Chapter 759

When: May 2014, 11 at 15pm

Location: Avengers base on the Hudson River.

Turning on the optically invisible Kun-type transport plane, it traveled a long distance and arrived at the Avengers Base. This huge base covering an area of ​​nearly two square kilometers has completed the expansion of the first two phases.

The training base with a length of 240 meters and a width of 150 meters was completed in just one year under the influence of Stark's banknote capabilities, and the most high-tech simulated combat facilities are being installed.

Once completed, it will be able to simulate any terrain, environment and enemies, train the Avengers, and cultivate a tacit understanding of cooperative operations, etc., which is definitely worthy of Stark's nearly [-] billion investment. The building near the river has also been completed, and there is a rest inside. The area, residential area, and dining area can be regarded as an enlarged version of the top floor of the Avengers Building, with a lot of functional areas added.

There is also a small submarine base underground, powered by the Ark reactor, which can shuttle across the Hudson River silently, allowing the Avengers to evolve into an amphibious force of sea, land and air, even if the legendary Atlantis comes, it can also deal with it. .

The Kunming transport plane landed steadily on the tarmac, the hatch opened, Stark and Greer walked down quickly, entered the interior of the building, and took the elevator to the vast underground space, where there are a lot of intelligent The production line can produce a variety of industrial products, and it is not an exaggeration to call it a small factory.

This vast base has not yet been put into use. Apart from the construction team, only the security robot "Sentry" controlled by Jarvis is responsible for guarding this huge base and preventing outsiders from entering the secret and sophisticated equipment. base.

Therefore, Greer and Stark walked all the way, quietly, and hardly heard any sound. Even if they took the elevator to the underground factory, where the production line covered with materials with excellent sound insulation effect, they could not hear too much sound. .

In this silence, the two arrived at the warehouse where Veronica's combat system was placed, the huge Mark44 large mecha, the Earth Observation Optical Imager, an independent satellite communication module, a spare parts storage warehouse, and a prison-style isolation warehouse. .
The Veronica Space Combat System is by no means a mothership for launching large-scale steel battle suits, but a comprehensive combat platform with dozens of functions. Design and testing, Veronica is definitely an ingenuity compared to the small Iron Man suit that takes several months like an assembly line.

Stark and Greer wore dust-free clothes and walked into this warehouse with extremely high requirements for a clean environment. Stark looked at his masterpiece and asked, "Have you thought about how to carry out the work?"

Greer was still thinking about how to engrave the magic circle on Veronica, and when he heard Stark's inquiry, he replied: "This is not an easy task, it is best to remove the shell, and you have to do it too. It’s better to prepare several sets of shells.”

Stark turned his head and pointed at the huge intelligent production workshop in the distance, and said, "You can do as much as you want."

"Then let's get started." Greer turned and left the warehouse as he said. It is not easy to engrave the magic circle. Once it fails, it will cause a lot of disturbance. This place is full of valuable precision instruments, which is not a place for work.

Stark gave the order, and Jarvis began to prepare. The mechanical arm slowly disassembled Veronica's shell, and then Mark38 Eagle moved the heavy shell piece by piece to the training base more than 20 meters away. .

When Mark38 Iger placed the last piece of red outer armor on the smooth marble floor, Greer was also ready. The inscription of the magic circle was similar to the printed circuit board of a lithography machine.But magic is used, which is why Heimdall said that there is no difference between magic and technology.

On the way here, Greer and Stark also discussed whether it is possible to use scientific instruments to engrave the magic circle. If it is successful, then the Iron Legion will be the Magic Iron Legion, with an arc pulse gun in one hand and a magic power gun in the other. , I feel very strong when I think about it.

The Veronica system can also be regarded as the first experiment, the fusion of magic and technology. What Greer needs to arrange is a composite magic circle, which converts magic power into magic circles, which are used to convert electricity into magic power and supply energy to the magic circle; one-way Opened small teleportation array, used to deliver ammo and repair robots.
It can be said that the operation on Veronica this time was a major operation. Greer and Stark chatted in full swing, and Jarvis was also busy calculating the new requirements put forward by the two of them. In the evening, I ended the day's work with unfinished business.

