The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 551 Past and Future

Chapter 551 Past and Future

Thor stared at the two big eyeballs, watching Loki walk to the side of the destroyer step by step, the storm ax in his hand moved again and again, but he never swung forward.

Except for Hela, the nominal sister, he has no relatives. Although Loki was adopted, they have been brothers for more than 1000 years. And intimately fit together.

Even though Loki's various deeds made Thor extremely disappointed and hated, this could not erase the thousand-year brotherhood between the two.Loki was alive, he would scold and beat him, but if something happened to Loki, he would still feel sad and painful.

Just like half a year ago, Asgard was destroyed by the eternal flame. Even though Loki betrayed Asgard at that time, Thor was still sad about Loki's death, and even sneaked to the top of the mountain, facing The stars pray that Loki can return to the arms of the stars without falling into the abyss.

Just because they are brothers, brothers for more than 1000 years
Loki walked to the side of the Destroyer, turned his head, smiled at Thor, flipped the palm of his left hand upwards, and the Cosmic Rubik's Cube appeared in his hand. In the next second, the blue light mist diffused from the Cosmic Rubik's Cube covered him. Wrapped with the Destroyer, it disappeared in an instant.

Heimdall didn't put down the guardian sword he had been holding until Loki disappeared, glanced at Thor, silently inserted the guardian sword back into the scabbard on his back, and turned to help the injured Asgard People, from the beginning to the end, he didn't ask Thor why he didn't take back the Gun of Eternity and the Destroyer.

"Alas!" Thor sighed deeply. I don't know whether it was because he was too soft-hearted or because Loki didn't know how to regret. In place, I don't know what to think.

"The dark elf is gone." The Valkyrie Valkyrie said suddenly, waking Thor up from his contemplation. Following the Valkyrie Valkyrie's line of sight, he found that there was nothing on the top of the hillside, and Luo Malekith, who was stepped on by Ki, disappeared at some point.

Heimdall, who was squatting on the ground to bandage an Asgardian, raised his head and said to Thor: "Loki's little trick, he is best at creating phantoms."

"Phantom? Impossible," the Valkyrie Valkyrie shook her head, and said, "I personally went to transfer these dark elves."

"Are you sure what you saw is real? Just after Loki disappeared, Malekith's body also dissipated, apparently losing his magical support." Heimdall stood up and said with a serious expression: " Loki is stronger than before, and his illusions are hard for me to distinguish."

"He is very talented in this area, and his mother has praised him many times." Thor's expression was a bit complicated. Loki acted like this, because he felt that defeating the miscellaneous soldiers of the dark elves could not compare to killing the leader of the dark elves in seconds. shocked.

There are too many accidents in the real product, and the fake product can follow his orders very well. It can disappear whenever it says it will disappear. As for the dark elf miscellaneous soldiers, some were captured in Vanaheim and Yalfheim, and cooperated with Loki The illusion, performed a big drama.

Unfortunately, the audience was very uncooperative. The stone-headed Heimdall didn't buy it at all. He only recognized Thor alone, and with the addition of an even more stubborn Valkyrie, the effect of Loki's performance was greatly reduced. The curtain call hasn't come yet, Thor Just arrived, and the show was completely smashed.

"Heh, that's it again." Valkyrie curled her lips unsurprisingly. She had seen Loki's talent in deceiving people on Saka, and escaped from the collapsed neutron star wormhole and returned to the world. The Empress of the Nine Realms witnessed how Loki climbed to the throne of Jotunheim step by step with his wisdom, and used the dark elves and flame giants to complete his great cause of dominance.

It can be said that Rocky possesses all the characteristics of a great man: sloppy, shameless, has a mouth that can turn black into white, tells big lies without blushing, and sells out his teammates without any psychological burden . Such a person, on the earth, is a very qualified politician, the kind who can ascend to the throne of the president of the United States.

"Loki." Thor sighed in a low voice, he really didn't know what to do with him?

Gathering up his mood, he looked up at the Valkyrie Valkyrie, forced a smile on his face, and said, "You are the Valkyrie, right? I heard Greer tell you about you."

