The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 597 Burning the Soul

Chapter 597 Burning the Soul
The cluster cannon on Mark44's chest continuously emits light beams, and all the ark reactors operate at full power, continuously providing energy for the magic circle, maintaining the phantom quartet, and continuously impacting the man's skeleton body.

The bones that were strong enough to fight against Hulk were gradually worn away under the continuous attack of the Phantom Quartet. Even though the speed was very slow, the volume of the skeleton was indeed slowly decreasing. According to this trend , It is estimated that there will be another 50 seconds, and it will be wiped out.

But the surrounding area was still quiet, and nothing unusual happened.

The Mandarin in the formation felt excruciating pain all over his body at this moment, his body had decayed long ago, leaving only white bones, all nerves and blood vessels had vanished, the pain had already gone with the wind, even if he had been robbed by Hao before. Throwing by gram, being kicked by Greer, being blasted by Iron Man, he didn't feel any pain at all.

This is why the Mandarin can immediately launch a counterattack no matter how badly he is beaten. He does not feel pain, no matter how badly he is beaten, it doesn't matter, he just needs to think about fighting back.

But now, the Mandarin once again felt the piercing pain, which reminded him of when he first entered Kunlun, his arms were swollen from practicing boxing, and his hands were bloody from punching wooden dummy posts. Even a slight movement was painful. I can't even hold the chopsticks steadily, so I can only chew with my mouth.

Hundreds of people entered Kunlun with him, but in the end he was the only one who persevered and became the supreme guardian of Kunlun—Iron Fist.
Some people say that before dying, people will see their own life. Mandarin doesn't really believe it, but now there are many long-forgotten memories in front of him: the carefree and rich childhood, the dominating father's soldier Defeated and dead, the poor and down-to-earth young man entered Kunlun and hellish training for a bite of food. He was beaten again and again with bruised nose, swollen face and even broken tendons and bones. Strength has become an iron fist, not satisfied with everything that exists, stealing the keel for longevity, and sentenced Kunlun.
The Mandarin stood there as if giving up resistance, despite the impact of the four-element beams, a thought involuntarily appeared in his mind: "Am I going to die?"

"Dead?" The Mandarin clenched his fists violently, and growled hoarsely, "How is that possible?"

In order to live, he was able to abandon his honorable Iron Fist identity and escape Kunlun with his keel; in order to live, exhausted, he fled for seven days and seven nights in a row, found the ruins of aliens in a desperate situation, and got ten The powerful gem killed the Kunlun people in one fell swoop; in order to live, he nestled in the barren Middle East for 200 years, just to dig out the possible keel.

Live, I want to live.

The desire to survive made the Mandarin feel endless power surging up from his body, the ten rings on his hands lit up in unison, and then a terrifying energy storm erupted from the Manchurian, instantly crowding the Phantom Quartet away .

"What?" Greer was once again shocked by the terrifying power erupted by the Mandarin. He added the energy of Mark44's twenty Ark reactors, and was blocked by the Mandarin. , Why did such a strong force suddenly erupt.

This is exactly the same as not being afraid of the sun before, but he obviously didn't feel any abnormality.

Greer couldn't figure it out, but now he didn't have the energy to think about it. The four Kamen Riders involuntarily backed away from the aftermath of energy caused by the sudden burst of Mandarin, and the magic circle behind them shook. After several blows, the phantom quartet collapsed instantly.

The shock wave that erupted from Master Ziman spread out and scraped across the ground, kicking up a large amount of sand and gravel, forming four walls of sand, moving rapidly towards the surroundings, and scraping the ground along the way for several layers. It dropped twenty to thirty centimeters abruptly.

At the center where the Mandarin stood, there was a depression four to five meters deep and nearly four to fifty meters in diameter, while the Mandarin was floating in the air, with raging flames burning all over his body, and the soul fire in his eyes It was exactly the same, but it was wrapped in the fire of the soul.

As soon as Greer stabilized his body, he saw the Mandarin raised his hand, and the five rings on his right hand lit up, and instantly emitted five beams of light, heading straight for the fiery red Greer, at an astonishingly fast speed. After a while, Greer was in front of him.

