to mess with us.

Those who don’t know the Insight Plan are busy asking what the Insight Plan is, those who know the Insight Plan are understanding what the Zola Algorithm is, and the senior leaders of Hydra who know the Insight Plan and the Zola Algorithm are dumbfounded. They haven’t done it yet. Why? The world knows what they are going to do?
Telecom exchanges between high-level officials in various countries suddenly became intensive. They were all asking the heads of friendly countries whether the information on the Internet was true.

In the end, the four hooligans asked the US emperor together, what exactly does your space carrier want to do?Didn't it say it was used to fight terrorists?Why suddenly there is a Zola algorithm?And the inspectors they sent to S.H.I.E.L.D., why didn't they report this?Is S.H.I.E.L.D. hiding Zola's algorithm, or is something wrong with the Overseers?

Alexander Pierce is really under great pressure now. It took a lot of hard work and a lot of time to send the World Security Council to inspectors in various departments of S.H.I.E.L.D. Most of them were replaced by their people, or bribed to let them close Mouth.

But now that this problem is exposed, once the existence of the Zola algorithm is confirmed, it is equivalent to telling the World Security Council that there is a problem with their supervisors, and a major investigation will definitely be carried out next. This is definitely the biggest problem of Hydra. crisis.

You must know that there are a large number of Hydra's elite agents gathered in the current Trident headquarters, and this kind of replacement is almost forced to advance with his highest authority, and many of them do not conform to the procedures. It's troublesome.

No, there will definitely be trouble.

There are already a lot of information about S.H.I.E.L.D. on the Internet, and he must have more confidential information in his hands. The current information is likely to attract an investigation by the World Security Council. After the investigation begins, will he release enough information? What about the confidential information that Hydra exposed undoubtedly?
At that time, decades of lurking will be destroyed, Hydra will face the attention and blows of the whole world, let alone rule the world, I am afraid it will be difficult to protect itself.You know, the biggest reason why Hydra can survive until now is that it has obtained a lot of resources under the coat of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Even if he can barely cope with this past investigation, that person will stop making trouble, and don't even think about launching the space carrier quietly, and the launched insight satellites will have to adjust their orbits, etc. The loss is immeasurable.

This made Alexander Pierce not only face external pressure, but also internal accountability of Hydra. Why did so much information that is not conducive to Hydra be exposed one after another?Isn't S.H.I.E.L.D. the largest intelligence organization in the world?
President Ellis even sternly pointed out that S.H.I.E.L.D. must come up with countermeasures as soon as possible, and conduct strict internal screening to find leakers and a series of issues.

He has been answering the phone calls of heads of state for several hours, explaining to them that the information on the Internet is all slander, the war criminal Zola was executed as early as the end of World War II, and Zola's algorithm is simply nonsense
President Ellis is quite self-restraint, if replaced by the old Huangmao, he would probably start scolding directly, his twitter is not so hot, you guys are lucky, making such a big mess, compared to the mirror door, you are not too shy, and Isn't it always said that S.H.I.E.L.D. is the world's largest intelligence organization?Why can't I keep my secrets.

Faced with doubts and accountability from many parties, Alexander Pierce did not hesitate to throw the blame on the former director Nick Fury, saying that the former director suffered a sudden accident, which resulted in a large amount of S.H.I.E.L.D. confidential information not being handed over at all, so Zola What the algorithm is, he doesn't know, it may be in the hands of the dead Nick Fury.

And both inside and outside the words imply that after Nick Fury died, his confidant agents, including Agent Hill, Romanov, Coulson and many other elites, disappeared one after another, and have not been contacted or found. its trace.

And a few days ago, Steve Rogers, the greatest soldier in history, Captain America, also disconnected after leaving the Trident headquarters on a motorcycle, and the phone and text messages were not available.

He almost said that he suspected that Nick Fury was not dead, or that he had given the confidential information to his confidantes, hidden it, and wanted to engage in some conspiracy. By the way, he dissed a wave of Avengers, claiming that SHIELD found Tony Star Ke secretly built a factory in Puerto Rico, but S.H.I.E.L.D. sent people to look at it, only to find that the warehouse, which was originally full of goods, was emptied urgently that night, and it was not there. It is very likely that they joined forces to plan a conspiracy.

In short, Stark is trying his best to hate Hydra on the Internet, and Hydra is dissing the Avengers in Congress, the White House, and the World Security Council. Do everything you can to kill the opponent.

Alexander Pierce, who had just finished the meeting, sat wearily on a soft chair, closed his eyes and prepared to rest for a while, but the email notification sounded again, and it turned out to be from the intelligence department, saying that Tony Stark had summoned several The Avengers, hosted kings and princes from Wakanda at the Avengers Mansion.

Not only did a small press conference be held, but he also stayed in the Avengers Building for almost an hour before Stark sent the Wakanda guests away.

The complete security system of the Avengers Building prevents agents from entering the Avengers area on the upper floors to listen to intelligence, so it is not clear what was said.

