The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 750 For and Against

Chapter 750 For and Against

Bruce took a few steps forward and started to operate on the holographic projection, showing Rogers the whole process of the satellite dropping the steel suit to the designated position on the earth. Even if it is only a simulated image, it can still make people feel the unparalleled shock brought by high-tech .

After the demonstration was over, Bruce said: "The test platform Veronica has completed the launch a few days ago and is running along the predetermined orbit. Hundreds of experiments will be completed on the orbit. If everything is normal, it can be launched on a large scale. Made and deployed."

When Bruce spoke, he couldn't hide the excitement and excitement in his heart. According to Stark's plan, after deploying a large number of steel suit combat platforms, they can basically replace the current Avengers, and no longer need Hulk, Iron Man and other super heroes. hero.

At that time, Bruce will only be Dr. Banner, no longer the violent Hulk. This is the dream of Bruce Banner. After hiding in XZ for more than ten years, he finally settled down in the Avengers. Hope to break this rare warmth.

But Hulk is an extremely unstable factor, an absolute troublemaker. It happened a few years ago, Hulk was angered by an "unknown force" and started a big war in a small town, almost razing that town to the ground , Provoked public opinion, and demonstrations broke out to protest the Hulk.

In the end, Stark, who is rich and powerful, stood up and said that he would rebuild the town and compensate for the losses. He would use money to smash people into losing his temper, and if he still has a temper, he will have a whole team of lawyers to play with you until you lose his temper. pressed down.

Even though Hulk has participated in many Avengers operations and made many contributions, Bruce doesn't like being Hulk, and he doesn't want Hulk to get into trouble again. The only way is to make him less, so he supports Bruce. Tucker's plan to deploy the Iron Suit platform globally.

After listening to Bruce's explanation and Jarvis' video projection, Rogers' frowning did not ease a bit, but his face became more serious. He looked at the satellites orbiting the 3D model of the earth, and the orbits of satellites intertwined into one. Spread the net and envelop the earth inside.

Rogers, who has experienced brutal wars, has always been unafraid to speculate with the greatest malice: this defensive network can attack externally, but it can also attack internally.

Any weapon is double-edged, and hurting others can also hurt oneself. It would be fine if this defense network can always be external, but once it is internal, so many space-based weapons can be said to kill whoever it wants to kill. Such a large number of steel The legion can easily sweep any country other than the three major powers.

Think about the Hammer drone, then dozens of "bad copper and iron" in Stark's eyes have caused great casualties. If left unattended, I am afraid that Queens can be blown into nothingness. Now we have to deploy The most important thing is the Iron Legion, whose quantity and quality far exceed those of the Hammer UAV countless times.

Rogers was silent for seven or eight seconds, turned his head to look at Stark who had been looking out the window, and asked, "This plan is good, is it possible to realize it?"

Without him to object, countries will not agree that Stark deploys such a large-scale armed system in outer space.

Stark said without looking back: "I didn't want them to agree."

Rogers frowned even tighter, and said, "No, Stark, this is too dangerous."

Rogers is a soldier, but he also knows the cruelty of political struggle. Once known, what awaits Stark is a more violent counterattack.

"Danger?" Stark turned his head, stared at Rogers, and said, "Is Thanos in danger? Captain, if there is an alien fleet in the outer space of the earth, tell me what to use to destroy them? Let Did they land on the surface to fight? Jarvis, send the captain a copy of the casualty and loss reports from the battle of contract and the battle of London, maybe he forgot."

What "Stark" Rogers hates the most is that Stark is like this. He always speaks with thorns, which makes people extremely uncomfortable.

"Captain, I know what I'm doing, and I know what the consequences will be, but some things have to be done by someone," Stark walked forward, almost touching Rogers' face before stopping, and said in a low voice : "Thanos' fleet may already be on the way, Vanaheim is destroyed, I don't want Earth to be next."

