The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 749 Difficulties

Chapter 749 Difficulties
Hearing Greer's words, Thor looked a little sad: "It's a dwarf."

The destruction of Nidaville is also a huge thorn in Thor's heart. He will never forget it in this life. The dwarves have served Asgard for many years and have created countless weapons and equipment. Asgard's ability is overwhelming. Sophisticated weapons and equipment should make a great contribution, but Asgard failed to protect them and let them be slaughtered.

And thinking of Nidaville, the name 'Thanos' came to mind again, making Thor's anger soar!Teng! Ascending upwards, a few faint flashes of lightning burst out from the shiny surface of the God of War armor. This is because Thor has matured a lot. If Thor, who had not been hit before, would have waved his hammer long ago to find Sano It's gone.

Once again, Rogers felt that he needed to learn a lot of 'common sense', and asked, "Can you elaborate?"

Thor took a deep breath and introduced: "The dwarves are famous casting masters in the universe. The whole group is very good at forging magical weapons. They signed an agreement with Asgard a long time ago. Asgard protects the dwarves. The dwarves cast weapons and equipment for Asgard.

But last year, Greer and I went to Nidaville to find the dwarf king forging new weapons, only to find that the dwarves were slaughtered by Thanos, and only the dwarf king Trish was dying, telling Thanos about the atrocities and storms He died after leaving the location of the axe.

My father's Eternal Spear, Hela's Mjolnir, my Storm Axe, etc., were all forged by the dwarves, and the Infinity Gauntlet once placed in Odin's treasury is also a masterpiece of the dwarves. "

Rogers nodded, lowered his voice a little, to 'cooperate' with the sad atmosphere, and said, "That means there is only one Infinity Gauntlet."

"Not necessarily," Greer said suddenly after putting away the Power Gem: "We came and went in a hurry last time, and didn't look carefully at all. Maybe there are models of Infinity Gauntlets, blueprints and other things there."

Rhodes, who had been listening carefully, finally said, "You know how to blacksmith?"


Rhodes, who is a professional knife repairer, hits the key point with one blow, does not know how to forge, so what if he has models and blueprints, it is no different from scrap products, not to mention that the dwarves are not only forging iron, but also enchanting and so on. A lot of extremely professional matter.

The fights present were quite good, but Stark had experience in blacksmithing. After all, he escaped from the cave full of bandits by relying on the skill of blacksmithing, but almost no one understood about enchanting.

A few people looked at me and I looked at you, and then remained silent. According to Thor, the Infinity Gauntlet is an artifact of the same level as Thor's Hammer and the Eternal Gun. A whole neutron star is used as a furnace, and the quality of the furnace alone can roughly determine the height of the finished product, which is more than ten floors.

Thor also held his chin and thought carefully, but finally shook his head and said: "The forging skills of the dwarves are unparalleled, this is their talent, no one in Asgard understands this, and this is not something that technology can do on Earth. "

"Not necessarily," Greer stood up, paced slowly, and said, "I have fought against Thanos, and his weapons and armor are no worse than your Storm Ax or the Armor of the God of War. Forged by the dwarves."

Thor looked at Greer and seemed to ask "Are you sure?" Greer nodded vigorously and said, "I inlaid the power gem on the Shining King Sword before I cut off his weapon, and the Shining King Sword It also collapsed because of this. If there is no power gem, his weapon can chop the Shining King Sword.

Later, I held the power gem and hit him with my fist. Most of the damage was blocked by the armor on his body. Otherwise, in a few days, Thor, you can try the armor of the god of war, can it block the power gem? "

"." Thor glared at Greer, showing no intention of agreeing at all. The dwarves are gone, and his Armor of the God of War is out of print. If it is broken, no one will repair it, so he won't experiment.

But Stark, who had been sitting all the time, said, "When you recover, let me know and test the power gem, so you can know how hard Thanos' armor is."

After finishing speaking, he shouted: "Jarvis, record it, let Stark Industries prepare a batch of high-hardness alloy ingots, and buy some vibration gold."

