The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 552 A New Venerable

Chapter 552 A New Venerable

Strands of light penetrate into the room from the eye-shaped skylight, illuminating the dust in the air, producing the Tyndall effect, allowing people to clearly see the flying dust, extending downward until forming a diameter of up to [-] meters on the wooden floor. A bright circle of two meters.

And a man wearing a dark purple tuxedo, black boots, a hood, and a white scarf around his neck stood in the circle of light, raised his head slightly, and stared straight ahead. In the living room, which is the size of two basketball courts, there is only one skylight above the head, and the walls are covered with smooth wooden boards on all sides.

In the shadows, people wearing ancient costumes of different styles and colors stand up one after another. The wooden floor under their feet is engraved with criss-cross lines, extending into the dark corners, making people feel that these lines and this area are vast. rooms blend together.

As far as the eye can see, all the decorations in the room are quite old-fashioned, the fireplace glowing faintly, the wall lamp emitting faint light, and medieval paintings hanging on the wall, if not for a router with six antennas on the table in the corner , It really makes people think that they are dreaming back to the era of art review.

Beside Greer, the king took two steps forward, and introduced Greer to an old man wearing a priestly robe and holding his temples, as well as what he learned about the Eye of Agamotto and the Ancient One Master from Greer's mouth .As for Stephen Strange, he has only studied magic for two years, not enough to participate in such a major event, so he can only guard the gate outside.

When Wang talked about the ancient one going deep into the dark dimension, all the mystics present were shocked. It was hard to believe that the ancient one passed away just like that. What was even more surprising was that the venerable gave the eye of Agamotto to him. Entrusted to 'outsiders'.

Yes, in the eyes of these mystics, this guy wearing this weird costume is a pure outsider at all, one is not like the king, he is from a family of mystics, and the other is not a direct disciple of the ancient one, why should he inherit? Eye of Agamotto, become the Supreme Mage.

Although there were thousands of thoughts and doubts in their hearts, most of the mages looked at me and I looked at you, and no one spoke. After all, the guardians of the three temples are here, and it is not their turn to question.After Wang finished speaking, he took two steps back and hid in the darkness behind Greer again, quietly waiting for the opinion of the guardians of the three temples.

The old man with his sideburns, the old lady wearing a wizard hat, and the dark-skinned middle-aged man, the three of them looked at me and I looked at you, as if they were making eye contact. Come, think about it, the Supreme Mage is extremely powerful, even Dormammu can't take away the Eye of Agamotto from her.

The huge temple is extremely quiet at the moment, the kind where you can clearly hear the drop of a needle. Greer stood tall and straight in the middle of the temple, ignoring the scrutiny of the people around him, and said firstly: "The ancient one mage once She helped me solve my doubts many times, taught me a lot of magic, and told me a lot of secrets. She is kind to me, so I will fulfill her dying entrustment and protect the earth.

I have no intention of being the Supreme Sorcerer. After the new Supreme Sorcerer appears in Kama Taj, I will hand over the Eye of Agamotto to him. "

The middle 'Taoist' Master Daniel finally spoke, and said: "No, since the Venerable has chosen you, then you are the new supreme mage, and I will abide by the promise of generations and be loyal."

Before Daniel could finish his words, a gloomy voice came from the mage behind him: "This is just his one-sided opinion, whether the Venerable really passed away, and whether he really entrusted the Eye of Agamotto to him, Can anyone else corroborate what he said?"

Greer's vision jumped over Master Daniel and looked at the dark place behind, but he saw the crowd parted, and a white man wearing an orange Kama Taj magic suit came forward, with a look of bitter hatred on his face. Deep, gray hair, I feel at least five or sixty years old, as if I saw this guy last time I went to Karma Taj.

Master Daniel snapped: "Cassilias, don't be rude, back down."

"This is about the future of Karma Taj and the earth, and we must not make such a hasty decision." This white man' old man? He said without giving in: "The supreme mage has guarded the earth for hundreds of years, preventing and eliminating countless powerful enemies. Once the news of her death spreads across the multiverse, countless enemies will attack. The Eye of Agamotto It will be the last hope of the earth, how can it be entrusted to a person who does not know the details."

