The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 748 Anxiety Disorders

Chapter 748 Anxiety Disorders

There are many high-rise buildings, the busy streets and alleys are like a shining galaxy, the neon lights of billboards of various colors are shining, and the windows are shining brightly.

The most extravagant among them is the radiant Manhattan, with soaring skyscrapers, luxury cars and beauties all over the streets, silently rejecting the approach of the poor.

The Avengers Building is the best among them. The whole body is covered with special glass. In terms of light pollution effect, it ranks first in terms of light pollution. When there is no sunlight at night, many high-power searchlights will be lit, making the Avengers Building the most beautiful place in the world. The bright building can clearly see the big letter 'A' across the wide Hudson River.

The exterior is so magnificent, and the interior cannot be described as luxurious. It is a world-class laboratory built with advanced technology and all the efforts of Stark Industries. It has shiny floors, exquisite leather sofas, and luxurious furniture. With the crystal chandelier and modern technology, it can be said that Stark has engraved the word "hao" in his bones, and he can sell it casually, which is a high-quality product. There are more than [-] roads without big gold rings and thick necklaces.

Below the special tempered glass is an Iron Legion maintenance line. The production line is hidden in the basement of the Avengers Base, where a large number of S.H.I.E.L.D. documents were discovered at the beginning, and the network is still physically disconnected, unless Stark personally opens it, otherwise It is impossible to start this production line to produce steel suits.

The Avengers Building is full of dignitaries, and those who talk and laugh are all powerful, but today there is a man in ragged clothes, who has no image and throws his arms and eats Hesse. He looks like a starving ghost, with tears in his eyes The whirling Daisy was handing water and busy stroking her chest, and kept saying 'eat slowly' for fear of choking.

The well-dressed Bruce stared dumbfounded at Greer, who had no image at all, and wanted to know what he had gone through to become like this. The last time he was caught as a 'slave' was not so miserable. Greer was eating like crazy and couldn't ask.

He wanted to ask Thor who came back with him, but since Thor got off the Quinjet transport plane, he stood aside with a gloomy face, exuding an aura of 'I'm very upset, don't mess with me', which is quite persuasive. Bruce weighed it for a while, and decided to ask Greer later.

On the contrary, Rhodes whispered thoughtfully: "The universe is indeed very dangerous. It has only disappeared for half a month and it has become like this."

"Do you want to see photos of my life in the slums?" Banner immediately put forward a different opinion. He believed that the earth was equally dangerous. Back then, in order to avoid being chased by the military, he used all kinds of beggars, workers, doctors... Can put together a collection.

Ragged clothes are nothing to Bruce. When he was a doctor in the slums, it was a trivial matter not to take a bath for a month. It was too common for flies to eat and cockroaches to sleep. It is even more broken than Greer now. Clothes, all worn by Bruce.

"." Rhodes stared at Bruce for half a second before saying, "I've seen it."

"Huh?" Now it's Bruce's turn to be puzzled. Just as he was about to ask how he saw it, he thought of Stark's good habit: spying on secrets. Gadgets, and then hacked the S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau in minutes, and Nick Fury was so angry.

While the two of them were whispering, Greer finally swallowed the last bite of the hamburger, picked up the juice next to him with his greasy left hand, drank it, and then heaved a sigh of relief: "It's cool!" Hungry and full The rice is really cool, the kind from heaven.

Shaking his hands, the magic power condensed into a multi-element magic circle on the wrist, and Feng Shui magic skills quickly flowed through the whole body, washing away all filth, and the efficiency was countless times higher than that of a washing machine. Greer smiled at Daisy and put the magic The wind turned into fire and wind, the fire burned the garbage, and the wind condensed the flames and smoke without leaking out. Daisy, who was closest to her, didn't even smell a little dust and smoke, and the wrapping papers all over the table disappeared.

The view of the city that never sleeps outside the window flashed a streak of light, and landed steadily on the outside platform. The traction device drove the platform back to the room, and the Iron Man suit that landed on it was also quickly opened, allowing Stark inside to walk easily. come out.

