The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 761 Kick People

Chapter 761 Kick People
The moon was dark, the wind was high and the clouds were thick, and the sky and the earth were pitch black. Only a ray of light remained inside the Kun-type transport plane, but it did not leak out.

Stark and Greer, the only ones who knew the news of the 'future', reached an agreement in the small cabin:
Kick Captain America out of the Avengers and let Coulson's new S.H.I.E.L.D. accept it. I believe that Coulson, who is currently in short supply, is quite happy to join his idol Captain America, and will regard him as a guest of honor.

And Captain America also gained a platform to practice the value of life, became an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., it is reasonable to be a "policeman" all over the world, and Nick Fury, who is well-connected, helps to "wipe his ass".

In this way, the three parties benefit, so why not do it, anyway, Captain America is a person who can’t rest, always thinking about fighting for people, and what S.H.I.E.L.D. The alliance is afraid.

The Avengers only need to come like a savior at critical moments, and there is no need to show their presence at other times, just like in the movie, Rogers took the Avengers around the world to fight crime and underground arms trade, and protect the world people.

It is indeed very beautiful. Every action will hit the headlines of the news and receive praise and cheers from countless people, but in the eyes of politicians, it becomes abuse of power, lack of discipline, and reckless behavior. It is absolutely thankless.

Greer now agrees with what Nick Fury said when he met Nick Fury in first class on the flight back from Los Angeles: There are 70 billion people on this planet, soldiers guard the frontier, doctors help the sick, and agents get Intelligence. All people perform their duties, and the society is orderly.

What is the idea behind the founding of the Avengers? Gather a group of extraordinary people to see if they can become stronger. When humans need it, they can stand up and fight for them.
It is time to stand up when human beings need it, such as the Battle of the Contract, the Battle of London, and even the future Infinity War. These scenes that the army composed of ordinary people cannot cope with are the time when the Avengers are needed.

As for combating transnational crimes, underground arms trade, etc., ordinary people can also solve these things, but it will take a little effort and does not require the participation of the Avengers. However, if it is replaced by S.H.I.E.L.D., it is very reasonable. The concept of the world is very suitable for the S.H.I.E.L.D. with a large number of people, but not so suitable for the Avengers with just a few extraordinary people.

A consensus has been reached on this aspect, and there is nothing else that needs to be discussed too much. The name of the new generation of artificial intelligence will not be Ultron, nor will it be a neural network based on the Mind Stone. The Age of Ultron will be strangled in the cradle.

As for dealing with Thanos, this is a long-term project. The comprehensive combat platform with Veronica as the core cannot be built in a day, and it is impossible no matter how rich you are. It needs to be pushed forward slowly. I can only pray that Thanos will stage an all-army invasion of the earth in a short while, giving Greer and Stark more time to deploy defense lines.

After talking about Captain America, Greer and Stark naturally talked about the 'tumor' Hydra. At present, probably only Hydra still thinks it is hidden. In fact, all the participants in the game should know I know, and we are making relevant preparations.

"When will they be wiped out?" Greer wanted to get rid of Hydra as soon as possible, and then prepare for Infinity War. Gold Medal had to withdraw its troops.

Stark propped his chin with one hand, and said: "When Veronica is finished, you can do it to Hydra."

"Oh, are you trying to fish in troubled waters?" Greer understood Stark's plan. Hydra must be staring at the Avengers now, racking its brains to eliminate these particularly thick thorns. Tucker naturally cannot launch the Veronica integrated combat platform on a large scale.

But when S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra go to war, the world will be in chaos. At that time, attention will be shifted to this. Naturally, there will be fewer people staring at the Avengers, which is equivalent to the national The golden decade of industry.

At that time, Stark will be able to take the opportunity to arrange a global defense plan, no wonder he is not in a hurry to destroy Hydra, co-authoring is waiting for the opportunity to seek greater benefits.As expected of being a capitalist, you can count on everything without suffering.

Stark covered it with a smile, he understood everything he knew, and he would not admit it anyway if he didn't understand it by himself.

