The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 595 Anti-Hulk

Chapter 595 Anti-Hulk

When the wind blows, the golden light shield cracks inch by inch, dissipates into countless light spots, and disappears into the air. Greer can't help being stunned. Some can't believe the facts that his eyes see. The magic shield was hit by the Mandarin. ruined.

How can it be?

The undead are not afraid of the sun during the day, and their strength has suddenly increased a lot. Isn't this hanging too obvious?

The Mandarin smashed Greer's magic shield with a wave of his hand, and the ring on his left thumb facing the ground lit up with white light. The sand and rocks on the ground suddenly moved, and then rushed downward. In the blink of an eye, A big hole appeared in the uneven sandy land, and it expanded at an extremely fast speed.

The strong gravitational force that suddenly appeared underground attracted the surrounding soil, causing the ground to collapse into a big hole in an instant, and immediately plunged the frozen Hulk into it, leaving only half of his head outside, and the rest was buried in the soil .

Then the sand was squeezed by itself, making the soft soil as solid as if it had been rolled over a hundred times with a heavy-duty road roller, and even a hammer could not make a mark, and the Hulk was wrapped into a muddy dumpling all at once, which is as good as It's still embarrassing to be an adult just now.

Before, Hulk broke away from the ice within a second after being frozen, but now three or four seconds have passed, and Hulk is still in the frozen posture, and there is not even a single crack on the ice. It was frozen solid.

But here the ground collapsed, but Greer continued to rush forward. After the light shield was destroyed, he simply didn't rebuild it. Like something drilling a hole in the ground, it rushed towards the Mandarin quickly.

The man raised his head slightly, looked at the surging ground, didn't even move his footsteps, just turned his hand slightly, so that the ring of his right thumb pointed there, and then emitted a purple light, the surging underground disappeared immediately, and he was relaxed again It defuses Greer's attack.

"This guy" Greer landed on the ground, staring at the man standing there motionless. It has been almost 20 seconds since he broke Greer's binding earth magic circle, but the man's feet But he didn't move even a centimeter, just kept using the Ten Commandments with both hands to attack or resist Greer's offensive.

"This seems to be a problem." Greer narrowed his eyes, trying to see if there is something wrong with it, whether it has something to do with the sudden increase in strength of the Mandarin who is not afraid of the sun, whether it is useful or not, try again Nothing to lose.

"I want to see if you will not move the ground." Greer stood up straight, touched the knight card box at his waist with his left hand, took out a card from it, and inserted it into the Neo decade at his waist In the drive:

"Attack Ride Strike Wizard!"

Accompanied by the loud sound, the Neo decade driver glowed with golden light, and a golden hexagram magic circle immediately appeared under Greer's feet. The golden wizard pattern in the center was extraordinarily dazzling, exuding bright light.

Then the earth and rocks around the magic circle suddenly flew towards the sky, fluttering, like pear blossom rain all over the sky, rushing to a height of more than 20 meters in the blink of an eye, Greer stepped on the largest rock, followed by countless The earth and rocks flew upwards.

The magic circle shone, sweeping tons of earth and rocks flying into the sky, and each piece of earth and rock was spinning rapidly around Greer, the speed was getting faster and faster, but no gravel was thrown out, and all of them were tightly bound by the magic circle. Around Greer.

Such a big movement couldn't be more attention-grabbing. The Mandarin has been staring at Greer since Greer unfolded the magic circle. His skinny hands slowly lifted up, and the ten rings on his ten fingers all lit up. , actually activated all the rings at once.

Obviously, he wanted to have a showdown with Greer. After all, in the previous battles with Greer, Greer used to jump high into the sky and then kick down rapidly to launch powerful skills. Now it is obviously the same. This trick is coming.

Carrying endless earth and rocks, Greer began to fall rapidly from a height of 30 meters, pointing directly at the Mandarin standing on the ground, full of momentum and amazing momentum, completely attracted the attention of the Mandarin, and did not notice it at all. A dozen or so black dots appeared behind him.

