The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 751 The Ultimate Mission

Chapter 751 The Ultimate Mission
Master Minerva, the guardian of the London Temple, turned his head suddenly, stared at Casillas with cloudy eyes, and shouted sharply: "Casillas, the supreme mage is not something you can talk about, the decision made by the ancient one , I won’t allow you to question it.”

Casillas' face was still so gloomy, and it didn't change because of Master Minerva's 'you're welcome'. He asked: "Is everything she did right?"

"Casillas" another mage couldn't help shouting loudly, the ancient one mage has guarded Kama Taj and the earth for a long time, besides Casillas is a disciple of the ancient one, when Casillas was most frustrated , brought him back to Karma Taj, taught him magic, and gave Casillas a second life, which is not an exaggeration at all.

No matter how you look at it, Mage Ancient One is worthy of Casillas' respect. How could you question her in such a tone? It's gone.

Seeing the appearance of these two powerful mages wanting to defend Mage Gu Yi with force, Casillas, who always had an ugly face and God owed him a home, grinned an ugly smile and said, "Of course I know Gu Yi. A mage revered, but now her successor.

Kama Taj shoulders the heavy responsibility of guarding the earth, and must always pay attention to the changes in the multiverse, and the protection of the supreme mage cannot be lost. "

Casillas spoke righteously, as if he was selfless and an adult, with a look of "I am thinking about the overall situation", not to mention, it really touched Master Minerva, compared to the powerful and powerful The ancient one dedicated to his duties, the current supreme mage is really
Well, the gap is slightly larger.

Free and loose, often absent from Karma Taj, and this time he disappeared for more than ten days. Karma Taj was not prepared at all. Fortunately, he came back in time. Eyed Karma Taj.
The consequences could be disastrous.

Casillas struck while the iron was hot, and continued: "He said that he was a temporary replacement, which means that the ancient master believed that there was a successor, but the successor was unable to take on the big responsibility at the time, but he never said who the successor was."

Casillas paused for a few seconds, giving Mage Minerva time to 'digest' before continuing: "I think it is possible to find out this successor and concentrate on cultivating him so that he can become the supreme mage as soon as possible. Degree.

The news of Master Gu Yi's death spread throughout the multiverse. Karma Taj and the earth need the protection of the Supreme Master. "

Casillas' words and attitude were very sincere, making Master Minerva and the others slowly lower their arms, not as tense as before. It can be seen that what Casillas said touched their hearts. The Supreme Master has always been Kama An absolute pillar of the Taj.

And this change is unprecedented, without any ceremony, without any signs, suddenly the ancient master disappeared, and it happened in such a big event as the overlap of the nine realms. Before they could recover, the new supreme The mage is on top.

Everything is changing too fast for them to react.Although he had misgivings later, he could only bury them in his heart in front of the gleaming Agamotto and agreed with the new supreme mage.

Casillas wanted to say something else, but Master Minerva raised his hand to stop him, saying: "No matter what, the venerable cannot speak recklessly, Casillas, you have to remember this."

After finishing speaking, Master Minerva walked towards the old wooden stairs and returned to his room. Casillas was the only one standing in the center of the hall. With a soft snort, he turned and walked out of the London Temple, disappearing into the bustling crowd .

At this time, more than 5000 kilometers away, the sky is still shrouded in black clouds, and it is still early in the morning. At this time, the streets are deserted, and there are almost no people and cars. Scattered snowflakes.

"It's snowing." Greer, who was only wearing light pajamas, stretched out his hand to catch a snowflake falling from the sky. The door of the roof was closed tightly to prevent the cold wind from entering the warm room, and the sealed roof glass was large. Open, let the cold wind and snow rage.

After leaving the Avengers Mansion, he went to the Shrine of the Twist, told himself that he was back, checked the Kama Taj 'protective net', and left there, returning to the time when Daisy's father, Mr. Hyde, bought it for Daisy. in the house.

