Chapter 776

The sun was setting slowly, the moon was rising little by little, the sea breeze blowing from the Atlantic Ocean, carrying a unique fishy smell, swept across San Juan, and most of the scenic spots fell into silence.

This castle close to the devil's guard post was deserted earlier than other scenic spots. The locals were unwilling to approach the devil's guard post during the day, and even more so in the dark night. (As) dangerous (dead) home', no one would want to visit a dark and gloomy castle at night.

Therefore, drones do not need to fly high to avoid tourists, they can fly on the sea surface, travel between the fortress in the sea and the submarine in the sea, and transport the mechanical equipment for communication, excavation and reinforcement of tunnels, all of which Stark let Jarvis overnight manufactured.

If not just in case, the drone will turn off the optical stealth function, which consumes a lot of energy, to save energy and increase the continuous working time of the drone, so as to complete the transportation of materials and equipment as soon as possible, so as to start digging tunnels work.

It took a full three hours for the high-power laser beam to excavate the drill bit before digging a tunnel with a diameter of two meters and a depth of more than 100 meters. The reason why it took so long is that more than half of the time was spent on strengthening the tunnel.

Outside the fortress is the vast and boundless Atlantic Ocean. The soil and rock formations here have been soaked by sea water for an unknown period of time. If there is a place that communicates with the sea, the collapse of the tunnel will be small. If the underground city is flooded, the fun will be great. .

Therefore, every time a certain distance is excavated, the metal sleeve and related components of the reinforced tunnel must be transported down by the drone, stretched out, supported by the rock wall of the tunnel and nested with each other to complete the sealing work to prevent the penetration of seawater or tunnel collapse.

When the tunnel extended to a depth of [-] meters, the hard-working UAV suddenly lost its signal in the tunnel without any sign, which stunned Stark, who had been doing experiments but always paying attention to the progress. Greer's yesterday The 'prophecy' has come true, and the underground city does have some means to shield the signal.

For this reason, the excavation work had to be interrupted, and a relay station was built in the tunnel with a cable, so that the signal of the drone was restored and the work continued, but the progress was delayed for a long time, and it was not completed until the moon was high in the sky. A tunnel more than [-] meters deep.

The unmanned aerial vehicle group that completed the transportation and installation tasks of materials and equipment returned to the miniature submarine. The miniature submarine began to dive, turned around and headed towards the direction it came from, and disappeared into the deep sea. It will cross a range of two to three thousand kilometers and return to New Zealand. Avengers base, waiting for the next mission.

At this time, the fortress became like a warehouse, full of various mechanical equipment and instruments. In order to prevent risky (dead) homes from approaching, Greer deliberately welded the iron gate of the sentry tower, and To the open space between the sentry tower and the castle, a large amount of seawater was poured into the water system circle, making it extremely muddy and difficult to walk on.

In the fortress, Daisy set up a satellite signal transceiver device to enhance the signal from the Stark industrial communication satellite, so as to prevent the submarine from returning and interrupting the communication with Stark.

The traction rack wrapped with a 150-meter-long special fiber rope is placed above the tunnel, and it is made of the same material as Spiderman's spider silk. Its diameter is only four millimeters, but it can carry hundreds of tons of weight.

Holding the searchlight, Greer connected the half-length safety belt to the rope, dragged the rope with one hand and slowly lowered, supporting the metal cylinder of the tunnel, and four small lights were evenly distributed every two meters to illuminate it. This long tunnel, which stretches all the way down before returning to darkness, looks like a big mouth, waiting for the arrival of food.

"I'm going down." Greer checked the earphones, nodded to Daisy, and then started the traction machine, allowing the wire rope to fall at a speed of one meter per second. At the edge of the tunnel, Greer looked worriedly at the slowly falling Greer.

Stark, who was far away in Manhattan, also put down his analysis of alien metals, raised his head, and looked at the holographic projection in front of him. Greer's figure was gradually shrinking, and finally turned into a point that was almost indistinguishable to the naked eye.

