The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 737 The Second Cosmic Rubik's Cube

Chapter 737 The Second Cosmic Rubik's Cube

Thanos held the Tyrant Butcher Knife in his hand, and the other end of the blade pointed at the neck of the Destroyer Mecha, without looking at Loki in front of him, he said softly, "I don't like deception."

"I didn't lie to you, the Rubik's Cube has long since disappeared with the destruction of Asgard." Loki replied, his voice was peaceful, but the hand holding the Eternal Gun was trembling unconsciously. With Thanos' prestige, just standing in front of him makes people feel intimidated.

The Destroyer mecha, which was stepped on by Thanos, propped its arms on the ground, and forcefully pushed Thanos' right foot up, but the next second, the tyrant's butcher's knife fell rapidly, 'Chila! With a sound, the neck of the Destroyer Mech was pierced, and then Thanos exerted strength with both hands, and the Tyrant Butcher Knife rotated more than ten degrees, cutting the Destroyer Mech's neck in two, making it completely Lost movement.

Loki's heart trembled, and he couldn't control his angry expression. He held the gun of eternity firmly in his right hand, and said again: "Maybe you are interested in the news of another infinity gem. I know a person, the ether particle Maybe it's on him."

Thanos kicked the head of the Destroyer Mech, raised his head, looked at the very nervous Loki, and said: "But you tell me yourself, use the Cosmic Rubik's Cube in exchange for an army, I brought the army, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube It's time to give it to me."

Loki couldn't help frowning. General Deathblade said this before, and Thanos still says that now, but why is he the only one who doesn't have any memory of this aspect? He only met Thanos once, and achieved the "Earth for Universe" Rubik's Cube agreement, when will there be a dialogue of "Army for Universe Rubik's Cube".

"I think there may be some misunderstanding here. As far as I know, there is a race in the universe that has the ability to transform and can turn into other people or animals at will." Loki tried his best to explain or clarify.

"Heh," Thanos grinned, walked towards Loki step by step with the tyrant's butcher's knife, and said as he walked, "You should find a better reason."

"." Loki was quite helpless, looking at Thanos who was approaching at every step, like a beast approaching, he couldn't help taking half a step back, and said: "Since the Chitauri failed to attack the earth, I was arrested and brought back I haven't seen the Rubik's Cube since Asgard, I swear."

Thanos did not answer, but walked up to Loki step by step, looked down at Loki who was overly nervous and pale, and said faintly: "It seems that you need some people to testify your oath."

"Huh?" Loki didn't understand, but he immediately knew what Thanos meant. He saw a large black cloud of bees flying from the burning city, flying towards here quickly, and only when they got close. It was clearly the hovering motorboat of the Chitauri.

There is an Asgardian or Vanir protoss hanging under each motorboat. There are as many as a thousand people. Obviously these are survivors of the war, but it also means that Loki's kingdom is completely destroyed.

Seeing Loki, these survivors were either calling for help or crying, coupled with the black ash and blood on everyone's face, a proper appearance of subjugation, made Loki's hand holding the gun of eternity even tighter, and it was almost like metal. The friction sparked.

Thanos stuck the tyrant's butcher's knife on the ground, pointed at the densely packed Chitauri motorboats, and said, "They add an army and exchange your Cosmic Rubik's Cube."

"The Cosmic Rubik's Cube is really not in my hands, but my ether particles are on a person on the earth." Before Loki could finish speaking, a Chitauri raised his hand and shot a gun, and a crying Alan was hanging below. The Sgardian's head was hit, and it burst like a watermelon hit by a hammer.

Rocky's body trembled following the shot, but the devilish voice in his ear continued to say: "Tell me, where is the Rubik's Cube?"

"There must be a misunderstanding here. After the destruction of Asgard, I have been active in the Nine Realms and have never left." Loki's voice raised a lot unconsciously, but before he finished speaking, the ten Zitas The Rui people raised their laser guns and killed ten Asgardians and Vanir Protoss. Their bodies fluttered in the wind, and with the smoke and flames of war in the distance, they looked extraordinarily bleak.

Thanos straightened his waist, looked down at the trembling Loki, and said loudly: "You told me that you want an army, and I brought it. Now, give me the Cosmic Rubik's Cube."