"He has obtained the approval of His Holiness." Wang interjected, frowning.

"Did you see it? Or did you hear it? How do you know if he is a follower of Dormammu, holding the Eye of Agamotto, to deceive trust and destroy the three temples." Casillas was about to fire The king is allowed - the eldest son of a family loyal to the supreme mage of the era.

Casillas' words resonated with many mages, and they whispered to each other, and whispers suddenly sounded in the silent room, which made mage Daniel's face suddenly drop, it was the two temple guardians beside him He frowned displeased, Casillas was too rude.

"Cassilias" Greer's heart moved, and he looked at the "old man" with an "awe-inspiring" face and a "sounding" language in his mouth? ', no eye shadow, so that Greer didn't recognize this guy for a while.It should be two or three years before this guy will be tempted and become a follower of Dormammu, thus making Doctor Strange's debut.

Now, he is still a genius mystic, counting, he is still the brother of Doctor Strange, did he want to inherit the position of master by jumping out?Sure enough, it fits Master Gu Yi's evaluation of him: stubborn, arrogant, and ambitious.

Casillas listened behind him 'Om!hum! The loud discussion made him feel a little proud. Before he came to Karma Taj to learn magic, he was extremely depressed. His wife and children died one after another, which made Casillas lose his confidence in life and was extremely decadent.

But after coming to Karma Taj, Master Ancient One let him see the real world and the vast universe, and a glimmer of hope arose in his heart. He felt that magic could achieve what science could not, but to his disappointment, The series of knowledge that Ancient One taught him could not realize his dream of 'family reunion' at all.

Only the supreme mage masters all the secrets of Kama Taj, and only the supreme mage can read the locked magic book located in the deepest part of the library. There is a secret of time hidden in it, and there may be a way to realize his wish. method.

Therefore, Casillas has been working hard, learning spells and teaching new apprentices, and has performed extremely well. Now he can compete with Master Daniel, the guardian of the Temple of Twist, just to let Gu Yi The mage made him the next mage supreme so that he could borrow the locked spellbooks.

Unexpectedly, the ancient mage died suddenly, and the supreme mage was about to be cut off. He was still such a young outsider, how could Casillas not be angry? He was nearly 60 years old, and the ancient A mage did not tell him how to prolong his life.

If this young, outrageous guy becomes the supreme mage, he will never have the chance to read those books until he dies, which means that there is no chance of family reunion. This is one of the beliefs that support his life , how can you be reconciled.

Seeing that the guardians of the three major temples did not say a word, the mages who felt uneasy because of the death of the ancient master became even more panicked, 'hum!hum! ' The discussion became louder, with wolves around, and the only hunter with a gun died, how could the lambs not panic.

The louder discussion seemed to give Casillas more encouragement, and he aimed his gun directly at Greer, saying: "Since you don't intend to be the supreme mage, please send Agamotto who belongs to Karma Taj Thank you very much for staying with me.”

"Didn't you say I am a follower of Dormammu?"

"I just suspect that the Supreme Mage and the Eye of Agamotto are extremely important to the earth. Naturally, we must be cautious. How could the followers of Domamu leave the Eye of Agamotto in Kama Taj?" Casillas bitterly A small smile appeared on Da Qiushen's face.

"So that's it. If I don't leave the Eye of Agamotto, I will naturally be a follower of Dormammu." Greer's heart was not disturbed, and he even wanted to laugh a little. This guy must be too anxious, so red fruit Effectively express the purpose.

Looking at the Taoist priests, wizards, and black uncles in the front row, they just kept silent and let Casillas play out, obviously to let Casillas try it out.Apparently, they don't really approve of 'outsiders' becoming Kama Taj's supreme mage. After all, the child in front of them is too young and immature, so how can they take on such a big responsibility.