But when they left, the two were still discussing how to improve Veronica. On the ground behind them, a lot of materials were left, which were more expensive than gold outside, but they were discarded here like shoes, and they were directly treated as waste. Iron treatment, furnace recasting, trenches will not work.

In the upward elevator, Greer asked with some concern: "Stark, do you have enough funds to support the global defense system?"

Greer is not worried about technical issues. Technology has never been a problem in front of Stark. If the countries disagree, then they will not let them know, but there is no solution without money, otherwise there will be no such poor people. Don't look at Si Tucker has manufactured more than 40 Iron Man suits in a row, but the total is estimated to be the same as the three Veronica combat systems.

But the global defense plan requires more than ten times the combat platform, not to mention that Stark is not the only plan, and I am really worried that Stark will be hollowed out and then bankrupted by the vampires on Wall Street.

Don't look at Stark's current glory, secretly, I don't know how many people want him to collapse, so as to swallow up countless patents and counts in Stark's hands, especially the Iron Man suit patent. There is no country and force in the world that does not spy on him. Yes, but if Stark reveals a little crack, countless flies will swarm there.

"The speed at which I spend money has never caught up with the speed at which I make money." Stark didn't take it seriously at all, and was in a very happy mood.


Greer was speechless. He had never experienced what it was like to spend money at will and get more and more money. He also didn't know that being able to spend money in this way was not as good as making money. He had no say in this aspect.

The elevator door opened, and the lights outside were already on, and the street lights on both sides of the roads in the Avengers base had also been turned on, keeping the night dark while also illuminating the roads. Stark looked at the sky full of stars and said: "The nanotechnology Patent, the early income is enough for me to build a hundred sets of Veronica."

"That's good." In terms of making money, Greer couldn't help, nor could he offer any useful advice. He could only choose to believe in Stark's ability to make money.

And in the distant equator, an ocean-going freighter belonging to Stark Industries is drifting with the current, the propeller at the tail has already been turned off, and is waiting for the moment of calm. Look, you will find that the mountains of containers are actually just a layer of iron sheet on the outside, making them look like stacked containers.

The mountainous container is hollow, and the space inside is used to place a set of sea launch platforms and a bloated rocket. The red shell is clearly painted with Veronica (Veronica), and the other side is painted with MK44 (Mark 44), very ostentatious, for fear that others will not know that this is the Veronica and Mark 44 steel suit.

Time passed bit by bit, and the sea gradually became calm. Although it was night, there were not a few clouds in the sky, and the sky full of stars and the silver moon surrounded by them could be clearly seen. Slowly opened, the launch platform hidden in it stood up, and the rocket pointed directly at the sky.

The crew was busy preparing for the launch. The flame shield was raised, the isolation layer was raised, the cooling facility was turned on, and the deck was cleared. After everything was ready, the console pressed the launch button, the large ark reactor was activated, and the rocket tail thruster Massive amounts of ions were ejected, driving the rocket towards the sky, with higher and higher altitudes and faster and faster speeds, until it became a star and merged into the night sky, which could no longer be seen with the naked eye.

"The launch was successful!" The people in the control room cheered and hugged each other, celebrating the first successful launch of a rocket by Stark Industries using the Ark reactor, which represented a new era for human exploration of the universe.

In the past, human exploration of outer space required the use of multi-stage rockets, which cost two to three thousand tons of chemical fuel to transport dozens of tons of spaceships to Mars. This is also the biggest problem restricting human large-scale exploration of space. Everything will change.

The new rocket propulsion system with the Ark reactor as the core has a carrying capacity of almost a quarter of the take-off weight. Compared with the previous carrying capacity of a few percent, it has almost doubled by ten times. It cannot be described as a leapfrog development. Yes, it's a rocket-like improvement.

