The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 573 Hidden dangers in Heim Forest

Chapter 573 Hidden dangers in Heim Forest

S.H.I.E.L.D. or Hydra is still very afraid of Stark's technology, especially on the space carrier two years ago, it is more intuitive to experience Stark's advanced technology, which can quietly break through S.H.I.E.L.D. Firewall, and unlocked the nine-level encrypted information about the Rubik's Cube project.

Since then, all bases of S.H.I.E.L.D. have had unspoken rules for fire prevention, theft prevention and Stark prevention, for fear that this clever and overly clever guy will unlock the secrets of invisible people.

So Stark didn't think there was anything wrong with driving people away from S.H.I.E.L.D. Instead, he wanted to monopolize good things, such as steel suits, to guard against death. In order not to leak technology, he even moved the manufacturing factory to his home.

It's one thing to understand, but it's another thing to be kicked out. Therefore, Stark unceremoniously opened the outrageous bill of more than 1 million U.S. dollars, and said a lot of 'don't pay the bill next time Maybe I won't come', I didn't want to use this to threaten S.H.I.E.L.D. to pay the bill, just to disgust John Garrett.

If you don’t pay the bill, you’ll be in a bad mood next time. This is the reason why the Avengers don’t come to support you. As for paying the bill, it’s almost impossible. The fools with a lot of money have already died, so there are no leftovers.

The Quinjet transport plane has risen to a sufficient height and is about to start accelerating, heading towards the western hemisphere in the dark night. Stark retracts his gaze, sits back on his seat, and with a wave of his right hand, pulls a holographic screen and moves it , Bian said: "There is news from the Disaster Control Bureau that the Federation wants to take away all the spaceship fragments of the dark elves, and they have not had time to clean them up in the future, and they don't want the Disaster Control Bureau to intervene."

"I want to own it again. I would have transferred them to the bottom of the sea if I knew it." Greer curled his lips. In the battle with the dark elves three months ago, SHIELD crashed three Helicarriers, and there were only a few survivors. Few, heavy losses.

Worse than S.H.I.E.L.D.'s loss is Ghana, the forest fire caused by the battle between the space carrier and the dark elf fleet, which was just extinguished a while ago, and nearly [-] square kilometers of forest were burned. This is still supported by international assistance. Because, otherwise, it will not be extinguished if it burns for another two months.

As soon as the fire broke out, countries were eager to send fire brigades and fire-fighting planes to help, but the Ghanaian government desperately stopped the fire under the instruction of the US emperor. It was not until the fire could not be controlled that it had to let other countries participate. This is why the loss is so large.

All the countries involved in the fire fighting have only one purpose, and that is the wreckage of the dark elf spaceship that fell on the fire.The Chitauri people in the last contract war were not much more advanced than humans in technology, and many things can be manufactured by humans regardless of the cost, such as laser guns, flying motorcycles, and armor on their bodies. But the dark elves are different. Those spaceships are real. The space-class battleship, the technological content is extremely high.

That's why countries want to get involved. For this reason, a secret meeting was held to allocate the area of ​​the fire, pick up things while putting out the fire, and see if they can sneak across the border and search other countries' sites. This is also the case with the fire. Another reason why it is hard to extinguish, if you don't clean up the things on your own site, you will never let the fire go out.

Even if it is a dark elf spaceship with a high technological content, it has experienced explosions, high-temperature roasting, etc., and the debris and wreckage have become extremely bad. Unlike the spaceship debris destroyed by Greer with the power gem, there are many complete components, Greer The space door opened by Er, sent these fragments to the wilderness of North America, just to let Stark study it, so as to obtain some high technology.

Then all the countries focused on these dark elf spaceship fragments that looked good. A group of people tried their best to get them, and one person tried their best to keep them, while the Disaster Control Bureau desperately pulled them back to the secret base, but never From the first day, the Federation sent people one after another to discuss the ownership of these fragments with Stark, hoping to pull them away from the Disaster Control Bureau, and sneaked back while talking.

