The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 777 Reading and Studying

Chapter 777 Reading and Studying
In the Avengers Building, Stark was explaining to Dr. Banner with bright eyes the great 'archaeological' discovery that shocked the world, a complete underground city, and it was built by another civilization that took the road of rune technology.

A series of photos and videos, Dr. Banner was dumbfounded, his eyeballs were almost protruding, and he couldn't even move his hands scratching his hair that was so oily that it could be fried. He stared blankly at the holographic projection beside Stark Screen.

He felt like he was listening to the Arabian Nights. Thousands of years ago, aliens came to the earth and built an underground city, which was discovered thousands of years later. Isn’t this the plot of a Hollywood movie to enter this city to explore?
After Stark finished speaking, Dr. Banner took a few deep breaths, digested the huge amount of information in his mind, and said: "So you are saying that there is an alien city under San Juan, with a history of more than 5000 years, and the Can it be used normally?"

"That's right!"

Dr. Banner took off his glasses, lifted the hem of his clothes, wiped them carefully, and asked, "So is there anything I can do?"

The entire alien city is absolutely earth-shattering. If there is no thought of handing it over, it must be that as few people know about it, the better. Since Stark told him, he must be asked to help.

Stark nodded, tapped a few times on the holographic projection, and opened another video: Greer in short sleeves and jeans turned his back to the 'camera', tapped on the stone wall, and then the stone The wall suddenly lit up, and quickly spread to the entire room, emitting a dazzling blue light, which lasted for three seconds before dissipating, as if the computer was turned on.

After the light disappeared, the stone wall opened a door, and outside was a long corridor, with a pattern of circles and lines emitting light every two meters on both sides, illuminating the corridor like a wall lamp.

"This is." Dr. Banner saw such a thing for the first time, why the stone wall looks like a circuit board.

"Rune technology." When Stark spoke, he opened the patterns engraved on the stone slabs, and said: "The circles and lines are like the binary of the computer language, forming command symbols and forming a complex rune circle. Execute various commands.

Also, the rune array seriously interferes with the wireless signal. I suspect it is due to the energy field, so if you want to quickly explore this city, you must find a way to solve the interference, and there may be viruses in the alien city.”

Stark talked at length, and Dr. Banner also knew what Stark wanted him to do. First of all, he valued his biological knowledge, studying the microbiological conditions and viruses in cities that have been closed for thousands of years, and secondly, Work with Stark to solve the interference signal of the rune circle energy field and interpret runes, etc.

"Unscramble the runes? What about Greer?" Dr. Banner felt that Greer, who was a mage, was the professional.

"He went back to study."

"Huh?" Dr. Banner was taken aback. He remembered that Greer hadn't returned to school for a long time. For this reason, Stark specially gave him a suspension procedure in the name of starting a business. Why did he suddenly go back to study.

Stark looked at Dr. Banner so he knew he was wrong, and added: "Kama Taj."

"Oh!" Dr. Banner nodded suddenly. It is true that magicians are more proficient in rune technology. It is said that based on the three temples, they have built a large net to defend against the invasion of other dimensions.

After knowing this, Dr. Banner, a scientist, thought for a long time and tried to build several models, but in the end he couldn't figure out what kind of defense network could resist the invasion from another dimension.

Greer was indeed reading, and he had to read a lot of books. After returning from Puerto Rico, he came to Karma Taj early the next morning, went directly to the library, and asked the administrator, Stephen Strange, to pass the sign off. Find out the magic book on science and technology.

Yes, the famous Doctor Strange in the future is now working as a librarian. Greer was also taken aback when he first arrived. Why is he doing this job that loses his head?If there is an emergency, there is no chance for his girlfriend to perform surgery on him.

After asking him curiously, he found out that it took Strange a long time to adjust his mood after Greer talked to him about succeeding the Supreme Mage in the future.

With the last of his money, he traveled thousands of miles to Asia to find Kama Taj, just to heal his hands, to be able to pick up the scalpel again, to become a first-class doctor again, and to continue living a luxurious life.

