The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 736 Infiltrate

Chapter 736 Infiltrate
Quill was moving when suddenly he heard 'Drip!drop! "Sound, hurriedly raised his hand and seemingly accidentally wiped his eyes with his sleeve, then landed on the holographic screen, and quickly clicked a few times to make the message appear.

Then he was stunned for a while, with a deep joy on his face, and he almost shouted: "Gamora Gamora."

"What's wrong with Gamora?" Rocket Raccoon poked his head over and looked at the screen at Quill's hand, and saw that the radar installed by Star Eagle on the Milano, which can connect to the deep space network, showed that the signal of the sentry arrow was leaving Titan. sphere of influence of the group.

"So is this Gamora leaving, or is Sentry leaving?" Greer raised the most noteworthy question. It's okay for Gamora to leave, but if it's just Sentry leaving, then the problem will be a bit troublesome.

"Catch up and see." Quill has always been a man of action. He did not hesitate to start full-power propulsion, and let the Mirano speed up to the distant space of the universe, intending to catch up as soon as possible to see if it is Gamora or Sentry For the former, wait for an opportunity to rescue, for the latter.
That Quill is really going to despair, without the signal guidance of the sentry arrow, Thanos's sphere of influence is so wide, the chance of rescuing Gamora is even slimmer.

The little joy that had just risen was gone, Quill's face sank like water, and he didn't cherish the Milano, which was usually regarded as a treasure. Go to the signal source and find Gamora.

The Milano no longer laughed and laughed like before, but discussed in a low voice how to deal with various situations that may be encountered after catching up with the signal source. Among them, Rocket Raccoon put forward the most hypotheses, and the solution was to use firepower to suppress it. .

For this reason, he also put down the flower pot and continued to make weapons. The four-barrel ion cannon he had been using before was thrown to Drax. A new type of weapon reduced to two.

This weapon has almost exhausted Rocket Raccoon's 'collection', all kinds of precious and rare metal materials that have been hard-earned are added regardless of value, and the remaining four energy batteries from the Monarch star are used as beam cannons. The supply of energy can be said to represent the entire wealth of Rocket Raccoon.

As for Drax, he was eating all the time, replenishing the exhausted physical strength, and preparing for the next big battle. Greer was more relaxed, tied himself to a chair with a seat belt and fell asleep directly, and the repeated battles not only It took a lot of effort, and he was mentally exhausted. If he hadn't rested on Yigo Star for a few days, he would have collapsed a long time ago.

If it is not forced, Greer really does not want to use the Infinity Gem that can be charged for two days and talk for five seconds. The conditions for using it are harsh and the side effects are serious. The greater the real power, the more conditions, and every time it is used up, it will be sluggish. a period of time.

This is because he has an inexplicable recovery ability. If he didn’t have it, he might have to lie down for several months, or even die on the spot. At this point, I don’t know how many pioneers have learned from the past. They thought they were well prepared, but they just touched the power gem. It becomes gray.

So Greer sometimes wonders if he also has the blood of God, otherwise how can he use the power gem for a period of time, which is better than the demigod Quill, who defeated Egg before and obtained Kamen Rider Agito Shining Card, the body has been strengthened again, which is also Greer's confidence to kill Thanos first.

Along the way, the power furnace of the Milano was roaring all the way, and the trembling was transmitted to the cabin, making people very worried about whether it would explode. Fortunately, the daily maintenance was done well, and I persisted until now, when I came out from the space jump point , on the holographic screen, the dot representing the sentry arrow is already close at hand.

Greer rubbed his eyes and yawned, but was taken aback by the star map, and hurriedly asked, "Quiel, did you go the wrong way?"

"Of course not. What's the problem?" Quill was very puzzled. He has been driving this boat since he was ten years old.

Greer woke up suddenly, looked at the star map with a frown, and said, "This is the Nine Realms, oh, it's Asgard's sphere of influence, and the earth is in Midgard, one of the Nine Realms."