"The captain needs to take the elevator, which is relatively slow." Stark said as he walked in, habitually raised his left arm, and gently pressed it with his right hand. When passing by the bar, he picked up a bottle of wine and walked to the grid. Riel sat down across from him, and when he poured himself a drink, he raised his head and asked, "Would you like some drink?"

"No, let's have a drink." Greer, who doesn't like to drink, suddenly wants to drink some, and even wants to try what it's like to get drunk, if he really doesn't have any troubles when he's drunk.

"Good boy." Stark praised, pushed the glass of wine poured in front of Greer to Greer, then leaned on the sofa, and asked: "It's so late, what's the important thing to call everyone over here?" ?”

Just as Greer was about to speak, the elevator door opened, and Rogers in casual clothes strode in, and asked with concern, "Greer, are you okay?"

"If it's not good, I won't come back alive." Stark answered casually, then turned his head to look at Thor who was still in shape, and asked, "Why did you mobilize the army this morning?"

Thor, who was in an extremely bad mood, turned his head, glanced at Stark, then turned back, continued to look at the starry sky, and was very displeased with Stark's behavior of monitoring New Asgard all the time. The Rainbow Bridge was fleeting, Unless you watch the whole process, it is impossible to know how many people have entered the Rainbow Bridge.

Thor didn't answer, and Greer helped him answer: "Let the Asgardians and Vanir Protoss who died tragically in Vanaheim return to the embrace of the stars."

'click!Click! '

Thor's clenched fists squeaked, and the muscles on his face trembled slightly due to the excessive anger.

Greer's announcement made Nuo Da's luxurious living room instantly quiet, everyone was frightened, but this was just an appetizer, Greer continued: "Thanos did it, the famous genocide in the universe. A madman likes to go to a certain planet, kill half of the life there, and then walk away.

The most terrifying thing is that he thinks that he is saving the race he slaughtered by doing this, because he killed half of the people, so that the surviving people can get more resources, so that they can live better and last longer. "

Stark's breathing became thicker in an instant, and the frequency also accelerated a lot, causing Roger to turn his head and look in Stark's direction, but saw Stark's eyes staring directly at Greer in front of him, Originally he was sitting with his legs crossed, and his sitting posture was quite relaxed, but now he put it down and became sitting upright, his body was obviously a little stiff.

And Greer continued: "But now this lunatic feels that killing planets one by one is too slow, and he can't let the whole universe realize his true feelings in his lifetime, so he plans to speed up this process, and he chooses to collect six planets. The legendary infinity stones, with their powerful power, wiped out half of life in an instant, so that the remaining people can get more resources, live better, and let the universe survive for a longer time."

Stark clenched his fists violently. Mark45, which had not yet fully entered the warehouse, the brightness of the ark reactor on his chest increased sharply. He turned around in an instant, raised his hands, and faced everyone in the living room, actually gathering energy. Arc Pulse Cannon and Cluster Cannon.

"Stark" Rogers was the first to react and yelled at Stark. At the same time, his eyes scanned the surrounding objects, looking for something that could be thrown over in an instant and knocked over the Mark45 that seemed to be attacking.

This loud shout made Stark wake up like a dream, and he was shocked suddenly. Mark45 immediately lowered his arms, and the output power of the Ark reactor plummeted, causing the light to plummet, and then it was sent to the warehouse and disappeared.

Although the 'crisis' was lifted, Rogers stared at Stark with a serious face, put his left hand on a magazine, and asked, "What happened just now?"

"It's okay." Stark replied intermittently, shut his mouth and took a few deep breaths before saying, "It's just a small problem, and it's been ruled out."

This reason is not convincing to Rogers, his eyes are still fixed on the abnormal Stark, but Stark turned his head, without looking at Rogers, raised his chin at Greer, said :"go on."

Greer hesitated for a second, then went on to talk about his experience of this trip to the universe. He also wanted to ask what happened to Mark45's abnormal movements, but Stark obviously didn't want to talk about it, and he couldn't get an answer if he asked again. I can only keep it in my heart for the time being, and talk about it later when the meeting is over.

