Chapter 760

Stark is looking for new profit points for Stark Industries to support the global defense plan that costs astronomical figures. A Veronica integrated combat platform is worth a year's profit of a large company, and Stark Ke has to deploy dozens or hundreds of Veronica integrated combat platforms around the earth, even if he is rich and powerful, it is quite too much.

What's more, it's not just launching into the sky and it's over. Routine maintenance is required later, such as replenishing consumed ammunition, back parts library, etc., which is also a considerable expense.And once the Veronica combat platform is really used, the money will be spent like flowing water, and the absolute cannon shot will be worth ten thousand taels of gold.

The commercial space launch that will be officially announced is the new profit point that Stark is looking for for the company, but the road is not so smooth. All major countries have their own state-run aerospace departments, which are dedicated to developing rockets, launching satellites and spaceships. Occasionally satellites are launched for other small countries that do not have the capability.

It is not an easy task for Stark to grab food from these companies with a strong background. After all, there are only so many satellite launch businesses in the world, and in such a small market, once you launch, others will have nothing to play with. It is too much hatred.

There are many concerns, but he has to do it. Greer can only wish Stark's business is getting better and better. The global defense system needs an astronomical amount of funds to protect all mankind, but only Stark will pay the bill. And even if this system is completed, it will not be used easily.

It will only covertly circle the earth and keep turning around until critical moments such as large-scale alien invasions will wake up all Veronica combat platforms and put them into battle. A set of two Veronica integrated combat platforms will never be fully activated.

After all, this is a space-based weapon launched into the sky and deployed privately without the consent of all countries in the world. Once fired, the coordinates and quantity will be exposed, and then there will be infinite troubles. Pressure from all over the world.

In November in North America, it was freezing cold, and the Avengers base was empty, and the cold wind was blowing unhindered, which made people tremble all over, but Stark and Greer were 'walking', as if they couldn't feel all directions The cold air coming over is general.

On the left is the vast Hudson River. Stark looked at the broad river and said, "There is no way out of what we do."

"Thanos will not give us a retreat." Greer knew what Stark was worried about, and secretly deployed the global defense system. Once exposed, it is really that the earth is big, but there is no room for it. SHIELD The insight plan has encountered so much opposition, and in the end it can only wander around in the back garden of the bald eagle.

You must know that S.H.I.E.L.D. is still subject to what it considers to be "strict" supervision, a very reassuring intelligence agency, and it is opposed to building a sub-orbital space carrier, and Stark is building a high-orbit satellite. The space-based weapons, without a little bit of defense, the attack has already reached the top of the head.

After hearing Greer's words, Stark laughed, but only laughed twice before he couldn't laugh again, stopped, looked up at the dark night sky, and said: "But no one will understand. "

"Because the wise are always a minority."

"Precisely because the vast majority of people are ignorant, politicians need the votes of fools, and they must become stupid." Stark said sarcastically, his Iron Man suit and Ark reactor are epoch-making Invention, but can only be held in the hands.

It’s not that he hides his secrets, but he doesn’t dare to leak them out. Just like Einstein’s most regrettable thing in his life, he proposed the mass-energy formula, which provided theoretical and equation support for the manufacture of nuclear weapons, thus giving birth to a nuclear weapon capable of killing dozens of people. The super bomb of tens of thousands of people, Stark, who has experienced the kidnapping incident, is most worried about the abuse of the Iron Man suit.

Once the Iron Man suit becomes the mainstream of warfare, the war parties and terrorist attack methods will be upgraded, and it is unknown how many people will die under the weapons he invented.

But can the Iron Man suit really only be used in war?

It can also be used as a high-tech prosthesis, surpassing any prosthesis on the market, allowing people with physical disabilities to return to normal; it can also be used in extreme environments such as deep sea, high altitude, extreme cold, and high radiation, perfect protective clothing; greatly enhanced Human body strength can be used for carrying work, which can be said to be applicable to all walks of life. This is the correct way to open the Iron Man suit.

