The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 745 Loki from 2012

Chapter 745 Loki from 2012

The pitch-black night enveloped the earth, covered with sparkling stars, shining like diamonds, and three bright moons of different sizes hung in the sky, pouring endless brilliance towards the earth, covering the verdant earth with a layer of silver gauze.

But in this unparalleled beauty, a large area of ​​ruins suddenly appeared, as ugly as a large group of ink stains on the Qingming Riverside Picture.

The ruins of a collapsed city, the continuous ruins, and the misty smoke and dust, although they are no longer burning, but the embers are still there, and dark red charcoal fires can be seen everywhere. Obviously, the time of arson was not long ago.

Not far away, a hundreds of years old tree stands majestically, a dazzling light blue electric light suddenly appears on the dark ground, which expands rapidly to several meters wide, black mist surrounds, deep as a bottomless vortex, tight Then it quickly shrank towards the middle, and disappeared in the blink of an eye, but there were two people left in place.

One stood upright, holding a cube-shaped LED lamp in his hand, emitting blue light, illuminating a range of several meters nearby, while the other half-kneeled on the ground, and his clothes were so tattered that he could go straight to the street Begging, gasping for breath, seemed more tired than just running [-] meters.

Loki let out a long sigh of relief, and then complained loudly: "Damn, why did I meet him?"

The last thing he wants to see now is Thanos, borrowing Thanos' scepter to be taken away by humans, and the Chitauri army being wiped out by that tattered human alliance. The most important thing is that Loki still doesn't want to destroy the universe. The Rubik's Cube was handed over to Thanos, but when he passed by, he saw Thanos walking towards him, almost scared Loki to death, and ran away quickly, not daring to stay for a moment.

After complaining, he turned his attention to Greer, who was exhausted physically and mentally, and said, "Do you want me to call you an ambulance? Oh, I forgot, there is no ambulance here. "

Greer, who was extremely exhausted, cared about the eccentric Loki. Anyway, it was Loki who saved his life this time, otherwise, he might have stayed in Vormir with him and the Infinity Stone.

Greer also really saw how powerful Thanos is. In terms of strength, he can beat Dr. Green, who is stronger than Hulk. If Greer hadn't supported him, Dr. Green would definitely fall behind within [-] moves. defeat.

The set of golden armor on Thanos was also extremely defensive. Greer urged the power gem not only to punch him, but suffered most of the damage from that set of armor. The rest of the strength was hit by Thanos On Si, it seemed a little insignificant. It probably caused a little injury to Thanos, but it was far from fatal.

Although Thanos' armor was beaten to pieces, it almost dragged Greer to death. The backlash of the power gem made Greer unable to hold on.The gap between strength and physical strength is too great, to the point of despair, making Greer quite curious, how Thanos made his body so strong.

As for the appearance of a superstar, it was really beyond Greer's imagination. He actually hid in the Soul Gem in a spiritual form, manipulating and promoting everything behind the scenes, which was really terrifying.

The trip to Vormir this time can be described as "losing his wife and breaking the army". Instead of destroying Thanos, he folded in the Soul Stone, but Greer was a little lucky that he discovered the undercover agent early and solved it early. It's better than being undercover all the time lurking to make trouble.

Now even if Stark fiddled with the real "artificial intelligence" of black technology, without the "troubleshooting" of superstars and mind gems, there should be no Ultron crisis, but it also means that Vision cannot born.

Although he was extremely exhausted, Greer still had various thoughts in his mind. During this trip to Vormir, the amount of information he received was too much. Make Greer pop his eyes out.

You must know that Banner can use the word 'disgusting' to describe Hulk. He is always thinking about how to eliminate this violent personality. For this reason, he has traveled all over the world, doing yoga and Zen meditation. Anyone who has heard of it will learn it. I tried it over and over again, but in the end I had to transform into the Hulk again and again to solve various crises.

It's hard to imagine that he would choose to abandon the life of a normal person and permanently become the "monster" he hated for 20 years. After thinking about it, only Thanos of his universe snapped his fingers.