"No, I..." Casillas was about to continue speaking, but he saw the Eye of Agamotto on the young boy's body suddenly opened, and a dazzling emerald light shone on Casillas. The three guardians of the three temples in the front row widened their eyes in surprise, and the Eye of Agamotto could be driven by it.

Then I heard Greer say: "It's a sad past. His wife Adria passed out by the river and has been lying in a hospital bed for decades since then. His son also died young. Family, money, career... everything All is lost."

"Shut up!" Casillas, who was said to be in pain, his eyes turned red immediately, he roared, and raised his arms suddenly, a magic circle appeared in the palm of his hand, which turned into a luminous energy whip, and slammed towards him. Greer.

"Stop, Casillas." Mage Hamil turned pale in shock, but the sleeves of the Taoist robe seemed a little too small. He didn't pull his mutilated hand out of the sleeve until the energy whip was about to hit Greer, and it was too late Stop this disrespectful move by Casillas.

Then I saw that the energy whip that touched the emerald light disappeared. At the same time, Casillas let out a pain, touched his neck, and looked in front of his eyes. It was actually dripping blood. Looking up again, Gray Er raised his right hand, making a gesture of grabbing things, and the two ends of the clenched palm exposed the light and thin wings of the light-disc beast light onion heron.

"This is just a warning, the wound won't be so shallow any more." Greer said as he let go of his right hand, and the light green heron flapped its wings as thin as paper and landed on Greer's shoulder, making everyone's eyes focused To a flying object that is no bigger than a palm.

Casillas gasped in anger, letting the blood flow from the wound on his neck, clenched his fists tightly, staring at Greer, who was calm and breezy in front of him, but dispelled the magic circle in his palm, just now he Before he could see anything clearly, his neck was cut, that is to say, as long as the other party was willing, his neck would have been cut without waiting for him to cast his magic.

"The venerable not only chose you, but also told you how to use the Eye of Agamotto. You are naturally the new supreme mage of Kama Taj." At the left shoulder, he bowed in a very medieval bow.



Mage Minerva and Mage Daniel, both wearing wizard hats, also bowed their heads, expressing their willingness to follow the Supreme Mage's choice.

The mages behind the three of them, you look at me, I look at you, then bowed their heads and bowed in salute. In the end, only Casillas was left, looking at the eyes of Agamotto emitting emerald light, he had to Then he yelled: "My lord!"

The Eye of Agamotto slowly closed, shutting the emerald light in it. Greer shook his head and said, "As I said, I was only entrusted by the Ancient One to protect the earth on her behalf. The new Supreme Mage."

This is also what Greer said in his heart. He really has no idea about the title of the supreme mage who is so hard to explode. Die, you can imagine how tired you are.

The supreme mage sounds tall, but in fact, the responsibility he bears is too great. Not only must he defend against the enemies of the multiverse, but he must also guard against traitors from within. All the burdens are on one person. It can be said that the entire village Man's hope.

There is also the mage of Kama Taj, who is a real ascetic monk. He must abide by the rules and regulations of the mage. Magic can only be used to protect the earth and cannot do other things. The king from the family of the mystic is poor and can only buy the cheapest Sandwiches, I can't think of anyone else.

Especially seeing these magicians and the three guardians of the temple today, Greer felt that it was still suitable for him to stay in the Avengers, and save himself from playing intrigue and fighting for power with these people, if it wasn't for the Eye of Agamotto , Greer didn't even want to be a temporary substitute.

So this job should be left to Dr. Strange, anyway, he is very good, and he is quite willing to take on this responsibility, and he is also a direct disciple of Master Ancient One, so he is more acceptable than an outsider like him.

After hearing Greer's refusal, Master Hamil raised his head and said: "Before you appoint the next Supreme Master, you are Venerable Karma Taj, and I will abide by the promise of generations, be loyal to you, and assist you .”

The same is true of the other two temple guardians, which also made Greer determine that the three major temples are probably three families of mystics. This can be seen from the three of them and the costumes of the people behind them. Out of faction.

(End of this chapter)

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