Rogers opened his mouth, but he had nothing to say. When it comes to actual combat, there is nothing to say. The strength of Thanos' fleet Greer and Thor have already made it very clear. It is vulnerable, and the only viable option is a large-scale individual mecha, which is Stark's current Iron Legion plan.

Rogers still wants to say, but this plan needs to be considered and discussed, and it cannot be decided and implemented just like this. It is not because he is timid or something else, but whether it is really appropriate for such a powerful force to be held in the hands of one person.

SHIELD is supervised by the Security Council and the intelligence agencies of various countries, but Hydra has penetrated into a sieve, and even the director has to feign death to escape, making SHIELD now completely become Hydra's private territory, and Star What about grams?
Now Stark can be trusted, what about the future, or Stark's successor?One person holds the highest authority of the Iron Legion, and one thought can determine the life and death of countless people. This power is too terrifying.

Rhode hurriedly walked between Stark and Rogers, separated the two who were too close, and said: "This is just a plan, and it's still early before it's implemented. We have enough time to think about it." , Captain, sit down, Tony, sit down and say."

Standing aside with folded arms, Bruce said: "We can't just look inside the earth now, a greater threat will come from outer space, we alone are not enough, far from enough.

Greer has been using his left arm just now, and he has never raised his right arm. Powerful strength always has side effects. Remember what he said about Dr. Green?Hulk and Banner become one person, haha! "

Bruce laughed at the end, but the smile was extraordinarily bitter, and he pointed to himself and said, "I can feel that every time Hulk comes out, it will be a little harder for him to go back. Maybe one day, I will come back again." There is no way to let him go back."

As soon as Rhodes let the excited Stark and Rogers sit down, Banner spoke excitedly again, asking Rhodes to rush over and comfort Banner to let him sit down, don't get excited, lest the big green guy come out to have fun.

Bruce sat down obediently, took a deep breath, suppressed his excitement, and said, "I will help Stark complete this plan. The earth needs a set of steel armor."

Only Thor did not participate in their discussion. After staying on the earth for so long, he learned the saying, "If you are not of my race, your heart must be different." In the eyes of people on earth, the Asgardians on the edge of the Arctic Ocean may also be This threat, the various surveillances there have never been less, but have increased day by day.

"It's not something we can decide." Rogers got up and left after saying this, and there was no point in talking about it any longer. It was better to leave first and think about it calmly.

The meeting ended here, and each went back to the room to rest. Banner, who walked to the rest area, just turned the corner, and saw Rogers standing at the door of his room, obviously waiting for him. Banner was stunned and walked over Open the door and invite Rogers in.

Before Banner closed the door, Rogers couldn't wait to ask: "How long has Stark's situation lasted?"

Banner closed and locked the door with his backhand, thought for a while, and said: "It must have been a while, he couldn't hold back and had an attack in front of us, obviously it's a bit serious."

Rogers thought for a while, then asked again: "Is it related to Helm's Underworld?"

Greer, Thor, Rhodes, and Bruce, the four of them went to Helm's underworld to deal with Hela. Rogers also heard about it after the fact. In the end, he lost to the opponent. Under the cover of Greer's broken back, he fled back in embarrassment .

But when Thor returned to Haim's Underworld to pick up Greer, there was no trace of him, and the blood moon and the unknown black grass disappeared, making the earth return to normal. Obviously, Greer who stayed behind solved the problem , but he is missing.

Rogers felt that this incident might have had a certain impact on Stark. A group of adults left a child and ran away, especially Stark still valued Greer. Perhaps it was this incident that made Stark want to strengthen his strength.

"Maybe." Bruce sat on the chair with a tired face, put his arms around his face, and said, "I'm more worried about Greer. He said so much this time, but every sentence feels like he's drunk. .”

Rogers nodded in agreement. Greer's words contained a lot of information, which made it difficult to digest for a while. Bruce's emotions were affected by it. It was not only that 'Future' and Romanov became a couple, but more importantly What's more, he has become the most hated Hulk who wants to get rid of immediately.