The two sides have been negotiating for three months. Stark's asking price is too high, and the federation is always talking about the ownership of these fragments. There is no law to support the ownership of alien items. Therefore, a few days ago, Greer directly shot , in front of people from more than a dozen countries, threw several truckloads of debris into the mirror space, and clearly told them that if they stole it like this again, it would all be destroyed.

Negotiations are progressing at a rapid pace. In the past few days, countries will sit down and sign the terms on the distribution of alien fragments. One of them is "In order to reward the Avengers for repelling the alien fleet, each country will jointly Bear a huge sum of money to lease a land of [-] square kilometers in the north of Norway, near the sea, as the living area of ​​the Asgardians'.
Recently, ambassadors from various countries have been negotiating lease agreements and resettlement agreements with Norway, and how to replace this huge sum of money with other items. Of course, this is on the surface. In private, I don’t know how many people secretly contacted the Avengers. Especially the Federation, sending people in waves, trying to take away the fleet fragments in the hands of the Disaster Control Bureau.

Stark just smiled at Greer's complaints, and didn't say much. He knew that Greer, who was of unknown origin, didn't like the Earth government, but he didn't need so many fragments. Improve the strength of the entire planet.

After experiencing many alien invasions, almost all people of insight are calling on all countries to put aside their differences and unite to fight against more and more frequent alien invasions. Otherwise, the extinction of human species will not be far away .Stark is naturally a man of insight. No matter how capable he is, the alien fleet he can deal with is limited. Once he really faces a large-scale alien invasion, it will be a war for all mankind.

Stark waved his hand, looked at the screen, and said: "There is still good news. The Avengers have been commended by the United Nations. 52 countries have signed an agreement with the Avengers. After reporting, they can be on their territory." Activity."

"The five hooligans haven't been assembled yet, and it's still far away." Greer didn't arouse any interest in these, and continued to read the magic book in his hand.

Thanks to the repeated alien invasions and the important role that the Avengers have shown many times, countries are paying more and more attention to the Avengers. Stark also allocated [-] artificial satellites in the name of the Avengers. orbits, four of which are rare geosynchronous satellite orbits.

As soon as he got the batch number, Stark launched the first part of Veronica - a satellite equipped with more than 20 functions such as radar, photoelectric remote sensing module, infrared detection module, optical photography system, etc., into outer space. Used to monitor the world.

If it weren't for the nanotechnology, Stark wanted to upgrade the anti-Hulk armor, Mark44 would have gone to heaven a month ago.The arsenal, cage and other parts of the third stage will also start to be manufactured and outfitted, but the nanotechnology upgrade will stop everything, just waiting for Stark to understand nanotechnology.

And now Stark is using this satellite to detect that forest. If he hadn't been driven away, Stark would definitely bring in a professional detector to study the vine forest. The detection module, but it only has basic functions. In terms of precision and professionalism, it is far behind the equipment brought by S.H.I.E.L.D.

It's a pity that he was driven away before the plane that pulled the probe set off. He could only use this satellite for long-distance detection. After a while, the artificial satellite's intelligent AI Veronica The detailed remote sensing map was sent back, Stark read it carefully, pulled the holographic projection screen in front of Banner, and said, "Bruce, look at this."

Banner, who was resting with his eyes closed, opened his eyes, put on his glasses, carefully looked at the remote sensing image on the holographic screen, and combined with the information sent back by the small detector that Lai stayed in the vine forest, said: "This is Plasma energy reaction?"

Stark nodded and said, "Like the Ark reactor, maybe we found those missing soldiers."

"You mean?" Banner was a little surprised, and turned his gaze back to the energy curve and distribution area on the holographic screen.

Greer on the side closed the magic book in his hand and said, "This forest may be related to Heim's Underworld. I didn't dare to say where it was before."

"Is that the undead world where Thor's sister was imprisoned that you discovered?" When Banner heard the news, he was even more incredulous than when he saw the information on the holographic screen. Bones, how to walk, fight, it is too anti-biology.