The numbness of his right arm was disappearing, and the pain came back to his heart again, interrupting Greer's thoughts. He looked down, and saw strands of dark red light flowing under the skin as dry as old bark, making people who were eroded by the power gem The nearly decayed right arm returned to its original shape at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The physical trauma is disappearing, but the physical and mental exhaustion will not be alleviated. Greer simply sat on the ground and continued to breathe. When he waved his left hand, he encountered a cold hand. He turned his head in doubt and saw a The pale face bleeding from the seven orifices, the eyeballs protruding and staring at him, and it was the middle of the night.
Greer, who was in a weak state, was so frightened that his mind was shattered. He jumped up, but this violent movement caused severe pain all over his body, and he fell back to the ground. If his left hand hadn't supported the ground in time, he would have fallen down On the ground.

Greer, who was terrified, felt creepy. This dead face was extremely familiar. He was still talking to her just now, and he hurriedly looked up at Loki who was standing there. He shrugged helplessly and said: "As you can see, I'm dead."


Greer was frightened like this because of the sudden change in his mind, but now that he has calmed down, most of the fear in his heart suddenly dissipated, leaving only confusion, but he still kept his body a little away from Loki. With a dead face, he leaned against the old tree behind him and looked into the distance.

There are still a large number of Asgardian corpses in the wilderness ahead, and a city that is still burning in the distance. If there is no shuttle time line, then this should be Jotunheim, the burning ruins and these Corpse Capital is Thanos' masterpiece.

But which one is Loki, the dead body on the ground or the living person standing on the ground? In terms of clothing, both of them are similar, and there is also the Cosmic Rubik's Cube?If his memory is correct, wasn't the Cosmic Rubik's Cube taken away by Fat Man Thor?How did it appear in the hands of Loki? Judging from the fact that Loki was able to bring the two of them here from Vormir, it was not a fake.
Greer was completely confused.

Loki looked at himself who died miserably, and said indifferently: "In a sense, it is my future self who died."

"What?" Greer was even more puzzled, and his left hand seemed to change into a comfortable position, intentionally or unintentionally resting on the recovered knight card box.In the time and space of the fat mansion Thor, Loki was strangled to death by Thanos a few years ago in order to save him. How could he come to this time and space with Thor and the others.

Loki saw Greer's small actions, and he was used to such distrust, and said to himself: "Before I came here, my Chitauri army had just invaded and failed, and my dear brother personally escorted me. Leaving Stark Tower, as soon as he arrived downstairs, he met a group of humans and Stark quarreled with them, and then Stark had a heart attack and collapsed, with an iron box stuffed in his chest, no problem.

The box containing the Rubik's Cube suddenly slid and was carried away by a person from S.H.I.E.L.D., but he was knocked into the air by a big green monster. The Rubik's Cube fell out and slipped right under my feet, so I picked up the Rubik's Cube and teleported myself away. up. "

Greer listened to Loki's 'Legendary Story', his mouth opened wider and wider, racking his brains wondering if this happened at the time?At that time, he used the Rubik's Cube and the scepter to kill all the Chitauri and Leviathan monsters in one move, and then distributed the spoils on the spot.

Humans got the Rocky scepter and all the Chitauri and Leviathan monsters, while Thor took away Loki and the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, without even stopping, and directly opened the Rainbow Bridge with the energy of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, Returned to Asgard.

The distribution of loot is done on the street, quite a distance from the Stark Tower, no one takes the elevator, they all fly up and down the stairs, and Stark didn't have a "heart attack" and fell to the ground. Obviously, this is indeed not the case Loki of time and space.

Is it from the time and space of the fat mansion Thor?How did Rocky get here from 2012?Could it be that Loki, whom Thanos crushed to death, is still a fake body?Loki is not dead, he has been hiding all the time, and stole the Rubik's Cube and the space-time shuttle device brought back by the fat man Thor.

What is Loki doing here?There is no Thanos in the time and space of the fat mansion Thor, but there is still here. He came here for excitement?It is even more wrong to go to Thanos. If you want to go to Thanos, why save yourself?

