The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 795 Avengers Version 6-Party Talks

Chapter 795 Avengers Version Six-Party Talks
In front of the gate on the first floor of the Avengers Building, Stark led a group of people to warmly welcome T'Chaka, T'Challa and his son from Wakanda. When I was in the United Nations, no one cared about it, it was like a sky and an earth.

It can be imagined with a duodenum that these reporters are all here for Tony Stark and the Avengers, otherwise who would be interested in interviewing the head of a poor agricultural country. .

Sure enough, after the photo session ended.The first female reporter who was 'flipped' by Stark asked impatiently: "Mr. Stark, was the Avengers convened and formed by S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

Stark wore sunglasses, pointed upwards with a smile, and said, "If the Avengers were a government agency, then I would have to collect rent."

The crowd let out good-natured laughter. In Manhattan, where every inch of land is expensive, several floors are used as the base of the Avengers. One year’s rent alone is money that the middle class can’t earn in ten lifetimes. They also use American humor to answer this question. question.

The next question was about S.H.I.E.L.D. In fact, in the past few days, there have been too many news about S.H.I.E.L.D., so that the melon eaters not only had enough, but almost vomited.

"May I ask Colonel Rhodes, you defeated the assassin who assassinated the president. Is he really Sergeant Bucky Barnes, Captain Rogers' comrade-in-arms in World War II? Was he appointed by SHIELD? Why is he still alive?"

A series of questions were asked by Rhodes, who had been a guest speaker of the Air Force stationed in the Middle East, with a confused face, as if he couldn't understand the reporter's English.

Stark immediately took up the conversation and replied: "This should be asked of S.H.I.E.L.D. The Avengers still don't know the true identity of the assassin. After War Machine defeated the assassin, he was taken away by the White House guards. What we know is no better than There are many of you."

"If S.H.I.E.L.D. is doing the assassination, will the Avengers get involved?"

"It depends on whether the White House needs the Avengers. We will always fight for peace. No matter who wants to destroy the peace, the Avengers will not hesitate to fight with them." Stark said righteously, with the same momentum as Captain America like.

A group of reporters circled around Stark, and the Black Panther and his son were about to squeeze out. No one wanted to interview them, and they all scrambled to get some eye-popping news from Stark.

T'Challa kept stepping back while protecting his elderly father, and he didn't look very well at Stark. What did he want to gather a group of reporters for?Are they intentionally made to appear neglected?Or show off the Avengers?
"It's too reckless." T'Challa heard his father's extremely soft voice, and was slightly taken aback, then heard his father say again: "It's too big a problem for them to act without permission."

As a king, I absolutely can't stand disobedient and uncontrolled guys. If there is a strong force, then you need to be more vigilant, and find a way to control or eradicate them, otherwise big trouble will be caused sooner or later.

The so-called butt determines the head, sitting on the throne, it is naturally impossible to have the same interests as those at the bottom, and it is natural to speak for the ruling class to maintain its detached position, so Stark's words sounded quite interesting to T'Chaka The meaning of 'big rebellion'.

The 'short' press conference is finally coming to an end. Stark seemed to have just seen the Black Panther and his son, and said: "This time the king and prince of Wakanda are visiting. Provide humanitarian aid to address poverty and disease in Africa."

Only then did the flashlights of the reporters pat the Black Panthers and their sons. Those reporters who were unfortunately not "flipped" by Stark raised their hands to ask T'Chaka with a mentality of talking better than nothing: "Excuse me, the king, are you in the United Nations?" The conference is saying that Wakanda seeks to open up, is it necessary to reach an investment agreement with Stark Industries here?"

"No, this is just a friendly visit. The Avengers are famous all over the world. I also want to see the Avengers." T'Chaka immediately denied the possibility of discussing investment with Stark Industries.

"Oh!" The reporter nodded and wrote on the small notebook in his hand: Wakanda came to Stark Industries to get food or financial assistance. This is the first time Wakanda wants external assistance. A crisis may have broken out in the country.
Welcome to the end of the press conference. A group of people surrounded the Black Panther and his son and entered the Avengers Building, while the reporter was blocked by Harper and the security guards. After leaving the reporter's sight, the welcoming crowd dispersed. Follow the corridors, elevators, and stairs back to your post.

