Chapter 735

Gamora was thrown 30 meters away, and under the action of inertia, his body rolled seven or eight times on the rough floor, 'Boom! ' With a slam, it hit the edge wall, fell all over the place, and didn't recover for a long time.

Even though she was dizzy from being thrown, her right hand still held tightly the small double-edged sword stained with the blood of Thanos' palm. This was the only weapon she could kill Thanos. It is estimated that it is difficult to pierce Thanos' armor, let alone kill with one blow.

But before Gamora could recover, he said, 'Shua! ' There was a slight sound, and a sharp spear was placed across her neck, and the cold blade touched the skin, which could be described as penetrating into everyone's heart, making Gamora froze all of a sudden.

Out of the corner of the eye, I caught Proxima Centauri who came in at some unknown time. The armor on the abdomen still had the gap that Gamora made on Star Ego. The blood on it hadn't dried up yet, but the wound had been healed by the medical cabin. , didn't even leave a scar.

Dark Night Proxima made no secret of her anger and killing intent towards Gamora. As long as Thanos gave an order, the sharp gun in his hand would immediately pierce Gamora's neck and let the traitor die on the spot, as an example to others .

But Thanos on the throne just looked down at his bleeding right hand, and whispered, "Take her down."

"Yes, master!" Proxima Anye glared at Gamora indignantly. How could he be forgiven by the master for making so many mistakes?It is really
But with these questions and dissatisfaction, Proxima Centauri only dared to think about it in his heart, and did not dare to disobey it on the surface. He immediately faithfully carried out this order from Thanos, waved his hand, and came over with a few guards to release the card demon Pull the armed forces, tie them with iron chains and shackles, and twist them out.

By the time Proxima Centauri locked Gamora in a cold cell and came back, the war on the holographic projection in front of Thanos had reached a fever pitch, and the vanguard on the ground rushed forward one after another, even if the corpses piled up And without fear.

In the sky, there is a large black air force composed of motorboats or small spaceships driven by Zeta Swiss soldiers, and the air force with Asgard's long-winged spaceships is incomparable.

Further above, several huge 'donut' spaceships aimed at the city below with their high-power laser cannons, bombarding the city below, trying to break through the city's energy shield, each laser beam fell, and The collision of the protective cover will burst into raging flames, and the blooming light will cover the sun in the sky.

But Loki is not just being beaten and not fighting back. Not to mention the arrow towers and soldiers on the city wall, they are resisting the vanguard guards who have followed one after another. Winged ships are constantly taking off in the city, and they are engaged in fierce air battles with the Zeta Swiss soldiers. The spaceships and soldiers on both sides fell like rain, hit the ground, and exploded.

One by one vanguards were either blown to pieces, or their flesh and blood flew from the fragments. The dense vanguard was blown out of a hole in an instant, but it was immediately filled by the follow-up vanguards. Even if there were survivors, they would be crushed The army is tens of thousands of horses, trampled into scum.

As the crystallization of the highest technology in Asgard, the Destroyer mech, after the vanguard launched an attack, rushed forward in great strides, preparing to attack the dragon directly and kill the General Deathblade and Black Dwarf who gave the orders. The army is self-defeating.

The nearly three-meter-high Destroyer mecha strode forward in the sea of ​​vanguards, one by one the vanguards rushed towards them, and before they got close, they were slapped and slapped away by the vanguards, making a 'crack' sound of bones breaking , Knocking over several vanguards in a row, beams of light are ejected from the face from time to time, sweeping across the ocean of vanguards, and in an instant, one hundred and eighty vanguards were burned to ashes by the high-heat energy rays.

The attack method of the Destroyer Mecha is very simple, just the energy cannon on the fist, foot or face, but it is infinitely powerful. No matter how many vanguards rush over, they can't shake its forward pace. Its powerful combat power is displayed at this moment. Hearty.

Loki was on the shoulder of the Destroyer Mecha, and the Eternal Gun in his hand was firing light beams like a machine gun. Cooperating with the energy cannon of the Destroyer Mecha, he forcibly waded out an empty avenue in the vanguard ocean. None can come near them.

Such unscrupulousness naturally caused a large number of vanguards to besiege, one by one rushed towards them like mad dogs, so that they all piled up, making Loki sneer, and a ball of energy bombs flew out from the rear of the city, hitting the Destroyer mecha, like It shattered like a mirror, and then the energy bomb exploded.