Loki still said to himself: "After I removed the chain, I wanted to go to Odin's treasury in Asgard to steal some weapons for self-defense. As a result, I saw him as soon as I came out of the space gate." As he said, Loki pointed to the 'self' who fell on the ground, then turned to Greer and asked, "So, who are you? I've never seen you before."

Greer took a deep breath, tried his best not to pay attention to all the incomprehensible things, and said: "Obviously, there are many things that cannot be explained and understood. Let me introduce myself, Greer Lu Suo Fu, a person on Earth, I have seen your brother, fat and thin."

"Fat?" Loki felt that this was inexplicable. He and Thor had been together since they were young. That guy had endless fights all day long, and he would never get fat no matter how much he ate.

Greer didn't have time to explain this, so he asked the question he was most concerned about: "So you don't know why you came here, so how did you think of going to Vormir? You also saved a stranger. Could it be that you met Sarah? North beat more and less, and his sense of justice is overwhelming?"

"I never do such boring things, I'm just entrusted by others." Loki stuck the gun of eternity in his hand on the ground, flipped his left hand over, with the palm facing up, and using magic tricks, a magenta camera suddenly appeared in his hand. Throwing it to Greer, he said, "This is what he gave you."

Greer raised his left hand to catch the camera thrown by Loki, without looking carefully, it was exactly the same as Xiao Ming's, with old-fashioned shape and strange colors, a very ordinary camera, but Greer saw the living and dead at the same time Loki is even more terrifying.

The exact same camera was sent by Rocky, who claimed to be from 2012, which made the fact that Greer had been guessing come true: someone is indeed arranging his life, at least wait and see, otherwise why would there be this camera.

"Who? Who entrusted you?" Greer himself felt that his words were trembling, and his breathing became short of breath. Even though he had been guessing all the time, when it was time to face it, Greer realized that he hadn't done anything at all. Be prepared for anything.


Greer waited in fear for Loki's answer, but the clinker Loki was silent, and his expression was dull, as if he wanted to recall something, and then his expression became more frightened as he thought about it, like walking alone on the night road after watching a horror movie , The more I think about it, the more scared I become.

With Loki like this, Greer became more and more nervous. He couldn't even feel the pain in his whole body and the itch in his right arm. He whispered, "What's the matter?" His voice became much lower unconsciously, very It means not daring to speak loudly, for fear of frightening the heavenly beings. .

"I can't remember," Loki said with an extremely solemn expression, frowning, "I only know to give this to you, but I didn't know you at that time, and then I took this thing and opened it with the Cosmic Rubik's Cube." The space passage to Vormir.

Damn, someone moved my memory. "

Loki finally realized that it was obvious that someone had modified his memory, erasing the part about the client, leaving only the task.

Greer seemed to have exhausted all his strength, and the camera in his left hand became extremely heavy, causing his left arm to hit the ground and touch the cold grass. The cold air around him made him feel cold all over his body, and his brain was stuck In general, can no longer think.

The two of them just stood and sat, each thinking about what went wrong, Loki was puzzled, glanced at Greer who was still on standby beside him, this guy was so shocked, Could it be that he knew the client, and immediately said: "Do you know him?"

"I don't know." Greer wanted to say 'I don't know', but when the words came to his lips, he replaced them with 'I don't know'. He has lost more memories than Loki, and this body has no memories of more than ten years. .

Loki nodded, thinking that Greer might have had his memory modified, and he was swayed by someone, which made him very upset. The dead self at his feet was even more horrified, and said: "My commission is completed, goodbye."

After finishing speaking, he activated the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, opened the space channel, and disappeared in an instant. He didn't want to stay with Greer for a second, for fear of encountering inexplicable commissions again. He thought clearly, since he came here in 2012, maybe It was the commissioner who did it, and it was all related to Greer Rusov, so it was better to stay away from him as soon as possible.

Loki left as soon as he said, Greer didn't have time to speak, he disappeared, making Greer quite 'desperate': "You at least send me back to Earth." Just throwing himself in the wilderness After leaving, do you want to be in such a hurry, and where is he going?
(End of this chapter)

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