The hall that was bustling just now became deserted after a while, only the Black Panther and his son, Stark, Rhodes, and the security director Happy were left. Even the well-informed King T'Chaka was slightly stunned Get off, and Stark didn't lead the Wakanda people around the building, he went directly to his special elevator, and went straight to the Avengers area on the top floor.

During this process, Stark had no enthusiasm and smile in front of the reporter. He silently led the people into the elevator, silently pressed the elevator button, and then stood there with his head slightly lowered, as if lost in thought.

Such behavior made Black Panther and his son frown, but worried Happy and Rhodes. Stark's behavior was a bit weird, and it could even be called abnormal.

He suddenly received the head of state of an extremely poor and small country, and conducted a lot of interviews with reporters. After the interviews, he brought people in and ignored them. Once or twice.

The luxuriously decorated elevator goes up in this weird atmosphere, but it takes only 20 seconds to reach the top floor. After stopping, the elevator door slowly opens, revealing a living room that is large enough to play tennis, and a crooked of a teenager half lying on the couch.

On the contrary, there was a grey-haired fat man standing next to him, well-dressed and with a kind smile on his face, he looked like a harmless and honest person, and gave a very good first impression.

Greer heard the sound, looked up and saw that Stark and the others had returned, so he closed the magic book, put it aside, put his feet on the ground, and sat up straight. Then everyone sat down and started the serious six-party talks .

It was said that there were six people, but basically only Stark and T'Chaka spoke. The others were either absent-minded, or listening carefully, or kept sneaking around, or didn't know what to say.

For the big man, the opening chapter must be a bit of nonsense to set off the atmosphere, so the front is basically all kinds of nonsense, and the listeners are drowsy, but the two old foxes just don't talk about the topic.

I know why you're here, and you know I know why you're here, but I'm just pretending I don't know what you're here for.

You come and I go, all of them are from the diving team, and the competition is to see who can lose their temper first.

Rhodes had already bowed his head and counted his fingernails, Banner was also simulating the experiment process in his mind, Greer picked up the dictionary-like book and continued to read, T'Challa checked his watch from time to time, it was almost half an hour here Yes, it's useless to talk about it.

Finally, when Stark began to talk about the capital of cooking with King T'Chaka, T'Challa finally couldn't help but said, "Why don't you say something else?"

Stark immediately shifted his target and asked, "What do you want to talk about?"

"You know I want to" T'Challa asked and was interrupted by King T'Chaka sharply: "T'Challa."

"I don't know how to read minds, so how do I know what you want to say?" Stark smiled again, leaned back on the sofa, and said, "Maybe I should find a toy for the little prince to play with. I won't be so impatient, but my plane is not for sale, what do you want?"

Hearing Stark's words of 'provocation' two days earlier, T'Challa's face turned livid, and he stared at Stark fiercely, saying, "You stole our vibration gold."

"Your vibration gold? Isn't Wakanda herding sheep and farming? When did you switch to mining vibration gold mines?"

Having said all this, there is no need to beat around the bush. King T'Chaka reached out to stop T'Challa's angry words, and said with a solemn face: "Wakanda has indeed been for thousands of years. Saved some vibranium, but it was stolen by the thief Ulysses Crow 22 years ago, so Wakanda is so poor."

T'Chaka stopped before finishing his last saving words, unable to utter the rest of the words, his muddy eyes widened, and he looked at the holographic projection that suddenly appeared in front of him in disbelief: a huge In the mountains, tunnels surround the mountain wall and go down into the deep cave. Inside are countless automated instruments, which excavate the ore, put it into special containers, and then transport it out of the mine pit by rail car.
Everything is highly automated. From mining to packing to shipping out, there is no one person in the whole process. This automated mining system is enough to make all the miners in the world unemployed.