Without the time and posture to gather energy, Greer was caught off guard. He quickly raised his hands and was hit as soon as he propped up the magic circle. It was declared shattered, and then the five light beams with less than half the power bombarded Greer's chest, bursting out fierce sparks, and the huge impact knocked Greer into the air.

The right hand just fired five beams, and with a flick of the left hand, another five beams were sent out. This time, it hit Mark44 directly. Even Jarvis couldn't react in time. As soon as the jet engine started, it was hit by five beams. .

The thick armor was as fragile as paper in front of the five beams of light. Five holes [-] to [-] centimeters wide were poked out at once, leaving no iron filings behind. The moment it touched the beams, it disappeared without a trace. No trace, it was wiped out directly.

The ear-piercing siren rang through Stark's ears, and the holographic projection screen in front of him immediately showed the damage of Mark44. Five huge red dots were painted on the model of Mark44, but Stark seemed to be unable to see it. Quickly, with dull eyes, he looked at the hole less than seven centimeters away from his shoulder.

Just a little bit, his shoulders would disappear like steel, and the composite armor he had placed high hopes on, in front of the attack of the Mandarin, was no different from before, and was pierced with the same ease.

"Sir, the armor is severely damaged and has lost its ability to fight." Jarvis reported the current status of mark44. A large hole was pierced through the left shoulder, which destroyed the sensor system, energy transmission pipeline, drive system, etc. of the left arm.

Five Ark reactors are damaged, and can no longer output a little energy. Even if the other parts of the Mark44 are intact, there is no way to drive all the systems of the Mark44. Like a racing car that is almost out of power, it moves and stops, especially the most powerful cluster. It is impossible for the cannon to exert its maximum power.

Obviously breaking free from the phantom quartet, but the Mandarin didn't feel happy at all, he clenched his hands tightly, knuckles!Click! He made a sound, his empty eye sockets stared at the burning flames on the bones all over his body, and he looked extremely angry. With the fire of soul burning all over his body, it couldn't be more suitable to be used as a ghost in a ghost story.

He could clearly feel that the fire of the soul in his head was burning faster, even faster than when resisting the phantom quartet before. According to this speed, it only takes 1 minute to make the fire of his soul burn. The fire is completely burnt out, and what awaits him at that time should be death.

He doesn't know how to stop burning the fire of the soul, he doesn't even know how the fire of the soul burns the whole body, there is no more hope, there is really only the last minute of life left, everything... everything belongs to the Kamen Rider wrong.

The Mandarin suddenly raised his head, his empty eyes stared at Greer who had just gotten up from the ground with infinite anger, if he hadn't been chasing after him, how could such a thing have happened, he was going to die, and he had to pull this guy together.

"Roar!" The man roared angrily, and his body rushed forward suddenly, at an astonishingly fast speed, instantly spanning a distance of hundreds of meters, like a flash of lightning, he could only vaguely see a series of shadows, and in an instant he reached Gray in front of you.

Greer's eyes blurred, before he could see clearly, he received a heavy punch and was sent flying, and the other three Kamen Riders rushed over immediately.The Mandarin punched the fiery red Kamen Rider, turned around and kicked the Kamen Rider in the form of the fastest hurricane dragon, with astonishing strength, and flew back at a faster speed.

Before the Earth Demon Dragon form and the Water Demon Dragon form approached, the Mandarin rushed towards them, easily dodged the Kamen Rider's punches and kicks, turned around and knocked them both away.

It took less than four seconds from the time the floating Mandarin moved to the time when all four Kamen Riders fell to the ground, and all four Kamen Riders were knocked into the air. The place where it hit was just a little painful, but it gave Greer a great shock.

This reminded him of the Mandarin in Miami. Compared with the Avengers at that time, the Mandarin at that time was amazingly fast, powerful and had no friends. Only Faiz's acceleration had a little advantage, and everything else was taken by the Mandarin. Press and beat.