The house was lucky enough to escape the Chitauri vandalism in 2012. In such a fierce contract-breaking battle, only a few panes of glass were broken. Since then, Greer and Daisy's "little nest', and also set up a 'space gate' that can directly reach the castle dragon.

Mental sleepiness and physical exhaustion, he should have slept until dawn or even dark, but Greer only closed his eyes for a few hours and was no longer sleepy. There were too many things in his mind, and the extreme anxiety made him He just couldn't sleep peacefully.

The threat of Thanos' invasion, the Infinity Stones, the Avengers from another universe, and his own life experience and origins are too many things to make Greer restless and worried, and he can no longer sleep.

It has been almost five years since he came to this world, but he has no idea why he came to this world. He didn't even find any clues, and instead, he became more and more confused.

In the town destroyed by the Extremis, an upgrade card was inexplicably found to allow the decade drive to be upgraded to a Neo decade drive; at the collector, I found a PSP (K-Touch); in the castle of Count Dracula, I found a Kamen Rider Kiva's Demon King Sword;

In a group of asteroids near the monarch star, I found the astronomical switch of Kamen Rider Fourze and the Holy Sword of Bali; In the past, he found the missing golden fruit that fused divine power, let Kamen Rider Agito burn in form, advanced to shining form, and opened the way to God.

One by one, it’s like a well-arranged plot, complete the task, get the upgrade reward, it’s like an RPG game, especially the ugly magenta camera that claimed to be from 2012 Loki
The snowflakes that melted in the palm have been dried by the body temperature, leaving only the square magenta camera. Greer held it in his hand and opened the buckle on the back. Light film, you can see the upside-down image of the city night scene shot by the lens.
After watching it over and over for a while, Greer came to the conclusion that this very old-fashioned binocular reflex camera could go into a museum, and it still needs to manually dial the film. It didn't pay attention to ergonomics at all, and made the inconvenience to the extreme. .

Greer, who had never been in contact with photography, tried to pick up the camera, aiming the lens at the bright Avengers Building in the distance, flipped the shutter, and was about to take a photo. There was a 'click' sound, and the image in the viewfinder was very clear , I don’t know what to do with the developed photos.

Just when Greer was about to look away, he saw the brightly lit Avengers Building shaking, as if there was heat, distorting the object, and the colorful neon lights turned black and white, and the scene in the viewfinder became more and more intense. Vague.

Greer hurriedly raised his head and looked forward. The world was still so clear, with colorful neon lights flashing non-stop. When he looked down at the viewfinder window, everything returned to its original state.


Greer stood there holding the camera in silence for several seconds, and tried to take a few photos of the Avengers Building and other places, staring at the viewfinder the whole time, but after several minutes of tossing, nothing happened. It was normal, as if the abnormality just now was just an illusion.

I didn’t even change my pajamas, put on the hanging ring immediately, opened the space door to the Shrine of the Covenant, turned to the Hong Kong Temple, found an old photo studio in a very old street, and developed the photos I took come out.

The small photo studio has nothing to do with luxury, the decoration is not avant-garde at all, and the boss has reached the age of knowing his destiny. When he came out of the darkroom, he said in Cantonese that is difficult to understand: "Xiaoshengzi, your camera is broken. Yes, poor photos”

The owner of the store was chattering, and put a large stack of freshly released photos in front of Greer. With just a glance, Greer's heart trembled. The photos were all messed up. It looks like an abstract painting of "The Scream".

The world in the photos is incomparably chaotic, none of them are clear, exactly the same as Mon Yashi, it is normal when taking pictures, but it will be chaotic when printed out, as if the world refuses to be recorded by decade's camera.

"Thank you!" Greer, who was restless, quickly picked up the photo, put it in his wallet, pulled out a Franklin desk, and left in a hurry, leaving the shopkeeper stunned, then picked up a hundred dollar bill and chased it out, thinking He said that he gave the wrong money and gave too much, but when he went out, he no longer saw the boy in thin pajamas in the cold weather.

