The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 553 The Responsibilities of the Supreme Mage

Chapter 553 The Responsibilities of the Supreme Mage

"Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes." Seeing the mages of the three major factions, Greer complained in his heart. Even if it is the end of the world, human beings will not stop fighting, let alone human beings. That's right, animals are extremely territorial, who wouldn't want to take all the good things into their bowls.

The Supreme Mage is not just a title, it represents the supreme status. The three major mystic families have been loyal to each other for generations. There is no mage who does not want to become the Supreme Mage. Besides, there are several locked books in the Kama Taj library. It can only be learned by the Supreme Mage, and no one else can even touch it.

There is also the Eye of Agamotto, which can only be used by the Supreme Mage, and only the Supreme Mage knows how to drive the Eye of Agamotto. This is why Greer was recognized as soon as he showed that he can drive the Eye of Agamotto.

At this critical moment of the death of the supreme mage, the Eye of Agamotto is needed to protect the earth. Not to mention the powerful enemies in other dimensions, a Dormammu alone can swallow the earth. At the critical moment of life and death, nothing else is important.

Looking around, everyone lowered their heads and bowed their waists, expressing their respect to the Supreme Mage, while Greer's eyes were on the three front row, who should be the strongest mystics.

Master Hamil in robes is the guardian of the temple in Hong Kong and the father of Wang, while the old lady in the tall wizard hat, Master Minerva, is the guardian of the temple in London. The black middle-aged uncle Daniel handed over the appointment last time I saw it in the temple.

These three mystics guarded the three temples and protected the earth with the seal of Emperor Weishan. Of course, they mainly guarded against Dormammu and some powerful alien creatures.Much like a fishing net, it can stop big fish, but some fish that are too small can easily slip through. If the fish is strong enough, it can also break through the net rope.

Therefore, Karma Taj cultivated so many mages, not only to select the supreme mages from them, but also to solve these small fish that slipped through the net from different dimensions.There are also some powerful demons who can find a way to bypass this big net and project their power onto the earth. For example, the big daddy who became a ghost knight accepted the power of a certain demon.

And there has been more than one demonic agent like this throughout the ages, but unless you happen to encounter it, it's hard to find out. After all, the earth is so big, with billions of people, it's impossible to always check whether everyone has accepted the demonic power.

Therefore, the temple needs powerful guardians to protect the safety of the temple from being destroyed by these demonic agents.And the children of these guardians are naturally one step ahead of others. They have been exposed to magic since they were young. With a little talent, they can become powerful mystics. It's a sure thing.

This has been passed down from generation to generation, and around the temple, three major families of secret arts have been formed, and they have sworn allegiance to the supreme mage, guarding the temple, and protecting the safety of the earth from generation to generation.In this way, the three major families of mystic arts have produced a large number of strong or weak mystics, but most of them are ordinary people. After all, magic is not achieved by hard work, and talent accounts for [-]%.

Even though the mystic masters cannot interfere with the human world, the inheritance from generation to generation is enough to make the three great families of the mystic arts a few hundred steps ahead of ordinary people. Creating wealth couldn't be easier.But as much as you get, you pay as much. The mystics protect the earth at the cost of their lives. When powerful enemies come, the first thing to deal with is the three holy temples.

Therefore, in every offensive and defensive battle around the three major temples, the damage is not small, and the Supreme Mage does not easily make a move. Once he makes a move, he is dealing with the most difficult enemy, such as Dormammu or some powerful demons.

If the Three Great Temples are the front line against the invasion of other dimensions, then Karma Taj is the school for cultivating mystics. The mages of the Three Great Temples will look for suitable and willing to become Mystics in their respective territories. Go to Karma Taj for training, and be assigned to the Three Great Temples after passing the test. .

And the supreme mage is also guarding the "seed base" of the mystics, Karma Taj. After all, a certain temple can still be built if it is destroyed, the mystic is sacrificed, and a new mystic walks out of Karma Taj, but if you have a lot of magic If the book collection and Karma Taj of the magic apprentice are destroyed, it is equivalent to being wiped out, and the trouble will be serious.