But now the Mandarin is a bit dreaming of going back to Miami, with fire all over his body, the powerful ones don’t want it, no, Hulk rushed up, and before he touched anyone, he was teleported by the Mandarin at a speed like, In an instant, he was in front of Hulk, and with a rising dragon punch, Hulk was sent flying from the ground, flying 30 meters like a rocket.

Flying Hulk with a punch, the Mandarin turned his head instantly, staring at Greer who had just stood up, and once again displayed his astonishingly fast speed, coming towards the fiery red Greer, causing Greer to rush back Jumping up, trying to avoid the frontal attack of this inexplicable Mandarin.

In a breath or two, the man reached the position where Greer was standing just now. After a pause, he looked up at the leaping Greer, kicked his feet on the ground, and his body suddenly flew up. Ruier jumped more than twice as fast, caught up with Greer in an instant, raised his right fist and hammered Greer.

The Mandarin's pause on the ground gave Greer a chance to react, and he hurriedly raised his hands to block the Mandarin's attack. He fisted and palmed, and felt an irresistible force coming, and his arms were immediately pressed to his chest On the ground, the whole person was beaten and fell down at a faster speed.

Greer was knocked down from the air with one punch, the Mandarin clasped his hands together, ten rings lit up at the same time, and ten beams of light shot out, hitting the falling Greer directly, catching up to Greer in an instant, It hit Greer, who had already hit the ground, and a raging flame exploded.

The strong shock wave spread, kicking up boundless dust. The sandstorm hadn't subsided yet, and it started up again. The sky and the earth were gray, and the sunlight seemed extraordinarily weak.

The Mandarin was about to attack the other three Kamen Riders, but at some point, the three Kamen Riders disappeared, which made the Mandarin more certain that the fiery red Kamen Rider was the main body. He raised his hands hesitantly, gathered all the energy in his body, there was not much time left, and he couldn't afford to procrastinate.

Gathering energy, Mandarin suddenly rushed to the dusty earth below, the soul fire burning all over his body became more vigorous, but the soul fire in his eye sockets was much weaker than before.

As we were rushing down, the Mandarin seemed to hear a voice: "Final Time! All Dragon! Please!"

At the same time as the sound sounded, a dazzling light suddenly lit up on the dusty ground: red, blue, yellow, green, the four colors of light interlaced, broke through the filled dust, covered the sun in the sky, and the adults I also felt the extremely strong energy fluctuations coming from below.

Immediately afterwards, there was a loud and energetic dragon roar from below, which stunned the Mandarin. He was no stranger to this voice in Kunlun, and it often came from the top of Kunlun, and he accepted the test of longevity. From time to time, this voice resounded in the cave.

But since he left Kunlun, he hadn't heard this voice again, which made the Mandarin a little dazed, wondering if he had an auditory hallucination, because he was about to die, so this familiar voice emerged from the depths of his memory.

But immediately, the Mandarin saw a dragon bathed in golden light, soaring up from the ground, roaring loudly while flying, and rushed straight at him, causing the Mandarin to widen his eyes in shock , it was hard to believe what I saw.

The dragon turned out to be a dragon, not a dragon with skeletons, but a dragon with flesh and blood: tiger beard, hyena tail, camel head, rabbit eyes, snake neck, mirage belly, tiger paw, cow ears, fish scales, antlers, eagle claws, and Kunlun The dragons in the murals are exactly the same.

"How is it possible? How come there are still living dragons?" The Mandarin murmured in a low voice, wondering if it was true that he saw the long-extinct dragon that the elder Kunlun said was on his deathbed.

But right away, the Mandarin knew that this dragon was real, because the golden dragon slammed into his body, sending the Mandarin who was falling rapidly into the air, rushing to the sky like a rocket, the speed It was even faster than the Mandarin just now.

The severe pain awakened the mandarin from a trance state. Bone put his hands on the huge dragon's head and exerted his strength to keep himself away from the dragon's head. However, he was hit by the dragon's tail on his back after only ten meters away, just like playing baseball. As if, the Mandarin was spun around and flew away, while the dragon swung its body, rushed over again, hit the Mandarin again with its head, and sent the Mandarin flying farther.

(End of this chapter)

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