It's a pity that smart people only pay attention to the terrifying lethality of the Iron Man suit and the powerful strength that can change the war. It is like the mass-energy formula, which is first applied to war. Bombs will never just drop two bombs to blow up two cities.Because of the end of the war, the mass-energy formula was used to generate electricity and began to benefit mankind.

This is the struggle instinct of human beings. Any technology should first consider serving the war. Only when the application fails will it shine in the civilian field. For example, the information superhighway was originally designed to connect the military distributed in various places and different departments. What was invented has become the Internet that changed the way of life of mankind.

"." Greer was speechless to Stark's ridicule. His words were too true. If human beings could realize it, there would be no crises such as environmental pollution and species extinction. Short-sightedness is a common problem of human beings. "Even if the flood floods the sky" is a vivid exposition of the image of a person.

Short-sighted people will naturally elect 'short-sighted' politicians who come up with plans just to fool votes, such as building a wall that can be climbed over with a ladder or sawed open with a hacksaw, or make some bizarre remarks that attract attention etc.

The two stood by the frozen Hudson River in the cold wind, talking in a low voice. What they did was to protect the earth and human beings, but they could not be known or understood by others. After the exposure There will be countless troubles swarming.

Absolutely thankless, the condemnation of countless people and the attacks from all sides are trivial matters. The legendary prison on the sea—the raft, may therefore usher in the entry of billionaires and Kamen Riders.

"We are not working hard for those who oppose us, but for those who love us and those we love. As long as they understand, other people don't matter." Greer looked very open, and everything was arranged to stop Sarah North, if you can't stop it, these things are not a problem, if you can't stop it, these things are even less a problem.

Stark smiled, patted Greer on the shoulder, turned and walked towards the tarmac, and at the same time said into the headset: "Jarvis, we are going back, get ready for dinner."

Greer followed behind and said, "Prepare one more for Daisy."

The Kun-type transport plane took off again, heading south in the night sky.

Stark let Jarvis control the plane directly, while he and Greer sat in the back and chatted. Greer was most concerned about Stark's new generation of artificial intelligence. It's fine to create. In the current environment, if Ultron comes out and makes another wave, that's really terrible.

"A program is simply a data structure plus an algorithm. Among them, the algorithm is the most important. It is equivalent to the bones of the program and supports the program." Stark introduced his artificial intelligence in a long way. According to him, Jia The core of Weiss leading the world is the algorithm he created.

Other artificial intelligence algorithms can only add and subtract. Jarvis is at the stage of multiplication and division. As for the new generation of artificial intelligence researched based on the neural network of the big tree that grew in Helm's Underworld, with brackets added, it can perform more complex calculations. operation.

Such a simple and easy-to-understand metaphor made Greer, a novice who only knew the name of the C language, instantly understand the gap between the new generation of artificial intelligence, Jarvis and other artificial mentally retarded people.

When it came time for Greer to ask questions, Greer asked a very constructive question: "Have you thought about the name of the new generation of artificial intelligence?"

"How about calling Ultron?"

"No!" Greer unequivocally expressed his opposition. The name is too unlucky. Although artificial intelligence is a science, there is a saying that is right. The end of science is management. Well, metaphysics, otherwise why would Newton go to I have studied theology, which shows that there is a certain reason for the gods and gods to talk about it.

Stark, like a child who has succeeded in a prank, laughed loudly, but after a few laughs, Stark returned to the look of a melancholy prince, resting his head on the cold bulkhead, his eyes couldn't help looking at the night sky.

There was silence in the cabin for a while, and Greer was silent for half a minute before he asked, "What did the doctor say?"

"Huh?" Stark turned slightly to look at Greer.


Greer's guess made Stark's movements stagnate, then he turned his head back as if nothing had happened, continued to look at the stars outside, and said: "It's just that the pressure has been too much recently, you are back, I'll just rest for a while gone."

Stark's excuse is too bad, his chest tightness, flustered, breathing difficulties, and trembling all over the body can be photographed as a standard expression of an anxiety attack.

