The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 596 4 Holy Spirit

Chapter 596 Four Holy Spirits

From the Bone Dragon's recovery of wisdom to the Mandarin's sudden lack of fear of the sun, everything shows that someone is playing tricks behind this, but even if Greer kills the Bone Dragon and three people besiege the Mandarin who was blessed with daytime weakness BUFF, the black hand behind it is He never showed up, as if he didn't care about their life or death at all.

This reminded Greer of Banner's biological laboratory, where the mice ate and drank well, and then injected different doses or the same dose of medicine, and watched indifferently that the mice were tortured by the new medicine, and even died on the spot. After recording the data, the mice were destroyed.

All of this is so similar to today. The ones who destroyed the experimental products were replaced by the Avengers. Maybe they also helped Hela verify the combat effectiveness of the undead on the earth day and night. Otherwise, why would the bone dragon open? Wisdom, how did the Mandarin suddenly know how to resist the sun.

After all, Hela's death army that traversed the Nine Realms was burned to the ground by the eternal fire in Asgard not long after her resurrection, and she almost died there. But Haim's underworld is a world of eternal night, while the earth alternates day and night.

High-level undead units like the Mandarin, Liches, can't stand the direct sunlight. Low-level skeleton soldiers, I'm afraid they will be directly sunburned to death. Without the endless skeleton army, it is impossible to rely on only a few high-level units Occupy a world.

Most of the Nine Realms are illuminated by the sun. If Hela wants to use the undead army to occupy the Nine Realms, he must solve the weakness of the undead during the day. Obviously, Hela has found a way to use energy to resist the sun for the advanced undead units. As long as the low-level skeleton soldiers can resist the sun, Hela's undead army will be launched.

Greer's thoughts slid all the way, already thinking of the "magnificent sight" when Hela's undead bones flocked to the earth, and then he was woken up by Hulk's roar, and he saw that he was still covered with ice stubble. Hulk clenched his fists, stretched his legs and rushed towards the Mandarin with only his bones left.

With each step, a deep footprint will be printed on the soft sand, and a large amount of dust will be brought up when the foot is lifted.Boom! 'The sound of footsteps was deafening.

The fire of the soul in the adult's eye sockets flickered, just like his anger, burning blazingly, the Hulk who was facing the collision, did not dodge or dodge, but turned around and raised his hand to meet Hulk, intending to repeat the previous borrowing Hit hard and throw Hulk out.

It’s just that this time, along with the Hulk, there is also Mark44, a heavy-duty mech made of steel that represents the highest level of human technology. The palm cannons on both arms light up and fire two arc pulse cannons thicker than human thighs. , and instantly hit the Mandarin who was reaching out to grab Hulk.

It's just that the man with only bones left in his body is quite leaky for this kind of overflowing attack. Most of the light beams pass through the gaps in the bones, and only a small part hits the bones of the man, unless it hits the undead like just now The head of the important node, otherwise the attack effect will be quite poor.

Since then, Mark44's attack has played a harassing effect, and the Mandarin didn't even bother to pay attention to it, allowing the two arc pulse beams to 'pass' through his body and wash his bones, and focus on running in big strides Hulk who came over.

The magic resistance of the undead is extremely high, but the corresponding physical defense is terribly low. After all, there is no muscle, fat and other tissues to buffer, and they rely on bones to resist. The previous encounter with the bone dragon has already explained everything. Hulk's fist is stronger than Iron Man's cluster guns are more effective.

Therefore, Mandarin can ignore Mark44's beam cannon, but must pay attention to Hulk's fist. Facing the menacing Hulk, he rarely chose to avoid his sharp edge, took two steps back, and avoided Hulk's straight fist. shock.

At the same time, he punched Hulk with a backhand and hammered on Hulk's leg, which actually bent Hulk's knee. Coupled with the inertia of the forward rush, Hulk fell to one knee on the ground, and the Mandarin quickly turned around and raised his leg. Ji kicked, hard bony feet, kicked on the kneeling Hulk's head, and directly swept Hulk away, his head hit the ground, and his body slid seventeen or eight meters backward on the ground before stopping.

Everything happened in a blink of an eye, and Greer saw Hulk rushing up, and Hulk flew away. A man with no flesh, his strength is still so strong, but Mark44 has already rushed over, and the effect is not good if he doesn’t use it anymore. The arc pulse gun directly hammered it with a steel fist.

