The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 572 Happy National Day Chapter!get high! !

Chapter 572 Happy National Day!get high! !

On the grassy Salisbury Plain, a flat streamlined plane quietly parked on a flat place, with several red lines drawn on the silver-gray wings, forming a big 'A', Even though the sun is shining high overhead, it does not reflect any light, obviously because of a special layer of paint.

Not far from the Kunming transport plane, there is a temporary tent. A large number of construction machinery are busy shoveling off the turf and rolling it into an airport repeatedly. A large number of cars shuttle back and forth on the nearby blocked road, transporting a large number of supplies and equipment.

S.H.I.E.L.D. has been busy in the middle of the night, and has implemented a comprehensive blockade of hundreds of square kilometers around Stonehenge. More than a dozen multifunctional robots have repeatedly searched and detected the vine forest with a total area of ​​nearly one square kilometer. Several laboratories were built and placed far away from the camp.

Part of the vines, stems, fruits, leaves and other samples picked by the robot were transported to the built laboratory by the robot, and sliced ​​and observed by remote control means, in order to prevent the occurrence of what the surviving agents said. The inexplicable 'crazy' situation reappeared.

But the vine forest is quite quiet, without any changes. Let the rotor drones and crawler robots walk around picking leaves, vines, and fruits, which is in stark contrast to the horrible hell last night. .

In a spacious house in the S.H.I.E.L.D. camp with the flag of the US military stationed in the UK, John Garrett stood by the window with his mobile phone, looking at Stonehenge in the distance, listening to the voice on the mobile phone, slightly surprised He said: "He is willing to let Coulson retire?"

Anyone who has been in S.H.I.E.L.D. for a few years, who doesn’t know that Phil Coulson is Nick Fury’s confidant, and there are even gossip that Nick Fury wants Phil Coulson to succeed him , Of course, there are also rumors that Maria Hill is the next director.

It can be seen from this how much Nick Fury has taken a fancy to Phil Coulson, but now Alexander Pierce actually said that Nick Fury let Phil Coulson 'retire'. Er is Nick Fury's best friend, otherwise why would Black Widow not be selected, and Maria Hill must be his deputy.

Alexander Pierce stood up, looked at the densely packed buildings in Huashengton in the distance through the wide French windows, and said with a little pride: "No way, the Security Council knew it too quickly, so fast that he couldn't do it. Hands and feet, so he can only do this."

John Garrett received a definite answer, with joy on his face, and said: "I also have good news here. According to the repeated research and identification of the expert group, these vines that emerged are not earth plants. Coulson The two high-energy reactions mentioned are not recorded in the server, but I found the source."


"Yes, if these vines are exposed, they will definitely shock the world. The energy contained in the leaves, roots, and especially the fruits is almost equivalent to a power station. If all the energy in these vines is extracted, Aegis The various bases of the Bureau no longer need to purchase energy and electricity for a year." John Garrett was also shocked when he first got the report, and his first reaction was to mark a few extra zeros.

"Are you sure?" Alexander Pierce was also a little uneasy. He had previously received reports that Stonehenge had found unknown substances with high energy, but those small ones could only be used for research, but this time it was different. With so many vines, if they really have a high concentration of energy, they might be able to solve the energy supply problem of individual mechas.

In this way, the situation where Stark monopolizes high-concentration energy can be broken. Individual mechas have been studied by various countries for many years. What is lacking is a stable energy supply. Let's charge the car.

"Stark and his Avengers are here too, and I will find a way to drive them away, so that the secrets of Stonehenge will not be exposed." John Garrett hung up the phone after finishing speaking, ending this one-line contact , turned his head and turned his gaze to the plane next to the camp that was very different in style from the S.H.I.E.L.D. fighter.

An hour later, the turbine engine of the Avenger's transport plane started, emitting light blue plasma light, and slowly flew up into the sky, then flew straight to the north, and disappeared abruptly after flying more than a hundred meters away , apparently turning on the optical cloaking function.

At the same time, it also disappeared on the radar screen of SHIELD, making John Garrett's eyes flickering. Stark's stealth technology can't even be detected by SHIELD's radar, which means that if the Iron Suit launches a surprise attack, Hydra will have nothing to do.

He greeted the Avengers enthusiastically just now, and said that he would report to his superiors, thanking the Avengers for their support, all expenses would be reimbursed by S.H.I.E.L.D., and maybe a bonus would be given to them.John Garrett's words successfully turned Stark into Sima's face, which was like asking the shoe seller if he wanted to buy a pair of Adidas.

Stark was not even interested in answering him, so he asked Jarvis to make a list of expenses and sent it to John Garrett. Not much, just over a billion dollars, five pages of A4 paper proudly, The cost of this dispatch is quite detailed.

In detail, the four sets of steel battle suits need to be overhauled because of this dispatch, and most of the parts need to be replaced, including the most expensive Ark reactor, and in order to get to Stonehenge faster, the transport plane overspeeded the whole process, resulting in four sets of transport planes The turbo engine is badly damaged and needs to be replaced, and
After handing over the list, Stark showed a very standard smile of refusal to be thousands of miles away, and said: "Thanks to SHIELD for the financial support of the Avengers operation, and if you need support in the future, the Avengers will be happy to arrive as soon as possible." , I hope the money will arrive as soon as possible, otherwise the steel suit and the transport plane will not be repaired, and if you need support, it will be difficult to arrive as soon as possible."

Then seeing a series of zeros at the bottom of the bill, John Garrett also turned into Sima's face, Stark turned around and walked into the cabin, closed the door directly, and started the engine in front of John Garrett. 'Overspeed damaged' turbo engine.

Banner watched John Garrett get in the car and drove all the way to the S.H.I.E.L.D. camp through the window of the ship, and said, "Very annoying guy."

"This is the agent." Stark didn't look at John Garrett at all, and stared at the vine forest that had been completely surrounded by S.H.I.E.L.D. He was so eager to drive the Avengers away, but he didn't want revenge Or, well, Stark continues to study the vine forest.

(End of this chapter)

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