The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 569 The Double-Limited Exemption...

Chapter 569: Double Exemption Restricted Again
Greer stood at the cabin door of the Quinjet transport plane, holding a Diend gun in his hand, passing through the dense night, looking at the dimly lit building a hundred meters away, especially the leader Renren, when he took off his hood, Greer recognized it, it seems to be 'Crossbones'? !
Greer didn't move until Coulson was pressed onto the helicopter, but silently pulled out a card, inserted it into the diend gun, aimed at the helicopter that was taking off and pulled the trigger, firing a light green beam from the barrel , as soon as it got out of the boring, it immediately turned into a light onion heron, and flew to the helicopter quickly, clinging to the ground, clinging to the belly of the aircraft, and left here with the helicopter.

After completing the positioning and eavesdropping, Greer turned around and walked back to the Quin-jet transport plane. Since he sent someone to take Coulson away in a fair manner, it was obviously the order of SHIELD headquarters, and now is not the time for Hydra to jump out. Naturally, there is no need to worry about Coulson's safety. Nick Fury will never leave Coulson alone. Greer is just adding insurance.

In the small cabin, Stark and Banner were still busy, and they didn't even notice anyone coming in. Greer sat back on the chair, picked up the magic book on the small table, and said while turning: "SHIELD Someone is here, take... well, take away Agent Coulson."

"Hmm!" Stark continued to work on the screen with both hands, without taking his eyes off the screen, quickly writing numbers and symbols one after another, without any disturbance in his heart, as if Greer was talking about what to eat for supper , don't care at all.

Banner looked 'well-informed', lowered his head slightly, let his eyes pass through the top of the glasses, and said: "There must be someone responsible for the death of so many agents. He is the person in charge of the scene, naturally Can't escape."

He is an old scientist. Before he became the Hulk, he had participated in countless large and small experimental projects. Whenever an accident happened, the person in charge of the project must first be controlled, and then a detailed investigation into the accident should be carried out to determine who was responsible. What a big responsibility people carry.

"But this is obviously not a man-made disaster, but a natural disaster. Well, the alien disaster, no, to be precise, it is the fault of the people who study Stonehenge. I have warned them that space is dangerous and not fun."

"The Hulk is more dangerous, and has caused many deaths and injuries." Banner said with a smile, directly ending the topic.Not to mention the warning, even the facts can’t make those people stop the “death” research, think about Hulk, first Banner, then the hatred, and finally the leader who is being detained by the military
There are thousands of soldiers killed and injured because of this alone, but what is the result? Isn’t the military still researching the Hulk serum? It can be seen from the fact that they paid a huge price and also took away the leader from Stark. up.

The upper-level leaders do things, and the lower-level people suffer. Since ancient times, the lower-level people hate the upper-level people who do things, but when they climb up, they will also like to do things, and happily live like they hate the most.

"Alas!" Greer rubbed his forehead with a headache, he really wanted to stop the time of the earth, so that those people would stop doing things, he didn't have time to play with them, wipe their buttocks, even Hydra Put it on hold, and devote myself wholeheartedly to getting familiar with the Supreme Mage.

The Supreme Master is not just a title, but more like a nanny, the nanny of the earth. It is necessary to understand and be familiar with individuals and forces that may threaten the earth in various dimensions and planets. situation, and to monitor whether there is a threat to the earth in the dimension close to the earth, and to accompany Stark to study a stronger steel suit so as to enhance the strength of the Avengers, and...
The busy Greer didn't even have time to go to school, and if it wasn't for Stark's check, he would have been expelled long ago.

On the helicopter going away, Coulson sat silently on a chair, leaning against the window, staring blankly at the dark sky and the dots of lights on the ground.Brock Rumlow, who was sitting opposite him, said without words: "Sir, I am also following orders."

"I know." Coulson replied in a low voice, keeping his eyes on the scenery outside the window.

Brock Rumlow didn't care, and continued: "A few months ago, I led a team to fight against the flame giant. Even if there were Avengers, the Special Forces suffered heavy losses. Creatures from other worlds are too much for human beings." Strong, I don't think this accident has anything to do with you, it's just that human beings are too weak."

"No, I should have ordered the retreat immediately."


After chatting for a few words, the helicopter started to land, and a huge brightly lit base came into Coulson's field of vision. Large transport planes were constantly taking off and landing at the nearby airport, unloading a large amount of supplies and personnel from it.

A large number of soldiers with the S.H.I.E.L.D. logo got off the transport plane, boarded cars or helicopters, and flew in the direction where Coulson and the others came. Apparently, S.H.I.E.L.D. support arrived, and Coulson's helicopter landed In such a short time, hundreds of soldiers left the base and set off in the direction of Stonehenge.

As soon as the helicopter landed, the cabin door was opened, revealing a smiling face, and shouted: "Kolson." As if he had just discovered the handcuffs on Coulson's wrists, the smile disappeared instantly, and his eyes scanned the cabin. The special forces member said in a cold tone: "Who told you to do this?"

Brock Rumlow hurriedly said, "Sir, this is the usual practice."

John Garrett turned his head to look at Brock Rumlow, and said, "Open."


Before Brock Rumlow could speak, John Garrett raised his voice an octave and bellowed, "Open!"

"Don't embarrass him, this is his task." Coulson said aside.

John Garrett took a step forward, reached out and grabbed Brock Rumlow's collar, staring at his eyes, and said word by word: "When he played for S.H.I.E.L.D., you were still at school Taking drugs."

Brock Rumlow was quite helpless, and quickly took out the key to open the handcuffs. John Garrett let go of his collar, personally helped Coulson get off the helicopter, took his special car, and drove not far away. , The brightly lit terminal building, let this group of special forces run forward to express his dissatisfaction with handcuffing Coulson.

PS: I wanted to improve my mood, so I went to Xiaopozhan to search for the very brainwashing "Dalabang", and found a lot of different perspectives and versions. I went crazy before I finished it (currently 300 Multiple perspectives, still increasing) This thing is poisonous. . . . .

(╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

(End of this chapter)

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