"Although it's very faint, it does have the breath of death energy," Greer said, resting on the table with one hand, rubbing his forehead, "I've been trapped there for several months, and I'm very familiar with the undead. There is no energy response in the forest, and it is all concentrated on the undead."

"The energy transmission of the biological chain," Banner said suddenly: "Plants, animals, and microorganisms, energy cycles repeatedly, and animals accumulate the most. This forest is still at the very beginning stage, and energy transmission has not yet begun."

"...Is your biological theory scientific?" Greer always felt that this theory was like nonsense. Is this how the biological world plays?
"It seems that S.H.I.E.L.D. wants to monopolize that place." Stark waved off the holographic projection, opened the nanotechnology folder, and continued to study the most important nanosuit at present.

"I'm worried about Hela," Greer said, turning his head and looking out the window, "I was sent away after I released the Eternal Flame. I didn't come to Loki to see if Hela was dead. What the hell she did."

"Isn't S.H.I.E.L.D. already paying close attention? Then leave it to them." Stark didn't take his eyes off the holographic screen, not worried at all.

"I just hope they don't provoke Stonehenge anymore. If it really connects with Heim's Underworld, the earth might face the army of undead." When Greer thought of the skeletons in Heim's Underworld, he thought Headache, in the days of Haim's underworld, he was very happy to score points with the undead at the beginning, but later he was afraid of encountering skeleton soldiers.

Hitting one can attract a group, and hitting a group can attract more. Even if there is only one hand left, it will crawl forward. If too many skeleton soldiers are killed in the same area, the energy of the undead will automatically gather to form a stronger force. Powerful undead.

Odin's blockade has completely disconnected Helm's underworld from the outside world, causing the energy to circulate internally. The scattered skeletons will automatically absorb the energy of the undead in the air as time goes by. Huo, get up again and continue walking, which means that these undead are truly immortal, and they can only be scattered but not completely eliminated.

Once the earth is connected to Heim's Underworld, billions of human beings and more creatures, large and small, will all be transformed into undead, and they will really be wiped out, without Thanos at all.

Stark finally raised his head, looked at Greer whose face was full of sorrow, and said, "Are you going to see Thor?"

"No, I actually want to see Loki. Although I really don't want to say that, he knows a lot more secrets about the Nine Realms than Thor." Greer sighed, and said: "As far as the current situation is concerned, Loki The knowledge you have is more useful than Thor's power."

It is still uncertain whether the spatial node of Stonehenge is Heim Netherworld-Midgard, and more evidence is needed, but for now, those who know the secrets of the Nine Realms are left with the Asgard library. Loki is in his head, Thor's brute force is useless now, the more the space nodes of Stonehenge are stimulated, the higher the chance of opening them to form a space channel.

Stark said immediately: "Then why are you still here? Go if you want."

"I'm going to find Loki." Greer said hesitantly.

"So" Stark stood up, walked to sit down opposite Greer, and said seriously: "There is no rule that you can't ask bad people for help. Remember, as long as you can achieve your goal, no matter what means you use, you can , as long as you can make it."

"Uh..." Greer was a little stunned. Such words came from the mouth of Stark, a big capitalist. It seems that there is nothing wrong with Stark. Knowing that Obadi wanted to kill him, he could still get along with him with a smile on his face, and then find an opportunity to kill him quietly, instead of having a real man's battle in front of the whole world.

"Okay, I'm leaving." Greer got the support and stood up immediately, opened the hatch and jumped out, summoned the decade motorcycle in mid-air, and accelerated towards Norway.

Banner, who hadn't participated in the conversation the whole time, finally spoke after the hatch was closed, and said, "He's looking for Loki, aren't you afraid he'll be cheated? That guy is the best at deceiving people."

Stark shook his head, nodded again, sat back in his seat, and said, "You have to face this world alone, and doing something wrong is better than not doing it at all."

"That's right, we are almost reaching the age of retirement, and the future belongs to young people like them." Banner nodded in agreement. He has been doing this all the time, but if Peter Parker has any problems, he doesn't need to ask his university tutor. , Banner will give him an answer as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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