There is also the threat of Thanos. A universe-level emperor may lead a fleet to attack the earth. I don’t know when the sword of Damocles will fall, and the earth has no possibility of blocking it. The power gap is too big. people despair.

Rogers had many questions in his mind, but few he could ask. He could only think about many sensitive questions silently in his heart. After talking to Bruce, Rogers bid farewell and left Banner's room.

After returning to his room, lying on the soft bed, Rogers couldn't fall asleep. He began to miss World War II again. Although it was cruel, it was all within his understanding and cognition, and he was the most shocking that one.

But now.
The enemy is not only the super villain who wants to make trouble on the earth, but also the aliens from outer space. What we have to fight is not tanks, planes, or cannons, but space battleships and Leviathan biological transport ships. In contrast, the mere A super-soldier isn't exactly eccentric at all.

"Hey!" Rogers sighed deeply. He was the strongest one during World War II, but he is nothing now. What is much stronger than him is that it is no longer the key to the outcome, so we can only continue to do it. What a human being should do - protect the human beings on this planet.

Tonight, the stars are shining brightly, not only the Avengers, but also the mages belonging to Kama Taj, who can't sleep. The supreme mage who has been 'lost' for a long time has returned, and the mages who are guarding the temple are greatly relieved.

The time when the Supreme Mage sat on the earth almost accompanied the progress of human history, and because of the generations of Supreme Mage, the earth was protected from large-scale invasions from different dimensions. Even the unprecedentedly powerful Dormammu failed to break through this line of defense .

But the sudden death of the ancient mage, it can be said that it caught everyone by surprise, and lost the strongest pillar without any precautions. But before everyone panicked, Greer came with the eyes of Agamotto 'Replenishment', successor to become the new supreme mage.

Although the strength is not as good as that of the Ancient One, it is enough to drive the supreme artifact, the Eye of Agamotto. The Eye of Agamotto is the strongest weapon against Domamu.

It's just that the supreme mage has been missing for more than ten days inexplicably, making Kama Taj's insiders very nervous, and they are extremely worried about what to do if Dormammu or other powerful creatures from another dimension invade at this time.

Fortunately, no one has invaded during this period, and the Supreme Mage has returned, so you can rest assured, but not everyone thinks so
The London Temple can be described as full of disasters. In just one year, it has experienced the overlap of the Nine Realms, the invasion of the dark elves, the invasion of unknown black grass, etc., causing incalculable losses to the Great Empire. Tens of thousands of square kilometers All man-made structures, plants, etc. were swallowed by the black grass, leaving only barren soil.

A quarter of the fog was swallowed up by the black grass, and the bones of 200 million people were left. The ashes in this area have not been cleaned up until now, let alone the reconstruction. If the black grass goes further, it may be the London Temple It will be history.

In this catastrophic temple, several mages were sitting cross-legged on the ground, looking at Kama Taj's 'defense map'. After this routine inspection, one of the mages suddenly said: "The Supreme Mage came back."

The three mages turned around. The news had already been sent back from the Temple of Twisting a Covenant a few hours ago, and everyone had known about it for a long time. What's the point of bringing this up again?

"He also broke the time record for the Supreme Mage to leave the earth."

Before he finished speaking, a mage wearing a wizard hat shouted sharply: "Casillas, watch your words."

"The supreme mage should also pay attention to his own behavior," Casillas said with a sneer, "the earth needs the protection of the supreme mage. Has he ever thought about his duty when he left?"

"The Supreme Mage is to solve the blood moon and the unknown black grass brought by Hela," Master Minerva, the guardian of the London Temple, explained, before saying: "Casilias, the Supreme Mage has his own thoughts. We What we have to do is to help him protect the planet."

"But he also said that he is the temporary supreme mage," Casillas said with a gloomy face, "If he is not qualified for this extremely important responsibility, then he should be replaced by a suitable person."

(End of this chapter)

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