Rhodes and Banner couldn't figure it out, but the Black Panther father and son were so shocked that they almost burst their hearts. This is Wakanda's top-secret vibration gold mine. After the theft by Ulysses Crow, It was strictly guarded by the army and automated equipment, and no one was allowed to approach it. Even the excavated vibrating gold was no longer transported into the urban area, but placed in a place known to the Black Panther royal family.

But the holographic projection in front of them told them that the means of secrecy that they thought was foolproof was simply doing useless work. Stark already knew the location of the mine, the mining process and even the half-section inside the mine. The so-called top secret was simply a joke.

Greer looked up. Stark really knew how to enter Wakanda and found the location of the vibrating gold mine. Could it be that the last time the Black Panther came out to capture Ulysses Crow, He discovered the position of entering and exiting the protective cover?
T'Chaka took a deep breath, suppressed the uneasiness and anger in his heart, and finally looked at the famous Iron Man squarely, and said in a deep voice, "What do you want?"

"Establish trade, and exchange what you need for what I need." Stark finally "figured out the dagger", and stated the purpose of this favorable situation that he had worked so hard to achieve: Zhenjin, with almost two hundred kilograms of gold in his hand Zhenjin was not enough to satisfy his appetite, he wanted more.

"Wakanda will never be threatened." T'Challa almost took the case, did you really think that this thing could make Wakanda succumb?Absolutely impossible; do you think the battle of the previous two days is all about Wakanda?He also underestimated Wakanda too much, did he think that there is an Avenger Alliance who can do whatever he wants?
"No, it's not a threat, but cooperation." Stark pointed at T'Challa, who was filled with righteous indignation, and turned to T'Chaka, whose face changed slightly, and said, "You said at the United Nations that Wakanda is seeking openness and cooperation. , but except for a few people, everyone else thinks that Wakanda is just a poor and backward agricultural country.

No one would invest there, and even if there were, it would be a gesture of almsgiving. Of course, you have money, many companies have your shares, and there are spies all over the world, so you don’t need outsiders to invest.”

Stark's words were like a depth bomb, setting off turbulent waves. T'Challa, who was still filled with righteous indignation just now, almost popped out of his eyes. T'Chaka's expression was not much better than his. Enough of the gold mines, I didn't expect this guy to know PRIDE, Wakanda's spy agency. Where did he know about it?

Banner and Rhodes were already dumbfounded, and the way they looked at the Black Panther and his son changed. Why are there still people pretending to be sick pigs and eating whales these days?A backward agricultural country has become extremely developed and wealthy in an instant. Vibration gold, which is a hundred times more precious than gold, is measured in tons, and there is also a spy agency comparable to the CIA, which directly shatters the world view.

T'Chaka took a deep breath, grabbed his son's arm, pulled him back, sat beside him, and said in a deep voice, "Where did you know this?"

"It's just that you think it's hidden. S.H.I.E.L.D. started investigating you 22 years ago." Stark said and tapped the phone screen, converting the holographic projection among the six into more than one-third of a page The blacked-out material records a homicide in 1992:
The deceased was a black man at the time. According to investigations, he bought a lot of weapons and contacted some blacks in an attempt to launch an attack against an organization that discriminates against blacks. However, he died at home on the eve of the attack. There was also an accomplice Disappeared, the police made a hasty investigation, and closed the case with infighting.

But because a child witnessed a UFO that night, S.H.I.E.L.D. took over the case and conducted a detailed and in-depth investigation. It turned out that there was a problem with the identity of this person, and then it was blacked out, and the others could no longer be seen. .

The key points were all blacked out. Stark explained that it was SHIELD's level encryption system, and he was unwilling to read the materials at different levels. For the time being, he only unlocked so many. The rest will take time, but there is no guarantee. Can you untie it.

But judging from the available information, S.H.I.E.L.D. may have noticed Wakanda since then, but how did they use a dead body to lock this person as a Wakanda?It's a bit confusing, obviously the key information is still in these blacked out parts.

Banner and Rhodes have been completely reshaped. They can't imagine how much power S.H.I.E.L.D. has. Since then, they have noticed this poor country. The information should have been stolen from S.H.I.E.L.D.

(End of this chapter)

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