'call out!call out!call out! '

The miniature missiles flew forward almost close to the ground, at an astonishingly low altitude, but at an extremely fast speed. Within a second or two, they passed a distance of 400 meters. When the Mandarin was about to attack Greer, More than a dozen miniature missiles bombarded Mandarin one after another.

'boom!boom!boom! A deafening explosion echoed in the wilderness, and the Mandarin was engulfed by raging flames in an instant. The shock wave generated spread rapidly, rolling up a large amount of sand and soil, covering the sky and covering the sun. The air within a hundred meters was dyed earthy.

Several layers of soil were blown up from the soft sand, exposing the buried Hulk. There were several thin cracks on the solid ice, and the facial expression of Hulk inside was even more ferocious like a ghost. , obviously the anger is about to explode.

Amidst the thunderous explosion, Greer's knight kick also rushed into the dust area, kicking the Mandarin who was caught off guard by the attack from behind.The front and rear pincers made the Mandarin careless, and he managed to guard his back, and the knight kicked in front of him was already in front of him.

The Mandarin raised his hands without hesitation, crossed his skinny arms in front of him, resisted the knight's kick, and the two collided. The Mandarin slid backwards like an iron plow, and his feet slid out two times on the ground. A deeper and deeper gully was formed until the thighs were submerged in the soil, and the impact force of the knight's kick was finally relieved.

Greer and Stark's back and forth flanking attack and the sound of east and west attacks were so easily blocked by the Mandarin. The tiny missiles just blew up the few dead flesh and broken clothes on the Mandarin, filling the Lich's body with it. My lord, completely turned into a skeleton, and the knight's kick kicked my lord into the air, making him leave the original place, and leaving two ravines on the ground.

Other than that, there is nothing else, the Mandarin is still the same Mandarin, even if he becomes an undead, he is still so powerful, and he is quite experienced in the control of the battle. effect is minimized.

"Not much progress." The mandarin said in a hoarse voice, his bony arms stretched forward, and Greer, who was kicking him, flew up. A beam of bright beams of different colors hit Greer directly, blocking all the spaces where Greer could avoid, making it impossible to avoid.

And Greer, who was thrown into the air, seemed helpless, watching ten light beams attacking him, until he was hit by two light beams, his body was shattered like a mirror, and quickly dissipated. without a trace.

"There is still progress." Greer's flat voice sounded from the left side of the Mandarin. The Mandarin turned his head and saw that Greer, who was still wearing a golden 'clothes' just now, has changed into aqua blue. , when he saw the Mandarin looking over, he pointed his right index finger down to the ground.

"Huh? Huh!" The Mandarin was stunned for a moment, then he seemed to understand something, and hurriedly turned his left hand to the ground, trying to activate the freezing ray, but it was too late.

Accompanied by a deafening roar, countless shards of ice splashed all around, a pair of big green hands stretched out from the soil, grabbed onto the man's leg bones, with a little effort, he pulled the man down, and As soon as it was thrown, it flew into the sky.

The Mandarin who was thrown flying quickly adjusted his posture in the air, but before he could do anything, a beam of light with a diameter of half a meter fell from the sky and precisely bombarded the Mandarin who had just adjusted his posture.Under the strong impact of energy, the Mandarin uttered a painful sound for the first time, especially the exposed soul fire in the eyes, which was impacted by the dazzling cluster guns, flickering like a candle in the wind, with a look of being ready to go at any time. The way it goes out.

The Mandarin who had just been thrown into the air was hit back to the ground by the cluster gun, and hit the ground heavily, setting off a column of dust that soared into the sky. But this time, the damage suffered by the Mandarin was significantly greater than before. , the carrion on his body was completely washed away, not even a trace was left, exposing the white bones, and now he was completely turned into a skeleton.

"Huh! Huh!" A dull jet sounded from above, and a huge steel robot slowly landed on the ground. Its appearance was painted in classic golden red. Very small, without a neck, almost retracted into the shoulders and ribcage, so as to avoid being a weak point when attacked.

