The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 747 Prepare for Infinity War

Chapter 747 Prepare for Infinity War
The doubts of Heimdall and Thor were completely within Greer's expectation. If he hadn't seen and heard it with his own eyes, he would never have believed that two Lokis, one alive and one dead, appeared in front of him at the same time, and the two people from the Avengers from another timeline.

It can only be said that life is always more serious than TV dramas, and there are always unexpected things happening.

The 2012 version of Loki came and went in a hurry, and the total time spent together was less than 5 minutes. Just these few words can not determine that he is indeed Loki. Not only Thor and the others have doubts, but even Greer is not sure. but
Greer couldn't calm down when he thought of the outdated magenta camera that Loki handed to him before he left. The shape and color were exactly the same as those in the special photo, and it was really hard to use. Coincidence' word to prevaricate.

Thinking of this, Greer reached out his hand and took out a square camera from the tattered windbreaker pocket, facing the sun, looking carefully over and over again, hoping to find some clues.

As for Thor, who was half kneeling in Loki's "Death with Unforgivable Eyes", he clenched his fists tightly, his face was gloomy, and there was only one person named "Thanos" in his mind.

When searching the ruins before, many Chitauri and vanguard corpses were found, as well as a large number of Chitauri suspended motorcycle wreckage. All kinds of evidence point to the massacre of Vanaheim by Thanos' dark order.

As early as before the destruction of Asgard, I heard all kinds of "deeds" of Thanos, the genocide, but he didn't violate the Nine Realms. But now, when Asgard is weakest, Thanos suddenly Invaded Vanaheim and carried out a brutal massacre.

Thor has been to Vanaheim more than once in his 1000-year-old years. This is also the hometown of Frigga. The Vanner Protoss living here has a glorious history and brilliant civilization comparable to the Asa Protoss.

But the beautiful and magnificent city has now been turned into ruins, no matter how long the history is, it has also been wiped out.At any rate, there is still a branch of the Aesir Protoss on the earth. Asgard civilization has not disappeared, but the Warner Protoss is.
"Thanos" Thor gritted his teeth, the anger in his heart was beyond words, his eyes were red with extreme anger, if Thanos was in front of him at this moment, Thor would have swallowed him alive.

Heimdall stood silently behind Thor. Loki's behavior all along made him feel bad about him, but no matter what, he was the adopted son of Odin, the former king of Asgard, and now his neck was broken by someone. Throwing corpses into the wilderness.

This is rubbing Asgard's face on the ground crazily, and the word 'provocation' can no longer describe it. Even though Asgard is in decline, such insults cannot be tolerated.

The wordless silence expanded as the scope of the search for the ruins expanded, and the Asgardians who came to search at the beginning would shout a few words in a low voice, asking if they had found any survivors, but with repeated Disappointed, everyone lost their language skills, and eventually they all fell silent.

Desperation is spreading. Knowing that there is no hope, the Asgardians are still trying to find it, pinning their hopes on a slim miracle. How could so many people die?

The corpses near the ancient tree were gathered together, and then Asgard's custom spark was used to bring the dead back to the arms of the stars. A large forest was cut down into firewood and piled up around thousands of dead people from Asgard and the Vanir Protoss .

Thor took one last look at the 'angry' Loki, stretched out his hand to caress his eyes, making him close his eyes, then picked up Loki, placed him gently on one of the piles of firewood, and slowly backed away.

All the Asgardians who came to Vanaheim gathered near the ancient tree, looking at the firewood and the dead clansmen all over the field with grief, the ignited flames burned more and more vigorously, gradually covering everyone's vision.

The raging fire brought extremely high temperatures, and the scorching Asgardian armor was hot, but no one took a step back. They all watched the tribe return to the embrace of the stars with grief, and prayed for the tribe in the ancient Asgardian language .