'boom! ' With a loud noise, the Pioneer Guards who had besieged the Destroyer Mecha and piled up into mountains were blown up and flew away. In just one click, more than a hundred Vanguard Guards were wiped out, but the Destroyer Mecha was nowhere to be seen. The slaying Destroyer mech has never existed.

The flames of the explosion here are still soaring, and the Destroyer Mecha suddenly appeared more than a hundred meters away, and continued to fight while walking, causing a large number of vanguards to besiege again, and then flew out of the city a mass of condensed energy. Light bullets, clearing a large number of vanguards gathered at once.

Repeatedly like this, the trend of vanguard attacking slowed down a lot. This kind of group charge is all about speed, but a large number of vanguard guards besieged the Destroyer mecha time and time again, causing regional traffic jams, but the troops behind were still flying. Ben, which caused a large number of rear-end collisions, and the scene was extremely tragic.

Roughly counting, the casualties caused by rear-end collisions and stampedes were actually higher than those caused by Rocky's side, and caused the vanguard and guards to advance in unison. Focus your fire on the protruding parts.

It can be said that Luo Ji dragged down half of the vanguard army with his own strength, preventing them from clenching their fists and attacking with heavy fists. The group charged for 8 or [-] minutes, with heavy casualties, but they didn't even touch the root of the city wall.

This made General Deathblade look ugly as if his whole family had died. A group of lingering Asgardians and the Waner Protoss who had been declining for a long time stopped his thousands of troops, almost like the self-proclaimed world invincible American emperor , I have been fighting with a group of monkeys for more than ten years and still lost, it's just a 'crack!Snapped! 'The slap in the face, the kind that hurts.

Especially when there is Thanos sitting in the rear, waiting for him to take the Rubik's Cube back. When the boss is here, don't work hard and wait to be fired?

Although General Deathblade is not in danger of being laid off, he also wants to fight for the top of Obsidian. Usually they have to go out to fight. Only Ebony Maw, who stayed at Temple No. [-], can serve Thanos all year round, so he became Obsidian. The first of the five generals.

Now that the ebony throat is cold, it is time to perform well. As a result, the vanguard army, which is invincible, is sluggish, which makes General Dead Blade extremely annoyed. He turned his head to look at the black dwarf beside him, and said: "Give it I dismantled it into tin sheets."

As the Hulk of Obsidian Five, Black Dwarf is very similar to Hulk in terms of personality. He has a low IQ but is very belligerent. Seeing the fierce war, he has long been eager to make a move. Now that he has permission, he can't wait to jump out.

Regardless of the black dwarf's wide body and fat body, his speed is not slow. His two big thick legs are moving fast, and the vanguard guards who are only in front of him are shoveled aside, just like a heavy tank passing by. Not an obstacle.

Before the person arrived, the mechanical pickaxe in his hand was thrown out, dragging a long iron chain, passing thousands of vanguards, and slashing at the vanguards surrounded by vanguards.

The mechanical pickaxe smashed several vanguards blocking the front, and hit the Destroyer mech. The latter shattered and disappeared like a mirror, while the mechanical pickaxe continued to move forward, smashing several vanguards to death. Only then was dragged back by the black dwarf.

"What?" General Deathblade, who was watching the battle from behind, widened his eyes in surprise. He saw the Destroyer mecha attacking the vanguard with his own eyes. How could he become a phantom when he was hit by the black dwarf's mechanical pickaxe?Could it be that phantoms can also attack like entities?

General Deathblade didn't even react, and the black dwarf with impressive IQ was even more confused. He looked blankly at the place where the Destroyer mech disappeared. He aimed very accurately and hit the target. The enemy was wiped out just like that. Yet?

Before he could react, the Destroyer Mecha suddenly appeared more than 100 meters away, and its face was extremely bright. The moment it appeared, it fired a dazzling beam of light at the black dwarf, hitting the Fierce sparks burst out from the black dwarf.

The terrifying impact force knocked the black dwarf away. The high-heat energy beam, the burning black dwarf's armor turned red, and the place where it was hit showed signs of melting. Obviously, the armor on his body could not withstand the destruction The beam cannons of the Raiders continued to attack.