Greer tapped his feet lightly on the dusty slate, and the searchlight in his hand emitted a dazzling light, dispelling the surrounding darkness and illuminating the place where he was: a vaulted hall with an area of ​​[-] square meters meters or so.

The light beam swept around, and the walls he saw were all full of rock texture. Although they were covered with dust, they could vaguely see lines and circles engraved on them, which reminded Greer of the rune law of Asgard. It's just that the rune circles on Asgard's buildings are not as dense as here.

Could it be that the rune technology in this dungeon was more advanced than Asgard back then, or this room is just an example and does not represent all places?

In an instant, many thoughts turned in Greer's mind, and he couldn't help frowning, and began to think about why there was a rune circle that was very similar to Asgard.

A batch of bundled instruments and equipment slowly fell from the tunnel behind them, and they were hoisted down by ropes. Greer hurried over to untie the portable signal relay station, moved it to the side, and plugged in the cables hanging from the top of the tunnel.

The indicator light came on, and then Daisy's voice came out of the headset: "Greel, did you hear that?"

"I heard it, it seems that it only affects the wireless signal." Greer said, opened the backpack, took out a few palm-sized fluorescent lamps made of flexible materials, and flicked them up, the fine barbs firmly Grab the stone ceiling and emit soft light to brighten the room.

Immediately afterwards, five or six quadrotor aircraft with a diameter of less than ten centimeters flew down from the tunnel, spread out, and the instruments mounted on them began to scan the [-]-square-meter room, and transmitted to the ground through the communication relay station that had just been turned on. Satellites sent to Stark Industries eventually reach Stark Laboratories as far away as Manhattan.

Stark completely put down the experiment in his hand, looked at the picture sent back by the drone, and asked, "Is there no door?"

The drone has already scanned a circle, and there are stone slabs all over, up, down, left, right, front, back, and nothing like a door or window can be found, but the ground penetrating radar clearly shows that the back is empty.

Greer walked around the room holding a searchlight, carefully observing the rune circle on the wall, and heard Stark's inquiry, guessing: "Maybe it is an automatic door?"

"Automatic doors?" Daisy, who was hanging equipment and instruments from the ground in batches, felt very novel. This building made of stones has automatic doors?Why not say that the thatched cottage is equipped with a luxurious home theater and KTV.

"Our automatic door is driven by a chip and electricity, and this uses a rune circle, the line is 1, and the circle is 0." Greer said to himself, walking around the wall with a flashlight, Carefully observe the rune circle on the wall.

When it comes time to use books, Greer has always read magic books written in various ancient languages. He has mastered a large number of ancient languages ​​that have long since disappeared, but he really doesn't know much about the rune circle.

Industry specializing in surgery.

Magic is magic, and rune circles are rune circles. It's like programmers are not the same as repairing computers. It can't be generalized. It's easy to understand rune circles as circuit boards. A certain circle is open, a certain The first line is off, and complex instructions are completed through the switch.

After searching for a long time, Greer finally found an order that seemed to be 'open the door'. The reason for the apparent resemblance was that the rune circles on these walls were quite different from Kama Taj's rune circles, so he hesitated. After a few seconds, Greer still tried to activate the command rune with magic power.

The unpretentious gray notch suddenly lit up with a clear blue light, spreading along the interconnected lines at an extremely fast speed. Wherever it passed, there were lines of different lengths and dots of different sizes. The circles all lit up.

"Uh..." Greer was taken aback, looking at the bright stone wall in front of him, he couldn't help but took two steps back, but the blue brilliance had already spread to his feet, and in an instant, all the stone slabs inscribed with the rune circle in this room were all lit. Bright, as if in a sea of ​​light.

The sudden change made all three people stunned for a moment, and then Daisy yelled: "Greer, leave quickly."

She was only halfway through, and Stark's voice also sounded on the communication channel: "Get out of there."

"Don't worry, it's okay. This is a normal phenomenon when the rune circle is activated." Greer said, turned off the flashlight, and threw it back. The small flashlight rolled a few times in the air and landed on the floor precisely. in the backpack.

