The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 746 'Before Life' Memories

Chapter 746 'Before Life' Memories

The night is thick, the stars and the moon are bright, and the evening wind is bleak.

Greer, dressed in shabby clothes, stood alone on a hill, with his right arm in his arms, consolidating the continuous ruins a hundred meters away. After the fire, there were only ruins and ruins left, and he couldn't see a complete building. building.

When I was in outer space before, I knew that Thanos's legion was attacking here, but Greer didn't feel any fluctuations in his heart, and he hurriedly took the opportunity to plan the infiltration, but now standing here, looking at the continuous ruins in front of him, Greer It was as if a big rock was blocked in my heart, and I was very uncomfortable.

Piles of ruined walls silently tell of the prosperity of the past, and occasionally clusters of unextinguished fires can be seen, which are brighter than the stars in the sky at night.Woo! ' sounded like a wandering ghost crying.

Greer dragged his tired body and stood there for a long time, finally sighed, sat down slowly, turned around and stopped looking at the ruined city a hundred meters away, and just lay on the grass, looking up at the The starry sky and three moons of different sizes.

He didn't want to stay with those unrepentant corpses, so he recovered some strength and walked aside, but saw a more heart-wrenching scene. Beside the ancient tree, there were only 2000 people, but this "boundless 'How many people were buried in the ruins of the
Thinking, thinking, Greer felt even more congested, and at the same time felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart, as if he was doing useless work no matter what. He thought that with the power gem in his hand, he had a chance to kill Thanos , But when you really face it, you realize that it's just breaking the defense.

The armor on Thanos has ridiculously high defense, and his physical strength is almost invincible. In Infinity War, Thanos did not wear armor and did not carry a weapon. He knocked Hulk unconscious with a few punches. With all his strength, a drop of blood was spattered on his face.

The Power Gem has infinite power, but Greer hasn't even used one percent of its power. Presumably only the legendary Celestial Group can destroy a planet with one blow. If others want to force it, they will definitely It was wiped out on the spot.

Now think about it, whether Thanos deliberately asked the rebellious accuser Ronan to collect power gems, did he do it on purpose.Ronan and Xandar have a deep blood feud. Once he got the power gem, the first thing he did was to destroy the enemy, but with Ronan's physical strength, it was impossible for the power gem to destroy Xandar, and he would definitely be killed by backlash. But the power exerted can also cause great damage to Xandar Star. By then, Thanos will just reap the benefits of the fisherman.

The only thing I didn't expect was that I met the unusual star-lord, relying on the blood of the demigod, and forced a wave of carry, but in the later stage, Thanos pushed the Xandar star flat and took away the power gem.

Greer suddenly felt that this trip to Vormir did not really show the full strength of Thanos at all. He is not only a well-known powerhouse in the universe, but also an overlord who can destroy the headquarters of the Nova Corps and steal the power gem. Will it be weak?
As far as the strength of the earth is concerned, the invasion of the Chitauri and the dark elves will be disgraced. If Thanos's army invades, can it be stopped?Now the power gem is not in the Nova Corps, but in his own hands, which is already one of Thanos' goals.

Unless he doesn't go back to the earth, but that's okay, what if Thanos breaks through the earth, takes Stark and the others as hostages, and forces himself to hand over the power gem?
When looking for the storm axe, the memory of the phantom came to mind, and Thanos chopped off the heads of the Avengers one by one
Even Gamora can sacrifice, there is nothing Thanos can't do, taking the lives of billions of people to coerce Greer to hand over the power gem is nothing to Thanos, he The lives slaughtered, I don't know how many times more than this.

Hiding is not the solution, nor can it solve the problem. The person who caused the problem must be killed, but how to defeat Thanos?

A thought suddenly popped up in Greer's mind: one power gem won't work, but what about six?

Thanos can collect all six gems and use the infinite gauntlet to destroy half of life in the universe with a snap of his fingers. It should be easier to kill Thanos and his dark order with a snap of fingers. Life, the quantity can be too little, too much.

