Chapter 563

Let's put it this way, even the most advanced radar in the world can't detect the trace of this Kun-type transport aircraft. A lot of black technology has been applied, such as faiz's energy transmission pipeline and the most advanced plasma engine, so that the traditional Radar can't spot it at all.

Such a lot of trouble is just to save trouble, so as not to apply for and report the flight route every time you travel. Before that, because of this, the army was attracted, and all the Inhumans who were instinctively caught ran away. Since then, Star Ke didn't play any rules anymore, and just went out in stealth.

The cabin door of the Kun-type transport aircraft, which has gathered a large amount of black technology, was opened wide. Under the control of Jarvis, the three steel suits were transported into the special Ghana warehouse of the Kun-type transport aircraft. Three minutes ago, Stark, who was still unkempt, was A man in a suit and leather shoes, with greasy hair and noodles, came out of the elevator.

"Avengers attack!" With Stark's imposing words, the engine of the Quinjet transport plane started, the stealth system started, and it flew into the sky. Under the control of Jarvis, it quickly headed towards the North Pole. drive away.

In the cabin, Banner tied himself firmly to the seat with a safety belt, plugged his earphones, and listened to soft songs with his eyes closed. Still calming down, this is the only method that he has tried innumerable in recent years, and it is still useful.

Stark was not so relaxed. Sitting on a chair, he quickly clicked on the holographic console with both hands, trying his best to collect information on Stonehenge, but he did not contact SHIELD. Stark came from Natasha After the undercover incident, I no longer believed in S.H.I.E.L.D.

While lighting Zhenghuan, Stark suddenly turned his head, looked at Greer, and said, "What do you think happened there?"

Greer, who was fiddling with the cards, raised his head and said, "I don't know. After researching and researching, aren't there few things that come up with big problems?"

S.H.I.E.L.D.'s research on the Rubik's Cube triggered a contract war, Ross's research on the Hulk serum was paired with a base, Osborn's research on heavy mechas, and a street was blown up.

"I suspect they want to study or open that space door. Scientists never think it's a big deal when they go crazy." Greer was very sad. In the Marvel world, any famous scientist must do something, otherwise he will be sorry for their poverty. The knowledge learned through hard study.

Banner created the Hulk, Stark created Ultron, and what other Dr. Doom, Dr. Lizard, and Dr. Manhattan fully explained the true meaning of the phrase "knowledge is power". Everything is as big as it is.

After saying one sentence, Banner and Stark Qi turned their heads and looked at Greer. Why are these words so harsh, as if pointing at the monk and scolding the bald man? Although this is true, it is scientific research, exploring unknown capabilities Do you want to do something?
The Kun-type transport plane shuttles at a height of [-] meters at full speed. From here, you can see the obvious curve of the earth. Compared with the huge planet, the speed of the Kun-type transport plane is not worth mentioning. It is advancing bit by bit at the speed of ants crawling with.

For Coulson, who is in urgent need of reinforcements, the absolute distance cannot quench his thirst, and the night is so thick that Coulson, who is hiding by the window on the second floor, has no sense of security at all, and the pistol in his hand cannot let him Calm your heart a little, 'bang bang! 'Jumping non-stop, the horror scene that happened two hours ago is still replaying in my mind:
This was a normal routine experiment. This kind of test has been done hundreds of times before, and there is nothing abnormal. But after turning on the instrument this time, the curve displayed on the detector screen suddenly changed to a 'twist'. Reminds Coulson of West Base.

The same ordinary day, the same routine experiment, the same big event, the Rubik's Cube sent a Loki and Chitauri gift package, but this Coulson really can't understand, even now Didn't figure out what was going on.

After discovering the abnormality, the temporary base built around Stonehenge immediately went into a state of alert. Searchlights were lit up, turning the temporary base into daylight. Agents quickly dressed and entered their respective offices with guns in hand. position.

Rifles and machine guns were pointed at the inside and outside of Stonehenge, and pairs of eyes scanned the night vigilantly, but after waiting for more than ten minutes, the eyes of those who watched were sore, and nothing unusual was found. The curve also slowly returned to normal, as if the previous peak was an illusion.

Coulson, who was standing in the central monitoring room, almost frowned into an S-shape. He was startled by the explosion of the energy curve before. He thought he was going to repeat the old events of the western base, and hurriedly called out all the agents. Woke up and took all the weapons out of the warehouse, but ended up feeling lonely, as if nothing happened.

Coulson picked up the communicator and stared at a monitoring screen in front of him. A group of people in three-proof suits were holding instruments, and under the guard of armed personnel, they were walking around Stonehenge, conducting detection work, and shouted: "What's the matter?" Did you find it?"

The leader of this 'Death Squad' picked up the communicator and said: "Not yet, sir, the indicators are all normal."

Mei next to Coulson folded her arms and asked, "Is the instrument malfunctioning?"

Coulson said nothing, switched the channel of the communicator, and said, "Fitz, Simmons, what did you find?"

Next to the instrument that found the high-energy response, Fitz and Simmons looked at the tablet, and the other checked the instrument as big as a car. Fitz pressed the headset and said, "Sir, there is nothing wrong with the instrument, let me check the wiring. "

"It may also be disturbed." Simmons hadn't finished speaking when he heard a 'da!clatter!clatter! The crisp sound was very loud in the silent night, and the agents who were distracted by the long-term stalking were so shocked that they all clenched the guns in their hands tightly, twisting their necks non-stop.

They couldn't see what happened in Stonehenge, but Coulson in the central monitoring room could see clearly that the team of people who entered Stonehenge to detect was walking in when suddenly a soldier stopped, and for a second Finally, the soldier suddenly raised the rifle in his hand and pulled the trigger on a scientist beside him.

'clatter!clatter!clatter! '

A long tongue of flame spewed out from the muzzle, and a storm of bullets poured out. In an instant, the scientist was pierced into a sieve, and was swept away. He hit an ancient boulder, blood sprayed out, and smeared the boulder. The patches of red spots are extraordinarily bright under the pale light of the searchlights.

PS: The ancient song map is hung up, and I can no longer see the scenery of the world without going out. The fun is gone. . .

(End of this chapter)

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