"Greel? Is he back?" Valkyrie Valkyrie was a little surprised. The three of them took two spaceships and rushed into the wormhole. When they woke up, only the spaceship she and Loki were on was left at the exit. After searching for a long time, I couldn't find another spaceship. I thought Greer was in danger.

"Well, he's in London, not far from here."


When Thor left Jane Ford and hurried to New Asgard, the eight voids over London finally overlapped together, and then disappeared, yes, without the slightest sign, all disappeared, everything All back to normal.

There are no alien creatures flying out of the void, and walking in the streets will not suddenly enter another world, or a strange-shaped creature suddenly appears in the air, and is attracted by the gravitational force from the void to fly into the sky The broken stones, dust, and clouds all fell down.

The unbalanced gravitational force, abnormal magnetic field, and everything disappeared. If the chaos on the streets of London had not subsided, it would really make people think that nothing had happened.

Even Greer was a little dazed, staring blankly at the blue sky. It had been about ten seconds since the eight voids disappeared, and he still hadn't recovered from it. There was only one thought in his head: " it over? !"

This is too sloppy. On the eve of the overlapping of the Nine Realms, one big scene after another was staged, such as the invasion of alien creatures, the turbulence of the gravitational magnetic field, and the squeezing and tearing of the Nine Realms. It makes people extremely nervous. Everyone thought that when they really overlapped, something more serious would happen.

In the end, it really overlapped, and it was over, and the pants were all taken off, and this happened. It was simply too much, and it was a hundred times more hateful than the outstanding graduates of the broken chapter class.

Wang and Stephen Strange next to him were also stunned. Kama Taj had been preparing for the overlap of the Nine Realms a year ago, and how serious it was. Just when the eight wormholes were about to overlap, Neither of them dared to breathe out, and as a result.
"Is it over?" Stephen Strange asked uncertainly.

"I don't know!" Wang shook his head blankly. Although he came from a family of secret arts, it was his first time to experience the Nine Realms Overlap. What about Karma Taj?

Afterwards, Wang and Stephen Strange turned their gazes to Greer, who seemed to be the next supreme mage who could activate the Eye of Agamotto. Greer shook his head and spread his hands, Said: "Don't look at me, I don't know, the Venerable just told some secrets, and didn't mention the overlapping of the nine realms.

Perhaps His Holiness thinks that the mages of Karma Taj are enough to support the overlapping of the nine realms, so needless to say, the facts have proved that the overlapping of the nine realms does not seem to be as terrible as we imagined. " Greer rubbed his temples with some headaches. It seems that the Ancient One Master gave the task of resisting the overlap of the Nine Realms to the Kama Taj Master. It may not be out of helplessness, but because he thinks they are qualified for the job .

Thinking about it now, the Nine Realms overlap, it seems that it is not as scary as imagined. The defense network of the three temples has isolated most of the influence, and the rest is just to attract some light objects such as stones.The last time the Nine Realms overlapped, without the protection of Kama Taj, didn't the human beings in the wild period also survived safely?

Not only that, but at that time, human beings also took advantage of the remaining power of the overlapping of the Nine Realms—the gravitational anomaly was still there, and took the opportunity to build a large number of huge buildings, such as Stonehenge, Pyramids, etc., but now, there should be no such thing Now that there is an opportunity, the defense network of the three holy temples will completely wipe out the aftermath, and the earth will return to normal soon.

"So it's not that scary, it's just that I'm scaring myself." Greer murmured to himself in a low voice. The fear comes from the unknown, just like when I used to be afraid of the dark and even more afraid of illusory ghosts, who needed to turn on the light to sleep But suddenly one day, I asked myself: "Why should I be afraid? Why should I be afraid?" So I stopped being afraid, because I felt that there was no reason to be afraid.