After expressing their respect to the new supreme mage, the mages of the three temples, led by the guardians, returned to their respective temples. They gathered here to resist the overlap of the nine realms. Now everything has returned to normal. They too must continue to fulfill their responsibilities.

Wang was flown down by Mage Hamil and led the way in front. He introduced in detail the past of the Three Great Temples and Kama Taj, as well as the duties of the Supreme Mage, which made Greer realize that the Supreme Mage really Not just a title, but a real Supreme.

You have to be ready to deal with powerful enemies from another dimension, you have to guard Kama Taj, you have to teach new magic apprentices, you have to do a lot of things, and no one pays you a salary.The advantage is that you can read those locked magic books, but Greer needs to understand it by himself.

When Wang heard that Greer said that he had never read these books at all, he was stunned, and he didn't react for a long time. This is true in the history of Kama Taj. This is the first time, seeing Greer skillfully use the Eye of Agamotto before, I thought it was taught by Master Gu Yi, and there is nothing at all in co-authorship.

Wang patted his chubby face, tried to calm himself down, stood in front of the last row of quaint bookshelves, thought for a while, and pointed to a book in the far corner that was locked by three iron chains blessed with spells, and asked Said: "The book of Emperor Weishan, have you read it?"

Greer shook his head, and the king was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth and stuttered: "Did Coco, then, His Holiness only teach you how to use the Eye of Agamotto?"

The Book of Emperor Weishan is a must for the supreme mage. It is said that it records the secret of time and the method of driving the Eye of Agamotto. I have never read this. How did he use the Eye of Agamotto?Don't just know the method.

"Well, she didn't say that, I figured it out on my own." Greer shrugged. He was also very surprised at this point. If the ancient one had wanted to pass on the supreme mage to him, why didn't he teach him these few things? What about the magic in this book?

Maybe it has something to do with not learning the basics yet?

Greer thought of this possibility. Greer hadn't mastered the few basic magic books given to him by the ancient one. His magic talent was originally blessed by the card of Kamen Rider Wizard. Geniuses shouldn't be sidelined, let alone compared with Doctor Strange, who is a year-to-year-old monster.

Wang looked at the young and excessive Greer, with a depressed expression on his face, sighed deeply, and said: "You have broken two records of Kama Taj, the youngest and weakest supreme mage, and the previous successor to the supreme mage The youngest mage has also studied magic for 40 to [-] years."

He thought carefully about what he was doing at his age. He was still learning spells and fighting skills in Kama Taj, and he was still ten years away from going to the Three Great Temples.That's right, how much raw and difficult magic knowledge such a young child can learn should be very talented in mysterious spells, so he was recruited by the ancient one as a "strong man". Get through the time without the Supreme Mage.

"I agree with being the youngest, but I don't agree with being the weakest. I am very strong and easy to attack, and I am only a hair away from being the strongest Avenger."

"Avenger? Are you an Avenger?" Wang was taken aback again. How could this kid have anything to do with the Avengers?

"Remember, Kamen Rider, it's me." Greer turned his head and began to browse through the last row of magic books dedicated to the Supreme Mage, and said without looking back: "Otherwise, why do you think the Ancient One Mage Let me help guard the temple for a year, my strength after transformation is super strong."

Wang was silent. He was no stranger to the famous Avengers. In the past two years, the most breaking news was the War of Contract and the Avengers. The members are also very famous.

The Hulk, Kamen Rider, and Spider-Man, every time they come and go, they will be on the headlines, and they will be reported endlessly. Their toys, figures and other peripherals have dominated the global bestseller list for several years in a row, making Sta Gram enterprises have made a lot of money.

I never expected that the thin child in front of me turned out to be a Kamen Rider. This is even more unbelievable than meeting someone who said he was a Terminator when going out. After all, Kamen Rider's high-tech armor and mysterious The magic, how do not detach it.