Quill hastily turned his head away, quickly clicked on the holographic projection with his left hand, and called up the pulsar coordinates of the earth. Compared with the position of the Mirano, it was indeed not far away. He actually drove towards the direction of the earth, but Gamora's signal Why is it here?
Greer was still looking at the star map carefully, trying to recall things about the Nine Realms, and said uncertainly: "This place seems to be Vanaheim."

"What is Vanaheim?" Drax always asked when he was in doubt.

"Subsidiary of Asgard, wait a minute." Greer thought that when Asgard was destroyed, a large number of Asgardians fled to the survivable area of ​​the Nine Realms. Later, they got the Eternal Gun and Destroyer Mech Loki, taking this opportunity to "fake the power of the tiger", gather all the Asgardians except the earth, and dominate them. The "new" Asgard he established seems to be in Vanaheim.

Hard to do.
Greer immediately turned around and shouted to the busy Rocket Raccoon: "Can this ship reach Earth?"

Rocket Raccoon, who was finishing up the new weapon, replied without looking up: "Have humans connected to the Deep Space Network?"

The Deep Space Network is the cosmic version of the Internet, through which different civilizations can communicate, but the construction of the cosmic version of the Internet is extremely difficult and expensive, and ordinary small forces cannot afford it at all, just like Xandar, Kri and others. The coverage of the deep space network can be completed only when there are large forces. Others can cover the main planets already very good.

"Well, probably not." Greer knows his own business. With the little GDP and technology of human beings, they haven't even gone out of the solar system, let alone building a network that can connect civilizations in other galaxies.

"Then there's nothing we can do." Rocket Raccoon shrugged, looking helpless.

Quill was startled by Greer's reaction, and hurriedly asked, "What did you find?"

"There is good news and bad news. The good news is that Gamora should be found by following the signal. The bad news is that Thanos is likely to be by her side."

"What?" Everyone was frightened, and all of them turned their heads to stare at Greer who looked serious and didn't look like he was joking.

In the next few minutes, Greer roughly explained the history of Asgard's rise and fall, focusing on Loki and Thanos' cooperation to attack the earth. It's not a birthday celebration, is it possible to hit the earth twice?
"Wait, so we can't get too close." Quill quickly turned off the engine, and carried out the cooling process, and also turned on the stealth mode to reduce the sense of presence as much as possible. If you don't get close, I'm afraid you will be discovered, and then a missile will explode into slag.

The Mirano continued to move forward under the influence of inertia, Rocket Raccoon and Greer went out in spacesuits, made the Mirano invisible, cooled the temperature with magic, and sprayed rock dust, so that the feedback radar wave thought it was a meteorite.
The dots of light on the star map are getting closer and closer, until the reflecting telescope sees a huge monster parked in the void of the universe from an extremely long distance, and the signal of the whistle arrow comes from this, and the Milano is dead silent , the most feared thing came true, and everyone looked at Temple No. [-] and lost their voices.

Quill wanted to say something, but he opened his mouth but didn't even make a sound. The difficulty of saving Gamora has been raised to a nightmare level. Compared with Temple No. [-], his Mirano is like a mantis arm blocking a car.

"What should we do next?" Greer was the first to react, and said, "Can you find a way to get closer? If I can get closer, I can go in."

Rocket Raccoon frowned, looked at the meteorites and satellites within tens of millions of kilometers around the huge Temple II, and slowly nodded: "You can try it, but the risk is very high, if it is discovered."

The small and exquisite Milano tried every means to get close to Temple II. On the planet in front of this huge fortress-shaped spaceship, the war has entered a bloody fight. Under the order of General Deathblade, the Vanguard no longer cares about the Destroyer Mecha, Go all the way to the city ahead.

This city has shrunk by 99% compared to God's Domain. Under the continuous attacks, the protective cover has long been dimmed, and even damaged in many places. The city wall was bombarded by high-energy bombs and light beams, and many gaps were exposed. A large number of pioneers Wei rushed into it from the gap and fought with the soldiers and residents in the city.

The roars of wild beasts danced with the glare of magic, and the bloody fight caused the bustling city to burst into flames. The streets were ablaze, and houses collapsed into ruins. Regardless of residents and monsters, they were all under pressure.The prosperity and tranquility of the past have disappeared, leaving only the desperate cries of the dead and wounded.