When Greer narrated that Vormir discovered the couple of Dr. Green and Romanov, Bruce was the first to stand up and interrupt Greer's narration, expressing his protest: "What? I became Hulk? Still became a couple with her?
you sure? "

Originally, he wanted to say, 'You're sure you were not out of your mind at the time', but in the end he swallowed the second half of the sentence, and he just came back from the universe, so it's better to be more tactful.

But he really couldn't imagine the Hulk version of Banner and what it would be like to be a couple with the black widow.

Greer nodded and continued to talk about the Black Widow jumping off a cliff to sacrifice herself and let Dr. Green get the soul stone, and left quickly after Greer delayed. Greer used the power gem to fight Thanos, but was blocked by the soul gem. The superstar Gasanos was defeated, and at the end of his life, Loki appeared with the Rubik's Cube and rescued him.

Arriving in Vanaheim, I saw corpses and burned cities everywhere, as well as Loki who was crushed to death. The living Loki introduced himself as coming from 2012, because Hulk knocked down people and let the Rubik's Cube slide to his feet. run away
After the adventure was finished, everyone was dumbfounded. Greer's eyes were quite strange, just like seeing a person on the street shouting that the world was created by the noodle god, and it would be very kind not to be sent to a mental hospital Moved.

Rhodes and Bruce exchanged opinions with weird eyes, probably saying 'he's crazy', even Thor, who was in shape, turned his head and looked at Greer in surprise, he remembered very clearly that after the contract After the war, we parted directly on the street. There were not so many things to do. Why?
Daisy tugged at Greer's hand, and said cautiously: "Greer, it's already so late, and you are also very tired, go back and have a good rest, and discuss this with everyone tomorrow."

"I know what I said is crazy, but this is indeed my real experience," Greer patted Daisy's hand, and continued seriously: "Thanos' plan succeeded in another parallel universe, He wiped out half of the life there, so the avengers there wanted to come to our universe to collect infinite gems to make a comeback.

When Asgard was invaded by the dark elves, Frigga and I both witnessed a fat and sloppy Thor appeared and killed the cursed warrior. He took away the space gem and the infinite gauntlet. , this fat Thor and Stark who also came from another universe also appeared, took away the time gem, left a data disk, and I gave it to Stark. "

Stark nodded silently, and said: "In my hands, there are many technologies that have not been put into use and are under research, as well as news about the future: Thanos snapped his fingers and wiped out half of life , the only remaining Avengers made a time-space hijacking plan, went to another time to search for the Infinity Stones, and saved the lives wiped out by Thanos."

Rhode's gaze was no longer weird, but shocked. Stark was actually endorsing Greer, testifying that his words were true, and then he thought, Falcon once said that when he was in the Veterans Service Center, many It is time to follow the words of some veterans with mental illness, so as to gain the trust of patients, and then to conduct in-depth communication and treatment, commonly known as talk therapy.

Thinking about it this way, it makes sense for Stark to make such an outrageous statement.

"Vormir's Doctor Green and Romanov also come from that parallel universe. They have almost collected the Infinity Gems. The bad news is that Thanos also started his Infinity Gems collection plan and knew that I have Power Gems in my hand." Greer said, raised his left hand, and grabbed the void.

With a flash of purple light, an oval-shaped, small and exquisite luminous stone appeared in Greer's palm, surrounded by countless fine magic patterns, which tightly sealed the light it emitted without leaking a little.

All eyes were focused on this small purple glowing stone. It was hard to imagine that such a small stone contained the power to destroy a planet, just like a little boy before he was thrown down, who could believe How could such a big iron bomb destroy a city?

Thor made a sound for the first time since entering the Avengers Building, and asked in surprise: "You actually have this?"

Greer turned his head to look at Thor, and said: "But on Vormir, I couldn't beat Thanos with the power gem. Maybe we need to make an infinite gauntlet. Using the palm, we can't play this well." How much power is a gem."

(End of this chapter)

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