But when he arrived at Kama Taj, he realized that the world he saw was not the real world. He felt that the world was peaceful, but it was only superficially different from the movies. People could live and work in peace and contentment. pay.

All kinds of aliens and all kinds of different-dimensional creatures opened Strange's eyes, and he also understood that the earth is not alone, there are always visitors from different dimensions, and mages need to treat them well. In order to prevent these grotesque creatures from acting recklessly on the earth.

Different from the movie, Strange didn't just study at Karma Taj, but participated in many battles with the team to eliminate the invaders from different dimensions. There were always injuries and sacrifices in life-and-death struggles, and he also saw some mages suffer Unable to live such a life of hard work but little reward, he chose to leave Karma Taj.

Kama Taj didn't stop him, but asked him to hand in the hanging ring and the magic weapon, and left with the practice clothes woven from linen. He didn't say anything about abolishing his mana, but he made a decision on the use of magic after he left. Any violation of the restrictions will be severely punished.

Strange's first time participating in the battle, he was not required to do anything, but only let him run around closely following Wang Bie. The purpose was to let him experience this kind of magic battle that ordinary people could never imagine.

After participating in the battle several times, Strange also considered leaving Kama Taj, don't heal his finger, and put his life in it, but he hesitated for a long time, but he couldn't make it, so it's fine if he doesn't know, but now Can you go back as if nothing happened?
Strange didn't know how to choose, and he couldn't go back to be a doctor if he couldn't heal his fingers, so he stayed here and continued to practice spells. For the convenience of reading, he even volunteered to be a librarian
Greer understands the cause and effect, and can only feel the butterfly effect, because the ancient one mage passed away early, and the successor didn't care about it, so those intruders from different dimensions had to be dealt with by the mages. 'The Strange was also drawn to participate in the battle, and was exposed to the cruel world in advance.

So he didn't naively think that he was here to heal his fingers, and it was fine if he didn't participate in Karma Taj's internal struggle. He had more time to think about the meaning of life, whether to obliterate everyone or protect everyone?

While Strange was talking, he also found a book about rune technology, piled it on the table in front of Greer, and said with a long sigh of relief: "There are probably so many, I just took over it not long ago, I haven't memorized all the books yet."

"Enough." Greer came this time mainly to look for rune information related to the San Juan Dungeon, and first deciphered the runes there before talking about other things, so Greer didn't read every book carefully. Instead, pick up a book and flip through a few pages quickly to see if it is the same as the runes in the underground city of Cree. If it is not the same, close it and put it on one side. If it feels roughly the same, put it on the other side.

Strange stood aside, watching the young Supreme Mage's rapid classification, and asked suspiciously, "Are you looking for something?"

"Well, explore an ancient ruins and find related runes." Greer said without raising his head, and divided a large stack of books into two parts, the 'useless' high stack, 'useful' 'There are only two copies, and the material is still papyrus, with an unimaginably long history.

As for these two books, they can be directly sent to the museum as a cultural relic exhibition. The biggest reason for their existence for such a long time is the magic circle engraved on the thick cover.

To be honest, with regard to this technology, the technology of preserving cultural relics in all museums in the world is [-] roads away. Unfortunately, it is impossible to promote it. Karma Taj has always maintained a veil of mystery and has almost no contact with the world.

It has lasted for such a long time, and it is really impossible to say that the restrictions will be lifted and full contact with the world, otherwise Attilan would have moved back to the earth long ago, and he would not say that he would rather dig underground than migrate to the earth .

While Greer was sorting the magic books, Strange stood at the table with a hesitant face. After hesitating for a few minutes, he turned his head and scanned the surroundings. After making sure that there was no one around, he leaned over and whispered: Watch out for Casillas."

"Huh?" Greer froze when he was flipping through the magic book. He raised his head in astonishment, looked at Strange, and hurriedly asked, "Did you find anything?"

