Chapter 775
As a free state, Puerto Rico is almost free-range, and the federation basically doesn't care about it. There is no policy support, and the economy here is quite poor.

After all, it is an island far away from the land, with no mineral resources, and no advantages in the developed industry; it is not a major transportation route on the ocean, nor can it develop brilliant commerce; it can only vigorously engage in tourism, so Puerto Rico has retained many sixteen and ten The castle built in the age of great navigation in the seventh century, coupled with tropical scenery, beaches and lush coral areas, etc., attracts a large number of tourists from all over the world every year.

Puerto Rico is close to the equator, and the average temperature here is [-] to [-] degrees all year round. Tourists wearing short sleeves, sunglasses, and backpacks are everywhere here, and Greer and Daisy came to San Francisco as tourists. Juan, it can be regarded as making up for the appointment that was owed before.

Holding hands and facing the warm wind, the two walked unhurriedly on the narrow streets, looking very leisurely. Although the two often traveled to different countries, they seldom visited the local beauty.The last time I had such a pleasant tour was in London before the Nine Realms overlapped. As a result, I strayed into a space crack and ended up in Helm's Underworld by accident.

Although they looked like they were taking a walk, they were still discussing business. Greer told him and Stark about the underground city that happened, and it was probably a creation of the Cree era, while Daisy 'shared' Jia Ying told her the shocking 'facts' in Xinyiren Village.

"What? You have the blood of the ancient alien leader?" Greer's startled eyeballs almost lost sight of the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose.

Daisy gave a helpless expression and said, "When I knew it, I had the same expression as you."

"Uh..." Greer felt a pain in his head, why did it involve the ancient times again, who was the leader of the Inhuman race that Jia Ying was talking about who dared to confront the Kree people?

Apocalypse or Hive?

The issue of copyright forced Marvel to give up the mutants and focus on the Inhumans, but there was no reason for it.For this reason, the most powerful apocalypse in ancient times was replaced with the experimental hive of the Kree people, and the results were hard to describe.

He still remembers the hive, the main reason is the parasitic ability of the hive, it is simply disgusting, and it is completely out of the human concept, but a collection of parasites, the head is full of super beasts, which can release parasites to devour humans, To feed back himself, and to control other aliens with parasites, I feel goosebumps all over my body when I think about it.

As for Apocalypse, at any rate, it is normal. People use "technology" to transfer their souls to other people, to renew their lives and obtain the other party's abilities. It can also greatly enhance the abilities of mutants and influence mutants. capacity of human will.

The two characters are very similar, but if what Jia Ying said is true, they have the blood of the ancient Inhuman Race, it is probably an apocalypse, otherwise, it is impossible for a group of parasites to leave offspring, they will only control or devour the place .

Greer shook his head and threw out the thoughts in his mind. Whoever he was, it was all a matter of ancient times. We must focus on the present and the future, and the key to solving the underground city.

"Don't worry about it, let's see where Mr. Stark's drone is." Greer shifted the topic to this mission, and stopped discussing the Inhuman race. It's a bad debt and there is no time for it Never mind that.

"Well," Daisy took out her phone, tapped the screen a few times, and said, "There are still 5 minutes."

"There's still time, do you want a cup of San Juan?" Greer pointed to a small roadside shop on the right, which is selling a local blended drink. The name is San Juan. Pomegranate molasses is the main ingredient. In the scorching summer, a glass of ice is absolutely refreshing.

"That's right, you finally know how to take the initiative to order something." Daisy patted Greer's shoulder in a 'relieved' way. This boy who used to go out on a date would only say 'you can order something, you can, whatever' has finally upgraded. Will take the initiative to buy some snacks.

"With more experience and a higher level, the skills will be activated." Greer said, and walked over with two glasses of 'San Juan', handed one to Daisy, and the two sat on the chairs, tasting slowly, Waiting for the arrival of the drone, occasionally saying a few words about the Inhumans.

