The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 574 Asgard in the Arctic Circle

Chapter 574 Asgard in the Arctic Circle
Norway, which winds and snakes along the Norwegian Sea, has one-third of its land in the Arctic Circle, but its forest coverage rate is extremely high, reaching 60%. Even in the icy Arctic Circle, it is full of tall and straight trees. Against the background, it looks extraordinarily green.

The long-term low temperature and high-intensity snowfall have covered the mountains and trees with boundless white clothes. If there is a cold wind blowing, the branches and leaves will be blown, making the snowflakes rustle down, and occasionally the aurora will appear in the sky, attracting people every year. Skiers flock to the ski slopes of the Scandinavian mountains.

The area where the Asgardians live is in the northwest of the Scandinavian mountains, facing the sea, but it is not spring, but covered with snow all year round. The environment is extremely harsh and absolutely inaccessible. , was acquiesced by Norway to become the living area of ​​the Asgardians.

But today, in the mountains and snow valleys where thousands of people have disappeared, there is a motorcycle flying in the air and shuttles rapidly through the forest. Floating back to the snow-covered ground.

Greer leaned forward, almost lying on the motorcycle. The front of the motorcycle was covered with snow. From time to time, new snowflakes hit the head, and then were blown away by the cold wind.

Even though Greer's body has been strengthened by the Kamen Rider agito card, Greer still feels cold after riding for a long time.With a speed of hundreds of kilometers per hour, the cold wind was like a knife, blowing the magic suit on his body 'wow!Wow! 'Sounds, but the exposed skin is still warm.

The red fire-type magic circle that rotates slowly on both wrists converts the magic power into heat and provides it to Greer, so that Greer can wear this magic suit suitable for autumn and ride a motorcycle with a speed of hundreds of kilometers per hour. In the cold Arctic Circle.

He raised his hand and wiped the snow covering the screen of Cobra's phone. The map on the screen showed that the opposite side of this hill was Asgard's temporary rental residence.

Sure enough, after climbing over this mountain, houses of different heights suddenly popped up in the boundless snow and ice. There were as many as three or four hundred houses. It was the only small town with a radius of hundreds of kilometers, but this small town Not marked on any of the non-secret maps.

Even though it was freezing and snowy outside, the town was very lively. Many Asgardians wore only thin clothes and gathered around a 'ring' paved with stone slabs in the center of the town to watch the unarmed fight of two strong men. From time to time, he yelled loudly.

The biting cold wind and the flying snow in the sky can't dispel the bustle here, let alone let people go back indoors. For them, this ice, snow and cold air are not worth mentioning at all. There are swimming and swimming at the seaside. Asgardian ice-fishing with bare hands.

The anxious fight on the 'ring' ended suddenly. A shirtless man suddenly threw another person into the air. On the snow, almost the whole person was submerged.

'Yay, oh ho! The winner raised his fists and yelled like a baboon, and beat his chest hard, and the crowd of onlookers also boiled, shouting and shouting, just like the New Year, and some people brought out barrels of beer and drank together , to celebrate the winner, and satisfy the alcohol addiction by the way.

Thor, who likes the banquet the most, stood at the outermost edge, smiling and looking at the people who have not been so excited for a long time. This wrestling competition was proposed by him to celebrate the rebuilding of the Asgardians. homeland and acquired a place of residence.

To this end, a large sum of money was spent, thousands of barrels of beer and dozens of tons of meat were bought, and they were transported back from hundreds of kilometers away in heavy snow. Followed by boat, thus bringing rich ingredients to the feast.

The purpose of holding this wrestling match and banquet is to boost morale. Since they lost their homes, the Asgardians have been displaced and finally settled down. However, they were attacked by the dark elves, and the houses in the town collapsed seven or seven times. Eighty-eight, there are not many Asgardians, but after this battle, they lost a lot.

As a result, the remaining Asgardians were dejected, depressed, and completely lost their spirits. After moving here, Thor hurriedly called for this vigorous wrestling match, and brought a large amount of food and wine. Class, let the people eat enough and have fun.

Facts have proved that the effect of doing this is still very good. After a few days, the Asgardians have recovered a lot of energy. It can be seen from the fact that the food consumption is increasing day by day. It must be a good mood to be able to eat. Whenever you see Those who are hurting the spring and autumn are sent directly to the construction site to move bricks. They will definitely be cured in three days, or five days if they don’t work.

Suddenly, Thor heard a faint scream, and the tone of the voice was gradually increasing. It was obviously approaching here. Thor immediately jumped up, jumped on the roof, looked up to the direction of the sound, and looked through the sky. Goose Feather Heavy Snow saw a motorcycle that was almost integrated with the snow and was heading towards here at a high speed.

Greer saw Thor standing on the roof and waving at this side from a long distance. When the motorcycle stopped, Thor had already flew up with a storm axe. Like eating the snowflakes off Greer's body.

"Welcome, my friend, we just have a banquet." Thor warmly invited Greer to the Asgardian's favorite banquet.

"Come on, I have something to see you."

"Go to my house. Last month, I just bought a barrel of good wine. I usually only dare to drink a small glass, and now there are more than half of the barrel."

As Thor said, he took Greer to the tallest four-story building in the center of the town. The whole building was built of large stones, with modern reinforced concrete as the foundation beam, making the town simple and practical. , Asgard also likes to live in stone houses, and the style of the whole town is like this.

But when you enter the room, you will find electric lights, TVs, computers, induction cookers and other household appliances. In just a few months, Asgardians have gotten used to these convenient and fast household appliances, and some people are even addicted to games.

Yes, it was Thor. Greer saw a large stack of game discs next to the computer at a glance, obviously he usually played a lot.

"It's very good here. There is a fishing ground not far away. We can catch a lot of big fish, but there are few vegetables. Fortunately, we like to eat meat. Vegetables are just for decoration, and there are many animals on the mountain that cannot be hunted. Recently, we have been getting to know what Such animals can be hunted.” Thor talked about the life of the Asgardians on the earth.

Moving to this inaccessible place, there is no need to bother with the careful "protection" of SHIELD, and all the surveillance in the sky and the ground have been evacuated. This is why Thor is willing to move from the warm plain like spring to the ice and snow by the sea. When you want to sleep, there are a lot of people and a lot of cameras staring at you.

Of course, they would not be able to get supplies from S.H.I.E.L.D. from toilet paper to all kinds of food. Everything had to be done by themselves, so the Asgardians started fishing in the sea and hunting in the mountains. Take people hundreds of kilometers away to sell them, and then buy other necessities.

It was mainly for Thor's money. Thor and Greer teamed up to destroy hundreds of dark elf warships. Greer moved all the fragments away and did not fall on the people of Wudu.Hundreds of thousands of tons of alien spaceship fragments and the Asgardians' bravery and feats against the flame giants were exchanged for the residence rights and leases of the Asgardians, as well as the purchase of daily life for the Asgardians. Great money for necessities of life.

"Thank you very much, my friend." Thor looked at Greer with great sincerity. The spaceship fragments were half of Greer's, but in the end they were all used on the Asgardians, and Stark , Helped the Asgardians build a satellite receiving center, allowing Asgard to watch TV, surf the Internet and make phone calls, and also secretly built an Ark reactor in the nearby sea to meet the power demand.

(End of this chapter)

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