Greer suddenly came to the spirit, this idea seems to be feasible, Thor and the others in another universe are collecting infinite gems, trying to save half of the life in the universe that was wiped out by the snapping fingers of the infinite gauntlet, then after they complete the rescue task, put the infinite gauntlet Is it feasible to borrow it and kill Thanos casually?
Greer's mind was full of thoughts. This idea seems to be feasible, and it can be used as a backup plan. The first plan is to gather the strength of the Avengers and use the sharpness of Thor's storm ax to kill Thanos. This is the safest way, after all Now that the Mind Stone is in the hands of Thanos, it is not so difficult to get it.

Thinking, thinking, the tired Greer closed his eyes unknowingly, fell asleep with the sky as his quilt and the ground as his bed, the sky was full of stars, covering Greer with a layer of silver gauze, The wind also quietly weakened, as if worried about disturbing its sleep.

In the haze, Greer seemed to hear a loud voice: order is fair, and fairness is justice!

Then another slightly younger voice sounded: "This universe is about to be destroyed. I have never seen such a chaotic order."

Then another female voice rang out: "Can it still be saved?"

"My God, the timeline is a complete mess. Let me look at the source. It is the singularity left over from the Big Bang. This universe is so strange. It uses these six magical gems to maintain its operation, but they can be used by people. No wonder so Chaos, the authority to maintain the balance of the universe has been abused."

"Oh, is there such a thing?"

"There must be a big problem with the guardians. This kind of permission gem can only be used by them. Now that they are displaced, everyone can use it. It's no wonder that there are no problems."

"How long will you stay this time?"

The male voice paused for a few seconds, and said with shock: "The intertwined timelines are more than 1000 million. Who did it? If you dare to play, the universe can hardly bear it."

"It does look serious."

"The rules of this universe must be changed. Otherwise, if the timeline is sorted out this time, someone will definitely use authority gems to mess up this universe in the future. Since the big bang has passed, its remnants should also disappear. Using the law of ten elements Well, this is more suitable for this universe."

"Are you the result of the ten-element experiment in the data universe? But there is no ice, thunder, wood, or steel here."

"As long as it's not original, there will definitely be differences, but it's not a big problem. You can slowly adapt this universe. The order, fairness and justice proposed by the old man are just right for you. What the universe lacks most now is order. Merge the light of your life, reinfuse the memory of the main timeline, and the consciousness of self.
Ten elements will be born in his body, and then slowly affect this universe, oh, I found a gem of authority that is very suitable for him, right there, well, put him into this universe. "

"Greer, Greer, Greer" a rough male voice yelled in his ear, and at the same time his body was shaken vigorously, which made Greer wake up suddenly, and subconsciously punched him, and then opened his mouth Eye.

The fist was grabbed, and then Greer opened his eyes to see Thor, who was full of anxiety and anger. He was holding Greer's left hand with one hand, and holding the storm ax in the other. Riel woke up and hurriedly asked, "Why are you here? What happened here?"

"Uh..." Greer who just woke up was still in a daze, and his consciousness was quite unconscious. When he saw Thor, he asked, "Why are you here?"

Thor grabbed Greer's left arm, and pulled him up from the ground. The tattered clothes on his body were covered with grass clippings and dirt. The morning sun shone brightly, and Greer couldn't help but lift him up. Covering his eyes with his hands, he saw many Asgardians searching for the ruins not far away.

Thor held the left hand of the storm ax tightly, so hard that he almost squeezed out fingerprints on the handle made of the branches of the legendary world tree. Pointing to the ruins in the distance, he asked again: "What happened here?"

Greer became more conscious, hugged his unrecovered right arm with his left hand, sighed, and said, "It's Thanos, his dark sect has invaded here."

As soon as I said this, there was a shout from afar: "Thor!"

Thor and Greer turned their heads to look in the direction of the sound, and saw the fully armed Heimdall running towards here, and that was the direction of the ancient tree, Greer suddenly understood.

Sure enough, Heimdall came over with a sad face and said, "I found Loki."