After the Mandarin swept Hulk away with one foot, he quickly put his feet down and stepped on the ground again. When he stabilized his center of gravity, Mark44's iron fist almost hit his face, and the Mandarin jumped up with both feet on the ground. A forward roll, unexpectedly rubbed against Mark44's huge steel fist, and jumped over Mark44's head.

When flying over Mark44, the Mandarin suddenly clenched his fists, the rings on three of his fingers lit up, and launched an attack on Mark44, which was close at hand.

Three beams of different colors bombarded the outer shell of Mark 44 in an instant, and the holographic projection screen in front of Stark suddenly flashed a red warning light. As soon as he moved, the Mandarin was kicked away by Tianwai.

These three beams of light streaked across the earth, immediately cutting the earth into an unfathomable gap, a gully without any floating soil, and a hole where the soil was gathered in the center by the super-strong gravity.

The Mandarin who was kicked away only rolled a circle on the ground before quickly turning over and looking up at the sky, only to see Greer in a green robe floating in the sky as light as a feather, but the Mandarin just Glancing at Greer, who was wearing a green leather robe, he immediately turned his head to look behind him.

A flaming ball of fire was flying towards the mandarin rapidly, making the mandarin who had just got up choose to roll on the spot without hesitation, dodging the impact of the fireball in embarrassment.

But before he could get up, a thorn of soil protruding from the ground suddenly protruded with golden light, pierced into the empty chest of the adult man, and came out from behind.

Moreover, this soil thorn automatically generated several branches, filling the man's chest to the brim, and firmly stuck the man on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, water that had absolutely nothing to do with the desert poured down from the sky, pouring down on the mandarin, and then immediately froze into ice, turning into an ice armor, sealing the mandarin into a statue.

"These, let me see if you can still break free." Greer's voice sounded from four directions at the same time, and the fireball slowly extinguished, revealing the form of Kamen Rider Wizard Flame Dragon wearing a fiery red leather coat; From below, a ball of golden light sprang out from below, condensing into the form of the Kamen Rider wizard Earth Demon Dragon wearing a golden leather suit; the water in the sky also gathered into a pool, from which emerged a Kamen Rider wearing a water-blue leather suit Wizard Flowing Water Demon Dragon Xingtian.

Coupled with the form of the Kamen Rider Wizard Hurricane Dragon floating in the air, at this moment, there are actually four Kamen Rider Wizards at the same time.

Kamen Rider Wizard in the form of a flame dragon looked at the silver dragon timer attached to his wrist, and said:
"Thank you for your bone dragon, which made me stronger, four-element avatar, do you like it?"

'boom! '

The 'cage' made by the soil pillars and the ice armor was shattered after trapping the Mandarin for five seconds. The Mandarin stood up covered in ice and sand, and glanced at the man with his soul-burning eyes. The four Kamen Riders who surrounded him were identical except for their color.

In the next breath, all the energy of the Mandarin poured into the Ten Commandments as if they didn’t need money, turning the Ten Commandments into a series of cannonballs in an instant, beams of beams of different colors rushing towards the four Kamen Riders, intending to use it to make people laugh. Overwhelmed offensive, to test out which is the phantom and which is the entity.

But what shocked the Mandarin was that the four Kamen Riders arrived easily and dodged the attack. They were so flexible that they were not like phantoms. The phantom Greer created in the air just now stood there like an idiot. It breaks when you hit it.

In other words, all four are entities? !
The Mandarin came to a conclusion that he didn't even want to believe. How could this be possible?How did he do that?This is really outrageous, completely beyond the scope of what Mandarin can understand. Could it be that there are four Kamen Riders?How do you feel that this is more nonsense.

Not only the Mandarin, but also his teammate Stark was startled, staring blankly at the four-color Kamen Riders besieging the Mandarin, what's going on?He just looked down at the damage of Mark44, and there were three more people on the field?

The four masked knights on the field waved their arms at the same time, chanting spells, and the magic gemstones of different colors and shapes on their bodies immediately emitted dazzling light, shining behind them, and quickly formed a hexagram magic circle the size of their body, with different colors in the center The logo of the Kamen Rider Wizard.