Outside the city, the Destroyer Mech and the black dwarf fought each other with the most violent attitude. It was not that Loki gave up the tactics of combining reality and fiction, but that he was too busy to take care of himself. Being entangled together, Loki has no time to be distracted by the Destroyer Mecha.

Although Loki has the heart of a melee mage, he doesn't have the body of a melee mage. Compared to Thor, he is weaker than Thor. Even if he holds the Eternal Spear, he is not an opponent of General Deathblade in melee. The magic of the battle was barely a tie.

The two fought from the city wall to the inside of the city, and then from the inside to the outside of the city. It can be said that they crossed a city, and there was no winner. Have no temper.

Hit out with all the strength, as if hammered on the cotton, Loki always use some kind of mirror image, phantom to hide, General Deathblade is still so aggrieved from fighting, not only did not vent his anger, but also A lot has been added.

But Loki was more impatient and angry than him. The kingdom he built with "hard work" was destroyed in just one or two hours, the city was on fire, and more and more Chitauri were flying in the sky Siege of the remaining Asgard spaceship troops, as well as ground bombing.

It was only a matter of time before the new Asgard was destroyed, and Loki wanted to retreat. Even if he was reluctant to give up, his life was not as important as his own life. After making up his mind, he made a false move, and the General Deathblade, who was almost mad, fell into the trap. , Turned around and ran without hesitation, ready to take the Destroyer Mech, and escape to Jotunheim from the crack between the two worlds, where his army of frost giants still has the capital to make a comeback.

General Deathblade hit the 'Loki' who couldn't dodge with his sword. Before he could be happy, he saw that 'Rocky' dissipated. He was obviously fooled again. The angry General Deathblade almost vomited three liters of blood. He stared around with red eyes, looking for Following Loki's trace.

I saw Loki with the conspicuous curved horn on the left side running away, but General Deathblade hesitated for a while, and didn't catch up immediately, because he didn't know if this was the real Loki, in case he chased him by mistake , Let Loki escape, how to explain to Thanos.

Just as General Deathblade was hesitating, Black Dwarf's mechanical pickaxe also hit the Destroyer Mecha. The expected sound of metal collisions did not resound, and there was only the Destroyer Mecha broken like a mirror, and it was a phantom again.

General Deathblade and Black Dwarf lost sight of their opponents in just seven or eight seconds. They drew their swords and looked around in a daze, not knowing where the enemy was running.

And at the opposite corner of the city, against the background of flames and thick smoke, the Destroyer Mecha held Loki sitting on his shoulders with both hands, and ran in large strides in the forest and fields. A city surrounded by thousands of Chitauri spaceships.

This is his kingdom, and there are tens of thousands of subjects he has worked so hard to gather, but after today, everything will disappear, and he can only return to Jotunheim to become the king of the frost giants.

Loki glared at the donut spaceship in the air, and roared through gritted teeth: "I will definitely come back, absolutely."

Before finishing the ruthless words, Loki suddenly felt as if he was being targeted by a wild beast, and his hairs stood on end. The danger omen made him jump up without hesitation. La! 'There was a crisp sound of nails breaking the iron sheet.

Looking back, a huge double-headed machete was inserted into the chest of the Destroyer Mecha, which brought the Destroyer Mecha down and nailed it to the ground. Wear a pair.

The double-edged knife is nearly [-] meters long, and the thickest part is more than ten centimeters. It can be used as a door panel when standing upright. There are countless simple patterns engraved on the body of the knife at both ends. The handle is in the middle, which looks like a helicopter propeller. There are many grooves and blood grooves on the blade and blade, which looks domineering.

As soon as Loki landed on the ground, he heard a voice not far away that made him tremble all over: "I'm here to get my Cosmic Rubik's Cube, where is it?"

"Thassanos!" Loki turned around slowly with a stiff body, and saw a man in thick dark gold armor walking step by step, stepping on the Destroyer machine that was struggling to get up. Armor A's head, so that he could no longer raise his head, grabbed the tyrant's butcher's knife with his backhand, pried it hard, and forcibly opened half of the Destroyer's chest.

(End of this chapter)

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