The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 561 A New Journey

Chapter 561 A New Journey
Under the clear blue sky, the meandering Hudson River passes through the mountains, crosses the city, and rushes towards the Atlantic Ocean. There is a thin layer of ice on the broad river surface, which is slowly melting under the early morning sun. A section of the river about three to four thousand meters long does not see any snow or ice.

If you dive into the bottom of the river as deep as 60 meters, you can see the artificial creations on the river bed: reinforced concrete columns, and a metal pipe nearly one meter thick, and the heat emitted by these pipes is quite amazing , so that the temperature of the water around the pipe has risen by more than ten degrees, and even the river surface rarely freezes.

There are countless large and small instruments around, in the middle, and above and below this large ring-shaped pipeline, which together form a large ark reactor that is hundreds of times more complex than Yichao, to provide the Avengers Base No. [-] adjacent to the Hudson River. supply energy.

Stark once built an ark reactor to supply energy to the Stark Tower, which made the Stark Tower self-sufficient in energy, but the Ark Reactor was only an experimental type for verification, and this is the official model and produces three times more energy than the conventional one.

The reason why the Avengers Base [-] needs so much energy is because the underground of the Avengers Base [-] has been hollowed out, and the surrounding area has been extended to tens of meters. It seems that there are only a few buildings on the ground However, the underground is a huge complex of buildings. The only thing that can be compared with it is the western base of S.H.I.E.L.D., which has already collapsed.

But unlike the western base of S.H.I.E.L.D., there are no people in the underground base here. They are all kinds of machinery and equipment, not to mention that they are all automated. The maintenance is also done by robots controlled by Jarvis, which only appeared in science fiction before. The scene in the movie is now realized by Stark.

This is Stark's exclusive production line for steel suits designed and completed by Stark over several years. It is an absolutely intelligent production line. Before that, Stark Industries' factories manufactured related parts, but after Iron Man became known to the world, Stark The number of spies in the industry increased dozens of times in an instant, and the largest one was lurking around Pepper.

Because of this, Stark began to pay more attention to secrecy. Before, he only shipped the processed parts back for assembly, but since then, Stark has set up a small processing factory under the villa on the west coast, and some secrets parts, transferred there for processing.

But Stark was still not satisfied, and later built a more complete and huge factory on the top floor of the Stark Tower, which can process and manufacture most of the steel suit parts, but unfortunately the contract war was destroyed once. .Therefore, this base has become another Stark's secret factory and warehouse, which stores a large number of semi-finished and finished parts of the steel suit, and can also process most of the parts.

Stark has manufactured and tested nearly [-] sets of steel suits here, and today this secret factory is in operation again, with countless precise mechanical arms moving flexibly, shaping various metals and gathering them in the assembly workshop , rapid combination molding.

It's just that it wasn't combined into a steel suit, but a certain part, which was more than three laps larger than a normal steel suit. Finally, it was packed into a box and transported to the semi-bunker test site by an 'elevator'.

The steel arm on the test bench is not covered with a protective shell, which makes the mechanical arm of the anti-Hulk armor reveal more details: densely packed electronic components, various metal parts are precisely combined, and all of them are Drawn on the blueprint, it can fill a room.

Banner, with disheveled hair and oil stains on his white coat, was holding the tablet in his hand. He was looking down at the freshly baked metal arm. From time to time, he had a heated discussion with Stark, who was also unkempt. After the self-inspection and manual inspection were completed , the anti-Hulk armor attack experiment was officially started.

"Eight attack experiments, start the countdown!" Following Stark's order, the mechanical arms next to the test bench moved in unison, controlling the huge metal arm to spread five fingers, allowing the 'disc' in the palm Aim at the empty proving ground.

"Thirty, :twenty-nine" in Jarvis's countdown, a large amount of energy is transmitted along the pipeline from the large ark reactor at the bottom of the Hudson River, pouring into the steel arm, exposing the electronic components of the steel arm Light up one after another, and finally converge to the palm, making the 'disc' shine brightly.