The most eye-catching thing is the huge ark reactor on the chest, which is more than double the size of an ordinary steel suit. The arms, legs and various parts of the body are also equipped with varying numbers of ark reactors, a total of twenty There are as many as one, almost twice as many as Stark originally expected.

The reason is that too many new technologies have been added, such as the anti-gravity engine, which has increased the flexibility of the Mark44 by almost 60%, but the energy consumption is quite terrifying. This alone requires three Ark reactors to jointly supply Yes, there is also the particle beam cannon that caused great trauma to Mandarin just now. In addition to the Ark reactor on the chest, four Ark reactors were installed near the chest armor to power this new weapon.

As far as this is concerned, a large number of imitation Apollo metals are used as energy transmission pipelines to supply energy to various systems of Mark44, so that the loss of energy during transmission is almost doubled. Otherwise, I am afraid that seven or eight more Ark reactions will be installed. The furnace can drive the Mark44.
The more Ark reactors, the better. Although segmented energy supply can prevent the destruction of a certain Ark reactor and cause the steel suit to stop working, the disadvantage is that the maintenance and manufacturing costs are quite high.Just like one engine in a car, you only need to have a transmission system, but with two engines, not only the compatibility of the two engines with the transmission system must be considered, but also the speed of the two engines must be avoided, and the later maintenance also requires maintenance of two The cost of the engine doubled in an instant.

It's just that the output power of today's Ark reactors is not enough to drive the Mark44 alone, and the energy consumption is too horrible, so multiple Ark reactors have to be used to jointly supply energy.

Not to mention other things, the weight of the Mark44 is ten times that of other steel suits. Standing on the soft sand, the feet will naturally sink. If there is no jet engine to offset the gravity, I am afraid that it has already sunk in and out before the fight. not coming.

Even the roads of the city cannot bear the weight of the Mark44, and stepping on it is a pit. Basically, it is necessary to maintain the operation of the anti-gravity engine at all times, which is a big energy consumer.

"We meet again, Man." Stark's voice sounded from Mark44. After turning on the loudspeaker, his voice was extraordinarily loud. the sound of.Now there is no need to look for it, it was him who caused him great trauma.

The large human-shaped hole on the ground suddenly burst into dust, and a skeleton covered in mud collapsed out of the soil. Kamen Rider, Hulk, and Iron Man were greeted by him standing in a triangle.

The three of them were 50 meters away from each other, staring at the skeleton jumping out of the ground. If they were not wearing ten rings on their hands, they would not be able to recognize who it was even if their mother came.

"This guy really isn't afraid of the sun anymore." Greer frowned endlessly. What he believed to be the greatest restraint for the undead turned out to be a false proposition. It can artificially eliminate the buff of the sun's weakness. Doesn't this mean that the undead in Helm's underworld are completely The news that the earth can be invaded in broad daylight is quite bad for human beings.

"No, he knows how to resist the sun." Stark immediately vetoed Greer's guess. In the detection imaging of Mark44, the Mandarin is now surrounded by high-concentration energy, which is equivalent to using energy to give himself An awning was built to keep the sun from shining on him.

"That's bad enough." Greer felt that it was no different from undead being not afraid of the sun. Is there a big difference between being able to resist the sun and not being afraid of the sun?Just look at the mandarin, now he is stronger than in the night, it's just that Feigerel has carefully selected the battlefield and time of the decisive battle.

"Didn't you notice? His speed and reaction are very slow." Stark said the results of his observations. Compared with the Mandarin last night, the current Mandarin is indeed very strong, but his reaction speed is quite poor. , was attacked by a missile, kicked away by Greer, and thrown away by the Hulk. It was a world of difference from the Mandarin who was flexible like a rabbit last night and in Miami.

Stark's words made Greer's eyes light up. No wonder the Mandarin didn't move his feet just now. He was afraid that his running speed would be slow if he was exposed. It's all used to maintain this skill, so naturally I can't concentrate on other things.So even though Hulk made such a big noise, he still didn't dodge, and Hulk grabbed his leg and threw him flying.

"Is this an experiment?" Greer thought of a possibility.

(End of this chapter)

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