There was a slight sound of rubbing, and the seamless stone wall cracked, and then slowly opened, revealing a corridor, and there were lights on the 'stone walls' on both sides of the corridor, like wall lamps, illuminating the corridor. A corridor of more than 20 meters long.

Three drones floated over, and the camera was aimed at this corridor. Stark said in great surprise: "Is the power plant in this city still operating?"

According to the preliminary exploration of the equipment carried by the drone, the stone wall has a history of at least 5000 years. What kind of power source can stand by for such a long time and can operate normally to provide energy supply.

"What did you do?" Daisy wanted to know what Greer did just now, not only opened the door, but also lit up the corridor outside.

"I just tried to see if the rune circle could be activated." Greer was also a little surprised. He just wanted to open the door. Why did he seem to activate a lot of things? The power system, lighting system, etc. were all working, so the automatic door opened. The rooms and corridors are also lit up.

While speaking, those miniature multicopters specially used in narrow spaces flew into this corridor, and began to scan the corridor and the situation behind the rough stone wall, a structural map compiled from a large amount of data.

There are houses on both sides of this corridor, just like a human residential building. The residents share a corridor, and there are holes at both ends of the corridor that look like elevators leading up and down.

According to the images taken by the drone, rune circles are engraved everywhere in the corridors. In this way, this room is not an exception, but a common phenomenon. They are all runes, and their eyes are full of magic circles.

The drone flew into the 'elevator shaft' and began to descend, wanting to see the situation on other floors, but after falling more than ten meters, it suddenly lost the signal again.

Greer witnessed the sudden loss of control of the drone, rolling and falling, and said: "It seems that we are going to build a lot of relay stations."

Stark nodded. According to Jarvis's calculations, this dungeon has strong signal interference. The straight-line distance is 50 meters, and every other wall will be reduced by ten meters. That is to say, the drone can penetrate at most The four walls work. In this way, if you want to explore this dungeon, you need to build hundreds or thousands of optical signal relay stations, and each relay station needs a line connection.

Such a huge amount of transportation must be kept strictly confidential, and it cannot be completed in a day or two, so it is necessary to find a place other than the sentry tower to re-dig wells, and then carry out large-scale material transportation.

With a decision in mind, Stark said: "Okay, Greer, you come up first, and the rest of the work is handed over to Jarvis. Keep the lines and ground signal receivers, backfill the shaft, and eliminate the ground traces."

Stark chattered about the ending of the follow-up. The exploration of the dungeon was more difficult than imagined, and the preparation work that needed to be done was far beyond their imagination. Since it is a rune city, we must first figure out the runes, otherwise It is very likely that it will be difficult to move an inch, and even lead to extremely serious consequences.

To find out why the signal has such a serious attenuation, only by solving this can we start the exploration work as soon as possible, and buy a piece of land near the port or airport for digging tunnels and transporting materials, etc.

There are many things to do, but Stark is willing to invest everything in exploration and research. Thinking about cities and power sources that can last for thousands of years, just need to study these two achievements thoroughly, it is enough to shock the world, not to mention a world different from The temptation of human civilization is too great.

Once the results of the research are achieved, it is equivalent to opening the Rune Era. Just thinking about engraving some magic circles on the stone slabs can make the building last for thousands of years, and even turn it into automatic doors and lights. It is definitely a heterogeneous technology that changes the world and human life style. .

Greer pulled the rope, and under the action of the traction machine, he returned to the ground. Along the way, the components supporting the tunnel shrank one after another, and then fell down, falling into that room. Greer used earth magic, Backfill the tunnel, leaving only the signal transmission line, and let Jarvis direct the drone to take detailed pictures and explore the current range.

The main reason is that this place is not concealed enough. If some adventurers come to explore, they will be exposed easily. Therefore, it is necessary to find a new location in the urban area to dig a tunnel, so there is no point here. Only by backfilling and eliminating traces can it be kept secret.

When they came to the ground, Greer and Daisy dealt with the traces on the ground together, hiding the satellite signal receiver above the sentry tower, and using magic to bury the line in the stone wall until there was no trace left before leaving in peace.

(End of this chapter)

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