Fortunately, after the Destroyer Mecha appeared and hit the black dwarf, General Deathblade ordered the donut spaceship to launch a cover bombing. More than a dozen bombs fell, forcing the Destroyer Mecha to end the attack and raise its head for air defense fight.

Beams of beams were shot out in a hurry, and the high-energy bomb was blown up in the air before it fell. The flames that bloomed almost formed a sea, covering the sky above the battlefield. I don’t know how many flying troops from Asgard and Thanos were involved. Either burned to ashes or shot down by the shock wave, they fell one after another all at once.

The black dwarf who was knocked into the air got up from the thousands of debris and ashes, and looked down at the hot armor on his body. There was an obvious dent, which was almost pierced through, giving him a powerful attack against the Destroyer Mecha. He had a deep understanding, but this made him even angrier. With a roar, he spread his legs and rushed towards the Destroyer mecha that was defending the air.

The black dwarf had only run halfway, and the Destroyer Mech had already hit the last bomb, which exploded at a height of [-] meters. The shock wave shook the ground and trembled, but the black dwarf seemed to have never heard of it, and continued to charge forward Then, seeing the Destroyer mecha lower its head, its face gathered energy again, and with a flick of the mechanical pickaxe in its hand, it instantly transformed into a shield to block in front of him.

In the next breath, a scorching light beam hit the shield, and the impact contained in it slowed down the forward speed of the black dwarf by half, but he was still able to bear the impact of the Destroyer mech beam and continued to run forward. The Destroyer mecha had to increase its energy output, but it was about to usher in a precision-guided strike from the donut spacecraft in the sky.

Ground-air coordinated operations forced the Destroyer to stop opening up on the spot and quickly jump away from the spot. Otherwise, even if it raised its head and shot down the missile, it would be approached by the black dwarf. Judging from this flexible movement, Loki obviously Once you have fully mastered the Destroyer mecha, you can play it to its full potential.

Manipulable skills can't make up for the huge gap between the two sides. The black dwarf rushed over, waved an axe, and hit the Destroyer mech busy avoiding missile bombing, but surprisingly, it was still a phantom, and the mechanical pickaxe had nothing to do with it. It pierced through the Destroyer mecha and killed a vanguard.

General Deathblade narrowed his eyes, and turned his gaze to Loki, who had been standing on the city wall since the beginning of the war. According to intelligence, this descendant of the Frost Giant has good magic skills. Come to underestimate this guy.

When General Deathblade reassessed the combat power of Loki and his men, in the distant universe, Quill was also explaining the 'funeral affairs': "I will take you to the nearest free market, the money earned from mercenary missions during this period , should be enough to buy a second-hand spaceship, leave the Milano to you, I"

"Are you going to save Gamora alone?" Rocket Raccoon stopped watering the flowerpot in his hand, looked up at Quill.

"No, I don't want to die, I'm just going to have a look, if there is a chance," Quill said without confidence, there is no chance.

Gamora is not a soldier, she is the equally notorious adopted daughter of Thanos, an absolute senior cadre of Thanos Legion, if she is captured, she will either be executed directly or locked up.

Don't look at how many prisons Rocket Raccoon has escaped from all day long, so whoever treats him as an "ordinary person" is just locked in a second-rate prison. Doesn't keep an entire army around.

In a real special prison, the detainees are not ordinary people. It is called a three-step, one post, five-step, and one sentry. Not to mention a rocket raccoon, ten of them will not be able to escape, and Gamora will definitely enjoy such treatment.

"It doesn't matter if I go back to Earth sooner or later, let's take a look with you. In Klin Prison, I came in and out casually, and I have a lot of experience in this area." Greer counts the cards every day, as if most of them can get a few more like.

"Heh, I have escaped from more than 20 prisons, how many times have you escaped?" In terms of the number of prison escapes, Rocket Raccoon has never been afraid of anyone.

"It depends on the quality."

"I also escaped from Kling, so I still win."

When the two of them faced each other, Sister Mantis also said timidly: "I can read other people's memories with my hands, so I can help."

Drax also said seriously: "Let's go and have a look together."

"Everyone." Quill's eyes were red from being touched. Going to Thanos' sphere of influence to save an important person is almost the same as sending him to death, but they went together. This friendship is too strong.

(End of this chapter)

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