The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 568 Arresting Coulson

Chapter 568 Arresting Coulson

'call out!call out! '

One after another flares rose into the sky, emitting dazzling light, reflecting a large lush forest on the ground, completely covering Stonehenge, not even a single stone can be seen, which shows how vigorously these vines grow.

Several multi-axis drones were suspended at an altitude of [-] meters, taking pictures and detecting the forest from multiple angles and all directions.

A gold-and-red painted steel battlesuit passed in front of the drone, swooped down towards the forest, and almost touched the tallest vine before pulling up and flying back into the sky.

But the most daring one was a motorcycle, which flew rapidly through the sky, and finally stopped at the outskirts of the vine forest, less than ten meters away from the nearest vine.

Greer, wearing a DIY magician suit, looked at the vine forest covering an area of ​​almost one square kilometer. Not only did Stonehenge completely submerge, even the camp set up by S.H.I.E.L.D. was also full of vines.

No matter the cars, the barracks, or the towering light poles, and the walls, they are all covered with lush vines, the kind of luxuriant vines that can kill trypophobia patients. If Coulson hadn't swore to swear, Greer couldn't believe it. , this vine forest grew like this in an hour.

After receiving Coulson's distress call, the Avengers thought it was an invasion of powerful alien creatures, and spent a lot of time pulling heavy weapons, crossing half of the Americas and across the Arctic Ocean, and came all the way to support.

What I saw was a group of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who were so terrified that they couldn't leave their guns and bullets. Coulson sat down on the floor by the window, staring at the Vietnam A growing forest of vines.

There were hundreds of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents stationed at Stonehenge, but only the dozens around Coulson escaped.The agents who were lucky enough to escape were basically outsiders, and none of them escaped from the innermost guarding wall agents.

That pitch-black forest of vines, in the eyes of the escaped agents, has become a place more terrifying than the devil's lair. Death is not scary, what is scary is that death is unknown, and it is still in the hands of one's own people, even himself. They can all be the ones who kill teammates.

The illusory ghosts are terrifying because of their unknown, and the vine forest is more terrifying than the ghosts in the movies, and it doesn't show much, making the iron-blooded agents frightened and panicked.

After listening to the descriptions of the surviving agents, Stark, as a representative of the scientific school, felt like watching a ghost movie: the agent who suddenly lost control and killed his own people, the vines that grew into dozens of meters in 10 [-] minutes, No dense fog, blocked communication
With these materials, it is possible to make a movie with elements of horror, suspense, war, and espionage, but the question is, will such suspenseful things happen in reality?

Stark doesn't believe in evil, he only believes in science, and immediately sent drones and steel battle suits, flew over the vine forest, and started to detect. People were disoriented by the fog, and there was no gunfire, let alone a person.

The vine forest was quiet, not even the sound of insects. It was absolutely dead silent. Even the searchlights left by S.H.I.E.L.D. had been turned off at some point, making it pitch black without any light showing.

After sending back the first-hand information, Greer rode on a decade motorcycle, slowly approached this weird vine forest, flew around the vine forest, and kept flipping through the cards in his hand. Mataj's Encyclopedia.

This book records all kinds of creatures and plants discovered by the supreme mages in different dimensions and on different planets, such as life that is comparable in size to the moon, and the black shadows wandering around the universe that devour life planets. A life form that is so powerful that it is unnecessary.

As for the extremely fast-growing vines, they are not qualified to be noticed by the Supreme Mage and recorded in the record. Even if they are found, they will only take a look, and then move on. It is not worth stopping and observing.

'Snapped! 'Closing the thick book with one click, Greer also had the bottom line in his heart. Since he didn't even have the qualifications to enter the encyclopedia, there was obviously no danger, but the growth rate was a little faster, so Greer boldly put the motorcycle The car drove to a close point and carefully inspected the lush vine forest.

Nothing was found.

He didn't observe anything unusual, didn't feel any fluctuations in magic power, he even tried to use magic flames to attack and ignited a large area of ​​vines, but the flames only burned for two or three seconds before going out, and those vines were just the outer skin There are more traces of burnt black.

But this is the biggest problem. According to Coulson, there are hundreds of agents left in the vine forest, but neither Greer nor Stark's detector found anyone or dead body.

With the help of the light from the flares, through the vines, one can vaguely see the fragments of cloth scattered on the ground and the metallic luster emerging, which simply speeds up the decomposition speed by thousands of times. Cloth.