"Okay, sir." Jarvis immediately recorded it and notified the current CEO of Stark Industries, Pepper Potts.

Then Stark stood up, patted Greer on the shoulder, and said: "Okay, kid, go back and rest for a few days, and then take your girlfriend to play around, the relationship needs to be maintained."

"Well, I will, Mr. Stark." Greer nodded, pulled up Daisy to say goodbye to everyone, then took the elevator and left the Avengers Building, and asked Jarvis to arrange a driverless car, Send him and Daisy back to the Shrine of Twist.

When Greer left, Rogers immediately asked Thor: "Can six gems and the Infinity Gauntlet wipe out half of life in the universe?"

Thor pursed his lips, did not speak for a while, and finally shook his head, saying: "I don't know, my father never told us about the infinite gems, and even before that time, I didn't know about the Asgards. De also collected Infinity Stones.

The Rubik's Cube is a space gem, and the ether particle is a reality gem. Even Loki doesn't know this, but he claims to have read the Asgard library. "

Mentioning Loki, Thor was a little sad again. His last relative was gone, and he was really a lonely family. When he thought of this, he wanted to talk to Jane, and then be gentle with her.

Rogers nodded, and then said to Stark: "Stark, did you really get another one of your information?"

Stark didn't speak, just took out his mobile phone, and quickly clicked on it a few times. The holographic interactive projection equipment in the lobby started to work, projecting images among the crowd: a car that suddenly ran out of control and crashed into the corner of the street, a plane that crashed out of control, Passers-by who turned into ashes in the surveillance camera
The split screens showed the same terrifying flying ash scene in different places, and Rhodes also found his name and avatar on the split screen in the corner, which was displayed as death, which made Rhodes widen his eyes and pointed He looked at Stark.

Stark lowered his head and said in a muffled voice: "Many people died, and suddenly turned into ashes in front of their relatives and friends. Can you imagine what it would be like? According to the data, for five full years, the earth Normal order has not been restored, there are thugs and crime everywhere”

As he spoke, Stark fell silent, and his breathing became rapid again. He clenched his fists tightly and panted heavily, causing Rogers to rush over and asked, "Stark, are you okay?"

"Hmm!" Stark let out a 'hmm' casually, covered his eyes with his right hand, lowered his head and continued to take a deep breath, and Rhodes also half-kneeled on Stark's right, lowered his head, wanting to see Stark's expression , stroking Stark's back with his right hand, wanted to say something but didn't say anything, just kept soothing Stark like a cat.

After Stark raised his head, Rhode stood up, hesitated for a few seconds, and said, "Stark, maybe you can find a psychiatrist."

"I'm fine, just a little problem." Stark shook his head.

"You look like post-Gulf War Syndrome. What happened?" Rhodes was very puzzled. Stark has been Iron Man for four years, and he has even experienced alien invasion battles like the Battle of Contracts. More than once, there are more other battles. They are definitely experienced veterans, and they have not been discharged. How could this be?
"I'm just a little insomnia, I haven't had a good rest," Stark waved his right hand, insisting that he has no problem, continuing the topic of 'future news', said: "This is just the future of that parallel universe, didn't Greer say Did they take away a few Infinity Stones, Thanos is impossible to collect them all, and Bruce, are you interested in Romanov? I can be an introducer."

Stark brought the topic up to Bruce, causing the others to look at Bruce intentionally or unintentionally, looking up and down, as if looking for a place that could make Romanov's thorny rose fall in love with him, whether it was because of his age or because of his Not taking a bath, or fancying the big Hulk?

"Hey?" Bruce was dissatisfied. This topic is quite embarrassing. He still wants to reconnect with Betty, and he has been trying to find a way to contact her recently. As for Romanov, he has only met a few times and has no impression. An extremely bad agent, no matter how you look at it, he is not his type, and he has no intention of developing the other party at all.

Hearing that Bruce and Romanov from another parallel universe were together, Banner wanted to ask him what he thought?I really want to lament the greatness of the magic of love, which can bring such mismatched two people together.