I have never experienced the overlap of the Nine Realms, and I don’t know what will happen, so I will be afraid, and I will unconsciously think seriously, but maybe the Nine Realms Overlap is just a World Tree-level event that happens every 5000 years Astronomical phenomena are nothing more than a larger 'tide'. If it is really serious, after billions of years and millions of overlaps, I am afraid that the Nine Realms would have been destroyed long ago.

Maybe so!

Greer came to a specious conclusion. He couldn't find anyone who had experienced it to explain whether the last time the Nine Realms overlapped was also like this, so he could only comfort himself in this way.After all, nothing happened, it's better than nothing happened.

At this time, on the top of a steeple next to the former site of the Greenwich Observatory, Gu Yi, who was wearing a gray robe, lowered his right hand that was raised high. is turning.

"This is the last thing I can do. It started because of me, and it should end because of me. Domamu, we should end it." Mage Ancient One muttered to himself, the jade on his left arm The color ring stopped spinning instantly, and then started to reverse, but its brightness was much dimmer than before.

The falling stones in the sky immediately began to rise rapidly, eight holes appeared in the clear sky, and they moved away from each other at an extremely fast speed, hundreds of space battleships appeared, and rushed to one of the holes.
Everything is turning upside down, but there is only the ancient one, there is no change, the eyes of Agamotto on the neck exudes emerald light, forming a world of its own, not affected by the changes of the surrounding scenery, until the eyes around him An ancient mage in an orange robe appeared, and he wiped out thousands of flame giants with a wave of his hand.

The Ancient One mage in the orange robe turned around, as if seeing the ancient one in the gray robe, he stretched out his hand towards her. The next second, the Eye of Agamotto appeared in her hand, and she hung it on the Greer's neck, and then rushed into the boundless dark dimension.

The surrounding scenery instantly changed into vast darkness and various luminous spheres. On the left, Greer, with the Eye of Agamotto hanging around his neck, was looking at everything in front of him in shock.

"This is Domamu!" The gray-robed ancient mage explained: "Domamu is the ruler of the dark dimension, he is integrated with the dark dimension, he is the dark dimension, and the dark dimension is him, immortal.

But because of this, he cannot leave the dark dimension for eternal life, so he is committed to integrating other worlds into the dark dimension and becoming a part of him, and his believers are also superstitious about this, thinking that if they integrate into the dark dimension, they can obtain eternal life.”

While speaking, the brightness of the emerald-colored magic circle on the left arm of the gray-robed Ancient One kept decreasing until the orange-robed Ancient One appeared. Also disappears at this point in time.

Opening his eyes, Master Gu Yi looked down at the tightly closed Eye of Agamotto, got up and walked out into the dark world. The gray robe on his body was very suitable for the night environment.

"Did the Eye of Agamotto be entrusted to him?" Master Gu Yi frowned tightly, full of doubts in her heart. She used the Eye of Agamotto many times, but she couldn't see anything about this child, past and present , the future, a blank.

I don’t know how many times the Ancient One Mage has used the Eye of Agamotto to avoid future misfortunes. This is the first time he has seen such a person. Either the opponent does not exist at all, or the opponent is beyond the Eye of Agamotto scope of investigation.

Such as eternity, death, infinity, annihilation, devouring.
Maybe this child is a life form from a high-latitude time and space that the Eye of Agamotto cannot reach, or it may have an infinite gemstone. Integrating into one, in this way, it can offset the Eye of Agamotto, making it impossible to see.

The dark elves once did a similar situation, integrating fragments of ether particles into their bodies in exchange for extremely powerful power, but forcible fusion, even a little bit of particle backlash, will make the user die quickly, but this child is safe and sound , further explaining that he is extraordinary.

In any case, she in the future did entrust the Eye of Agamotto to this child, and then resolutely went to the dark dimension to make a break with Dormammu.

After checking the future many times, Master Gu Yi made up his mind to accept the future and obey the arrangement of fate. After hundreds of years, it was time to make a break with Domamu.

So just now, on this last trip to the future, Mage Ancient One violated the rules she set and interfered with the overlap of the Nine Realms, which was the last thing she did for the earth.

PS: Next, the plot of time travel will officially begin.

(End of this chapter)

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