"You really need to take a good rest for a while. It's been almost five years. Apart from upgrading your steel suit, you've participated in all kinds of battles and fought wits with politicians. It's really tiring."

Stark turned his head again, gave Greer a white look, and said: "If you say this, you should rest more than me. I have been on the earth, and you have gone to the universe several times. Gao Tianzun, Hela , Ronan, Egg, Thanos, you are more tired than me."

Greer is speechless, his life seems to be better than Stark's, no, all human beings are much more exciting, and he has traveled to the universe several times, each time there are different surprises waiting for him, but if there is a little If it's wrong, you may not be able to come back.

Seeing that Greer stopped talking, Stark straightened up and said, "Will you stop? The answer is no, me too. Pepper and I have discussed many times about taking off the steel suit, but there are always people who don't agree." Let me do it."

Greer smiled bitterly, rubbed his temples, relieved his exhausted spirit, and said: "The time I miss the most now is the countryside, although this may be the 'false' memory that guy instilled in me, or simply his memory, But that's really good.

There are no high-rise buildings, no urban hustle and bustle. Vegetables are planted in a corner of the yard and along the walls, and they are picked when cooking. Tables, chairs and benches are placed in the yard. When it is hot in summer, a bed is placed under the shade of a tree, and mosquito nets are put up. Falling asleep to the stars"

After hearing Greer's description, Stark looked surprised: "How do you know that I want to go back to the countryside after retirement?"

The two looked at each other, and laughed again, obviously it must not be funny, but they leaned forward and backward, but no matter how you look at it, there is a bit of bitterness in the smile, you can rest well if you win or lose, But it is very different.

After laughing enough, Stark slumped back on the chair and said, "The Mind Stone is not in my hands, there will be no Age of Ultron, and there will be no vision."

"What about the captain? Ultron is not tolerated, let alone civil war." Greer simply expressed all the worries in his heart. The conflict between Stark and Rogers can be seen as long as they are not blind. From the beginning of the meeting, the two I don't deal with it, but they are all adults, know how to restrain themselves, and don't quarrel, cry or even fight like children.

"I've already given in, otherwise his Bucky would have died." Stark turned his head and looked outside.

Greer was silent and couldn't say "forgiveness, generosity". It is an indisputable fact that the Winter Soldier killed the Howards. It can be justified by being hypnotized and controlled by Hydra, not Bucky's own wishes, but This is someone else's reason to forgive him, not Stark.

Among them, Rogers should be the most difficult. Howard, Tony, and Bucky are all his friends, but Bucky killed Howard. The enmity between the three of them put him in the middle.

Is it wrong to choose the one with the deepest friendship in the end?

Helping managers not helping relatives, destroying relatives righteously, being selfless, and shouting slogans so loudly, who can do it?
It can be said that it is all Hydra's fault, and it is indeed Hydra's fault, but still, this applies to the bystanders, not the parties involved.

Greer didn't know what to say, and only Stark continued to say: "I saw what he did later, treating the Avengers as the world's police, doing what he thought was righteous: arresting Drug dealers, underground arms dealers
Moved the S.H.I.E.L.D. set to the Avengers, but the gap between him and Nick Fury is not so big, and he doesn’t know how to wipe his ass when he messes up. On the contrary, he is very good at dragging others to hell with him, really What is great personality. "

Stark made no secret of his disdain and sarcasm. He was obviously talking about the Lagos incident. When the Scarlet Witch was still throwing the exploding bomb into the sky, it accidentally exploded next to a building, causing a large number of deaths. The previous Ultron crisis led countries around the world to jointly issue the Sokovia Treaty.

In the end, the Avengers Alliance broke out in a fierce civil war, and since then it has split. The Avengers Alliance has survived in name only and failed to recover. Therefore, in the Infinity War, they failed to concentrate their limited forces against Thanos and suffered a terrible defeat.

However, when it comes to crisis public relations, Stark is indeed [-] times ahead of Rogers. Rogers' honesty and sincerity are not at all suitable for crisis public relations, which is full of lies.

(End of this chapter)

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