Rogers took a few steps back. Stark was so persistent that he couldn't say anything. He could only continue the topic of Infinity Gems and Infinity Gauntlets, and continued: "What about the Power Gem in Greer's hand? He said that Sano Thanos must come back to snatch it, Thor, how strong is Thanos?"

"The Chitauri who invaded the contract are just an army under Thanos. Thanos also has a biological weapon, which is very powerful. Well, it is probably the American emperor of the earth." Thor finally thought about it seriously.

With Thor’s analogy, everyone understands how powerful Thanos is in the universe, but they are even more uncertain. Compared with the earth, it is definitely not a rabbit or a polar bear who can wrestle with a bald eagle. It's just a Beibang, and there is no big dad behind it.

Roger suddenly frowned. He didn't understand the universe, but it didn't prevent him from thinking about aliens with the thinking of earthlings. The other parallel universe is a bit beyond his cognition, and the evidence is that Star What Ke and Greer provided, let alone talk about it for the time being, Thanos is a real threat.

A cosmic man who is keen on massacres reminds Rogers of the head of state who initiated World War II, but the earth does not have the strength of the allies to match it. If Thanos really leads the fleet to invade the earth, it will basically be crushed, and there is no power to fight back .

People can carry out plowing bombing in outer space. No matter how powerful the fighter jets, aircraft carriers, submarine nuclear weapons, and weapons on Earth are, can they still go to outer space?Even if they ran out, the difference in technology was so great that they would all be wiped out before they could get close.

Rogers frowned. He couldn't think of any way to resist Thanos's invasion. The gap in strength was too great, and it could not be made up by bravery and fearlessness. Question for Stark.

Stark is one of the smartest people on Earth. Stark Industries used to be an arms dealer who provided the best weapons. Now the Iron Man suit is an individual mecha that every major country is committed to developing. For scientific and technological issues, you must consult him. That's right.

Stark seemed to feel Rogers' gaze, poured himself another glass of wine, drank it all, and said: "Since the war of breaking the contract, I have been thinking about the threat from outer space. The current weapons of mankind are all Internally, not externally."

The two soldiers, Rogers and Rhodes, nodded in agreement. They both participated in the Earth's internal war and felt deeply about it.

Stark walked to the window with the wine, looked at the bustling city outside, and said: "I even considered announcing the technology of the Iron Man suit, but the biggest possibility of this would be to escalate the internal war among humans, so I have been clinging to it. Hold on, give humans a buffer time, and don’t have to jump to the era of individual assault.”

Rogers agrees that Stark strictly guards against the technology of the Iron Man suit. Having participated in World War II, he knows how cruel war is, and the destructive power of the Iron Man suit is comparable to that of tanks and airplanes. Once he participates in the war, it will bring only There will be more deaths.

The consequences of the popularization of the Iron Man suit, just think about the Hammer drone incident, and the group of Ten Ring gang thugs who kidnapped Stark, but they have weapons and equipment produced by Stark Industries that are absolutely prohibited for sale. , capitalists are the most unscrupulous, they can sell the rope to hang themselves for money.

"The Iron Man suit can turn an ordinary person into a superman, so I want to put an Iron Man suit on the earth to make the earth invulnerable." Stark by the window turned around, looking Looking at the crowd scorchingly, the projection between Rogers and the others instantly transformed into a model of the earth, with a large number of small black spots on the surface constantly rotating around the earth.

Looking closely, these black dots are satellites with big bellies, and the surface is still painted in golden red. Then the holographic projection shows how these satellites release the Iron Man suit inside and the laser weapons loaded to launch the attack.

Yes, Stark only demonstrated the Iron Man suit and laser weapons, and other functions such as large-scale swarm drones to perform surveillance and attacks on the earth, etc., did not mention it at all, he just opened up Rogers what they should know.

Bruce laughed and said: "This was originally used to deal with me, no, Hulk's Veronica system can also be used to fight against invading aliens, no matter when and where, it doesn't need to go around half the earth , and can be delivered to the designated area immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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