The decade motorcycle flew across the night sky at high speed, and flew towards the Quinjet transport plane parked next to several low buildings. When entering the cabin, Stark, wearing Mark42, was having a heated discussion with Banner about drones and detection-type steel warfare. The data sent back by the clothes.

"I didn't find anything, I can't sense the energy," Greer stuffed the motorcycle card into the knight card box at his waist as he walked, and kept saying, "It's impossible for such a strong energy explosion to happen like this." If it disappears without a trace, there must be something wrong."

Stark turned his head and glanced at the three-story building where the remnants of the Shield Bureau temporarily stationed, raised his hand and waved on the holographic projection of the cabin, and pulled out two curves with less obvious fluctuations, saying: "This is I sent the drone to get the data from the Stonehenge server, and the energy fluctuations are almost in a straight line, it seems that their definition of violent fluctuations is very low."

Greer looked at it, and found that the ups and downs of the curve were quite inconspicuous, almost at the level of the slope at the door, and it was not far behind the fluctuations of Mount Everest that Coulson and the others described.

"So... what went wrong?" Greer was also scratching his head a little bit. This incident revealed strangeness everywhere. If the data stored in the server is correct and the energy fluctuations are small, then it can explain why Greer has turned a few times. Ten laps did not find the reason for the fluctuation of magic power.

But this shows that Coulson and the others were either blinded collectively, and regarded such fluctuations as drastic changes like the vicissitudes of life; Communication collectively failed, and there was heavy fog.
Stark was also silent, and continued to fiddle with the holographic projection screen, and Banner continued to analyze the data copied from the server in the giant stone camp, trying to find the root of the problem, and sent another wave of multi-axis drones, Replace the previous drone and come back to recharge, vowing to fight this weird incident to the end.

While studying, there was a loud noise outside the cabin. Greer and Stark looked at each other. Greer immediately turned and walked towards the outside of the cabin. With a flick of his left hand, he took out a card from the knight card box. Come on, summon the diend gun and hold it in your hand.

Walking outside, I saw two helicopters with the SHIELD logo landed near those buildings, and a dozen fully armed SHIELD soldiers with black masks came out of a building with guns. The individual sandwiches the handcuffed Coulson and walks in the direction of the helicopter.

The members of Coulson's team followed closely behind. Fitz blushed and roared thickly, "Why are you arresting him? Let him go."

The tall and burly Ward hugged Fitz tightly with both arms, unable to hold Fitz who was struggling desperately. Mei glared at the soldiers with a gloomy face, and said, "Rumlow, I will take this Report everything to Commissioner Nick, everything."

A soldier who fell behind stopped, turned around, took off his black hood, and revealed a bearded face. It was Brock Rumlow, the captain of a small team of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Special Forces.

Brock Rumlow leaned across his gun, and said helplessly, "Iron cavalry..."

"Don't call me that." Mei's eyes suddenly changed, and she said every single word through gritted teeth, and her clenched fists made people suspect that she was going to beat someone in the next second.

Brock Rumlow shrugged, glanced around at the agents who were also staring at him with angry eyes, raised his voice an octave, and said: "I am also following orders, you want a reason, but I want to die in The hundreds of agents and their families at Stonehenge deserve a reason why they died there."

When it came to Stonehenge, the surviving agents present all bowed their heads. Those who died there were all friends and colleagues. No matter how unfamiliar they were before, they had been together for half a year and had some feelings.

"But what does this have to do with Chief Coulson?" Fitz was still yelling. He couldn't figure out why he sent a special force to arrest Coulson. Coulson was already preparing to go back to the headquarters for questioning.

Brock Rumlow turned his head, glanced at the furious Fitz, and said, "I don't know, kid, I'm just completing my mission. Obey the order and complete the mission. This is a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent The most basic requirement, am I right? Agent Fitz!"

After finishing speaking, Brock Rumlow turned and walked towards the helicopter, put on the black hood again on the way, the special forces boarded the helicopter again, closed the hatch, and the helicopter boomed! ' took off and flew towards the dark night sky.

During the whole process, Coulson didn't say a word, just stared forward with dull eyes, and walked passively, with a vivid autistic image.

PS: Recommend a friend's new book: I am the God of Ninja

Before the ninja world was established, a certain third-rate writer crossed over to Naruto and became Senjuzhuma.

Shi Shuai: Oh, actually, I want to be Minato more
Everyone knows the god of ninjas, but how did that middle school boy with a watermelon head step up to the top of the ninja world step by step?

(End of this chapter)

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