Chapter 562

"Colson?" Stark asked uncertainly, the signal was really bad, mixed with gunshots, explosions and 'hiss!Hiss! The noise like an electric current mic, it can be heard that it is Coulson's voice, or it is because Stark and Coulson are relatively familiar. Greer and Banner didn't know each other before Coulson said their names. know who it is.

"Yeah, I shot them. They are no longer human." Coulson seemed to be very 'busy', and his eager shouts could be heard from time to time in the communication channel full of noise, and one of the words 'not human' made the room The three of them were amazed.

What was the situation that made Coulson yell out the words 'not human' and ordered his men to shoot. Stark dropped the cheeseburger in his hand, stood up, and shouted: "Jarvis, Can you call up the video there?"

A second later, Jarvis' voice sounded: "I'm sorry, sir, there is no accessible network near Stonehenge. Whether to change the orbit of the Stark Industrial satellite, it is expected to arrive at the predetermined location in seven minutes and 32 seconds."

Dr. Banner picked up his greasy glasses, put them on, walked over, and said, "I heard from Dr. Eric that the area around Stonehenge has been listed as a Level III dangerous location by S.H.I.E.L.D.

Before Dr. Banner could finish what he knew, Coulson's eager voice came from the other end: "Stark needs help. The rift in the alien world is still expanding." Coulson hadn't finished speaking, The already poor-quality communication was completely disconnected, and no sound could be heard anymore. Even Jarvis declared 'lost signal connection'.

Something went wrong!

The three of them couldn't sit (sit down) anymore, and hurriedly got up. Jarvis tried several times to reconnect, but all failed, and finally came to a conclusion: "Sorry, sir, we can't reach you. The other party suspects that the communication terminal is damaged."

"Can I get in touch with Nick Fury?" Stark immediately thought of contacting Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., but he still got no. Nick Fury never had a fixed contact method. No more than one hand knows how to reach him.

For others, people from S.H.I.E.L.D. report to their superiors to apply for contact with Nick Fury. Non-S.H.I.E.L.D. people can only email Nick Fury, just like flipping a sign, waiting for Nick Fury Take the initiative to contact.

Dr. Banner scratched his greasy head in distress, and said, "So what should I do next?" He asked what to do, but actually wanted to say that SHIELD should be in charge of this matter.

After all, Stonehenge was surrounded by S.H.I.E.L.D., and S.H.I.E.L.D. has been researching it. If something goes wrong, Coulson should ask his superiors for help. How can he call the Avengers, unless Coulson thinks the power is huge, The S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau with many agents is not enough to solve it, only the Avengers Alliance composed of superhumans can deal with it.

In addition to Coulson's "other world, gap, not human" and the "space channel" mentioned by Greer, to connect these together, I have seen the creatures of different worlds in London when the Nine Realms converge, Banner A somewhat terrifying conclusion was drawn: there was a space gap in Stonehenge, and non-human alien creatures came out of it.

In this case, the invading creatures must be very strong, so strong that S.H.I.E.L.D., which has bombers, fighter jets, and even nuclear bombs, can't handle it. Coulson made his only call to Stark when the communication quality was extremely poor.

Thinking about it this way, Banner became even more distressed, which meant that he was going to let the Hulk out again. In the past two years, he did not have to hide around the world, not only lived a stable life, but also had plenty of energy The high funding and high-tech laboratories allow him to study whatever he wants, and the number of times he can become Hulk is several times more than the previous five years combined.

The number of times he turned into the Hulk became more and more frequent, and Banner also felt something was wrong. The Hulk didn't seem to want to go back. In the past, he could make the Hulk disappear by wreaking havoc. But the last time he dealt with the lava man, the Hulk After wreaking havoc for a long time, without a target, and hammering the sand pile for a long time, it finally changed back.

Stark stared at the satellite image of Stonehenge with a serious face. Stark Industries' satellites are basically launched for communication and experiments. Recently, under Stark's behest, a detection satellite was launched. That's all, once there is an emergency and the satellite is not in this area, it needs to change the orbit urgently, which not only takes a certain amount of time, but also consumes the already small satellite's in-orbit life.

"It is indeed necessary to build an intelligence system." Stark thought silently in his heart. Of course, this must be done secretly and cannot be discovered by other forces, especially countries. He is the richest man in the world, and he cannot build a satellite system to monitor the world.

"Did S.H.I.E.L.D. open the space channel of Stonehenge? Where did the technology come from?" Greer was puzzled. Is S.H.I.E.L.D.'s technology already so strong?A space node can be researched into a space channel that can pass through alien creatures.

"Ready to go," Stark turned and walked towards the elevator, and said as he walked, "Jarvis, prepare the stealth Quin-jet transport aircraft, activate Mark35, Mark38, Mark42, and a new set of clothes."

When Stark uttered the last syllable, he just stepped into the elevator and quickly went up to his room, while Banner also straightened his greasy hair and said, "I'm going to change my clothes too (stretch pants) alright."

Greer was even more straightforward, directly opened the space door leading to the room, changed into a new suit, hesitated for a few seconds, put on the magician suit, and then went to the underground hangar, there were already more clothes on the apron. A Kun-type transport aircraft modified by Stark himself, with super stealth performance.

(End of this chapter)

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