".two, one, zero." Just after Jarvis's countdown ended, a bright beam of light shot out from the palm of his hand, instantly bombarding a metal target a hundred meters away, and the point of attack on the one-meter-thick metal wall instantly changed. blazing red, and molten iron flowing down.

The high-intensity attack lasted for half a minute before it stopped. Another big hole appeared on the special metal wall. The metal around the launch port of the metal arm was hot red and showed signs of deformation. Somewhat distorted by the heat.

Stark took off the goggles that filtered the glare, trotted all the way from the console to the steel arm, frowned and looked at the half-burned palm, Banner next to him shook his head, and suggested: "The power must be changed. Smaller, otherwise"

Needless to say, Stark naturally understands the consequences. Half a minute of full-power firing will cause the arc pulse cannon to break down like this. That is to say, if the battle is more intense, it may not be able to support the end of a battle. In a high-intensity battle like the Battle of the Covenant, parts may have to be replaced just after the fight, which is too fatal.

Stark didn't say anything, turned his head, looked at the holographic display on the opposite wall, and said, "Greel, are you ready?"

"Ready to start anytime." Greer's rather indistinct voice came from the other end, mixed with the noise of a full helicopter propeller and the wind'hoo!call! ' The sound was obviously high in the sky, Stark turned and walked towards the console, without raising his head, he said: "Get ready and start."

Jarvis is also very 'sensible' to adjust the screen to the nearby test field. A composite armor plate is placed in the open space, simulating a steel battle suit, with sensors all over the inside and outside, which can monitor changes at every moment. Above the armor plate, an unmanned helicopter painted in red and gold hovered at a height of 80 meters.

The cabin door was wide open, Greer looked down, and shouted into the headset: "Then I'm starting."

After Stark's affirmative voice came from the other end, Greer took off the headset, reached out and took out a knight card from the knight card box, and inserted it into the driver at his waist:

"Kamen Ride decade!"

The moment the loud mechanical synthesis sound sounded, nine phantoms appeared around Greer, and instantly merged with Greer, turning into Kamen Rider Decade, the purple crystal on his forehead lit up, and then he jumped out of the helicopter down.

Once again, he took out a card from the knight card box at his waist and inserted it into the Neo decade driver at his waist:

"Final Attack Ride DDD-Decade!"

The ruby ​​in the center of the driver lights up, and the light projects eight hologram-like card-shaped light walls in the void. Every time a card-shaped light wall passes through, the golden energy light on the right foot fills up one point, and when all eight cards are all When it disappeared, the golden energy light lingering on the right foot was already dazzling like a little sun.

A kick from the sky, 'Boom! ' With a loud noise, the entire base trembled, and the water surface of the Hudson River rippled. The huge test site was covered by the dust, and it was gray, like a billowing sandstorm, covering the sky and the sun, half a meter away. There is no distinction between humans and animals outside.

Banner adjusted his glasses in surprise, and said to himself, "His strength has increased again." After more than half a year, Greer's destructive power has increased by 01:30 points compared to before. His current strength Maybe it can suppress Hulk.

Thinking of this, Banner's mood suddenly improved due to the unsatisfactory progress of the experiment. Hulk has troubled him for ten years, and he is always worried about the problem of Hulk going crazy. The method, including helping Stark create anti-Hulk armor, is to suppress Hulk.

The anti-Hulk mecha is still in the test, but the Kamen Rider seems to be able to fight against the Hulk. With Thor who has settled on the earth, Banner suddenly feels that the Hulk is not a problem. Even if he goes crazy, someone can control him up.

Stark didn't speak, his eyes were fixed on the large amount of data sent back by the sensor before it was destroyed, and the dusty test site.

The breeze blows, the dust dissipates, and the large pit of the test site is gradually revealed. The ground is broken into a grid, like the land that has dried up to the extreme. Composite armor, even the fragments can't be found, it's completely vaporized.