Since Stark Industries cut off the weapons manufacturing department, its revenue has also been cut in half. This is why Stark announced the closure of the weapons manufacturing department back then. Various talk shows regarded it as a joke and smashed cups with baseball bats To illustrate Stark Industries shutting down the weapons department is like throwing a cup on the ground, it will only shatter into a mess.

This was followed by the stock plunge, and Stark was dismissed by the board of directors on the grounds of mental problems. Tony Stark continued to sell arms, but the appearance of Iron Man gave Stark Industries a shot in the arm .

Then he announced the cross-age Ark reactor, directly transformed into a clean energy company, and opened the Stark Industry Expo, which announced the status of Stark Industries in the technology world. Probably because although I don’t play arms, I still Tech boss.

The outstanding performance of the Avengers in the battle of the contract has further increased the stock of Stark Industries. However, in the past four years, the Ark Reactor has not been sold to the outside world, but only high-density energy storage batteries. Stark Industries urgently needs new products. profit point.

Now I have finally found it, that is the aerospace business, the new rocket driven by the Ark reactor will bring Stark Industries higher profits than the arms trade.

Think about it, people use hundreds of thousands of tons of fuel to launch satellites, but Stark Aerospace only needs to use a small Ark reactor to go to the sky, directly turning a small-profit industry into a huge-profit industry. If there is a price war, the rest of the world Aerospace companies are all going bankrupt.

The employees of the newly established Stark Aerospace Department are celebrating the successful launch of the first satellite, but there are many people in different places, typing on the keyboard very seriously, using various means to track the flight trajectory of the rocket , to determine the coordinates of the released satellite, and thus determine the orbit of the Stark satellite.

Stark Industries has also launched many satellites in the past, but only this satellite has attracted much attention, because it is equipped with an integrated combat platform designed and manufactured by Stark himself. According to intelligence, this combat platform integrates deep space scanning, With multiple functions such as intelligence collection, attack, and defense, it is definitely the first platform in human history that can be used for outer space operations.

Not to mention that there is also a large individual mecha, which is definitely something that all forces want. Unfortunately, Stark is not revealing at all. Even this launch was carried out in secret. Unfortunately, there are too many people and the intelligence agencies of various countries I don't know how much sand was mixed into Stark Industries, so that this launch could be hidden from ordinary people.

Everyone who should know knows about Stark's launch operation, and started observing and tracking early. If it weren't for the full protection of the three Iron Legion drones controlled by Jarvis, someone would definitely want to hijack the ship halfway. Get rid of the Veronica integrated combat platform directly.

Compared with rockets that are 30 meters high, Stark Aerospace's rocket is only [-] meters high. It is definitely a kid in the rocket world, but its strength is amazing. It easily sent a ten-ton artificial satellite to the ground. middle track.

The solar panels are slowly opened, and the area of ​​the wing is wider than that of a Boeing airliner. It is definitely a big man in the artificial satellite world. The small man is used to send the big man to the sky. This shows how powerful Stark's new rocket is. powerful.

After the solar panels are turned on, they begin to receive the sunlight, convert it into electrical energy, light up the artificial satellite, let the internal instruments start to work, and receive signals from the ground. With such a wide solar panel, it is difficult to avoid the radiation from the ground. peep.

Far away in the Avengers base in America, as soon as Stark and Geryl landed on the ground, the phone rang. He took out the phone from his pocket and looked at it. A smile appeared on his face, and he said, "Now everyone knows that Veronica Launched and successfully entered orbit."

After finishing speaking, Stark said to the thin mobile phone screen: "Jarvis will record it. We will hold a press conference tomorrow to announce the official establishment of the Stark Space Department and accept commercial launch orders."

Greer somewhat understood Stark's intentions and asked, "You want to take the opportunity to launch Veronica during commercial orders?"

Stark, who put down his phone, showed Greer a sly smile, admitting that once the global defense plan is truly implemented and the satellites are launched frequently, people will find out sooner or later. Private goods, couldn't be simpler.

In this way, you can make money, accomplish what you want to do, and confuse peepers.

(End of this chapter)

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