Wang felt like the world was collapsing. The youngest supreme mage plus Kamen Rider was too much, and the outstanding ones would not give others a chance to survive.

Greer, with his back to the king, couldn't see the king's expression, and was looking at the few magic books that belonged to him for a long time in the future. Although he declared that they were temporary, Master Hamil and the others felt that they were just magic books. Greer's humble words.

He just took office, and he was airborne. Before he made convincing results, he naturally had to be humble. It's just that Greer is really an interim. Once Doctor Strange grows up, he will hand over this mess to him. Anyway, he Well done too.

After scanning the magic books locked with several thin iron chains, Greer turned his head and said to the king, "Can I take this book back and read it?"

"Of course, you can browse all the books here." Wang replied immediately, and immediately returned to the role of 'instructor', introducing: "Apprentices can only borrow the most basic magic books, and they must register, and they cannot bring After leaving Kama Taj, you can only borrow higher-level magic books after learning the basics. The later you go, the higher the requirements for borrowing magic books. After all, high-level spells are very demanding."

Speaking of this, Wang paused for two seconds before continuing: "There is no such restriction in your case, but it is best not to spread these books outside."

Wang didn't want to say this, but he had to remind him that after all, this child was too young, and he was afraid that he would treat the magic book as a novelty and use it to seduce girls or share it with his friends.After all, he has not been systematically trained by Karma Taj, so it can be said that he doesn't understand the rules. This is why Master Hamil kept him as an assistant. Riel quickly became familiar with and qualified for the duties of the Supreme Mage.

"Don't worry, Master Ancient One once took me to visit Karma Taj, told me a lot about Karma Taj, and gave me a few magic books."

Greer just said casually, but Wang was very surprised. The ancient master had never "passed on" the magic book, and all the students who received her teaching were the apprentices of Kama Taj. for the first time.

After all, the mystic master needs to master many ancient languages, and the magic books are even more difficult to understand. They need to be explained and taught, as well as how to use spells, as well as training in physical skills. The father of the temple guardian had to study at Karma Taj for more than ten years before becoming a qualified mystic.

This... Does this child have such a high talent?Can you learn spells by reading a book?Then this should be taught by the system.

Wang Bai couldn't figure it out. He really couldn't understand the intention of the ancient one. Not only did he release a seemingly genius mystic, but he also passed on the Eye of Agamotto and the supreme mage to this young child. Can he really take on this great task?
The king is very uncertain, but just like the guardian of the Three Great Temples, he will follow the wishes of the ancient one and try to help him become a qualified supreme mage and continue to protect the earth and mankind.

"How to get them down?" Greer pointed to the magic books exclusive to the Supreme Mage. He was going to take them all away and put them in the Castle Dragon, so that Casillas would have nothing to steal. After seeing Casillas, Greer had already decided how to summon Dormammu, and he was not given the chance to become a follower of Dormammu.

Not only that, but I have to find an opportunity to fire this guy who has a different heart. It's best to abolish him, so that he can save him from doing things. If Domamu is recruited, he can't negotiate by himself. He doesn't want to go to Doma Mu negotiated, if he refused to accept softness, wouldn't it be an infinite loop of death.

"Only the Supreme Sorcerer knows how to lift the above spell." Wang looked helpless, even a librarian couldn't touch this row of books, let alone him.

"Then what do I think?" Just as Greer opened his mouth, the chains of the row of five books were untied, and the thin iron chains hung down one by one, making Wang's eyes widen suddenly.

"Uh..." Even Greer was stunned, tentatively stretched out his hand, and touched the "Book of Weishandi" without any hindrance, and took it off the shelf until he hugged all five books in his arms , and nothing happened.

The spell was lifted just like that?Or is it just a bluff?
Greer is extremely suspicious now, is there no spell to protect these books at all, otherwise why Casillas tore up the magic book so casually in the movie, just like the Eye of Agamotto needs to be driven by the talent of mysterious spells' Rumors' are probably all to put an end to some people's ambitions.

(End of this chapter)

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