Greer held the camera tightly in his hand, ran quickly in the alley, crashed into the space door, and instantly reached the top of the tallest building in the vicinity, and then immediately closed the space door, only to breathe a sigh of relief .

In that photo studio with a sense of age, after he saw those messy photos, the viewfinder window of the decade camera lit up, and a beam of light shone from the inside, shining on the messy photos of the Avengers Building. The virtual and real images of the scene have undergone tremendous changes.

The building has become blurred, with almost only outlines remaining, and the background of chaotic black and white stripes has become much more solid, leaving only a line and spots of different colors in the photo, originating from the leftmost line, passing through the blue , purple, red, yellow, green, orange, six colors of light spots.

Every time a group of light spots passes through, a line will be separated to go up or down, and the separated line will pass through light spots of different colors, and new lines will be generated, and the new lines will also pass through different colors. The light spots, and then generate new lines.
The light only lasted for three or four seconds before disappearing, as if it had never appeared before, but the changes in the original photo of the Avengers Building remained, dense lines and small colored spots filled the photo.

Greer took a deep breath, and stretched out his left hand to take the only photo that had undergone drastic changes. As soon as his trembling hand touched this photo, a dark red light flashed, and it instantly turned into a knight card. lying on the rough concrete floor.

This knight card is very different from other knight cards. The pattern is an extremely blurry twisted cloud, only black and white, and there is only one line of words on it: Dimension wall (Dimension wall).

"Dimensional wall, a dimensional wall that travels through different worlds and even time and space?!" Greer felt his body trembling uncontrollably, and it happened again. The knight card that appeared inexplicably was still a very important dimensional wall.

Only then did he see the messy lines, the actions of the Avengers in another time and space, that is, collecting infinite gems, as well as Loki from 2012, and Greer's own time and space, what happened of various changes.

Then we can boldly guess that the light spots of these six colors should symbolize infinite gems. Every time an infinite gem is taken away, a new timeline will be generated, so the transformation of each infinite gem creates a new timeline. The timeline of the timeline, and the existence of infinite gems on the changed timeline, resulting in more and more new timelines, more and more chaotic, and finally turned into a mess.

That's why there was Loki in 2012, and the new plots that Greer had never heard of, such as the Hulk hitting flying people and the Rubik's Cube sliding to the soles of his feet, were obviously caused by the changes caused by the movement of the Infinity Stones. new story.

Just as Greer figured this out, this photo full of messy lines turned into a 'dimension wall' knight card, which is too coincidental, and such a coincidence has happened more than once in the past, it is really hard I wonder if someone is arranging his life.

Holding the knight card of the Dimensional Wall in his hand, Greer recalled the dream of spending the night in Vanaheim. When he was awakened by Thor, he completely forgot it. He only thought that he had a dream, but he couldn't think about it What kind of dream is it?

But when he saw this knight card, Greer suddenly remembered, and the memory was unprecedentedly clear: a bright and bright room, with small colored lights on the walls everywhere, a silver-haired girl facing 'him', Said word by word: "The time and space of this universe is chaotic, and the increasingly chaotic timeline will make this universe tend to increase entropy, and eventually become chaotic and disordered.

The only way is to straighten out the timeline, let the entropy decrease until it becomes an orderly negative entropy, this is the only way to save this universe. "

Another boy's voice sounded next to him: ".I gave you a new life. The ten elements will replace the six authority gems and become the new rules of the universe. This is your universe, and it should be guarded by you."

Then the ice-blue spaceship got farther and farther away. I don’t know whether it was the opponent speeding up or the angle of view was lowering the height, which caused the distance between the two sides to get farther and farther until it disappeared completely. Then the vision went black, and only heard The noise of gunfire, screeching of brakes and screeching of tires.

In a whirl, the scene has changed into a dark truck compartment, with blood stains all over the floor and street lights penetrating through the slightly opened compartment door, and the disgusting smell of blood lingers on the tip of the nose
(End of this chapter)

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