"Do you know Zhenjin?" Stark changed the subject 'naturally'.

"Captain's shield?"

"Well," Stark raised his hand and took a tablet from above, clicked on it a few times, then turned around, handed the information displayed on the screen to Greer, and explained by himself: "This is a tablet. It's an amazing metal, my dad accidentally got some during World War II and made a shield.

The molecular structure of this metal is different from any metal known to mankind, including your Apollo metal, so it cannot be integrated into the periodic table of elements at all. It is probably brought by meteorites. The molecules are relatively static and hardly conduct heat and heat. Kinetic energy, which in turn absorbs heat, energy, and kinetic energy”

Stark introduced in detail the nature and structure of vibrating metal, as well as the changes brought about by its special molecular structure. In short, this is a very magical metal, so magical that it cannot be understood by common sense. Not a single scientist at all believes that this metal exists in the world.

It is precisely because of its light weight, high hardness, and ability to absorb kinetic energy and heat, coupled with the promotion of Captain America, that Zhenjin has become the first choice for protecting dignitaries from all over the world. The bodyguards around him do not have a Zhenjin shield, and they are embarrassed to go out.

But this kind of metal is extremely rare, and it is estimated that californium is even less than it. The black market price exceeds [-] grams, and there is still no market. The vibration gold in circulation is almost all smuggled.

Wakanda people are also human beings. They have emotions and desires. You can get astronomical wealth by taking out the things that are within your reach. Who can be tempted, not to mention that Wakanda is not a monolithic interior. There are more or less grudges between each other, coupled with the tradition of challenging the throne, it is simply a weapon for enmity.

Some people want to guard Baoshan, some people yearn for the colorful world, and some people want to be the savior of the black people who are in dire straits.
If the hearts of the people are not in harmony, it will be difficult to lead the team.

There are always people who can't resist the temptation and try their best to get some vibrating gold to sell.

After understanding this, Greer understood why Stark didn't turn the steel suit into vibrating gold, but just added vibrating gold to the key parts to increase the hardness. Money is not the biggest problem, the biggest problem is that it is out of stock. The amount of vibration gold circulated on the black market every year is only a small amount, and the price is the lowest when it is shipped. The more it circulates, the more expensive it is, and it may eventually exceed more than ten times the price of [-] US dollars per gram.

In recent years, the price of vibranium has been rising and has never fallen, but buyers are still flocking to it. Every year, people who want to make a fortune go to Wakanda, which is said to be the place where vibranium is produced, that backward agricultural country. But all gone forever.

After browsing the information briefly, Greer raised his head and asked, "So you have an idea about Zhenjin?"

"Well!" Stark nodded, and said: "The nano-suit is under trial production, but with the current technology, protection is a big problem, so I want to add more vibration gold, and use its characteristics to realize energy Shield defense."

The current progress of the nano-suit and the problems encountered are also displayed in real time on the tablet. Like the traditional battle suit, the nano-suit has several layers from the inside to the outside, but it is more closely fitted together and upgraded from ordinary clothes. For tights.

Nanotechnology is very good, and it is also a future trend. However, as an emerging technology, there are always problems of one kind or another. The biggest problem is defense. We cannot continue to use the previous idea that the defense is not thick enough to make up. Therefore, energy shields have become the first choice.

Maybe the energy shield, as the name suggests, is a shield that condenses energy. The traditional method consumes a lot of energy, so unconventional technology must be used. Stark thought that vibrating gold does not conduct heat and kinetic energy, but absorbs heat and energy and kinetic properties.

Use the absorbed heat and kinetic energy to supply the energy shield, which can definitely save a lot of energy, which can be used for flying or attacking, and can greatly improve the survival and combat capabilities of the nano-suit.

New technology requires experimentation, and experimentation requires a lot of materials, but Stark’s vibration gold is only so small, and there are not enough key parts to strengthen the steel suit, let alone as experimental materials, so...
"So you want to play Wakanda?" Greer's first thought was that Wakanda was set in the comics, and the original vibration gold reserves were [-] tons. Gold makes cars, weapons, aircraft, and even lays tracks to transport primitive vibrating gold.