There is no way to rest assured that Jia Ying's performance in Attilan is frightening. He detonated so many bombs in the sealed city without hesitation. Did you fly?
This trip to Attilan was a real eye-opener. Daisy saw another side of her mother, and Greer gained insight.

The so-called stable rule is just that it has not passed the crisis test. The Black Bolt King has ruled Attilan for so long, and he was overthrown if he was overthrown. Except for a few aliens in Attilan, most of them just sigh a few times , so I went to get the food distributed by Jia Ying.

For the people at the bottom, they don't care who the person in that position is, they only care about whether the person who goes up can bring them benefits. This applies to any situation.

As for others, Greer felt that after he became the supreme mage, he did not do anything for Karma Taj. The mages of Karma Taj are responsible for teaching the mages. The three guardians are the maintenance of the temple and the protective net. He also spent very little time in Karma Taj, and only the Dragon of Delan Castle could bring some sense of presence.

It can be said that his position as the supreme mage is almost as muddy, and it is all supported by the eye of Agamotto and the remaining power of the ancient mage, and can be overthrown with a little force, not to mention that there is still hidden in Kama Taj. A venomous snake: Iker Casillas.

This guy is Karma Taj's version of Maximus. If he has a chance, he will definitely do something, and once he does it, it will be a big deal. The kind that can pull the boss down. Sirius also killed the Ancient One mage.

Is Black Bolt King stupid enough not to know about Maximus's problem? This remains to be seen, but the Ancient One mage with the Eye of Agamotto should know about Casillas' problem, so why not deal with it?
No matter how I think about it, I feel that Master Gu Yi left Strange with He Er, so that he can use it to stand up. After all, a newcomer who has only joined Karma Taj for a short time, suddenly became the CEO of the company. , How to convince the public.

Ever since, Strange held the Eye of Agamotto and used his superb negotiating skills to persuade Dormammu to retreat, thereby securing his position as the Supreme Mage in one fell swoop.If Master Ancient One, who has guarded the earth for a long time, hadn't arranged all this, would he leave with peace of mind?

Walking with Daisy to the beach, Greer was thinking about Karma Taj. Although he had already decided to give Strange the position of the supreme mage when he grew up, but now there is no The Eye of Gomoto negotiated for him, so Casillas must not be allowed to destroy the temple, so that Dormammu had the opportunity to invade.

"We need to find a chance to deal with Casillas." Greer made a decision in his mind. At present, there are two ways. Either find an opportunity to deal with him secretly outside, but the sequelae are very serious. If he is found out, he will If something goes wrong, you can't say 'I see the future, he is a traitor to Karma Taj'.

Hey, it seems to be a solution.

Thinking wildly, Stark's drone express, spanning a distance of more than 2000 kilometers, reached the coast of Puerto Rico, and was flying towards the location of the two of them.

Greer and Daisy wore sunglasses, short sleeves, and backpacks. Like other tourists, they walked slowly along the narrow brick road to the north of Cape St. Philip Castle. Turn around the city wall and enter a sentry tower protruding from the sea.

This watchtower is as old as the castle, but more famous than the castle. Daisy saw a lot of stories about this watchtower in the online community of San Juan. sentry.

From the local aborigines, to the Spaniards, to the British, and then to the Americans, the castle has changed owners several times, but the legend of the devil’s sentry has not changed. The guards standing guard inside either disappeared for no reason or killed each other. Or the kind of death that is extremely miserable.

After a few incidents, no one dared to go in. Later, the changes in technology and warfare made the castle and sentry posts useless, and the place was abandoned. There were no soldiers stationed for a long time, so it became a local folklore. Strange ghosts.

After listening to the relevant information Daisy found, Greer only had this comment: "It sounds weird."

If you don't know that there is an alien city below, then this is an ordinary local legend. There are not many haunted houses. The existence of haunted houses just proves that this place has a long history and the existence of old houses.