Loki raised his head abruptly and yelled at Thanos: "I don't want an army, I don't have a Rubik's Cube, why are you?"

'Boom!Tom!Tom! '

A series of slight explosions, the cries and cries of the Asgardians stopped abruptly, and Loki's roar stopped abruptly. Looking at the Asgardians who were still being slaughtered, his lips were trembling. Suddenly roared like crazy, picked up the gun of eternity, and threw it at Thanos like an iron rod.

But before it fell, Thanos easily grabbed the Eternal Spear and pulled it towards him forcefully. The huge force made Loki lean forward involuntarily, and then Thanos lifted his leg and kicked it into the air. If the crazy Loki.

The severe pain from his chest made Loki look painful, and he slammed into an ancient tree with a history of hundreds of years behind him, which almost made him hold his breath. The trees trembled.

As soon as the pain in his chest and back reached his brain, Loki saw Thanos pick up the Spear of Eternity and throw it out like a javelin. He wanted to dodge, but before his body could react, the spear of eternity pierced through his collarbone, sank into the ancient tree, and nailed Loki to the trunk like a nail.

"Ugh!" Loki yelled in pain, blood gushed out like a stream, quickly soaked through Loki's clothes and armor, and flowed down the winding bark.

Amidst Loki's heart-piercing cries, the Chitauri also ended the second phase of the massacre. A thousand unarmed Asgardians and Vanirs were killed, while Thanos in front He was pressing on every step of the way, walked up to Loki again, and said, "This is the last chance, hand over the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, or you will all die."

"Please, let them go. I really don't know where the Rubik's Cube is, but I can find it for you. There are also ether particles. I can find any infinity gems you want." The pain made Luo There were fine beads of sweat on Ki's forehead, and he begged Thanos to let his subjects go, which was rare.

"Alas!" Thanos sighed regretfully, stood up straight, and shook his head. The Chitauri spaceships fired a salvo, and laser beams penetrated the only remaining Asgardian body.

The calls for help and cries became less and less until they all disappeared with the wind, leaving only countless gradually cold corpses swaying with the iron chains under the blowing of the breeze, like a curtain of evocation, calling for wandering souls to return home.

The blood of thousands of Asgardians almost stained the earth red and soaked the soil, so that the vegetation that will grow on this land in the future will be tinged with blood

Loki's eyes gradually fell into despair, until the last Asgardian died, and finally shouted like a collapse, but a trace of mockery flashed in Thanos' eyes, he turned around suddenly, and grabbed at Leaving the void, holding a slender arm.

The brilliance flickered, and Loki, who was nailed to the ancient tree, disappeared, leaving only the spear of eternity, but Loki's figure appeared in the air, holding a cold diamond-shaped dagger in his right hand, only eight centimeters long. Darts are not an exaggeration, even though it is small, it can pierce Thor's body.

And Loki aimed at Thanos' heart, trying to kill him with one blow, but he was caught by Thanos just as he made his move. This made Loki's face full of horror, and he didn't understand how Thanos It was obvious that even Odin couldn't see through his illusion, and Thanos didn't seem to notice him before swinging the knife.

"You should have shot faster." Thanos had a ferocious smile on his face, and when he spoke, his left hand stretched out like lightning, grabbed Loki's neck, and lifted him from the ground. Ki struggled involuntarily, but he couldn't shake Thanos's iron-clamp-like left hand at all.

"The God of Lies? You should change your name." Thanos said, his five fingers suddenly exerted force, 'Crack! With a sound, Loki's struggling movements stopped abruptly, blood flowed from the seven orifices, and as Thanos spread his palms, he slid limply and fell to the ground, his protruding eyeballs staring at Chitauri. The subjects who were thrown down by airships one after another.

General Deathblade, who had dealt with the affairs in the city, hurried over with the black dwarf, and saluted very respectfully. From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Loki, whose neck was crushed by Thanos, and was thrown on the ground. He opened his mouth, as if wanting to say what.

He hesitated when he reached the point of his mouth, and finally shut his mouth and didn't speak. He came to get the Rubik's Cube, but almost let Loki escape, and let the boss take action, so he dared to talk too much.