"Wakanda?" Alexander Pierce was startled, and he woke up instantly. He hurriedly operated the screen on his desk and called up the information about Wakanda.Most people only know that this is a poor and backward agricultural country, and only a very small number of high-level officials know that all the vibrations in the world come from Wakanda.

The weight is only one-third of the steel of the same volume, but the hardness is many times that of steel, and because the molecules are relatively static and absorb kinetic energy, the defense of vibration metal is almost indestructible, and it has become the leader of the big country and the rich. Excellent protection device.

And it was Howard Stark who started all this. He accidentally obtained some vibration gold more than 70 years ago, made a shield, and gave it to Captain America, the greatest soldier in history, so that his shield became famous all over the world. .

"What do they want to do?" Alexander Pierce couldn't sit still, stood up and paced the room, using his aging brain, trying to think about what Stark and Wakanda were going to talk about?
Howard Stark was the first person to discover and use vibrating gold, but no one knows how he got those vibrating gold and how he forged a shield. Since then, decades No one could get similar metals. Until more than 20 years ago, vibrating gold dealers appeared on the black market, and the price went up all the way, reaching [-] US dollars per gram, and the supply was still in short supply.

Wakanda has been isolated from the world since it was discovered. Even joining the United Nations is a matter of the 21st century, and it refuses any international assistance, that is, it does not allow outsiders to enter Wakanda. no reply.

Therefore, even if it is SHIELD, there is very little information about Wakanda. Alexander Pierce asked the intelligent AI to search, but only found a folder.

"open a file."

"Access denied." The intelligent AI made a pleasant female voice, but these words made Alexander Pierce frown. Being denied access to this document meant that he did not have permission to decrypt it.

"Leapfrog authorization, Alexander Goodwin Pierce!" Alexander Pierce said, walked to the screen to verify the pupil, and wanted to rewrite the viewing authority of this document.

"Authorization failed, all files are sealed." The voice of the intelligent AI was still so pleasant, but it made Alexander Pierce's face turn pale, and he immediately checked who made the level, and how could he, the person with the highest authority, not be able to view the secrets document.

"Nicholas J. Fury!" The intelligent AI gave a familiar name, but Alexander Pierce was shocked. He had obviously deleted Nick Fury's permissions, and it stands to reason that it was specially encrypted by Nick Fury Only the corresponding reading level will be kept for the files, and there is no need for personal verification. Why are there files encrypted by Nick Fury?
Alexander Pierce suddenly felt a little flustered, and hurriedly retrieved all the files in the file vault that were specially encrypted by Nick Fury, and opened them one by one, but what he got in return was "access denied, decryption failed, authorization failed" again and again.

The voice of the intelligent AI is still so pleasant, but it can reach Alexander Pierce's ears, but it is like a demon raving, making his heartbeat and blood pressure rise. Nicholas J. Fury under these unopenable files, It seemed to be laughing at him, thinking that everything was in his hands, but it was actually a joke.

So much confidential information cannot be accessed. It is important to know that all of these specially encrypted information are priceless, and even the intelligence that the agents use their lives to pass on is immeasurable.

Old and frail, and emotionally agitated, Alexander Pierce felt a little dizzy. He quickly supported the table, took a deep breath, and did not look at the archived materials. He closed his eyes and said, "Go to the technical department."

He wants to gather people to thoroughly check the network system of S.H.I.E.L.D. to see how many confidential materials hidden by Nick Fury are still there. He must find a way to delete Nick Fury's encryption authority and open these confidential materials. besides.
In short, this is a huge project that will take a long time, but what is urgent now is to find out why Wakanda visited the Avengers, and contact Wakanda's open speech at the United Nations. Is it possible? Do you want to reform and open up and need funds, so you want to sell Zhenjin in exchange for development funds?

In any case, it is necessary to find out what is related to the Avengers. Therefore, after Alexander Pierce I calmed down, he notified the intelligence department and sent special agents to carry out this task to find out what was tricky about it.

Soon, the S.H.I.E.L.D. Operations Department hub assigned this task to the special agent team in Twist, and began to investigate the Wakanda visitor. It was just that this special agent team did not have much experience, so it didn’t take long to start the investigation. Kanda's spy organization found out, and then urgently notified the Black Panther and his son.

This is on someone else's territory. For safety, the Black Panther father and son left overnight. If it were changed to Wakanda, the Black Panther would have appeared long ago to deal with the people who sneaked in.

So Alexander Pierce gave the order in the afternoon, and at night he learned that the king and prince of Wakanda had left, and their agents had just sneaked into the hotel where they lived, which was equivalent to ending before it even started.

The bad news didn't end there, because the Hydra agents lurking in Coulson's place hadn't been heard for a long time. In addition to the recent series of bad news, Alexander Pierce risked exposure and sent someone to check, only to find out The base was empty, and there was only a lot of messy debris left. Coulson took people out of there at some point.

This was simply a bolt from the blue, which made Alexander Pierce's eyes go black for a while. There is no need to doubt it. It is certain that Coulson has inherited Nick Fury's secrets. The information released on the Internet is likely to be done by Coulson. Ghost, otherwise how would you know so much about S.H.I.E.L.D.?
(End of this chapter)

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