You can contact the underground alien city, and this guard post is just above a vent, so there is a theory, it is probably related to the underground alien city, and this is also the purpose of Greer's coming here, to provide a large-scale Search and probe to gather enough data.

After reading these forum stories, Daisy's face was full of worry, she turned her head to look at Greer, who was still observing the tower beside her, and asked, "Is anything going to happen?"

She was a little scared. This was the case last time in London. The two had a good date, but they went to an old house and were directly transported to the dark Heim Underworld. They almost died there; Thor went to see a hammer, and then teleported to Asgard inexplicably, and
There are too many precedents, which makes Daisy quite worried, whether something will happen again.

"Don't worry, it's okay," Greer first comforted his frightened girlfriend, and then explained: "Actually, I can roughly guess that the reason why these guards disappeared or went crazy may be because they came into contact with the runes of the Cree."


"Well," Greer nodded, and introduced: "Asgard's weapons have also added similar runes, which can greatly enhance the wearer's strength by stimulating the negative emotions in the warrior's heart, but the will If you are not firm, you will go crazy or lose control, so Asgard destroyed such weapons that hurt others and hurt yourself after finishing the battle in the Nine Realms."

Daisy nodded knowingly, and said, "So you guess there are similar things in this underground city?"

"Actually, this is normal. Humans will also give soldiers stimulant drugs to refresh them, so."

Greer didn't go on to say something quite 404, because Daisy already understood that it was just a refreshing thing for a strong alien, and it might lead to insanity if it was replaced by a weak human. In the sea within easy reach, or madly treat teammates as enemies and fight.

But in the age of great voyages with underdeveloped technology, human beings were unable to detect and understand, so ghosts and demons were blamed.

As dusk approached, there were very few tourists. Greer and Daisy easily sneaked into the long-abandoned guard post. Daisy raised her hand and shattered the rusty iron lock. Her proficiency in supernatural powers was already high. to a handy degree.

Ignoring the warning sign, pushed open the iron door, walked down the spiral staircase, and entered the spacious Tibetan cave below. I don’t know how long no one has visited. The ground is covered with dust, but it is not covered with spider webs, and there are no insects and ants. .

Dozens of drones flew in in a line, put the supplies on the ground, and then took off again, headed to the sea, and moved in the equipment in the miniature submarine one by one. It does not need to be turned on, it is automatically turned on, connected to the Internet, and then Jarvis controls everything.

First of all, three palm-sized holographic projection communicators are running, which emit soft light and condense into a bust of Stark. He is still busy in the laboratory and said without raising his head: "I'm not going to go shopping anymore. Do you want to go shopping? I heard that the scenery there is good, and it is very suitable for tourism and leisure.”

"Complete the task first, and then proceed with the date." Greer quickly took out the laser cutting device, and under the guidance of Jarvis, placed it directly above the tallest building in the underground city, started the instrument, and began cutting thick stone slabs and the underlying soil and rock formations.

They had to dig a tunnel more than 100 meters deep before they could reach the tallest building in the underground city. Then, using this building as the origin, they explored the surrounding buildings through the tunnel extending in all directions, and gradually expanded to the entire underground city.

The two large tanks of the Ark Reactor provide energy for the laser cutter. Whether it is rock or mud, it will be wiped out in an instant. As time goes by, the depth of the tunnel is also increasing.

The drones are working hard, traveling between the mini-submarines and the sentry posts, transporting one device after another to reinforce the tunnel, and then the drones are put down layer by layer, stretched out, and propped up the rock wall , so as not to collapse the tunnel.

After all, the Atlantic Ocean is just a few meters away. Once the water seeps through, not only the tunnel will collapse, but even the underground city will be submerged. At that time, it will be a lost wife and a soldier.

In order to prevent this from happening, Stark spent more than ten hours and hundreds of tons of alloys to create a set of tunnel reinforcement devices that replace the rock walls to support the tunnels, and can be nested with each other to prevent water penetration. It is said that the preparation work has been done to the extreme.

(End of this chapter)

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