Greer was a little nervous and looked forward to it. Strange found that Casillas showed signs of blackening, or did he want to read those banned books?
Strange looked around again like a thief, and said in a lower voice: "Two days ago, Iker Casillas came to look for me."

"Looking for you? What are you doing?" Greer couldn't stand it anymore, closed the magic book in his hand, motioned Strange to sit down and said.

"Discuss my hand injury."

"When did he care about people so much?" Greer felt strange when he heard it. That guy looked like "the world owes me to play with it" all day long. If he went to a wedding with that face, he would be considered as a troublemaker. No matter how happy you are at a funeral, you will be mistaken for being very sad. How can you care about your junior brother?

Could it be that he wants to be a big brother?But Kama Taj didn't have a junior sister to give him.

Strange also knew Casillas' usual appearance, Greer's 'shock' was also his reaction when he was 'concerned', and said: "He asked me the reason for my injury, and then said that I must have come to seek treatment Method, and finally asked if there is a cure.

Finally, he told his own story, when his family was ruined and all thoughts were lost, he came to Karma Taj, looking for a glimmer of hope.”

Listening to the content of the chat, Greer always felt as if the patients were exchanging their illnesses and treatment plans, and the only difference was which hospital had good facilities and which doctor had medical ethics.

"Why did he tell you these things?" Greer thought at first that he was here to win Strange over, but now what does he mean by 'illness'?
"I don't know, but I heard that the frequency of communication between him and many mages is much higher." Strange also couldn't figure out why the Wannian Iceberg suddenly became a warm baby, but this is very abnormal, there must be conspiracy.

Greer couldn't help frowning, propping his chin with his right hand, using his brain, trying to think of the reason why Casillas did this, first of all, he can rule out the option of being a big brother who loves his juniors and respects his master.

He was born with a villainous face, which can't be washed away by soaking in a bucket of white paint, so his behavior of connecting with other people's "emotions" is questionable.

Contact him There are many supporters in the movie. They followed him to break into Karma Taj's library, killed the administrator, and robbed the magic book. Obviously, this guy couldn't sit still and wanted to make trouble.

Grayton regained his energy. He was really afraid that Casillas would go silent. He was not afraid that Casillas would move.

Poisonous snakes can only carry out a sneak attack and kill with one blow only when they lie in ambush among the dead branches and leaves. If they expose their heads and even their bodies, they will be found and killed from a distance.

Seeing that Strange had nothing to report, Greer picked up the two books and said, "Pay more attention to him, and... the library should strengthen the magic circle."

Strange hurriedly said: "I just checked it, and there is no damage to the magic circle."

He thought Greer was saying that the magic circle in the library was malfunctioning.

"I'm worried that someone wants to snatch the magic book that he shouldn't read."

Strange opened his mouth wide in astonishment. He didn't think about it at all. Karma Taj has a high degree of freedom, but the rules are also very strict. You are absolutely not allowed to know things that you are not supposed to know.

For example, the magic book that only the supreme mage can browse and understand is absolutely forbidden, but now it is said that someone might want to snatch it, is this crazy?
Greer didn't say much, looking at the row of empty bookshelves, but thinking in his heart that maybe he should return those books, how can he fish without bait?
Holding two thick magic books in his arms, he bid farewell to Strange, and returned to the Castle of Deland on the top of the mountain next to Kama Taj, devoted himself to studying and delving into the knowledge of runes, and occasionally took out the dungeon for filming Try to decipher the photo of the rune circle on the slate.

For a week or two in a row, Greer has been delving into the knowledge of runes, breaking his previous record of continuous learning of knowledge, which is still more than several times, making Greer feel that he has the potential to be a master.

Such a thick magic book is still written in extremely ancient characters, but he can read it quickly and remember it deeply. Obviously, what he has increased is not only his strength, but also his brain. Now he doesn't have to worry about becoming a gorilla with a brain full of muscles. It is the captain of the all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, art and labor.

(End of this chapter)

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