From dawn to Vanaheim until sunset, Thor gathered his people, summoned the Rainbow Bridge with a storm axe, and brought them back to Earth. Although people left, their hatred was always in their hearts.Asgard has only declined for a few years, but it has prospered for tens of thousands of years. The pride is still engraved in the hearts of every Asgardian, and they will never be too cowardly to take revenge because of the strength of the enemy.

Looking up at the familiar sun and stepping on the familiar land, Greer's tense body actually relaxed, lying on the snow-covered ground without any image, breathing deeply, tasting the fresh and sweet air.

The time spent wandering in the universe this time is not too long, but there are quite a few planets to set foot on, from Monarch Star to Belhert Star, then to Igo Star, and finally to Vormir Star. The environments of the four planets are different. But it is not very suitable for human survival. In comparison, the air of the earth is too luxurious.

Just after the Rainbow Bridge disappeared, a group of old and weak Asgardians ran out from a small town not far away. The leader was the fully armed Valkyrie. Seeing that everyone's armor had no traces of knives and axes, Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief, which meant that there was no fighting.

Early in the morning, Thor hurriedly summoned the Rainbow Bridge to go, and then came back immediately to summon the army to leave, which made the whole town panic. People steal home.

The Valkyrie ran over and was about to inquire, but saw that all the Asgardians looked very bad, angry and sad. None of them were smiling, but some people were crying.

"What happened?" The Valkyrie was definitely not a good thing, but she finally asked. She was eager to know what happened, and she turned into a mourning army when she went out.

"Vanerham was destroyed by Thanos." Thor said expressionlessly, but when he spoke, the blood vessels in the right arm holding the storm ax burst out due to excessive force, obviously trying to suppress it. inner anger.

The Valkyrie was so shocked by the news that she didn't speak for a while, while Thor let the army disband and go home, but he sat down next to Greer, throwing the storm ax that was regarded as a treasure in the snow. , looking at the frozen sea in the distance with a blank expression.

Heimdall motioned for the Valkyrie to leave, and whispered the tragedy of Vanaheim on the road. The city was burned to ruins, the people were slaughtered, and even Loki was strangled to death. The scene was horrible.
And when she heard that the enemy was Thanos, the Valkyrie was silent. She has been on Saka for so long, and she has heard people from all over the universe tell about Thanos' atrocities, an absolute demon, who will kill half of you at every turn. Then he walked away. In comparison, Luo Ji was as pure as Xiao Baihua.

It's okay to behave badly, but his own strength is extremely strong, and his soldiers are like rain and generals. Compared with Asgard in its heyday, he is not too shy. With the weak strength of Asgard now, he wants to take revenge. , easier said than done.

"Alas!" The myriad worries in my heart finally turned into a sigh, helpless, if I don't think about revenge, is Asgard still Asgard?If you lose your spirit and break your spine, you just wait to be wiped out in the long river of history, but revenge is not easy.

After everyone left, Thor said, "Did you really see Loki?"

Until now, he still thought it was to comfort him, so he deliberately said the 2012 version of Loki. He and Loki had been brothers for more than 1000 years, and the one who died was indeed Loki.

Greer, who was lying on the ground, sat up covered in snow, was silent for a moment, and said: "When Vormir was about to be killed by Thanos, I was indeed Loki holding the gun of eternity. The Rubik's Cube moved me from Vormir to Warnerham.

In fact, he claimed to be from 2012. After the contract dispute ended, he got the Rubik's Cube by accident and came here. "

"Vormir, the kingdom of death, where did you go?" Thor was quite surprised. Vormir is well-known in the universe, but anyone who has been around for a long time has heard of that weird place, which is as famous as the Bermuda Triangle on Earth.

"My story is quite long, and I won't finish it in a while." Greer sighed sadly, grabbed a handful of snowflakes on the ground with his left hand, and felt the cold snow melt into water and flow down little by little, like Life, seemingly solid, is actually fragile.

'call! Greer breathed a sigh of relief, cheered up a little, and said, "I've already contacted Jarvis. A transport plane will pick us up soon and go to the Avengers Building. We should make some preparations."

"Prepare? What?"