Heimdall's expression, and when he realized that Loki didn't bring him over, Thor's face changed drastically. He pulled out the Thor's Hammer from his waist, flicked it twice in a hurry, and flew to the sea. Mdar's direction.

Greer looked at Thor who was going away, lowered his head and called Heimdall who was about to follow, and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Thor dreamed that there was an accident in Vanaheim, so he opened the Rainbow Bridge and came over. As a result." Heimdall looked back at the city that had been reduced to ruins, and the result was self-evident. people, so as to find survivors in the ruins as soon as possible.

The survivors in the city didn't notice, but they saw the 'comatose' Greer on the hillside, and then Thor woke Greer impatiently, wanting to know what happened here.

After Heimdall finished answering, he also asked the same question: "What happened here?"

"Thanos, his dark order has invaded Vanaheim."

"Thanos" Heimdall's expression changed instantly. After thinking about it, there was no conflict between Asgard and the Dark Order. Why did he come to destroy Vanaheim and Loki? Want to expand the territory and occupy the Nine Realms?

If this is the case, then things will be a big deal. Asgard, which has never been weaker than before, is definitely not Thanos' opponent. One mistake, Asgard may completely become history.

"Thanos is collecting infinity gems, and Asgard once kept more than one infinity gems. I fought with him and lost badly." Greer briefly talked about his experience, Then enduring the soreness in his body, he walked slowly towards Thor step by step.

After resting all night, his body was still sore and terribly sore. Obviously, the 'overload' was too serious in the battle of Vormir, and it would take a long time to recover. When they were stacked together, lightning flashed and thunder sounded.

Heimdall was startled, and Greer, who was walking slowly, spread his legs and ran towards Thor quickly. The dark clouds and lightning were obviously caused by Thor, and money must be paid to prevent him from doing it. Do something irrational.

"Alas!" Greer sighed, loosened his right arm carefully, and then pulled out a knight card, inserting it into the Neo decade driver at his waist:

"Attack Ride Machine Decader!"

Accompanied by the loud electronic synthesis sound, a motorcycle appeared on the ground immediately. Greer stepped on the motorcycle, grabbed his right arm with his left hand, let his right hand rest on the armrest, then started the motorcycle and drove in the direction of Thor go.

Before the motorcycle arrived, Thor, who was surrounded by thunder, swung his storm ax and slashed towards the nearby forest. Endless lightning flashed, the soil rolled up, and big trees shattered. There are many fan-shaped blank areas with a width of 80 meters at the widest point and a length of more than 100 meters.

Greer stopped the motorcycle, walked towards Thor step by step, and said, "Although I don't understand, I did see the second Loki last night."

"Huh?" Thor turned his head in anger, his eyes were red and frightening, he didn't understand what Greer meant, but Heimdall asked: "You mean Loki is still alive, this is a fake body? "

"Whether this is the real Loki, you are the most familiar, it is up to you to judge, after I lost to Thanos last night, it was Loki who sent me here with the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, he claimed to be from 2012, for unknown reasons When I got here, I still admitted that the one who died was the future him, and then I left again.”

Although Thor was angry, his brain was not broken. Greer's words sounded outrageous, and no matter how he thought about it, he felt that they were fabricated to comfort him.Seeing Greer, who was covered in tattered clothes, looked sluggish, and hugged Greer, who seemed to have injured his right arm, the anger in Thor's heart slowly subsided a little, and guilt arose in his heart.

Greer stayed behind in Heim's Underworld, and then disappeared. When we met again, this child was so miserable. He didn't hear a word of comfort and concern, but he comforted himself, an old man over 1000 years old, how could he? I feel very sorry even thinking about it.

The lightning on Thor's body gradually dissipated, and the dark clouds above his head also dissipated. The storm ax hung down, and Thor casually threw it on the ground. He walked towards Loki and carefully checked whether it was his younger brother.

And Heimdall leaned over and asked in a low voice, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, that sounds outrageous, but that's what Loki said when he saved me from Thanos."

(End of this chapter)

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