The moment the magic circle was propped up, the beam of light pouring madly from the Mandarin disappeared before it touched any of the four Kamen Riders. The Mandarin was stunned, and the four Greer said at the same time. : "Don't waste your time, the magic circle I specially prepared for you, any energy attack will be converted into four elements, absorbed into my magic circle, and become my help, I call it the forbidden area of ​​elements."

This is a surprise prepared by Greer for the Mandarin. The Mandarin who turned into an undead is indeed very strong, but correspondingly, he lost the ability to use Qi to enhance defense, speed, strength, etc. when he was a human being. After all, he has no flesh and blood. Now, the bones are controlled by the fire of the soul again, and the only function of Qi is to drive the Ten Commandments to attack.

Therefore, as long as the ten precepts are done, adults will lose seven or eight of their abilities, leaving only strong and excessive bones, which will be much easier to deal with.

As soon as Greer's words fell, mark44, who was emitting sparks, raised his chest, and fired a huge beam of light from his chest, bombarding the magic circle behind the fire-type Kamen Rider wizard. It suddenly disappeared when it was ten centimeters away.

But with the continuous output of the cluster cannon, the light emitted by the magic circle behind the four Kamen Riders became more and more dazzling. It is obvious that Mark44 is delivering energy to the magic circle, which is converted into four elements through the magic circle, indicating that this is a project that requires energy storage. The big move, but with the power supply of the twenty ark reactors on Mark44, this time has been greatly shortened.

Even if the Mandarin becomes an undead, and his sensitivity to non-living things outside is extremely low, it can be seen that Greer is preparing a big move, and he doesn't care about testing which one is a phantom and which one is an entity, so he just chooses a direction and rushes. Going over, I wanted to run out of the range of the magic circle with a diameter of nearly [-] meters.

And he chose the fiery red Kamen Rider wizard, and he covered a distance of 70 meters in two or three steps. Only then did he notice that this fiery red Kamen Rider wizard was different from other Kamen Riders. Only his There is something like a silver dial on the wrist.

"This is the real thing." The Mandarin was overjoyed, turned around without hesitation, and rushed towards the water-blue Kamen Rider wizard next to him.

"Answer, wrong, phantom quartet, activate!" Greer roared, and pushed forward with both hands, the light of the magic circle behind him suddenly dimmed, and a water-blue beam was emitted, which instantly hit the front. The Mandarin came over, and the beams of the fire, earth, and wind magic circles from the other three directions also bombarded the Mandarin.

The beams of the four elements gathered together, and the light was dazzling, like looking directly at the sun at noon. Even Hulk couldn't stand the strong light, so he had to raise his arms to block his eyes.

In the dazzling magic circle, the mandarin's skeleton body was supported by four beams of light, and he couldn't move at all. It was more painful than the blood boiling, which made the iron-blooded tough man Manchu roar in pain. The soul fire in the eye sockets was not this time. Candles lit up in the wind, exuberant like torches.

But this terrified the Mandarin, the soul fire in the eye sockets was vigorous, which brought about double the consumption of the soul fire in the brain, and the consumption speed became faster and faster. According to this acceleration trend, it only takes two to three minutes. His soul fire will be consumed.

What will happen then?

The Mandarin doesn't know, and he doesn't want to know, but no matter how hard he struggles, he can't move even a centimeter. The energy film used to resist the sun has become something that kills him at this moment.

Greer's phantom quartet attacked this energy membrane, so this energy membrane resisted Greer's beam attack, thus doubling the fire of the soul of the adults.The four light beams squeezed the energy membrane in the middle, and the quartet of phantoms filled the front, rear, left, right, up and down, making the energy membrane have nowhere to go, and even the Mandarin was bound in place, like a living target, allowing people to attack .

Greer's phantom quartet attack looks quite gorgeous and powerful, but it is only doubling the consumption of the mandarin's soul fire, causing no harm to the mandarin, and Greer, who maintains the normal operation of the magic circle, Most of the attention is on the surroundings, carefully feeling that there is no change.

If the Mandarin is an experimental subject, then the observer must not be far away and cannot see the condition of the experimental subject, how to record the data, and if the data is not recorded, the experiment will be in vain, so Greer wants to catch this person behind the scenes, if so
(End of this chapter)

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