In contrast, Captain America's thin layer of shield is so poor that it makes people want to cry, not to mention that many people can't even buy the vibration gold needed for this thin layer of shield, so they can only use alien metal instead.

This includes Stark. Since the war of twisting the contract, Stark's iron suit has begun to add materials extracted from Chitauri items. The dark elves invaded, and Greer left more spaceship fragments. Tucker was so extravagant that he used it to build buildings.

For example, in the defense system of the Avengers base, special alloy plates are used to seal the Avengers base and turn into iron turtle shells. Most of the materials used to make the special alloy plates are the spaceship fragments of the Dark Elf, including Veronica’s integrated combat platform. Added a lot of alien material.

"I sent drones to investigate Wakanda, but before they arrived, they crashed for unknown reasons, five times!" Stark's words made Greer's mouth open in surprise. Thinking that Stark had really considered it, he was bold enough.

"But Wakanda is not the only one who has vibrating gold in his hands, this person also has a lot of vibrating gold in his hands." Before Stark finished speaking, the tablet screen was converted into a person's profile, and Stark was also introducing simultaneously: "Yuli Sith Crow, a black-market arms dealer I met at an arms fair, was around the coast of Africa all year round."

When Greer saw the photo, he remembered the unlucky guy whose arm was cut off by Ultron. He had a lot of vibrating gold stolen from Wakanda in his hand, so much that after Ultron built two vibrating gold bodies, he could still Make a huge vibrating gold pillar.

I am afraid that on Earth, apart from Wakanda, he has a lot of vibration gold in his hand, which is very suitable for robbing the rich and giving to the poor, not to mention that he is an underground arms dealer, and the vibration gold is also stolen, so there is no psychological burden at all.

Greer asked bluntly, "Where is he now?"

"It doesn't matter where he is, what matters is where the Zhenjin is," Stark emphasized: "He has been selling Zhenjin a long time ago, and he has not been replaced for so many years, which is already very telling."

"What are your plans?" Since Stark said that, he must have a plan.

"Look for him to buy [-] million dollars worth of vibrating gold, just follow it." Stark said it is quite simple, and there is really nothing complicated. With so many goods, it must be shipped from the warehouse, and it is enough to track it to the warehouse. It is simple to say , it is quite difficult to do.

In Africa, the traffic basically depends on walking, and the communication basically depends on roaring. Not to mention the cameras, most places do not have access to the Internet or electricity. This is the biggest reason why Ulysses Crow was able to hide for many years. Banner also considered going there , Just arrived in India and was called back by the black widow.

Jarvis has a whole body of intelligence, and it can't be used at all in that place, so Stark can only use money to hang Ulysses Crow out, and then track it, otherwise such a big Africa and the vast Indian Ocean and Atlantic Ocean , no amount of drones is enough.

Greer thought for a while, took out the knight card box, took out two knight cards from it, and turned them into disc beast steel eagle and armored crab through the Neo decade drive device, handed them to Stark, and introduced: "The brown one is Steel Eagle has a flight speed of 480 kilometers per hour, a continuous activity time of up to 51 hours, and a recording capacity of 46 hours.

The armored crab has a land speed of 32 kilometers per hour and a water speed of 120 knots. The continuous activity time is 110 hours and the recording capacity is [-] five hours. "

Stark took over the two flat discs, and envy flashed in his eyes. He and Greer met because of the disc beast Azalea. It is unheard of, unseen.

It's a bit non-technical, just like Greer's magic, Jarvis can't analyze it, because Jarvis is just a smart system, he can remember what everyone said, but he doesn't understand what it means , can only answer according to the thinking circuit of the database, and what is not recorded is unknown, because he does not know how to associate.

The Quin-type transport plane started to slow down and had already entered Manhattan Island. Stark looked at the lights of Wanjia outside, held two CDs, and said in a faint voice: "Ultron, Vision, what I need is an obedient Super robot."

(End of this chapter)

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