"The destructive power is very strong. The [-] tons you mentioned is probably a fraction." Stark's voice came from the headset, Greer bent his knees and jumped out of the big pit, and was shocked by the reaction force while walking. right leg, said: "I have concentrated the strength of eight knights, of course I am very strong."

When Greer walked into the lounge of the main building of the base, he saw Stark and Banner still wearing their dirty clothes, facing a plate full of large bones of food, Greer released his transformation, and turned himself Falling into the soft sofa, he said weakly, "How much longer will the experiment be? School has started."

"You have been absent from school for more than half a year, not less than two or three months." Stark stuffed a cheeseburger into his mouth, tapped the watch screen a few times with his empty hand, and several scenes unfolded in the room. The holographic projection screen, on which the results of today's experiments are displayed.

"New materials still need to continue to test and adjust the ratio. The energy conductivity is increased by five percentage points, but the strength and ductility are reduced, and there are more." The data brought back by the universe, combined with the experimental data of new materials researched on the earth's metals, generally speaking, is still in the experimental stage, and there is still a long way to go before it can be used practically.

Greer has also seen how many times of repeated experiments are behind every mature product. It has been three months since the end of the Nine Realms Gathering. During these three months, Greer has spent 99% of the time Stay at Avengers Base Two.

Stark and Banner experimented with new materials day and night. Every time they came up with a new metal material, they would use it to make parts of a certain part of the steel suit. After a lot of experiments, Greer asked Greer to use the knight Give it a kick to get more data.

"When will these days end!" Greer lamented psychologically. He thought that with all the information on the nano-armor provided by Stark in the future, Stark could quickly produce the nano-armor, so that his strength could be instantly improved. He was promoted to the level of "Avengers III", but was thrown a basin of cold water.

Stark didn't ask about the source of the information, but just showed Greer. Howard implied that there was a video of the Ark reactor, which made Greer understand many things. You can't make it just by designing it.

For example, if you want to build a mini four-wheel drive in ancient times, you must first invent plastics, magnetic motors, and batteries. Although the structure is simple, there are many things involved.

The core of nano-armor is nano-robots. It is necessary to invent equipment for manufacturing nano-robots, as well as metal materials suitable for nano-robots, micron-level photolithography machines, and new ark reactors. Even if there are materials, they must be manufactured bit by bit. come out. (If everything could be done with the data, the Spey engine would not have been delayed for 20 years.)
Stark and Banner were discussing the details of the experiment with great interest. So many materials with technologies far superior to human beings gave them endless motivation. They wished to spend 24 hours a day on research, trying to understand these materials as soon as possible, and transfer these technologies to For your own use.

With these data as a basis, the standard of the anti-Hulk armor has been increased by nearly half compared with the original design to ensure that it can suppress the Hulk 100%. Therefore, a lot of new technologies have been used, such as new materials, new energy transmission methods, new of.
In the room, the discussion between the two was heated, and one of them pretended to be dead. Suddenly, Jarvis's voice sounded: "Sir, there is an urgent communication request from you."

"Who?" Stark continued to stuff the cheeseburger into his mouth.

"Unknown number, the signal is located at 51°10' north latitude 1°49' west longitude."

"This is where?"


"Stonehenge?!" Hearing this, Greer jumped up and shouted, "Jarvis, connect right now."

"Is there anything there?" Stark was a little surprised by Greer's overreaction, as if he had heard something terrible.

"The space channel appeared before the Nine Realms converged, isn't it over? Wait a minute, can it form a stable space channel?" Greer was talking, and Stark asked Jarvis to connect the phone. A hurried voice came out: "Stark, did you hear that? I need your help."

Accompanied by this sound, there is also a 'da!clatter! 'The crisp gunshots and the successive explosions sounded as intense as a battlefield, and the person who spoke seemed to be Coulson.

(End of this chapter)

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