"Fight against Thanos." Greer stood up, didn't bother to clean the snowflakes on his body, looked at an approaching plane in the distance, and said, "If we start preparing now, maybe we can still win."

"Thanos" heard the name again, which caused Thor's emotions to fluctuate again. Thanos has become the biggest enemy in his heart, and he must be killed to sacrifice the dead clansman of Vanaham.

When Greer made up his mind to start preparing for Infinity War from now on, his target Thanos was taking a leisurely walk in Temple No. [-]. Vormir's failure did not make Thanos lose his temper. He adjusted his mood and returned to his usual calmness.

The bounty order was issued lightly: Greer was at the top of the list, followed by Loki, followed by Gamora, then Quill, Rocket Raccoon and the others. Except for the top three who demanded to be captured alive, the latter were regardless of life and death, and the bounty was high It makes people jealous, wishing to sell themselves for money.

Even if you provide information about these people, you can get a lot of money. This is much less difficult than arresting or killing them. In the vast universe, there is no shortage of people who take risks for money. As long as you find them, Temple No. [-] can rush there to lay siege immediately.

The "leisurely" Thanos walked all the way to the upper left wing of Temple No. [-]. In the largest laboratory, most of his body was transformed into a mechanical nebula, almost dismantled into parts, imprisoned in mid-air by magnetic light, moving no.

A large number of wires are connected to the parts on her body, and then connected to the surrounding instruments to monitor the condition of Nebula at all times. The small memory chip obtained from Gamora is not inserted into Nebula's brain, but Connect with the nebula through the instrument to prevent problems.

The memory chip was activated, and a large amount of data was exported from it, completely recording the secret conversations between Nebula and Gamora, discussing how to destroy the Thanos plan, and several of the failed battles were leaked by the two of them.

And Thanos is most concerned about the memory of the "Future Nebula", but he has no half of it. Looking at Thanos' gloomy face, the scientist in charge of this work reported the data read tremblingly.

Thanos laughed as he listened, looked at the Nebula that was about to be torn into pieces, and said, "Do you want to sacrifice yourself to protect Gamora?" He probably understood Nebula's plan in the future , deliberately made an action to leave a message, but it actually made Thanos focus on his past self, so that he could not pay attention to Gamora.

"Unfortunately, I got something more important." Thanos left the laboratory with a sneer, and went to another area, preparing to see the results of the analysis of the unknown bracelet he got from Romanov. Important items that return gems must not be lost.

Seeing Thanos leave, the scientist in charge breathed a sigh of relief, turned his head, looked at the miserable nebula, and sighed secretly, thinking that it was too difficult to live under him, and it was too difficult for his adopted daughter. It's too inhuman to be able to deal with pain and transform into a robot step by step.

Thinking in my heart, I felt a little more sympathy for Nebula, so I took a robot arm on the table and connected it to Nebula. This robot arm was repaired after it was destroyed last time. Install the 'skeleton', because Thanos asked to dismantle her whole metal skeleton. After finishing, Nebula was imprisoned by magnetic light and sent to prison.

In the unmanned prison, a small chip inside the newly installed old mechanical arm suddenly started to work, and then the encryption equation, which was completely different from the Dark Order, was activated, and the data of Gamora's memory chip quickly disappeared. be interpreted as another memory.

It's like the same number, the answer obtained by using different equations is naturally different, and the encryption method of the dark order is deciphered to conspire to destroy the Thanos plan, which is derived from the encryption method of Stark Industries. The news from the future, from the grievances and hatred between Nebula and Gamora, to the confrontation of Thanos with the same enemy, and then to Thanos' elimination of countless people.

Finally, the last words left by 'Xing Yun': You are never a bad person, you can change the future.

Nebula, which was suspended in the sky by the magnetic light, struggled to utter a few sounds: "Change. Future!"

Then this little chip stopped working, and then these future memories disappeared immediately, as if they had never appeared before, but Xingyun knew that as long as she activated this chip, these memories could come back.

(End of this chapter)

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