The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 567 Heim Forest

Chapter 567 Heim Forest
"What is this?" This was the question Coulson asked the most tonight, but no one could answer his question. Everyone was stunned by the vines growing at such a terrifying speed.

Even bamboo, whose growth rate is the king, has to bow down in front of these vines. How can it grow 10 meters in 20 minutes, let's hang it up.

"Everyone evacuate the fence immediately, repeat, evacuate the fence immediately." Mei's voice broke the dead silence in the monitoring room, and people could clearly hear the sound of fried beans from the other end of the microphone, which made Coulson turn his head to look to May.

"Alternate cover and evacuation." Mei shouted into the microphone again, raised her head, looked at the startled Coulson, nodded, and said, "The agents stationed on the fence also had an accident."

'boom! '

Coulson slammed his fist on the table so hard that the folders on it jumped up, but he didn't feel the pain at all, and only had endless anger and annoyance in his heart: "Damn it!"

Mei put down the microphone that was making loud gunshots, opened the holster around her waist, pulled out the pistol, checked the bullets, and said without raising her head: "We should withdraw, otherwise we might be facing each other with guns later." .”

"GO!" Coulson clenched his fists and said in a low voice. Mei put the gun back into the holster and shouted loudly, "Everyone leave immediately."

The agents in the monitoring room stood up without hesitation, packed up the documents on the table, and disassembled the hard disks storing the data, but were interrupted by Coulson's voice: "Drop everything and leave immediately."

A group of people surrounded Coulson and opened the door of the monitoring room. What caught their eyes was a vast expanse of whiteness. The searchlights were wrapped in dense fog, making them unable to illuminate the dark world. time, disturbing

Coulson moved his mouth, wanting to say something, but in the end there was only one word left: "Let's go!"

If you look from above, you can see that the huge base built around Stonehenge is in a mess at the moment, the red alarm lights are flashing non-stop, and Coulson's evacuation order is repeatedly played back from the loudspeaker in the barracks, but Overwhelmed by the sound of gunfire everywhere.

No one knows how the first shot was fired. All they know is that the team members who lived and died with each other suddenly shot at people like life and death enemies, and beat the team members who were eating in the same pot into sieves, and the broken earphones It also broadcasts Coulson's new order: "Anyone who shoots at you can return fire, because they are no longer human, repeat, shoot you, you can return fire"

A hand full of burning scars picked up the blood-stained walkie-talkie, listening to the voice from the loudspeaker, looking at the soldier lying on the ground covered in bullet holes, his wide-open eyes were full of shock, as if Unable to believe that he was killed by the person he trusted the most, he sneered twice and said contemptuously: "It's really weak, it's just a few ghosts and a little mist, and it collapsed."

As he spoke, he tossed the walkie-talkie and landed on a soldier who was three to five meters away from the soldier. The same 'death', his fingers tightly held the trigger.

The guns of the two faced each other, and the bullets hit each other, but they couldn't believe that the other party would shoot him first, and such scenes were not uncommon in the S.H.I.E.L.D. camp near Stonehenge, with more than [-]% The agent fell under the guns of his teammates.

And near their corpses, luxuriant vines grew up, climbing along the walls, light poles, etc. to high places. In a blink of an eye, the steel and concrete camp became like a forest, lush and green, On the ground, there was only a pile of clothes and weapons and equipment, and there was not even a bone left in it.

On the contrary, the vines are growing quite vigorously. Hands full of scars pushed aside the branches and leaves, revealing a green fruit the size of a cherry. He touched it gently and said with expectation: "Grow up quickly, I can't wait to grow up!" I really want to eat you all to restore my divine power."

Among the swaying branches and leaves, a ray of light from a searchlight illuminated Hela's completely different face. At this moment, she didn't have a trace of hostility, only full of anticipation.

In order to survive the eternal flames, Hela almost exhausted her divine power. She was burnt beyond recognition and almost burned to ashes with Asgard. Heim's underworld, who wanted to leave, used the breath of death there to suppress the breath of eternal fire, so that the injury would not worsen.

Asgard has been destroyed, and she can no longer gain power from Asgard, so she can only recover her divine power bit by bit in a long sleep, just like Odin's sleep.But Hela didn't want to do this. She was very afraid that she would not be able to wake up after being seriously injured. In addition, after hearing about the time gem, she chose the fastest and cruelest method to recover her strength.

devour life
Use the essence of life to restore her divine power, just like being sealed in Haim's Underworld for thousands of years, constantly devouring the life of Haim's Underworld to resist the erosion of the years, so that her power has not exceeded the thousands of years. Too many years have passed away, and the result is that there is no living creature in the Haim Underworld, and even the undead are only left with low-level troops, and all high-level ones have been swallowed by the sea.

Hela wanted the time gem to restore her appearance and her divine power, so she wanted to swallow all the creatures on the earth, and then she would have both.And this is the first step of her plan, to plant the seeds of Helm's Underworld and spread them all over the world, so that Midgard can be integrated into Heim's Underworld.

At that time, she will return to the top, and she will also have an army composed of billions of undead. Not to mention the mere Nine Realms, even the universe will have a lot to do. She can conquer a larger territory than the Nine Realms defended by Odin.

"I can't wait any longer." Hela fiddled with the green fruits covered with vines, turned and walked towards the shadowed Stonehenge. As she walked, the dense fog also subsided, and finally all gathered into Stonehenge , leaving only a lush forest of vines that continue to grow
PS: Who knows what’s going on, it was clearly announced that the exemption was restricted on the 24th, but Xingsha’s book was suddenly restricted on the 20th, and it was still not in the recommended position. Then, on the 24th, the exemption was restricted for two days, a total Four days free, the absolute starting point is the only one.

I'm so special, so special
(End of this chapter)

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