On the contrary, Thanos said with great regret: "The Cosmic Rubik's Cube is not in his hands, maybe they took it away first, but it doesn't matter, just ask them to get it back."

General Deathblade and Black Dwarf stared at each other, not understanding what Thanos meant, but they didn't dare to ask, and Thanos was not interested in explaining to them, so he glanced at Loki's dagger in his hand, and casually inserted it into the dark golden dagger. on the belt, and strode forward.

Picking up the tyrant's butcher knife stuck in the ground, he took Black Dwarf and General Deathblade into the tractor beam and returned to the donut spaceship. The donut spaceship started and flew towards outer space.

And Chitauri's motorboat also untied the iron chains, dumped the corpses of the Asgardians on the ground, and together with the small spaceships flying out of the burning city, drove the few remaining vanguards back. Arrived at the landing ship, started the engine, and flew into outer space with Thanos' spaceship.

The alien spacecraft that covered the sky and the sun, in the setting sun, flew away from Vanaheim one after another, and flew towards the Temple II parked in the universe.

Under the bloody sunset, the formerly prosperous city was burning with raging flames, turning the sky and the earth red, and the flying smoke and dust covered the sky and the sun. You could smell the gunpowder smoke and the strong smell of blood here from a very long distance, telling the story silently Facing the fate of defeat.

By the side of the ancient trees and green grass, corpses wrapped in iron chains were lying on the ground in disorder. The blood had dried up and turned black, but the strong smell of blood in the air did not want to dissipate for a long time.

Suddenly, a blue electric light flickered in the void beside the ancient tree, and a large amount of smoke gushed out from the electric light, which spread rapidly, forming a two-meter-long and wide vortex in the blink of an eye, and then a person emerged from the flashing electric light. Come out of the clouds.

In his right hand he held a cube shining with a sea of ​​blue light. It was the Rubik's Cube that sparked this war. He was wearing a mighty dark golden armor with a turquoise cloak on his back.

As soon as he walked out of the space door, he saw the gun of eternity inserted quietly on the tree trunk directly opposite, which made the eyes of the visitor light up. He took two steps forward, grabbed the gun of eternity with his left hand, and pushed The Eternal Spear was pulled out, and he looked up and down the exquisite Eternal Spear with great joy.

That expression seemed to see an old lover whom he hadn't seen for many years, and he muttered: "It's true, I finally got it again"

Talking to himself, turned around, and saw a person (corpse) lying on the ground with the same appearance and clothes as him, and there were a large number of corpses of Asgardians and Vanir protoss in the distance , and a burning city, the flames and thick smoke that shot straight into the sky were still clearly audible from such a long distance.

The horrifying scene in front of him instantly froze the smile on his face, his eyes widened, almost popping them out, and his voice was hoarse: "Odin, what is this?"

On the back of Temple No. [-] facing Warnerham, several meteorites roamed freely. The Milano hid itself behind one of them, and approached Temple No. [-] bit by bit. , the stronger the tension, I am afraid that if one is careless, all previous efforts will be wasted, and everyone will be caught.

The so-called unanimous luck is that the attack of Thanos' army has greatly reduced the difficulty of approaching Temple II, but this means that the planet millions of kilometers ahead is suffering from Thanos' bloody massacre.

Milano quietly approached the stationary Temple II, the gap between the two sides was like a shrimp and a whale, lying on the whale, it was inconspicuous at all, and because of this, Rocket Raccoon and Quill boldly took Milano Nuo was firmly fixed on the shell of Temple No. [-], and then followed Greer into Temple No. [-] through the space gate.

The four of them hid in the ventilation duct like a mouse, and Drax asked in a low voice, "Where is Gamora locked up?"

"." He was answered in silence, and then everyone looked at Quill, and then Quill was also looking at other people. The two sides were staring at each other, so Quill couldn't help but said, "How do I know?" ? I have never boarded this ship."

Rocket Raccoon patted his forehead, shook his head and said, "I knew it was definitely a mistake to follow Quill."

"I'm starting to regret it." Greer followed suit to 'add insult to injury'.

"So we're throwing ourselves in a trap?" Drax added one last shot.

(End of this chapter)

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